require "vnd.dovecot.testsuite"; test_set "message" text: From: To: Subject: Frop! Frop. . ; test "Actions Fileinto" { test_mailbox_create "aaaa"; test_mailbox_create "bbbb"; if not test_script_compile "execute/actions-fileinto.sieve" { test_fail "failed to compile sieve script"; } test_binary_save "actions-fileinto"; test_binary_load "actions-fileinto"; if not test_script_run { test_fail "failed to execute sieve script"; } if not test_result_execute { test_fail "failed to execute result"; } test_message :folder "aaaa" 0; if not header "subject" "Frop!" { test_fail "fileinto \"aaaa\" not executed."; } test_message :folder "bbbb" 0; if not header "subject" "Frop!" { test_fail "fileinto \"bbbb\" not executed."; } }