dt_module_apple.c   [plain text]

 *  dt_module_apple.c
 *  dtrace
 *  Created by James McIlree on 3/9/10.
 *  Copyright 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

#include <CoreSymbolication/CoreSymbolication.h>
#include <CoreSymbolication/CoreSymbolicationPrivate.h>

#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include <dtrace.h>
#include <dt_module.h>
#include <dt_impl.h>
#include <assert.h>

extern int _dtrace_argmax; /* maximum probe arguments */

 * Check if the fbt providers is supposed to provide probes for the private
 * symbols (aka private probes).
int dtrace_private_probes_requested(void) {
	int value = 0;
	int err = 0;
	size_t len = sizeof(value);

	 * In case of failure, warn and consider we're not supposed to provide
	 * them.
	err = sysctlbyname("kern.dtrace.provide_private_probes", &value, &len, NULL, 0);
	if (err < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to retrieve the kern.dtrace.provide_private_probes state\n");
		value = 0;

	return value;

dt_module_get_types(dtrace_hdl_t *dtp, const dtrace_probedesc_t *pdp,
	dtrace_argdesc_t *adp, int *nargs)
	dt_module_t *dmp;
	GElf_Sym sym;
	ctf_funcinfo_t f;
	uint_t id;
	ctf_id_t argv[_dtrace_argmax];
	int argc = sizeof (argv) / sizeof (argv[0]);
	int args = *nargs, i;

	assert(args <= _dtrace_argmax);

	dmp = dt_module_lookup_by_name(dtp, pdp->dtpd_mod);

	 * Not finding the module is not an error, we'll just carry on
	 * without the argument types
	if (dmp == NULL)
		goto out;

	if (dmp->dm_ops->do_symname(dmp, pdp->dtpd_func, &sym, &id) == NULL) {
		goto out;
	if (ctf_func_info(dmp->dm_ctfp, id, &f) == CTF_ERR) {
		dt_dprintf("failed to retrieve func info (ctf_errno: %d)\n", ctf_errno(dmp->dm_ctfp));
		goto out;

	if (strcmp(pdp->dtpd_name, "return") == 0) {
		if (args < 2)
			goto out;
		 * args[0] on fbt return probes is always the offset of the
		 * returning instruction in the function text
		bzero(adp, sizeof (dtrace_argdesc_t));
		adp->dtargd_ndx = 0;
		adp->dtargd_id = pdp->dtpd_id;
		adp->dtargd_mapping = adp->dtargd_ndx;
		strncpy(adp->dtargd_native, "int", DTRACE_ARGTYPELEN);

		 * args[1] contains the return value
		bzero(adp, sizeof (dtrace_argdesc_t));
		adp->dtargd_ndx = 1;
		adp->dtargd_id = pdp->dtpd_id;
		adp->dtargd_mapping = adp->dtargd_ndx;
		ctf_type_name(dmp->dm_ctfp, f.ctc_return, adp->dtargd_native, DTRACE_ARGTYPELEN);
		*nargs = 2;
	else {
		if (ctf_func_args(dmp->dm_ctfp, id, argc, argv) == CTF_ERR) {
			dt_dprintf("failed to retrieve func args (ctf_errno: %d)\n", ctf_errno(dmp->dm_ctfp));
			goto out;
		args = MIN(args, f.ctc_argc);
		for (i = 0; i < args; adp++, i++) {
			bzero(adp, sizeof (dtrace_argdesc_t));
			adp->dtargd_ndx = i;
			adp->dtargd_id = pdp->dtpd_id;
			adp->dtargd_mapping = adp->dtargd_ndx;
			ctf_type_name(dmp->dm_ctfp, argv[i], adp->dtargd_native, DTRACE_ARGTYPELEN);
		*nargs = args;
	 * We need to indicate that we have no typed arguments if we could not
	 * find the module or an error happened
	*nargs = 0;

 * Create a symbolicator by using CoreSymbolication.
 * This function returns a symbolicator.  The symbolicator will be slided with the
 * kernel slide if with_slide is set to true.  For security reason, retrieving the
 * kernel slide requires to be root, otherwise calling this function with with_slide
 * will fail.
CSSymbolicatorRef dtrace_kernel_symbolicator(bool with_slide) {
	static pthread_mutex_t symbolicator_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
	static CSSymbolicatorRef symbolicator_slide   = { 0, 0 }; // kCSNull isn't considered constant?
	static CSSymbolicatorRef symbolicator_noslide = { 0, 0 }; // kCSNull isn't considered constant?

	assert((!with_slide || geteuid() == 0) && "Retrieving the kernel slide requires to be root");

	CSSymbolicatorRef *const symbolicator_ptr = with_slide ? &symbolicator_slide : &symbolicator_noslide;

	 * Double checked locking...
	if (CSIsNull(*symbolicator_ptr)) {
		if (CSIsNull(*symbolicator_ptr)) {
			uint32_t flags = kCSSymbolicatorDefaultCreateFlags;
			if (with_slide)
				flags |= kCSSymbolicatorUseSlidKernelAddresses;

			if (_dtrace_disallow_dsym)
				flags |= kCSSymbolicatorDisallowDsymData ;
			CSSymbolicatorRef temp = CSSymbolicatorCreateWithMachKernelFlagsAndNotification(flags, NULL);

			*symbolicator_ptr = temp;

	return *symbolicator_ptr;

dtrace_kernel_path(char *kernel_path, size_t max_length) {

	char const* path = CSSymbolOwnerGetPath(CSSymbolicatorGetAOutSymbolOwner(dtrace_kernel_symbolicator(false)));
	if (path) {
		if (strlcpy(kernel_path, path, max_length) < max_length)
			return 0;

	return -1;

static void filter_module_symbols(CSSymbolOwnerRef owner, int provide_private_probes, CSSymbolIterator valid_symbol)
	// See note at callsites, we want to always use __TEXT __text for now.
	if (TRUE || (CSSymbolOwnerIsObject(owner) && !(CSSymbolOwnerGetDataFlags(owner) & kCSSymbolOwnerDataFoundDsym))) {				
		void (^check_sym)(CSSymbolRef) = ^(CSSymbolRef symbol) {
			// By default, the kernel team has requested minimal symbol info.
			if ((CSSymbolIsUnnamed(symbol) == false) && (provide_private_probes || CSSymbolIsExternal(symbol))) {
				if (CSSymbolGetRange(symbol).length > 0) {

		// Find the TEXT/TEXT_EXEC text regions
		CSRegionRef text_region = CSSymbolOwnerGetRegionWithName(owner, "__TEXT __text");
		CSRegionRef text_exec_region = CSSymbolOwnerGetRegionWithName(owner, "__TEXT_EXEC __text");
		CSRegionForeachSymbol(text_region, check_sym);
		CSRegionForeachSymbol(text_exec_region, check_sym);

	} else {
		CSSymbolOwnerForeachSymbol(owner, ^(CSSymbolRef symbol) {
			if (CSSymbolIsFunction(symbol) && (CSSymbolGetRange(symbol).length > 0)) {

 * This method is used to update the kernel's symbol information.
 * The kernel may discard symbol information from kexts and other
 * binaries to save space. This makes lazy initialization difficult
 * for dtrace. As a workaround, the userspace agent querries the
 * kernel during dtrace_open() for a list of missing symbols. This
 * is provided in the form of UUID's for kexts and mach_kernel. Any
 * matching UUID's that can be found in userspace are mined for
 * symbol data, and that data is sent back to the kernel.
 * NOTE... This function is called too early for -xdebug to enable dt_dprintf.
void dtrace_update_kernel_symbols(dtrace_hdl_t* dtp)
	uint64_t count = 0;
	/* This call is expected to fail with EINVAL */
	dt_ioctl(dtp, DTRACEIOC_MODUUIDSLIST, &count);
	if (count) {
		assert(count < 2048);
		dtrace_module_uuids_list_t* uuids_list;
		if ((uuids_list = calloc(1, DTRACE_MODULE_UUIDS_LIST_SIZE(count))) == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate uuids_list for count %llu\n", count);

		uuids_list->dtmul_count = count;
		if (dt_ioctl(dtp, DTRACEIOC_MODUUIDSLIST, uuids_list) != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get module uuids list from kernel [%s]\n", strerror(errno));
			goto uuids_cleanup;
		CSSymbolicatorRef symbolicator = dtrace_kernel_symbolicator(true);

		if (CSIsNull(symbolicator))
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get kernel symbolicator\n");
			goto uuids_cleanup;

		uint32_t i;
		for (i=0; i<uuids_list->dtmul_count; i++) {
			UUID* uuid = &uuids_list->dtmul_uuid[i];
			CFUUIDRef uuid_ref = CFUUIDCreateFromUUIDBytes(NULL, *(CFUUIDBytes*)uuid);
			CSSymbolOwnerRef owner = CSSymbolicatorGetSymbolOwnerWithUUIDAtTime(symbolicator, uuid_ref, kCSNow);

                        // <rdar://problem/11219724> Please report UUID mismatches when sending symbols to the kernel
                        if (CSSymbolOwnerGetDataFlags(owner) & kCSSymbolOwnerDataEmpty) {
                                struct stat statinfo; 
                                if (CSSymbolOwnerGetPath(owner) && (stat(CSSymbolOwnerGetPath(owner), &statinfo) == 0)) {
                                        if (S_ISREG(statinfo.st_mode)) {
                                                fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: The file at [%s] does not match the UUID of the version loaded in the kernel\n", CSSymbolOwnerGetPath(owner));
			// Construct a dtrace_module_symbols_t.
			// First we need the count of symbols. This isn't quite as easy at it would seem at first glance.
			// We have legacy 32b kexts (MH_OBJECT style), 10.7+ 32b kexts (MH_KEXT_BUNDLE), and 64b kexts.
			// The legacy kexts do not properly set their attributes, and so nothing is marked as a function.
			// If we have a legacy kext && it has no dSYM (the dSYM has valid function markers), We instrument
			// everything in the TEXT text section.
			// APPLE NOTE! It turns out there are too many danger dont touch this points that get marked as
			// functions. We're going to bail out to only instrumenting __TEXT __text for everything for now.
			__block uint64_t module_symbols_count = 0;
			filter_module_symbols(owner, dtrace_private_probes_requested(), ^(CSSymbolRef symbol) { module_symbols_count++; });

			if (module_symbols_count == 0) {
			// This must be declared before the goto below
			__block uint32_t module_symbol_index = 0;

			// Allocate a correctly sized module symbols
			dtrace_module_symbols_t* module_symbols;
			if ((module_symbols = calloc(1, DTRACE_MODULE_SYMBOLS_SIZE(module_symbols_count))) == NULL) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate module_symbols for count %llu\n", module_symbols_count);
				goto module_symbols_cleanup;
			// Fill in the data...
			memcpy(module_symbols->dtmodsyms_uuid, uuid, sizeof(UUID));
			module_symbols->dtmodsyms_count = module_symbols_count;
			filter_module_symbols(owner, dtrace_private_probes_requested(), ^(CSSymbolRef symbol) {
				dtrace_symbol_t* dtrace_symbol = &module_symbols->dtmodsyms_symbols[module_symbol_index++];
				CSRange range = CSSymbolGetRange(symbol);
				dtrace_symbol->dtsym_addr = range.location;
				dtrace_symbol->dtsym_size = (uint32_t)range.length;
				strlcpy(dtrace_symbol->dtsym_name, CSSymbolGetMangledName(symbol), sizeof(dtrace_symbol->dtsym_name));
			// Send it to the kernel!
			if (dt_ioctl(dtp, DTRACEIOC_PROVMODSYMS, module_symbols) != 0) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Unable to send module symbols for %s (count %lld) to kernel [%s]\n", CSSymbolOwnerGetPath(owner), module_symbols->dtmodsyms_count, strerror(errno));

			if (module_symbols)
		if (uuids_list)

 * Exported interface to look up a symbol by address.  We return the GElf_Sym
 * and complete symbol information for the matching symbol.
int dtrace_lookup_by_addr(dtrace_hdl_t *dtp,
                          GElf_Addr addr, 
                          char *aux_sym_name_buffer,	/* auxilary storage buffer for the symbol name */
                          size_t aux_bufsize,		/* size of sym_name_buffer */
                          GElf_Sym *symp,
                          dtrace_syminfo_t *sip)
	CSSymbolicatorRef kernelSymbolicator = dtrace_kernel_symbolicator(true);

	if (CSIsNull(kernelSymbolicator))
		return (dt_set_errno(dtp, EDT_NOSYMBOLICATOR));
        CSSymbolOwnerRef owner = CSSymbolicatorGetSymbolOwnerWithAddressAtTime(kernelSymbolicator, (mach_vm_address_t)addr, kCSNow);
        if (CSIsNull(owner))
                return (dt_set_errno(dtp, EDT_NOSYMADDR));
        if (symp != NULL) {
                CSSymbolOwnerRef symbol = CSSymbolOwnerGetSymbolWithAddress(owner, (mach_vm_address_t)addr);
                if (CSIsNull(symbol))
                        return (dt_set_errno(dtp, EDT_NOSYMADDR));
                CSRange addressRange = CSSymbolGetRange(symbol);
                symp->st_info = GELF_ST_INFO((STB_GLOBAL), (STT_FUNC));
                symp->st_other = 0;
                symp->st_shndx = SHN_MACHO;
                symp->st_value = addressRange.location;
                symp->st_size = addressRange.length;
                if (CSSymbolIsUnnamed(symbol)) {
                        // Hideous awful hack.
                        // Unnamed symbols should display an address.
                        // There is no place to store the addresses.
                        // We force the callers to provide a small auxilary storage buffer...
                        if (aux_sym_name_buffer) {
                                if (CSArchitectureIs64Bit(CSSymbolOwnerGetArchitecture(CSSymbolGetSymbolOwner(symbol))))
                                        snprintf(aux_sym_name_buffer, aux_bufsize, "0x%016llx", CSSymbolGetRange(symbol).location);
                                        snprintf(aux_sym_name_buffer, aux_bufsize, "0x%08llx", CSSymbolGetRange(symbol).location);                                
                        symp->st_name = (uintptr_t)aux_sym_name_buffer;
		} else {
                        const char *mangledName;
                        if (_dtrace_mangled &&
                            (mangledName = CSSymbolGetMangledName(symbol)) &&
                            strlen(mangledName) >= 3 &&
                            mangledName[0] == '_' &&
                            mangledName[1] == '_' &&
                            mangledName[2] == 'Z') {
                                // mangled name - use it
                                symp->st_name = (uintptr_t)mangledName;
                        } else {
                                symp->st_name = (uintptr_t)CSSymbolGetName(symbol);
        if (sip != NULL) {
                sip->dts_object = CSSymbolOwnerGetName(owner);
                if (symp != NULL) {
                        sip->dts_name = (const char *)(uintptr_t)symp->st_name;
                } else {
                        sip->dts_name = NULL;
                sip->dts_id = 0;
        return (0);