dt_errtags.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

#pragma ident	"@(#)mkerrtags.sh	1.2	05/06/08 SMI"
#include <dt_errtags.h>

static const char *const _dt_errtags[] = {
	"D_UNKNOWN",			/* unknown D compiler error */
	"D_SYNTAX",			/* syntax error in input stream */
	"D_EMPTY",			/* empty translation unit */
	"D_TYPE_ERR",			/* type definition missing */
	"D_TYPE_MEMBER",			/* type member not found */
	"D_ASRELO",			/* relocation remains against symbol */
	"D_CG_EXPR",			/* tracing function called from expr */
	"D_CG_DYN",			/* expression returns dynamic result */
	"D_ATTR_MIN",			/* attributes less than amin setting */
	"D_ID_OFLOW",			/* identifier space overflow */
	"D_PDESC_ZERO",			/* probedesc matches zero probes */
	"D_PDESC_INVAL",			/* probedesc is not valid */
	"D_PRED_SCALAR",			/* predicate must be of scalar type */
	"D_FUNC_IDENT",			/* function designator is not ident */
	"D_FUNC_UNDEF",			/* function ident is not defined */
	"D_FUNC_IDKIND",			/* function ident is of wrong idkind */
	"D_OFFSETOF_TYPE",		/* offsetof arg is not sou type */
	"D_OFFSETOF_BITFIELD",		/* offsetof applied to field member */
	"D_SIZEOF_TYPE",			/* invalid sizeof type */
	"D_SIZEOF_BITFIELD",		/* sizeof applied to field member */
	"D_STRINGOF_TYPE",		/* invalid stringof type */
	"D_OP_IDENT",			/* operand must be an identifier */
	"D_OP_INT",			/* operand must be integral type */
	"D_OP_SCALAR",			/* operand must be scalar type */
	"D_OP_ARITH",			/* operand must be arithmetic type */
	"D_OP_WRITE",			/* operand must be writable variable */
	"D_OP_LVAL",			/* operand must be lvalue */
	"D_OP_INCOMPAT",			/* operand types are not compatible */
	"D_OP_VFPTR",			/* operand cannot be void or func ptr */
	"D_OP_ARRFUN",			/* operand cannot be array or func */
	"D_OP_PTR",			/* operand must be a pointer */
	"D_OP_SOU",			/* operand must be struct or union */
	"D_OP_INCOMPLETE",		/* operand is an incomplete type */
	"D_OP_DYN",			/* operand cannot be of dynamic type */
	"D_OP_ACT",			/* operand cannot be action */
	"D_AGG_REDEF",			/* aggregation cannot be redefined */
	"D_AGG_FUNC",			/* aggregating function required */
	"D_AGG_MDIM",			/* aggregation used as multi-dim arr */
	"D_ARR_BADREF",			/* access non-array using tuple */
	"D_ARR_LOCAL",			/* cannot define local assc array */
	"D_DIV_ZERO",			/* division by zero detected */
	"D_DEREF_NONPTR",			/* dereference non-pointer type */
	"D_DEREF_VOID",			/* dereference void pointer */
	"D_DEREF_FUNC",			/* dereference function pointer */
	"D_ADDROF_LVAL",			/* unary & applied to non-lvalue */
	"D_ADDROF_VAR",			/* unary & applied to variable */
	"D_ADDROF_BITFIELD",		/* unary & applied to field member */
	"D_XLATE_REDECL",			/* translator redeclared */
	"D_XLATE_NOCONV",			/* no conversion for member defined */
	"D_XLATE_NONE",			/* no translator for type combo */
	"D_XLATE_SOU",			/* dst must be struct or union type */
	"D_XLATE_INCOMPAT",		/* translator member type incompat */
	"D_XLATE_MEMB",			/* translator member is not valid */
	"D_CAST_INVAL",			/* invalid cast expression */
	"D_PRAGERR",			/* #pragma error message */
	"D_PRAGCTL_INVAL",		/* invalid control directive */
	"D_PRAGMA_INVAL",			/* invalid compiler pragma */
	"D_PRAGMA_UNUSED",		/* unused compiler pragma */
	"D_PRAGMA_MALFORM",		/* malformed #pragma argument list */
	"D_PRAGMA_OPTSET",		/* failed to set #pragma option */
	"D_PRAGMA_SCOPE",			/* #pragma identifier scope error */
	"D_PRAGMA_DEPEND",		/* #pragma dependency not satisfied */
	"D_MACRO_UNDEF",			/* macro parameter is not defined */
	"D_MACRO_OFLOW",			/* macro parameter integer overflow */
	"D_MACRO_UNUSED",			/* macro parameter is never used */
	"D_INT_OFLOW",			/* integer constant overflow */
	"D_INT_DIGIT",			/* integer digit is not valid */
	"D_STR_NL",			/* newline in string literal */
	"D_CHR_NL",			/* newline in character constant */
	"D_CHR_NULL",			/* empty character constant */
	"D_CHR_OFLOW",			/* character constant is too long */
	"D_IDENT_BADREF",			/* identifier expected type mismatch */
	"D_IDENT_UNDEF",			/* identifier is not known/defined */
	"D_IDENT_AMBIG",			/* identifier is ambiguous (var/enum) */
	"D_SYM_BADREF",			/* kernel/user symbol ref mismatch */
	"D_SYM_NOTYPES",			/* no CTF data available for sym ref */
	"D_SYM_MODEL",			/* module/program data model mismatch */
	"D_VAR_UNDEF",			/* reference to undefined variable */
	"D_VAR_UNSUP",			/* unsupported variable specification */
	"D_PROTO_LEN",			/* prototype length mismatch */
	"D_PROTO_ARG",			/* prototype argument mismatch */
	"D_ARGS_MULTI",			/* description matches unstable set */
	"D_ARGS_XLATOR",			/* no args[] translator defined */
	"D_ARGS_NONE",			/* no args[] available */
	"D_ARGS_TYPE",			/* invalid args[] type */
	"D_ARGS_IDX",			/* invalid args[] index */
	"D_REGS_IDX",			/* invalid regs[] index */
	"D_KEY_TYPE",			/* invalid agg or array key type */
	"D_PRINTF_DYN_PROTO",		/* dynamic size argument missing */
	"D_PRINTF_DYN_TYPE",		/* dynamic size type mismatch */
	"D_PRINTF_AGG_CONV",		/* improper use of %@ conversion */
	"D_PRINTF_ARG_PROTO",		/* conversion missing value argument */
	"D_PRINTF_ARG_TYPE",		/* conversion arg has wrong type */
	"D_PRINTF_ARG_EXTRA",		/* extra arguments specified */
	"D_PRINTF_ARG_FMT",		/* format string is not a constant */
	"D_PRINTF_FMT_EMPTY",		/* format string is empty */
	"D_DECL_CHARATTR",		/* bad attributes for char decl */
	"D_DECL_VOIDATTR",		/* bad attributes for void decl */
	"D_DECL_SIGNINT",			/* sign/unsign with non-integer decl */
	"D_DECL_LONGINT",			/* long with non-arithmetic decl */
	"D_DECL_IDENT",			/* old-style declaration or bad type */
	"D_DECL_CLASS",			/* more than one storage class given */
	"D_DECL_BADCLASS",		/* decl class not supported in D */
	"D_DECL_PARMCLASS",		/* invalid class for parameter type */
	"D_DECL_COMBO", 			/* bad decl specifier combination */
	"D_DECL_ARRSUB",			/* const int required for array size */
	"D_DECL_ARRNULL",			/* array decl requires dim or tuple */
	"D_DECL_ARRBIG",			/* array size too big */
	"D_DECL_IDRED",			/* decl identifier redeclared */
	"D_DECL_TYPERED",			/* decl type redeclared */
	"D_DECL_MNAME",			/* member name missing */
	"D_DECL_SCOPE",			/* scoping operator used in decl */
	"D_DECL_BFCONST",			/* bit-field requires const size expr */
	"D_DECL_BFSIZE",			/* bit-field size too big for type */
	"D_DECL_BFTYPE",			/* bit-field type is not valid */
	"D_DECL_ENCONST",			/* enum tag requires const size expr */
	"D_DECL_ENOFLOW",			/* enumerator value overflows INT_MAX */
	"D_DECL_USELESS",			/* useless external declaration */
	"D_DECL_LOCASSC",			/* attempt to decl local assc array */
	"D_DECL_VOIDOBJ",			/* attempt to decl void object */
	"D_DECL_DYNOBJ",			/* attempt to decl dynamic object */
	"D_DECL_INCOMPLETE",		/* declaration uses incomplete type */
	"D_DECL_PROTO_VARARGS",		/* varargs not allowed in prototype */
	"D_DECL_PROTO_TYPE",		/* type not allowed in prototype */
	"D_DECL_PROTO_VOID",		/* void must be sole parameter */
	"D_DECL_PROTO_NAME",		/* void parameter may not have a name */
	"D_DECL_PROTO_FORM",		/* parameter name has no formal */
	"D_COMM_COMM",			/* commit() after commit() */
	"D_COMM_DREC",			/* commit() after data action */
	"D_SPEC_SPEC",			/* speculate() after speculate() */
	"D_SPEC_COMM",			/* speculate() after commit() */
	"D_SPEC_DREC",			/* speculate() after data action */
	"D_AGG_COMM",			/* aggregating act after commit() */
	"D_AGG_SPEC",			/* aggregating act after speculate() */
	"D_AGG_NULL",			/* aggregation stmt has null effect */
	"D_AGG_SCALAR",			/* aggregating function needs scalar */
	"D_ACT_SPEC",			/* destructive action after speculate */
	"D_EXIT_SPEC",			/* exit() action after speculate */
	"D_DREC_COMM",			/* data action after commit() */
	"D_PRINTA_PROTO",			/* printa() prototype mismatch */
	"D_PRINTA_AGGARG",		/* aggregation arg type mismatch */
	"D_PRINTA_AGGBAD",		/* printa() aggregation not defined */
	"D_PRINTA_AGGKEY",		/* printa() aggregation key mismatch */
	"D_PRINTA_AGGPROTO",		/* printa() aggregation mismatch */
	"D_TRACE_VOID",			/* trace() argument has void type */
	"D_TRACE_DYN",			/* trace() argument has dynamic type */
	"D_TRACEMEM_ADDR",		/* tracemem() address bad type */
	"D_TRACEMEM_SIZE",		/* tracemem() size bad type */
	"D_STACK_PROTO",			/* stack() prototype mismatch */
	"D_STACK_SIZE",			/* stack() size argument bad type */
	"D_USTACK_FRAMES",		/* ustack() frames arg bad type */
	"D_USTACK_STRSIZE",		/* ustack() strsize arg bad type */
	"D_USTACK_PROTO",			/* ustack() prototype mismatch */
	"D_LQUANT_BASETYPE",		/* lquantize() bad base type */
	"D_LQUANT_BASEVAL",		/* lquantize() bad base value */
	"D_LQUANT_LIMTYPE",		/* lquantize() bad limit type */
	"D_LQUANT_LIMVAL",		/* lquantize() bad limit value */
	"D_LQUANT_MISMATCH",		/* lquantize() limit < base */
	"D_LQUANT_STEPTYPE",		/* lquantize() bad step type */
	"D_LQUANT_STEPVAL",		/* lquantize() bad step value */
	"D_LQUANT_STEPLARGE",		/* lquantize() step too large */
	"D_LQUANT_STEPSMALL",		/* lquantize() step too small */
	"D_QUANT_PROTO",			/* quantize() prototype mismatch */
	"D_PROC_OFF",			/* byte offset exceeds function size */
	"D_PROC_ALIGN",			/* byte offset has invalid alignment */
	"D_PROC_NAME",			/* invalid process probe name */
	"D_PROC_GRAB",			/* failed to grab process */
	"D_PROC_DYN",			/* process is not dynamically linked */
	"D_PROC_LIB",			/* invalid process library name */
	"D_PROC_FUNC",			/* no such function in process */
	"D_PROC_CREATEFAIL",		/* pid probe creation failed */
	"D_PROC_NODEV",			/* fasttrap device is not installed */
	"D_PROC_BADPID",			/* user probe pid invalid */
	"D_PROC_BADPROV",			/* user probe provider invalid */
	"D_PROC_USDT",			/* problem initializing usdt */
	"D_CLEAR_PROTO",			/* clear() prototype mismatch */
	"D_CLEAR_AGGARG",			/* aggregation arg type mismatch */
	"D_CLEAR_AGGBAD",			/* clear() aggregation not defined */
	"D_NORMALIZE_PROTO",		/* normalize() prototype mismatch */
	"D_NORMALIZE_SCALAR",		/* normalize() value must be scalar */
	"D_NORMALIZE_AGGARG",		/* aggregation arg type mismatch */
	"D_NORMALIZE_AGGBAD",		/* normalize() aggregation not def. */
	"D_TRUNC_PROTO",			/* trunc() prototype mismatch */
	"D_TRUNC_SCALAR",			/* trunc() value must be scalar */
	"D_TRUNC_AGGARG",			/* aggregation arg type mismatch */
	"D_TRUNC_AGGBAD",			/* trunc() aggregation not def. */
	"D_PROV_BADNAME",			/* invalid provider name */
	"D_PROV_INCOMPAT",		/* provider/probe interface mismatch */
	"D_PROV_PRDUP",			/* duplicate probe declaration */
	"D_PROV_PRARGLEN",		/* probe argument list too long */
	"D_PROV_PRXLATOR",		/* probe argument translator missing */
	"D_FREOPEN_INVALID",		/* frename() filename is invalid */
	"D_LQUANT_MATCHBASE",		/* lquantize() mismatch on base */
	"D_LQUANT_MATCHLIM",		/* lquantize() mismatch on limit */
	"D_LQUANT_MATCHSTEP",		/* lquantize() mismatch on step */

static const int _dt_ntag = sizeof (_dt_errtags) / sizeof (_dt_errtags[0]);

const char *
dt_errtag(dt_errtag_t tag)
	return (_dt_errtags[(tag > 0 && tag < _dt_ntag) ? tag : 0]);