sieve-commands.h   [plain text]

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Pigeonhole authors, see the included COPYING file


#include "lib.h"

#include "sieve-common.h"
#include "sieve-ast.h"

 * Argument definition

struct sieve_argument_def {
	const char *identifier;

	bool (*is_instance_of)
		(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, struct sieve_command *cmd,
			const struct sieve_extension *ext, const char *identifier, void **data);

	bool (*validate)
		(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, struct sieve_ast_argument **arg,
			struct sieve_command *cmd);
	bool (*validate_context)
		(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, struct sieve_ast_argument *arg,
			struct sieve_command *cmd);
	bool (*validate_persistent)
		(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, struct sieve_command *cmd,
			const struct sieve_extension *ext);

	bool (*generate)
		(const struct sieve_codegen_env *cgenv, struct sieve_ast_argument *arg,
			struct sieve_command *cmd);

 * Argument instance

struct sieve_argument {
	const struct sieve_argument_def *def;
	const struct sieve_extension *ext;
	int id_code;

	/* Context data */
	void *data;

#define sieve_argument_is(ast_arg, definition) \
	( (ast_arg)->argument->def == &(definition) )
#define sieve_argument_ext(ast_arg) \
	( (ast_arg)->argument->ext )
#define sieve_argument_identifier(ast_arg) \
	( (ast_arg)->argument->def->identifier )

/* Utility macros */

#define sieve_argument_is_string_literal(arg) \
	( (arg)->argument->def == &string_argument )

/* Error handling */

#define sieve_argument_validate_error(validator, arg_node, ...) \
	sieve_validator_error(validator, (arg_node)->source_line, __VA_ARGS__)
#define sieve_argument_validate_warning(validator, arg_node, ...) \
	sieve_validator_warning(validator, (arg_node)->source_line, __VA_ARGS__)

/* Argument API */

struct sieve_argument *sieve_argument_create
	(struct sieve_ast *ast, const struct sieve_argument_def *def,
		const struct sieve_extension *ext, int id_code);

/* Literal arguments */

extern const struct sieve_argument_def number_argument;
extern const struct sieve_argument_def string_argument;
extern const struct sieve_argument_def string_list_argument;

/* Catenated string argument */

bool sieve_arg_catenated_string_generate
	(const struct sieve_codegen_env *cgenv, struct sieve_ast_argument *arg,
		struct sieve_command *context);

struct sieve_arg_catenated_string;

struct sieve_arg_catenated_string *sieve_arg_catenated_string_create
	(struct sieve_ast_argument *orig_arg);
void sieve_arg_catenated_string_add_element
	(struct sieve_arg_catenated_string *strdata,
		struct sieve_ast_argument *element);

 * Command definition

enum sieve_command_type {

struct sieve_command_def {
	const char *identifier;
	enum sieve_command_type type;

	/* High-level command syntax */
	int positional_arguments;
	int subtests;
	bool block_allowed;
	bool block_required;

	bool (*registered)
		(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, const struct sieve_extension *ext,
			struct sieve_command_registration *cmd_reg);
	bool (*pre_validate)
		(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, struct sieve_command *cmd);
	bool (*validate)
		(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, struct sieve_command *cmd);
	bool (*validate_const)
		(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, struct sieve_command *cmd,
			int *const_current, int const_next);
	bool (*generate)
		(const struct sieve_codegen_env *cgenv, struct sieve_command *cmd);
	bool (*control_generate)
		(const struct sieve_codegen_env *cgenv, struct sieve_command *cmd,
		struct sieve_jumplist *jumps, bool jump_true);

 * Command instance

struct sieve_command {
	const struct sieve_command_def *def;
	const struct sieve_extension *ext;

	/* The registration of this command in the validator (sieve-validator.h) */
	struct sieve_command_registration *reg;

	/* The ast node of this command */
	struct sieve_ast_node *ast_node;

	/* First positional argument, found during argument validation */
	struct sieve_ast_argument *first_positional;

	/* The child ast node that unconditionally exits this command's block */
	struct sieve_command *block_exit_command;

	/* Context data*/
	void *data;

#define sieve_command_is(cmd, definition) \
	( (cmd)->def == &(definition) )
#define sieve_command_identifier(cmd) \
	( (cmd)->def->identifier )
#define sieve_command_type_name(cmd) \
	( sieve_command_def_type_name((cmd)->def) )

#define sieve_commands_equal(cmd1, cmd2) \
	( (cmd1) != NULL && (cmd2) != NULL && (cmd1)->def == (cmd2)->def )

/* Context API */

struct sieve_command *sieve_command_create
	(struct sieve_ast_node *cmd_node, const struct sieve_extension *ext,
		const struct sieve_command_def *cmd_def,
		struct sieve_command_registration *cmd_reg);

const char *sieve_command_def_type_name
	(const struct sieve_command_def *cmd_def);

struct sieve_command *sieve_command_prev
	(struct sieve_command *cmd);
struct sieve_command *sieve_command_parent
	(struct sieve_command *cmd);

struct sieve_ast_argument *sieve_command_add_dynamic_tag
	(struct sieve_command *cmd, const struct sieve_extension *ext,
		const struct sieve_argument_def *tag, int id_code);
struct sieve_ast_argument *sieve_command_find_argument
	(struct sieve_command *cmd, const struct sieve_argument_def *argument);

void sieve_command_exit_block_unconditionally
	(struct sieve_command *cmd);
bool sieve_command_block_exits_unconditionally
	(struct sieve_command *cmd);

/* Error handling */

#define sieve_command_validate_error(validator, context, ...) \
	sieve_validator_error(validator, (context)->ast_node->source_line, __VA_ARGS__)
#define sieve_command_validate_warning(validator, context, ...) \
	sieve_validator_warning(validator, (context)->ast_node->source_line, __VA_ARGS__)

#define sieve_command_generate_error(gentr, context, ...) \
	sieve_generator_error(gentr, (context)->ast_node->source_line, __VA_ARGS__)
#define sieve_command_generate_warning(gentr, context, ...) \
	sieve_generator_warning(gentr, (context)->ast_node->source_line, __VA_ARGS__)

/* Utility macros */

#define sieve_command_pool(context) \

#define sieve_command_source_line(context) \

#define sieve_command_first_argument(context) \

#define sieve_command_is_toplevel(context) \
	( sieve_ast_node_type(sieve_ast_node_parent((context)->ast_node)) == SAT_ROOT )
#define sieve_command_is_first(context) \
	( sieve_ast_node_prev((context)->ast_node) == NULL )

 * Core commands

extern const struct sieve_command_def cmd_require;
extern const struct sieve_command_def cmd_stop;
extern const struct sieve_command_def cmd_if;
extern const struct sieve_command_def cmd_elsif;
extern const struct sieve_command_def cmd_else;
extern const struct sieve_command_def cmd_redirect;
extern const struct sieve_command_def cmd_keep;
extern const struct sieve_command_def cmd_discard;

extern const struct sieve_command_def *sieve_core_commands[];
extern const unsigned int sieve_core_commands_count;

 * Core tests

extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_true;
extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_false;
extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_not;
extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_anyof;
extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_allof;
extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_address;
extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_header;
extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_exists;
extern const struct sieve_command_def tst_size;

extern const struct sieve_command_def *sieve_core_tests[];
extern const unsigned int sieve_core_tests_count;

 * Command utility functions

bool sieve_command_verify_headers_argument
(struct sieve_validator *valdtr, struct sieve_ast_argument *headers);

#endif /* __SIEVE_COMMANDS_H */