Dovecot SSL configuration ========================= The most important SSL settings are: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssl = yes # Preferred permissions: root:root 0444 ssl_cert = [Authentication.Mechanisms.txt] only when SSL/TLS is used first. * 'ssl = required' requires SSL/TLS also for [Authentication.Mechanisms.txt]. * If you have only plaintext mechanisms enabled ('auth { mechanisms = plain login }'), you can use either (or both) of the above settings. They behave exactly the same way then. Multiple SSL certificates ------------------------- TLS SNI (Server Name Indication) support required ------------------------------------------------- /It is important to note that having multiple SSL certificates per IP will not be compatible with all clients, especially mobile ones. It is a TLS SNI limitation./ ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- local_name { ssl_cert = /var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.ssl'. After the initial creation they're by default regenerated every week. With newer computers the generation shouldn't take more than a few seconds, but with older computers it can take as long as half an hour. The extra security gained by the regeneration is quite small, so with slower computers you might want to disable it: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssl_parameters_regenerate = 0 ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- By default Dovecot's allowed ciphers list contains: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2:!EXP:!aNULL ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disallowing more won't really gain any security for those using better ciphers, but it does prevent people from accidentally using insecure ciphers. See for a list of the ciphers. SSL verbosity ------------- ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- verbose_ssl = yes ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will make Dovecot log all the problems it sees with SSL connections. Some errors might be caused by dropped connections, so it could be quite noisy. Client certificate verification/authentication ---------------------------------------------- If you want to require clients to present a valid SSL certificate, you'll need these settings: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssl_ca = class3-revoke.pem ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the above settings if a client connects which doesn't present a certificate signed by one of the CAs in the 'ssl_ca' file, Dovecot won't let the user log in. You may also force the username to be taken from the certificate by setting 'ssl_username_from_cert = yes'. * The text is looked up from subject DN's specified field using OpenSSL's 'X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID()' function. * By default the 'CommonName' field is used. * You can change the field with 'ssl_cert_username_field = name' setting (parsed using OpenSSL's 'OBJ_txt2nid()' function). 'x500UniqueIdentifier' is a common choice. You may also want to disable the password checking completely. Doing this currently circumvents Dovecot's security model so it's not recommended to use it, but it is possible by making the [PasswordDatabase.txt] allow logins using any password (typically requiring <"nopassword" extra field> [PasswordDatabase.ExtraFields.txt] to be returned). Testing ------- Try out your new setup: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- openssl s_client -connect ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should see something like this: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTED(00000003) depth=2 /O=Root CA/OU= Cert Signing Authority/ verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain verify return:0 --- Certificate chain 0 s:/ i:/O=CAcert Inc./OU= Class 3 Root 1 s:/O=CAcert Inc./OU= Class 3 Root i:/O=Root CA/OU= Cert Signing Authority/ 2 s:/O=Root CA/OU= Cert Signing Authority/ i:/O=Root CA/OU= Cert Signing Authority/ --- Server certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIE1DCCArygAwIBAgIDAMBPMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMFQxFDASBgNVBAoTC0NB Y2VydCBJbmMuMR4wHAYDVQQLExVodHRwOi8vd3d3LkNBY2VydC5vcmcxHDAaBgNV BAMTE0NBY2VydCBDbGFzcyAzIFJvb3QwHhcNMTAxMjIwMTM1NDQ1WhcNMTIxMjE5 MTM1NDQ1WjAmMSQwIgYDjksadnjkasndjksandjksandjksandj5YXJlYS5vcmcw ggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC3jOX3FC8wVqnb2r65Sfvk cYUpJhlbhCfqPdN41c3WS0y1Jwwum1q4oMAJvdRnD5TMff1+fqTFy3lS1sYxIXiD kBRo478eNqzXHMpBOqbvKjYp/UZgWUNA9ebI1nQtwd7rnjmm/GrtyItjahCsgzDS qPAie+mXYzuT49ZoG+Glg7/R/jDcLMcJY0d5eJ7kufB1RLhvRitZD4FEbJVehqhY aevf5bLk1BNFhzRBfLXmv6u/kfvWf2HjGAf0aFhaQyiAldDgnZrvaZOFjkToJk27 p9MguvwGmbciao0DmMjcJhQ0smclFwy8Kj98Tz+nTkfAlU8jJdb1J/tIatJdpSRh AgMBAAGjgdwwgdkwDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADA0BgNVHSUELTArBggrBgEFBQcDAgYI KwYBBQUHAwEGCWCGSAGG+EIEAQYKKwYBBAGCNwoDAzALBgNVHQ8EBAMCBaAwMwYI KwYBBQUHAQEEJzAlMCMGCCsGAQUFBzABhadodHRwOi8vb2NzcC5jYWNlcnQub3Jn LzBRBgNVknsadkjasnjdksandjksandjsnNlY3VyaXR5YXJlYS5vcmegKQYIKwYB BQUHCAWgHQwbbWFpbC5qb2ludC5zZWN1cml0eWFyZWEub3JnMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB BQUAA4ICAQAX8ceObvUZNKYTlNQ/cv0BiA1XweRsVNca1ILACNLdVPR9mvf+aXCh ODkHaZAmGngj1DfD4fJsTbaydGWSPeVH91Qi9F+Pi6szhsxylI83NKbuXihcenuG twnte8aIb5FelVHttLQPSKRR62E8YmDWk3KYivuFAuZqDaGnWc5yeneTBpsGter/ 4awqsgymBK2YEg1HIWMPaRBvwzCVN/yUyWhFH9Nj11f/xgZE87VXrjLHWT/73i2Z S4uIZ2KHQUYuxMGldgpXm+QxFM8DGA6z1T1oPCVfW85cezlfr8QVvX6SXZrAUNL0 3D5YPzQuevW+5CrqnGA+F5ff4mBMl8R8Sg0+0LoLqt5PbpGyTt9vS1INZCdfvtIA /d7Ae7Xp9W8FVRqd7tvNMIy3ZA0/wNMDUczkhC/YtvHfMELpjtMJAGF15OtO7Vik V+FZnBP1Yd7760dtEmd6bF8vjcXCvDdxwGtcAehAUpIgAWvkHHOt8+H56tkFENAP /ZpJ+Wr+K3lxkkG+BN1bucxMuAdVyTpFyZfKDHRXIO/5e0hpPOaTO+obD3kifzdh yy7KmdKvDclHTiPuonJBzEXeM3JQBjcDHbMSyA6+38yBcso27h9VqCQJB2cZmSlW ArS/9wt2X21KgeuGHlTZ/8z9gXAjQKXhDYECWWd6LkWl98ZDBihslQ== -----END CERTIFICATE----- subject=/ issuer=/O=CAcert Inc./OU= Class 3 Root --- No client certificate CA names sent --- SSL handshake has read 5497 bytes and written 293 bytes --- New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Server public key is 2048 bit Secure Renegotiation IS supported Compression: zlib compression Expansion: zlib compression SSL-Session: Protocol : TLSv1 Cipher : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Session-ID: 114A22BE4625B33F6893124ACF640AE0628B48B5039E90B3B9A20ADF7FA691F3 Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key: B8A55EC91A060575CFB29503FBF7160C2DC8BCBFE02D20A7F704882F72D8D00272D8D002CE5CCC4B94A492F43ED8F Key-Arg : None TLS session ticket: 0000 - 86 c7 46 63 a5 b6 48 74-16 d8 e0 a7 e2 64 e8 89 ..Fc..Ht.....d.. 0010 - 97 90 59 4b 57 f3 e2 b3-e2 d2 88 90 a8 aa b4 44 ..YKW..........D 0020 - ea 24 08 5e b4 14 7f e1-2a 1a 1c 40 ca 85 e7 41 .$.^....*..@...A 0030 - 9d 0d a8 4c f7 e3 db 1e-ef da 53 9c fe 43 cc 62 ...L......S..C.b 0040 - 79 b6 ad ea 9d cf ca b2-37 41 b7 0f ea 7d 59 e8 y.......7A...}Y. 0050 - 10 01 a0 eb dc c2 63 66-56 54 6a e8 3a 4b 93 49 ......cfVTj.:K.I 0060 - 77 da e4 4b 21 e8 30 7e-bf 10 91 3a 2c f9 59 80 w..K!.0~...:,.Y. 0070 - 01 1f 36 0b 92 85 67 55-c8 86 1d 44 b1 6f 0d ae ..6...gU...D.o.. 0080 - 15 36 b6 49 3a ef 94 9a-ef 6d 27 f0 80 20 43 09 .6.I:....m'.. C. 0090 - be 70 c5 30 15 3b 93 c6-c1 4c e9 7f 5c 34 98 dd .p.0.;...L..\4.. Compression: 1 (zlib compression) Start Time: 1292857721 Timeout : 300 (sec) Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain) --- +OK Dovecot ready. ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- (This file was created from the wiki on 2011-05-11 04:42)