Passwd-file =========== This file is compatible with a normal '/etc/passwd' file, and a password file used by libpam-pwdfile [PasswordDatabase.PAM.txt] plugin. It's in the following format: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- user:password:uid:gid:(gecos):home:(shell):extra_fields ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a password database it's enough to have only the user and password fields. For a user database, you need to set also uid, gid and preferably also home (see ). (gecos) and (shell) fields are unused by Dovecot. The password field can be in four formats: * 'password': Assume CRYPT [Authentication.PasswordSchemes.txt]. * '{SCHEME}password': The password is in the given [Authentication.PasswordSchemes.txt]. * 'password[13]': libpam-passwd file compatible format for CRYPT [Authentication.PasswordSchemes.txt]. * 'password[34]': libpam-passwd file compatible format for MD5 [Authentication.PasswordSchemes.txt]. extra_fields is a space-separated list of key=value pairs which can be used to set various [PasswordDatabase.ExtraFields.txt] and [UserDatabase.ExtraFields.txt]. Keys which begin with a 'userdb_' prefix are used for userdb, others are used for passdb. So for example if you wish to override [MailLocation.txt] setting for one user, use 'userdb_mail=mbox:~/mail'. Empty lines and lines beginning with '#' character are ignored. Multiple passwd files --------------------- You can use all the [Variables.txt] in the passwd-file filenames, for example: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- passdb { driver = passwd-file # Each domain has a separate passwd-file: args = /etc/auth/%d/passwd } ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters ---------- * *scheme=*: Allows you to specify the default password scheme. The default is CRYPT. This is available only for passdb. * *username_format=*: Look up usernames using this format instead of the full username ('%u'). If you want to enable user@domain logins but have only "user" in the file, set this to '%n'. For example: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- passdb { driver = passwd-file args = scheme=plain-md5 username_format=%n /etc/imap.passwd } userdb { driver = passwd-file args = username_format=%n /etc/imap.passwd } ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples -------- This file can be used as a passdb: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- user:{plain}password user2:{plain}password2 ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- passdb with extra fields: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- user:{plain}password::::::allow_nets= ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file can be used as both a passwd and a userdb: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- user:{plain}pass:1000:1000::/home/user::userdb_mail=maildir:~/Maildir allow_nets= user2:{plain}pass2:1001:1001::/home/user2 ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- (This file was created from the wiki on 2011-05-11 04:42)