SharedCacheRuntime.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach-o/fat.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <mach-o/ldsyms.h>
#include <mach/shared_region.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <Availability.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>

#include "dyld_cache_format.h"
#include "SharedCacheRuntime.h"
#include "LaunchCache.h"
#include "LaunchCacheFormat.h"
#include "Loading.h"


// should be in mach/shared_region.h
extern "C" int __shared_region_check_np(uint64_t* startaddress);
extern "C" int __shared_region_map_and_slide_np(int fd, uint32_t count, const shared_file_mapping_np mappings[], long slide, const dyld_cache_slide_info2* slideInfo, size_t slideInfoSize);

namespace dyld {
    extern int  my_stat(const char* path, struct stat* buf);
    extern int  my_open(const char* path, int flag, int other);
    extern void log(const char*, ...);

namespace dyld3 {

struct CacheInfo
    int                     fd;
    shared_file_mapping_np  mappings[3];
    uint64_t                slideInfoAddressUnslid;
    size_t                  slideInfoSize;
    uint64_t                cachedDylibsGroupUnslid;
    uint64_t                sharedRegionStart;
    uint64_t                sharedRegionSize;
    uint64_t                maxSlide;

#if __i386__
    #define ARCH_NAME            "i386"
    #define ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC     "dyld_v1    i386"
#elif __x86_64__
    #define ARCH_NAME            "x86_64"
    #define ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC     "dyld_v1  x86_64"
    #define ARCH_NAME_H          "x86_64h"
    #define ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC_H   "dyld_v1 x86_64h"
#elif __ARM_ARCH_7K__
    #define ARCH_NAME            "armv7k"
    #define ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC     "dyld_v1  armv7k"
#elif __ARM_ARCH_7A__
    #define ARCH_NAME            "armv7"
    #define ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC     "dyld_v1   armv7"
#elif __ARM_ARCH_7S__
    #define ARCH_NAME            "armv7s"
    #define ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC     "dyld_v1  armv7s"
#elif __arm64e__
    #define ARCH_NAME            "arm64e"
    #define ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC     "dyld_v1  arm64e"
#elif __arm64__
    #define ARCH_NAME            "arm64"
    #define ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC     "dyld_v1   arm64"

static void rebaseChain(uint8_t* pageContent, uint16_t startOffset, uintptr_t slideAmount, const dyld_cache_slide_info2* slideInfo)
    const uintptr_t   deltaMask    = (uintptr_t)(slideInfo->delta_mask);
    const uintptr_t   valueMask    = ~deltaMask;
    const uintptr_t   valueAdd     = (uintptr_t)(slideInfo->value_add);
    const unsigned    deltaShift   = __builtin_ctzll(deltaMask) - 2;

    uint32_t pageOffset = startOffset;
    uint32_t delta = 1;
    while ( delta != 0 ) {
        uint8_t* loc = pageContent + pageOffset;
        uintptr_t rawValue = *((uintptr_t*)loc);
        delta = (uint32_t)((rawValue & deltaMask) >> deltaShift);
        uintptr_t value = (rawValue & valueMask);
        if ( value != 0 ) {
            value += valueAdd;
            value += slideAmount;
        *((uintptr_t*)loc) = value;
        //dyld::log("         pageOffset=0x%03X, loc=%p, org value=0x%08llX, new value=0x%08llX, delta=0x%X\n", pageOffset, loc, (uint64_t)rawValue, (uint64_t)value, delta);
        pageOffset += delta;

static void getCachePath(const SharedCacheOptions& options, size_t pathBufferSize, char pathBuffer[])
    // set cache dir
    if ( options.cacheDirOverride != nullptr ) {
        strlcpy(pathBuffer, options.cacheDirOverride, pathBufferSize);
    else {

    // append file component of cache file
    if ( pathBuffer[strlen(pathBuffer)-1] != '/' )
        strlcat(pathBuffer, "/", pathBufferSize);
    if ( options.useHaswell ) {
        size_t len = strlen(pathBuffer);
        struct stat haswellStatBuf;
        strlcat(pathBuffer, DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_BASE_NAME ARCH_NAME_H, pathBufferSize);
        if ( dyld::my_stat(pathBuffer, &haswellStatBuf) == 0 )
        // no haswell cache file, use regular x86_64 cache
        pathBuffer[len] = '\0';
    strlcat(pathBuffer, DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_BASE_NAME ARCH_NAME, pathBufferSize);

    // use .development cache if it exists
    struct stat enableStatBuf;
    struct stat devCacheStatBuf;
    struct stat optCacheStatBuf;
    bool enableFileExists = (dyld::my_stat(IPHONE_DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_DIR "enable-dylibs-to-override-cache", &enableStatBuf) == 0);
    bool optCacheExists = (dyld::my_stat(IPHONE_DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_DIR DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_BASE_NAME ARCH_NAME, &optCacheStatBuf) == 0);
    if ( (enableFileExists && (enableStatBuf.st_size < ENABLE_DYLIBS_TO_OVERRIDE_CACHE_SIZE) && devCacheExists) || !optCacheExists )
        strlcat(pathBuffer, DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_DEVELOPMENT_EXT, pathBufferSize);


int openSharedCacheFile(const SharedCacheOptions& options, SharedCacheLoadInfo* results)
    getCachePath(options, sizeof(results->path), results->path);
    return dyld::my_open(results->path, O_RDONLY, 0);

static bool validMagic(const SharedCacheOptions& options, const DyldSharedCache* cache)
    if ( strcmp(cache->header.magic, ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC) == 0 )
        return true;

#if __x86_64__
    if ( options.useHaswell ) {
        if ( strcmp(cache->header.magic, ARCH_CACHE_MAGIC_H) == 0 )
            return true;
    return false;

static bool validPlatform(const SharedCacheOptions& options, const DyldSharedCache* cache)
    // grandfather in old cache that does not have platform in header
    if ( cache->header.mappingOffset < 0xE0 )
        return true;

    if ( cache->header.platform != (uint32_t)MachOParser::currentPlatform() )
        return false;

    if ( cache->header.simulator == 0 )
        return false;
    if ( cache->header.simulator != 0 )
        return false;

    return true;

static void verboseSharedCacheMappings(const shared_file_mapping_np mappings[3])
    for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
        dyld::log("        0x%08llX->0x%08llX init=%x, max=%x %s%s%s\n",
            mappings[i].sfm_address, mappings[i].sfm_address+mappings[i].sfm_size-1,
            mappings[i].sfm_init_prot, mappings[i].sfm_init_prot,
            ((mappings[i].sfm_init_prot & VM_PROT_READ) ? "read " : ""),
            ((mappings[i].sfm_init_prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) ? "write " : ""),
            ((mappings[i].sfm_init_prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) ? "execute " : ""));

static bool preflightCacheFile(const SharedCacheOptions& options, SharedCacheLoadInfo* results, CacheInfo* info)
    // find and open shared cache file
    int fd = openSharedCacheFile(options, results);
    if ( fd == -1 ) {
        results->errorMessage = "shared cache file cannot be opened";
        return false;
    struct stat cacheStatBuf;
    if ( dyld::my_stat(results->path, &cacheStatBuf) != 0 ) {
        results->errorMessage = "shared cache file cannot be stat()ed";
        return false;
    size_t cacheFileLength = (size_t)(cacheStatBuf.st_size);

    // sanity check header and mappings
    uint8_t firstPage[0x4000];
    if ( ::pread(fd, firstPage, sizeof(firstPage), 0) != sizeof(firstPage) ) {
        results->errorMessage = "shared cache header could not be read";
        return false;
    const DyldSharedCache* cache = (DyldSharedCache*)firstPage;
    if ( !validMagic(options, cache) ) {
        results->errorMessage = "shared cache file has wrong magic";
        return false;
    if ( !validPlatform(options, cache) ) {
        results->errorMessage = "shared cache file is for a different platform";
        return false;
    if ( (cache->header.mappingCount != 3) || (cache->header.mappingOffset > 0x120) ) {
        results->errorMessage = "shared cache file mappings are invalid";
        return false;
    const dyld_cache_mapping_info* const fileMappings = (dyld_cache_mapping_info*)&firstPage[cache->header.mappingOffset];
    if (  (fileMappings[0].fileOffset != 0)
      || ((fileMappings[0].address + fileMappings[0].size) > fileMappings[1].address)
      || ((fileMappings[1].address + fileMappings[1].size) > fileMappings[2].address)
      || ((fileMappings[0].fileOffset + fileMappings[0].size) != fileMappings[1].fileOffset)
      || ((fileMappings[1].fileOffset + fileMappings[1].size) != fileMappings[2].fileOffset)
      || ((cache->header.codeSignatureOffset + cache->header.codeSignatureSize) != cacheFileLength)
      || (fileMappings[0].maxProt != (VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_EXECUTE))
      || (fileMappings[1].maxProt != (VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_WRITE))
      || (fileMappings[2].maxProt != VM_PROT_READ) ) {
        results->errorMessage = "shared cache file mappings are invalid";
        return false;

    if ( cache->header.mappingOffset >= 0xF8 ) {
        if ( (fileMappings[0].address != cache->header.sharedRegionStart) || ((fileMappings[2].address + fileMappings[2].size) > (cache->header.sharedRegionStart+cache->header.sharedRegionSize)) ) {
            results->errorMessage = "shared cache file mapping addressses invalid";
            return false;
    else {
        if ( (fileMappings[0].address != SHARED_REGION_BASE) || ((fileMappings[2].address + fileMappings[2].size) > (SHARED_REGION_BASE+SHARED_REGION_SIZE)) ) {
            results->errorMessage = "shared cache file mapping addressses invalid";
            return false;

    // register code signature of cache file
    fsignatures_t siginfo;
    siginfo.fs_file_start = 0;  // cache always starts at beginning of file
    siginfo.fs_blob_start = (void*)cache->header.codeSignatureOffset;
    siginfo.fs_blob_size  = (size_t)(cache->header.codeSignatureSize);
    int result = fcntl(fd, F_ADDFILESIGS_RETURN, &siginfo);
    if ( result == -1 ) {
        results->errorMessage = "code signature registration for shared cache failed";
        return false;

    // <rdar://problem/23188073> validate code signature covers entire shared cache
    uint64_t codeSignedLength = siginfo.fs_file_start;
    if ( codeSignedLength < cache->header.codeSignatureOffset ) {
        results->errorMessage = "code signature does not cover entire shared cache file";
        return false;
    void* mappedData = ::mmap(NULL, sizeof(firstPage), PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
    if ( mappedData == MAP_FAILED ) {
        results->errorMessage = "first page of shared cache not mmap()able";
        return false;
    if ( memcmp(mappedData, firstPage, sizeof(firstPage)) != 0 ) {
        results->errorMessage = "first page of shared cache not mmap()able";
        return false;
    ::munmap(mappedData, sizeof(firstPage));

    // fill out results
    info->fd = fd;
    for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
        info->mappings[i].sfm_address       = fileMappings[i].address;
        info->mappings[i].sfm_size          = fileMappings[i].size;
        info->mappings[i].sfm_file_offset   = fileMappings[i].fileOffset;
        info->mappings[i].sfm_max_prot      = fileMappings[i].maxProt;
        info->mappings[i].sfm_init_prot     = fileMappings[i].initProt;
    info->mappings[1].sfm_max_prot  |= VM_PROT_SLIDE;
    info->mappings[1].sfm_init_prot |= VM_PROT_SLIDE;
    info->slideInfoAddressUnslid  = fileMappings[2].address + cache->header.slideInfoOffset - fileMappings[2].fileOffset;
    info->slideInfoSize           = (long)cache->header.slideInfoSize;
    if ( cache->header.mappingOffset > 0xD0 )
        info->cachedDylibsGroupUnslid = cache->header.dylibsImageGroupAddr;
        info->cachedDylibsGroupUnslid = 0;
    if ( cache->header.mappingOffset >= 0xf8 ) {
        info->sharedRegionStart = cache->header.sharedRegionStart;
        info->sharedRegionSize  = cache->header.sharedRegionSize;
        info->maxSlide          = cache->header.maxSlide;
    else {
        info->sharedRegionStart = SHARED_REGION_BASE;
        info->sharedRegionSize  = SHARED_REGION_SIZE;
        info->maxSlide          = SHARED_REGION_SIZE - (fileMappings[2].address + fileMappings[2].size - fileMappings[0].address);
    return true;

static bool reuseExistingCache(const SharedCacheOptions& options, SharedCacheLoadInfo* results)
    uint64_t cacheBaseAddress;
#if __i386__
    if ( syscall(294, &cacheBaseAddress) == 0 ) {
    if ( __shared_region_check_np(&cacheBaseAddress) == 0 ) {
        const DyldSharedCache* existingCache = (DyldSharedCache*)cacheBaseAddress;
        if ( validMagic(options, existingCache) ) {
            const dyld_cache_mapping_info* const fileMappings = (dyld_cache_mapping_info*)(cacheBaseAddress + existingCache->header.mappingOffset);
            results->loadAddress = existingCache;
            results->slide = (long)(cacheBaseAddress - fileMappings[0].address);
            if ( (existingCache->header.mappingOffset > 0xD0) && (existingCache->header.dylibsImageGroupAddr != 0) )
                results->cachedDylibsGroup = (const launch_cache::binary_format::ImageGroup*)(existingCache->header.dylibsImageGroupAddr + results->slide);
                results->cachedDylibsGroup = nullptr;
            // we don't know the path this cache was previously loaded from, assume default
            getCachePath(options, sizeof(results->path), results->path);
            if ( options.verbose ) {
                const shared_file_mapping_np* const mappings = (shared_file_mapping_np*)(cacheBaseAddress + existingCache->header.mappingOffset);
                dyld::log("re-using existing shared cache (%s):\n", results->path);
                shared_file_mapping_np slidMappings[3];
                for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
                    slidMappings[i] = mappings[i];
                    slidMappings[i].sfm_address += results->slide;
        else {
            results->errorMessage = "existing shared cache in memory is not compatible";
        return true;
    return false;

static long pickCacheASLR(CacheInfo& info)
    // choose new random slide
    // <rdar://problem/20848977> change shared cache slide for 32-bit arm to always be 16k aligned
    long slide = ((arc4random() % info.maxSlide) & (-16384));
    long slide = ((arc4random() % info.maxSlide) & (-4096));

    // <rdar://problem/32031197> respect -disable_aslr boot-arg
    if ( dyld3::loader::bootArgsContains("-disable_aslr") )
        slide = 0;

    // update mappings
    for (uint32_t i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
        info.mappings[i].sfm_address += slide;
    return slide;

static bool mapCacheSystemWide(const SharedCacheOptions& options, SharedCacheLoadInfo* results)
    CacheInfo info;
    if ( !preflightCacheFile(options, results, &info) )
        return false;

    const dyld_cache_slide_info2* slideInfo = nullptr;
    if ( info.slideInfoSize != 0 ) {
        results->slide = pickCacheASLR(info);
        slideInfo = (dyld_cache_slide_info2*)(info.slideInfoAddressUnslid + results->slide);
    if ( info.cachedDylibsGroupUnslid != 0 )
        results->cachedDylibsGroup = (const launch_cache::binary_format::ImageGroup*)(info.cachedDylibsGroupUnslid + results->slide);
        results->cachedDylibsGroup = nullptr;

    int result = __shared_region_map_and_slide_np(info.fd, 3, info.mappings, results->slide, slideInfo, info.slideInfoSize);
    if ( result == 0 ) {
        results->loadAddress = (const DyldSharedCache*)(info.mappings[0].sfm_address);
    else {
        // could be another process beat us to it
        if ( reuseExistingCache(options, results) )
            return true;
        // if cache does not exist, then really is an error
        results->errorMessage = "syscall to map cache into shared region failed";
        return false;

    if ( options.verbose ) {
        dyld::log("mapped dyld cache file system wide: %s\n", results->path);
    return true;

static bool mapCachePrivate(const SharedCacheOptions& options, SharedCacheLoadInfo* results)
    // open and validate cache file
    CacheInfo info;
    if ( !preflightCacheFile(options, results, &info) )
        return false;

    // compute ALSR slide
    results->slide = 0;
    const dyld_cache_slide_info2* slideInfo = nullptr;
#if !TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR // simulator caches do not support sliding
    if ( info.slideInfoSize != 0 ) {
        results->slide = pickCacheASLR(info);
        slideInfo = (dyld_cache_slide_info2*)(info.slideInfoAddressUnslid + results->slide);
    results->loadAddress = (const DyldSharedCache*)(info.mappings[0].sfm_address);
     if ( info.cachedDylibsGroupUnslid != 0 )
        results->cachedDylibsGroup = (const launch_cache::binary_format::ImageGroup*)(info.cachedDylibsGroupUnslid + results->slide);
        results->cachedDylibsGroup = nullptr;

    // remove the shared region sub-map
    vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)info.sharedRegionStart, (vm_size_t)info.sharedRegionSize);
    // map cache just for this process with mmap()
    for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
        void* mmapAddress = (void*)(uintptr_t)(info.mappings[i].sfm_address);
        size_t size = (size_t)(info.mappings[i].sfm_size);
        //dyld::log("dyld: mapping address %p with size 0x%08lX\n", mmapAddress, size);
        int protection = 0;
        if ( info.mappings[i].sfm_init_prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE )
            protection   |= PROT_EXEC;
        if ( info.mappings[i].sfm_init_prot & VM_PROT_READ )
            protection   |= PROT_READ;
        if ( info.mappings[i].sfm_init_prot & VM_PROT_WRITE )
            protection   |= PROT_WRITE;
        off_t offset = info.mappings[i].sfm_file_offset;
        if ( ::mmap(mmapAddress, size, protection, MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE, info.fd, offset) != mmapAddress ) {
            // failed to map some chunk of this shared cache file
            // clear shared region
            vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)info.sharedRegionStart, (vm_size_t)info.sharedRegionSize);
            // return failure
            results->loadAddress        = nullptr;
            results->cachedDylibsGroup  = nullptr;
            results->errorMessage       = "could not mmap() part of dyld cache";
            return false;

    // update all __DATA pages with slide info
    const dyld_cache_slide_info* slideInfoHeader = (dyld_cache_slide_info*)slideInfo;
    if ( slideInfoHeader != nullptr ) {
        if ( slideInfoHeader->version != 2 ) {
            results->errorMessage = "invalide slide info in cache file";
            return false;
        const dyld_cache_slide_info2* slideHeader = (dyld_cache_slide_info2*)slideInfo;
        const uint32_t  page_size = slideHeader->page_size;
        const uint16_t* page_starts = (uint16_t*)((long)(slideInfo) + slideHeader->page_starts_offset);
        const uint16_t* page_extras = (uint16_t*)((long)(slideInfo) + slideHeader->page_extras_offset);
        const uintptr_t dataPagesStart = (uintptr_t)info.mappings[1].sfm_address;
        for (int i=0; i < slideHeader->page_starts_count; ++i) {
            uint8_t* page = (uint8_t*)(long)(dataPagesStart + (page_size*i));
            uint16_t pageEntry = page_starts[i];
            //dyld::log("page[%d]: page_starts[i]=0x%04X\n", i, pageEntry);
            if ( pageEntry == DYLD_CACHE_SLIDE_PAGE_ATTR_NO_REBASE )
            if ( pageEntry & DYLD_CACHE_SLIDE_PAGE_ATTR_EXTRA ) {
                uint16_t chainIndex = (pageEntry & 0x3FFF);
                bool done = false;
                while ( !done ) {
                    uint16_t pInfo = page_extras[chainIndex];
                    uint16_t pageStartOffset = (pInfo & 0x3FFF)*4;
                    //dyld::log("     chain[%d] pageOffset=0x%03X\n", chainIndex, pageStartOffset);
                    rebaseChain(page, pageStartOffset, results->slide, slideInfo);
                    done = (pInfo & DYLD_CACHE_SLIDE_PAGE_ATTR_END);
            else {
                uint32_t pageOffset = pageEntry * 4;
                //dyld::log("     start pageOffset=0x%03X\n", pageOffset);
                rebaseChain(page, pageOffset, results->slide, slideInfo);

    if ( options.verbose ) {
        dyld::log("mapped dyld cache file private to process (%s):\n", results->path);
    return true;

bool loadDyldCache(const SharedCacheOptions& options, SharedCacheLoadInfo* results)
    results->loadAddress        = 0;
    results->slide              = 0;
    results->cachedDylibsGroup  = nullptr;
    results->errorMessage       = nullptr;

    // simulator only supports mmap()ing cache privately into process
    return mapCachePrivate(options, results);
    if ( options.forcePrivate ) {
        // mmap cache into this process only
        return mapCachePrivate(options, results);
    else {
        // fast path: when cache is already mapped into shared region
        if ( reuseExistingCache(options, results) )
            return (results->errorMessage != nullptr);

        // slow path: this is first process to load cache
        return mapCacheSystemWide(options, results);

bool findInSharedCacheImage(const SharedCacheLoadInfo& loadInfo, const char* dylibPathToFind, SharedCacheFindDylibResults* results)
    if ( loadInfo.loadAddress == nullptr )
        return false;

    // HACK: temp support for old caches
    if ( (loadInfo.cachedDylibsGroup == nullptr) || (loadInfo.loadAddress->header.formatVersion != launch_cache::binary_format::kFormatVersion) ) {
        const dyld_cache_image_info* const start = (dyld_cache_image_info*)((uint8_t*)loadInfo.loadAddress + loadInfo.loadAddress->header.imagesOffset);
        const dyld_cache_image_info* const end = &start[loadInfo.loadAddress->header.imagesCount];
        for (const dyld_cache_image_info* p = start; p != end; ++p) {
            const char* aPath = (char*)loadInfo.loadAddress + p->pathFileOffset;
            if ( strcmp(aPath, dylibPathToFind) == 0 ) {
                results->mhInCache    = (const mach_header*)(p->address+loadInfo.slide);
                results->pathInCache  = aPath;
                results->slideInCache = loadInfo.slide;
                results->imageData    = nullptr;
                return true;
        return false;
    // HACK: end

    launch_cache::ImageGroup dylibsGroup(loadInfo.cachedDylibsGroup);
    uint32_t foundIndex;
    const launch_cache::binary_format::Image* imageData = dylibsGroup.findImageByPath(dylibPathToFind, foundIndex);
    // <rdar://problem/32740215> handle symlink to cached dylib
    if ( imageData == nullptr ) {
        char resolvedPath[PATH_MAX];
        if ( realpath(dylibPathToFind, resolvedPath) != nullptr )
            imageData = dylibsGroup.findImageByPath(resolvedPath, foundIndex);
    if ( imageData == nullptr )
        return false;

    launch_cache::Image image(imageData);
    results->mhInCache    = (const mach_header*)((uintptr_t)loadInfo.loadAddress + image.cacheOffset());
    results->pathInCache  = image.path();
    results->slideInCache = loadInfo.slide;
    results->imageData    = imageData;
    return true;

bool pathIsInSharedCacheImage(const SharedCacheLoadInfo& loadInfo, const char* dylibPathToFind)
    if ( (loadInfo.loadAddress == nullptr) || (loadInfo.cachedDylibsGroup == nullptr) || (loadInfo.loadAddress->header.formatVersion != launch_cache::binary_format::kFormatVersion) )
        return false;

    launch_cache::ImageGroup dylibsGroup(loadInfo.cachedDylibsGroup);
    uint32_t foundIndex;
    const launch_cache::binary_format::Image* imageData = dylibsGroup.findImageByPath(dylibPathToFind, foundIndex);
    return (imageData != nullptr);

} // namespace dyld3