xci_versinfo.c   [plain text]

/* -*- c-file-style: "java"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; fill-column: 78 -*-
 * distcc -- A simple distributed compiler system
 * Copyright 2005-2009 Apple Inc.
 * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
 * USA.

/* Author: Mark Mentovai */

#include <config.h>


#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>

#include "daemon.h"
#include "distcc.h"
#include "dopt.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "xci.h"

typedef struct _dcc_xci_compiler_info {
    char *raw_path;
    char *absolute_path;
    char *version;
    struct _dcc_xci_compiler_info *next;
} dcc_xci_compiler_info;

 * Return the system version.  Three things can happen here.  If a system
 * version string override is set, it will be returned.  If the sw_vers
 * program is found, as it should be on Macs, this will run sw_vers to obtain
 * the product and build versions.  In other cases, the operating system name
 * and version will be obtained from uname().  This information, along with
 * the CPU type also obtained from uname(), will be returned.
 * Example return values:
 *   "10.5.6 (9G55, i386)"
 *   "Linux 2.6.28-11-generic (x86_64)"
 * This function returns a string from static storage.  Callers must not free
 * the returned string.
 * Returns NULL on failure.
static const char *dcc_xci_get_system_version(void) {
    static const char product_line_match[] = "ProductVersion:";
    static const char build_line_match[] = "BuildVersion:";
    struct utsname info;
    struct stat statbuf;
    char *sw_vers = NULL;
    char *product_line, *build_line, *product, *build, *end;
    int len;
    static int has_system_version = 0;
    static char *system_version = NULL;

    /* Use a command-line override if set. */
    if (arg_system_version)
        return arg_system_version;

    if (!has_system_version) {
        has_system_version = 1;

        if (uname(&info)) {
            rs_log_error("uname() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto out_error;

#ifdef __APPLE__
        /* PowerPC Mac OS X reports "Power Macintosh" for uname -m, but
         * historically Apple distcc uses "ppc" as the architecture name. */
        if (!strncmp(info.machine, "Power Macintosh", sizeof(info.machine))) {
            strncpy(info.machine, "ppc", sizeof(info.machine));
            info.machine[sizeof(info.machine) - 1] = '\0';
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

        if (stat("/usr/bin/sw_vers", &statbuf) == 0) {
            /* sw_vers is available.  This is either a real Mac or something
             * doing a reasonable impersonation.  Use the numbers reported
             * by sw_vers. */
            if (!(sw_vers = dcc_xci_run_command("/usr/bin/sw_vers")))
                goto out_error;

            /* Find the product and build versions. */
            product_line = strstr(sw_vers, product_line_match);
            build_line = strstr(sw_vers, build_line_match);

            /* Make sure that the product and build versions are present and
             * that they're at the beginnings of their lines. */
            if (!product_line || !build_line ||
                !(product_line == sw_vers || *(product_line - 1) == '\n') ||
                !(build_line == sw_vers || *(build_line - 1) == '\n')) {
                rs_log_error("malformed output from sw_vers");
                goto out_error;

            /* Skip spaces to find the beginning of the product and build
             * version strings. */
            product = product_line + sizeof(product_line_match);
            while (*product && *product != '\n' && isspace(*product))

	    build = build_line + sizeof(build_line_match);
            while (*build && *build != '\n' && isspace(*build))

            if (!*product || *product == '\n' || !*build || *build == '\n') {
                rs_log_error("malformed output from sw_vers");
                goto out_error;

            /* NUL-terminate the product and build strings. */
            end = strchr(product, '\n');
            if (!end) {
                rs_log_error("malformed output from sw_vers");
                goto out_error;
            *end = '\0';

            end = strchr(build, '\n');
            if (!end) {
                rs_log_error("malformed output from sw_vers");
                goto out_error;
            *end = '\0';

            /* Format as "product (build, info.machine)".  Leave room for
             * two spaces, two parentheses, a comma, and a NUL terminator. */
            len = strlen(product) + strlen(build) + strlen(info.machine) + 6;

            if (!(system_version = malloc(len))) {
                rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
                goto out_error;

            snprintf(system_version, len, "%s (%s, %s)",
                     product, build, info.machine);

            sw_vers = NULL;
        } else {
            /* sw_vers is not available.  This must not be a Mac.  Report the
             * version using uname -srm.  Format as "sysname release (machine)".
             * Leave room for the two spaces, two parentheses, and a NUL
             * terminator. */
            len = strlen(info.sysname) + strlen(info.release) +
                  strlen(info.machine) + 5;

            if (!(system_version = malloc(len))) {
                rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
                goto out_error;

            snprintf(system_version, len, "%s %s (%s)",
                     info.sysname, info.release, info.machine);

    return system_version;

    if (sw_vers)
    return NULL;

 * Returns the appropriate prefix directory within the Xcode developer
 * directory.  The Xcode developer dir is collected from xcode-select.  The
 * prefix directory is what was chosen as --prefix at configure time.  The
 * default is "/usr/local".  For distcc configured with
 * --prefix=/usr and Xcode developer tools installed in the default
 * location of "/Developer", this will return "/Developer/usr".
 * The returned value must be disposed of with free().
 * On failure, returns NULL.
static char *dcc_xci_selected_prefix(void) {
    const char *xcodeselect_path;
    char *selected_prefix = NULL;
    int size;

    xcodeselect_path = dcc_xci_xcodeselect_path();
    if (!xcodeselect_path) {
        rs_log_error("failed to get xcode-select path");
        return NULL;

    size = strlen(xcodeselect_path) + sizeof(PREFIXDIR);
    selected_prefix = malloc(size);
    if (!selected_prefix) {
        rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
        return NULL;

    snprintf(selected_prefix, size, "%s%s", xcodeselect_path, PREFIXDIR);

    return selected_prefix;

 * Returns an absolute path corresponding to |path|.  If |path| is already
 * absolute, a new copy of |path| is returned without modification.  If |path|
 * is a relative path, it is appended to the prefix obtained by calling
 * dcc_xci_selected_prefix.
 * The returned value must be disposed of with free().
 * On failure, returns NULL.
static char *dcc_xci_path_in_prefix(const char *path) {
    char *prefix = NULL, *prefix_path = NULL;
    size_t prefix_len, path_len;

    /* If the path is absolute, return a copy as-is. */
    if (path[0] == '/') {
        char *rv = strdup(path);
        if (!rv)
            rs_log_error("strdup(\"%s\") failed: %s", path, strerror(errno));
        return rv;

    /* |path| is relative.  Treat it as relative to dcc_xci_selected_prefix
     * and return the correct absolute path. */
    prefix = dcc_xci_selected_prefix();
    if (!prefix)
        goto out_error;

    /* Allocate enough space for the / separator and NUL terminator. */
    prefix_len = strlen(prefix);
    path_len = strlen(path);
    prefix_path = realloc(prefix, prefix_len + path_len + 2);
    if (!prefix_path)
        goto out_error;
    prefix = NULL;

    /* Put in the / separator and then append |path| and a NUL terminator. */
    prefix_path[prefix_len] = '/';
    strncpy(prefix_path + prefix_len + 1, path, path_len + 1);

    return prefix_path;

    if (prefix)
    return NULL;

 * Returns a linked list of dcc_xci_compiler_info structs describing the
 * various compilers available according to the distcc_compilers file.
 * distcc_compilers is located in the directory identified by
 * dcc_xci_selected_prefix, subdirectory "share".  Each line in that file
 * identifies a compiler by absolute or relative path.  Relative paths are
 * taken as relative to dcc_xci_selected_prefix.  This function populates
 * the |raw_path|, |absolute_path|, |version|, and |next| members of the
 * dcc_xci_compiler_info structs.
 * The data returned is obtained only once during the duration of execution.
 * It is accessed through static storage on subsequent calls.  Callers must
 * not free anything obtained through this interface.
 * On failure, returns NULL.
static const dcc_xci_compiler_info *dcc_xci_parse_distcc_compilers(void) {
    static int parsed_compilers = 0;
    static dcc_xci_compiler_info *compilers = NULL;
    char *compilers_path = NULL;
    FILE *compilers_file = NULL;
    char *compilers_data = NULL;
    char *line, *newline;
    size_t len, pos, line_len;
    dcc_xci_compiler_info *ci = NULL, *last_ci = NULL;
    struct stat statbuf;
    char *cmd = NULL, *version_output = NULL;

    if (parsed_compilers)
        return compilers;

    parsed_compilers = 1;

    compilers_path = dcc_xci_path_in_prefix("share/distcc_compilers");
    if (!compilers_path)
        goto out_error;

    if (!(compilers_file = fopen(compilers_path, "r"))) {
        rs_log_error("fopen(\"%s\", \"r\") failed: %s",
                     compilers_path, strerror(errno));
        goto out_error;

    if (!(compilers_data = dcc_xci_read_whole_file(compilers_file, &len))) {
        rs_log_error("dcc_xci_read_whole_file failed for \"%s\"",
        goto out_error;

    for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += line_len + 1) {
        line = compilers_data + pos;

        /* Get rid of the line terminator. */
        newline = strchr(line, '\n');
        if (newline) {
            *newline = '\0';
            line_len = newline - line;
        } else {
            /* The file had an embedded NUL in this line, or the file ended
             * abruptly without a newline.  Treat what's available as its own
             * line. */
            line_len = strlen(line);

        /* Skip blank lines and comments. */
        if (!line_len || line[0] == '#')

        /* Allocate and populate a dcc_xci_compiler_info record for this
         * compiler. */
        ci = calloc(1, sizeof(dcc_xci_compiler_info));
        if (!ci) {
            rs_log_error("calloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto out_error;

        /* raw_path is the path as listed in the compilers file. */
        ci->raw_path = strdup(line);
        if (!ci->raw_path) {
            rs_log_error("strdup(\"%s\") failed: %s", line, strerror(errno));
            goto out_error;

        /* Determine an absolute path to the compiler. */
        if (!(ci->absolute_path = dcc_xci_path_in_prefix(ci->raw_path)))
            goto out_error;

        if (stat(ci->absolute_path, &statbuf) == 0) {
            /* The compiler exists.  Get it to report its version. */
            static const char version_args[] = " -v 2>&1";
            size_t cmd_len = strlen(ci->absolute_path) + sizeof(version_args);
            if (!(cmd = malloc(cmd_len))) {
                rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                goto out_error;
            snprintf(cmd, cmd_len, "%s%s", ci->absolute_path, version_args);
            if (!(version_output = dcc_xci_run_command(cmd)))
                goto next_compiler;

            /* The version is on the first line containing the substring
             * " version ".  Use that entire line as the compiler's version
             * string.  Loop over each of the lines in the output looking for
             * this pattern.  If it's not found, skip the compiler. */
            char *v_line_start = version_output;
            while (v_line_start && v_line_start[0] != '\0') {
                /* Find the end of the line. */
                char *v_line_end = strchr(v_line_start, '\n');
                char *v_line;
                if (!v_line_end) {
                    /* Last line, unterminated. */
                    if (!(v_line = strdup(v_line_start))) {
                        rs_log_error("strdup() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                        goto out_error;
                } else {
                    if (!(v_line = malloc(v_line_end - v_line_start + 1))) {
                        rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                        goto out_error;
                    strncpy(v_line, v_line_start, v_line_end - v_line_start);
                    v_line[v_line_end - v_line_start] = '\0';

                static const char version_pattern[] = " version ";
                char *version = strstr(v_line, version_pattern);
                if (version) {
                    ci->version = v_line;
                } else {

                /* Move on to the next line. */
                v_line_start = v_line_end;
                if (v_line_start && v_line_start[0] != '\0')

            if (!ci->version) {
                rs_log_warning("could not determine end of version for \"%s\"",
                goto next_compiler;

            /* Insert the new compiler into the list. */
            if (!compilers)
                compilers = ci;
                last_ci->next = ci;
            last_ci = ci;
            ci = NULL;

            cmd = NULL;
            version_output = NULL;
        } else {
            /* It's not an error if the compiler isn't present or doesn't
             * have the expected version string, just don't add it to the list
             * of compilers. */
            ci = NULL;

    compilers_data = NULL;

    if (fclose(compilers_file)) {
        rs_log_error("fclose(\"%s\") failed: %s",
                     compilers_path, strerror(errno));
        /* Don't fail, just live with it. */
    compilers_file = NULL;

    compilers_path = NULL;

    /* Leak |compilers| to a static to avoid having to do the same file input
     * each time through. */
    return compilers;

    if (version_output)
    if (cmd)

    /* Free the compiler that was being worked on. */
    if (ci) {
        if (ci->version)
            free (ci->version);
        if (ci->absolute_path)
            free (ci->absolute_path);
        if (ci->raw_path)
            free (ci->raw_path);

    /* Free added compilers. */
    ci = compilers;
    while (ci) {
        if (ci->version)
            free (ci->version);
        if (ci->absolute_path)
            free (ci->absolute_path);
        if (ci->raw_path)
            free (ci->raw_path);
        last_ci = ci;
        ci = ci->next;
    compilers = NULL;

    if (compilers_data)
    if (compilers_file)
    if (compilers_path)

    return NULL;

 * Returns a list of all compiler versions available.  This is done by
 * scanning the versions in the list of compilers returned by
 * dcc_xci_parse_distcc_compilers.  Duplicate version strings are removed.
 * (Duplicates occur when, for example, /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++ both
 * appear in the compilers file and are both the same version, as they
 * typically are.)
 * The returned value is a vector.  The vector itself must be disposed of
 * with free().  The individual elements of the vector must not be freed.
 * The final element of the vector will be NULL.
 * On failure, returns NULL.  This does not necessarily indicate a hard error, 
 * it is possible for NULL to be returned when there are no compilers
 * available.
static char **dcc_xci_get_all_compiler_versions(void) {
    const dcc_xci_compiler_info *compilers, *ci;
    int count = 0, i, j;
    char **result = NULL;

    compilers = dcc_xci_parse_distcc_compilers();
    if (!compilers)
        return NULL;

    /* Count the maximum number of compiler versions possible. */
    for (ci = compilers; ci; ci = ci->next)

    result = malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(char *));
    if (!result) {
        rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return NULL;

    for (i = 0, ci = compilers; ci; ci = ci->next) {
        for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            if (!strcmp(result[j], ci->version))
        /* If the version wasn't found yet, add it. */
        if (j == i)
            result[i++] = ci->version;

    result[i++] = NULL;

    return result;

 * Returns an list of items in the directory @p dir.  The matches will have
 * the prefix directory added to them.  If @p pattern is not NULL, the entries
 * must match that pattern (fnmatch).  If match_type is not zero, the d_type
 * must be of the same value.
 * NOTE: The returned value from this function is compatible with the argv
 * functions, specifically, dcc_argv_len() and dcc_free_argv() since it is an
 * array of strings.
 * The returned value is a vector.  The vector and the strings within it should
 * be disposed of and you can use dcc_free_argv().
static char **dcc_xci_directory_list(const char *dir_path, const char *pattern,
                                     int match_type) {
    DIR *dir = NULL;
    struct dirent *entry;
    struct dirent entry_storage;
    char **result = NULL;
    char **new_result;
    int count = 0;
    int dir_len, name_size;
    int err = 0;

    if (!dir_path) goto out_error;
    dir_len = strlen(dir_path);

    if (!(dir = opendir(dir_path))) {
        rs_log_error("opendir(\"%s\") failed: %s", dir_path, strerror(errno));
        goto out_error;

    while (err == 0) {
        if ((err = readdir_r(dir, &entry_storage, &entry))) {
            rs_log_error("readdir_r() failed: %d: %s", err, strerror(err));
            goto out_error;
        if (!entry)
            break; /* done */

        if (match_type && (match_type != entry->d_type))
        if (pattern && fnmatch(pattern, entry->d_name, 0))

        /* If reading directories becomes important, this probably wants a
         * better allocation system, but for now, this is good. */
        /* Add a slot still including space for the ending null. */
        new_result = realloc(result, (count + 2) * sizeof(char*));
        if (!new_result) {
            rs_log_error("realloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto out_error;
        result = new_result;

        /* Include space for the slash and nul */
        name_size = dir_len + 2 + strlen(entry->d_name);
        result[count] = malloc(name_size);
        if (!result[count]) {
            rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto out_error;
        snprintf(result[count++], name_size, "%s/%s", dir_path, entry->d_name);

    /* If it has anything, we need need to put the ending NULL */
    if (count)
        result[count] = NULL;

    if (closedir(dir)) {
        rs_log_error("closedir(\"%s\") failed: %s", dir_path, strerror(errno));
        /* Keep going since we got the data we needed */
    return result;

    if (dir)
    if (result) {
        while (count--) {
            if (result[count])
    return NULL;

 * Looks up key in the plist, and returns the string value found for it.
 * If the key is found, the value string is return as a buffer the caller owns.
 * If the key isn't found, or the value isn't a string, NULL is returned.
 * Plists really are structured data.  In most cases, they are xml blobs; but
 * there is also a binary format, but we don't support those as they don't seem
 * to be used for the SDK information.  We don't really want to drag in full
 * xml processing, so we just do a very simple string lookup, and we don't
 * bother with entity decoding.
static char *dcc_xci_plist_string_value(const char *plist, const char *key) {
    const char *s, *value_start;
    const char key_begin[] = "<key>";
    const char key_end[] = "</key>";
    const char marker_begin[] = "<string>";
    const char marker_end[] = "</string>";
    char *find, *value = NULL;
    size_t find_size;
    int value_len;

    /* We need space to wrap the key in xml tagging of "<key>" and "</key>".
     * The sizes of the keys give us space for the ending nul. */
    find_size = sizeof(key_begin) + strlen(key) + sizeof(key_end) - 1;
    if (!(find = malloc(find_size * sizeof(char)))) {
        rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
        goto bail_out;
    snprintf(find, find_size, "%s%s%s", key_begin, key, key_end);
    /* Find the key marker */
    if (!(s = strstr(plist, find))) {
        rs_log_error("key \"%s\" wasn't found", key);
        goto bail_out;
    s += strlen(find);
    /* Skip whitespace */
    while (*s && isspace(*s)) ++s;
    /* Should be pointing at "<string>" (-1 for length because of the nul). */
    if (strncmp(s, marker_begin, sizeof(marker_begin) - 1)) {
        rs_log_error("Failed to find expected \"%s\"", marker_begin);
        goto bail_out;
    s += sizeof(marker_begin) - 1;
    value_start = s;

    /* Find the ending marker */
    if (!(s = strstr(s, marker_end))) {
        rs_log_error("Failed to find expected \"%s\"", marker_end);
        goto bail_out;

    value_len = s - value_start;
    value = malloc((value_len + 1) * sizeof(char));
    if (!value) {
        rs_log_error("malloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
        goto bail_out;
    strncpy(value, value_start, value_len);
    value[value_len] = '\0';
    if (find)
    return value;

 * Returns a summary string for the SDK at the given path.  On any error or
 * missing data, NULL is returned.
 * The summary is build using these two files:
 * SDKS = [SDK_DIR]/SDKSettings.plist
 * SYSVER = [SDK_DIR]/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
 * the summary is (all on one line):
 *   SDKS:CanonicalName SYSVER:ProductVersion
 *                                       SYSVER:ProductBuildVersion SDK_DIR
 * e.g. "macosx10.5 10.5 9M2621 SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"
 * The result string is a buffer owned by the caller.
static char *dcc_xci_create_sdk_info(const char *path) {
    const char *sdk_path;
    char *name = NULL, *version = NULL, *build_version = NULL, *info = NULL;
    const char *xcode_dev_dir;
    char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
    FILE *plist_file = NULL;
    char *plist = NULL;
    int info_size, xcode_dev_dir_len;
    /* Sanity check */
    xcode_dev_dir = dcc_xci_xcodeselect_path();
    xcode_dev_dir_len = strlen(xcode_dev_dir);
    if ((strncmp(path, xcode_dev_dir, xcode_dev_dir_len) != 0)
        || (path[xcode_dev_dir_len] != '/')) {
        rs_log_error("\"%s\" is not in the Xcode developer dir (%s)",
                     path, xcode_dev_dir);
        goto bail_out;

    /* Skip past the developer dir and following slash. */
    sdk_path = path + xcode_dev_dir_len + 1;

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/SDKSettings.plist", path);
    if (!(plist_file = fopen(buf, "r"))) {
        rs_log_error("fopen(%s) failed: %s", buf, strerror(errno));
        goto bail_out;
    if (!(plist = dcc_xci_read_whole_file(plist_file, NULL))) {
        rs_log_error("Failed to read all of \"%s\"", buf);
        goto bail_out;
    plist_file = NULL;
    name = dcc_xci_plist_string_value(plist, "CanonicalName");
    if (!name) {
        rs_log_error("%s didn't have CanonicalName", buf);
        goto bail_out;
    plist = NULL;

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
             "%s/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist", path);
    if (!(plist_file = fopen(buf, "r"))) {
        rs_log_error("fopen(%s) failed: %s", buf, strerror(errno));
        goto bail_out;
    if (!(plist = dcc_xci_read_whole_file(plist_file, NULL))) {
        rs_log_error("Failed to read all of \"%s\"", buf);
        goto bail_out;
    plist_file = NULL;
    version = dcc_xci_plist_string_value(plist, "ProductVersion");
    if (!version) {
        rs_log_error("%s didn't have ProductVersion", buf);
        goto bail_out;

    build_version = dcc_xci_plist_string_value(plist, "ProductBuildVersion");
    if (!build_version) {
        rs_log_error("%s didn't have ProductBuildVersion", buf);
        goto bail_out;

    /* The length of the strings plus the spaces between them and the nul on
     * the end. */
    info_size = strlen(name) + 1 + strlen(version) + 1 +
        strlen(build_version) + 1 + strlen(sdk_path) + 1;
    info = malloc(info_size * sizeof(char));
    if (!info) {
        rs_log_error("malloc(%d) failed: %s", info_size, strerror(errno));
        goto bail_out;
    snprintf(info, info_size, "%s %s %s %s",
             name, version, build_version, sdk_path);

    /* Cleanup temps on the way out (good or bad). */
    if (name)
    if (version)
    if (build_version)
    if (plist)
    if (plist_file)
    return info;

 * Returns a vector of descriptions of all Mac OS X and iPhone SDKs available.
 * This is done by scanning the directories under the Xcode developer
 * directory.
 * NOTE: xcodebuild supports -showsdks & xcodebuild -version -sdk [path]
 * but we want this to work on any system that has the SDKs installed, but may
 * not have Xcode installed, and may not even be a Mac, so we do manual
 * parsing/scanning.
 * Since the result is a vector of strings, it can be cleaned up with
 * dcc_free_argv()
 * A result of NULL doesn't mean failure, it could mean no SDKs were found.
static char **dcc_xci_scan_developer_sdks(void) {
    char **sdks = NULL, **new_sdks;
    int sdk_count = 0;
    const char *dev_dir;
    char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
    char **sdk_paths = NULL;
    char **platforms = NULL;
    char *info = NULL;
    int i, j;
    struct stat statbuf;

    dev_dir = dcc_xci_xcodeselect_path();
    if (!dev_dir) goto bail_out;

    /* As of Xcode 3.1.x, we need to look in:
     *   [XCODE_DEVELOPER]/Developer/SDKs
     *   [XCODE_DEVELOPER]/Platforms/[ANYTHING].platform/Developer/SDKs
     * for directories that end in '.sdk'. */

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/SDKs", dev_dir);
    if (stat(buf, &statbuf) == 0) {
        sdk_paths = dcc_xci_directory_list(buf, "*.sdk", DT_DIR);
        if (sdk_paths) {
            for (i = 0 ; sdk_paths[i] ; ++i) {
                info = dcc_xci_create_sdk_info(sdk_paths[i]);
                if (!info) {
                    rs_log_error("failed to read sdk info, path: %s",
                /* Add a spot, keeping space for the null on the end */
                new_sdks = realloc(sdks, (sdk_count + 2) * sizeof(char*));
                if (!new_sdks) {
                    rs_log_error("realloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
                    sdks = NULL;
                    goto bail_out;
                sdks = new_sdks;
                sdks[sdk_count++] = info;
                info = NULL;
                sdks[sdk_count] = NULL;
            sdk_paths = NULL;

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/Platforms", dev_dir);
    if (stat(buf, &statbuf) == 0) {
        platforms = dcc_xci_directory_list(buf, "*.platform", DT_DIR);
        if (platforms) {
            for (i = 0 ; platforms[i] ; ++i) {
                snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/Developer/SDKs", platforms[i]);
                if (stat(buf, &statbuf) != 0)
                    continue; /* directory doesn't exist, on to the next. */

                sdk_paths = dcc_xci_directory_list(buf, "*.sdk", DT_DIR);
                if (!sdk_paths)
                    continue; /* No sdks, on to the next. */

                for (j = 0 ; sdk_paths[j] ; ++j) {
                    info = dcc_xci_create_sdk_info(sdk_paths[j]);
                    if (!info) {
                        rs_log_error("failed to read sdk info, path: %s",
                    /* Add a spot, keeping space for the null on the end */
                    new_sdks = realloc(sdks, (sdk_count + 2) * sizeof(char*));
                    if (!new_sdks) {
                        rs_log_error("realloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
                        sdks = NULL;
                        goto bail_out;
                    sdks = new_sdks;
                    sdks[sdk_count++] = info;
                    info = NULL;
                    sdks[sdk_count] = NULL;
                sdk_paths = NULL;
            platforms = NULL;

    /* Normal or error cleanup */
    if (info)
    if (sdk_paths)
    if (platforms)
    return sdks;

 * Return a string containing host information, including hardware information,
 * the OS version, and compiler versions.  Information that can't be collected
 * due to errors is omitted from the report.
 * Errors that occur for reasons other than failure to collect data are
 * treated as failures and result in this function returning NULL.
 * The returned string is cached in static storage and must not be freed by
 * callers.
const char *dcc_xci_host_info_string() {
    static const char sys_key[] = "SYSTEM=";
    static const char distcc_key_and_value[] = "DISTCC=" PACKAGE_VERSION;
    static const char compiler_key[] = "COMPILER=";
    static const char cpus_key[] = "CPUS=";
    static const char cpuspeed_key[] = "CPUSPEED=";
    static const char jobs_key[] = "JOBS=";
    static const char priority_key[] = "PRIORITY=";
    static const char sdk_key[] = "SDK=";
    static int has_host_info = 0;
    static char *host_info = NULL;
    int len = 0, pos = 0, ncpus;
    unsigned long long cpuspeed;
    char *info = NULL;
    const char *sys;
    char **compilers = NULL, **compiler;
    char **sdks, **sdk = NULL;
    if (has_host_info)
        return host_info;

    has_host_info = 1;

    /* Allocate 20 bytes for each integer value, so that even if they're
     * 64-bit integers, there will be enough room to store them in decimal.
     * Using sizeof on each key includes the key's terminating NUL, so this
     * doesn't need to account separately for each line's terminating newline.
    static const int int_decimal_len = 20;

    sys = dcc_xci_get_system_version();
    if (sys)
        len += sizeof(sys_key) + strlen(sys);

    len += sizeof(distcc_key_and_value);

    compilers = dcc_xci_get_all_compiler_versions();
    if (compilers) {
        for (compiler = compilers; *compiler; ++compiler)
            len += sizeof(compiler_key) + strlen(*compiler);

    len += sizeof(cpus_key) + int_decimal_len;
    len += sizeof(cpuspeed_key) + int_decimal_len;

    if (dcc_max_kids)
        len += sizeof(jobs_key) + int_decimal_len;

    len += sizeof(priority_key) + int_decimal_len;

    sdks = dcc_xci_scan_developer_sdks();
    if (sdks) {
        for (sdk = sdks; *sdk; ++sdk)
            len += sizeof(sdk_key) + strlen(*sdk);
    /* Leave room for a NUL terminator at the end of the entire string. */

    info = malloc(len);
    if (!info) {
        rs_log_error("malloc(%d) failed: %s", len, strerror(errno));
        goto out_error;
    info[pos] = '\0';

    if (sys) {
        pos += snprintf(info + pos, len - pos, "%s%s\n", sys_key, sys);
        if (pos >= len)
            goto out_error_info_size;

    pos += snprintf(info + pos, len - pos, "%s\n", distcc_key_and_value);
    if (pos >= len)
        goto out_error_info_size;

    if (compilers) {
        for (compiler = compilers; *compiler; ++compiler) {
            pos += snprintf(info + pos, len - pos, "%s%s\n",
                            compiler_key, *compiler);
            if (pos >= len)
                goto out_error_info_size;
        compilers = NULL;
    if (dcc_ncpus(&ncpus) == 0) {
        pos += snprintf(info + pos, len - pos, "%s%d\n", cpus_key, ncpus);
        if (pos >= len)
            goto out_error_info_size;

    if (dcc_cpuspeed(&cpuspeed) == 0) {
        pos += snprintf(info + pos, len - pos, "%s%llu\n", cpuspeed_key,
        if (pos >= len)
            goto out_error_info_size;

    if (dcc_max_kids) {
        pos += snprintf(info + pos, len - pos, "%s%d\n",
                        jobs_key, dcc_max_kids);
        if (pos >= len)
            goto out_error_info_size;

    pos += snprintf(info + pos, len - pos, "%s%d\n", priority_key,
    if (pos >= len)
        goto out_error_info_size;

    if (sdks) {
        for (sdk = sdks; *sdk; ++sdk) {
            pos += snprintf(info + pos, len - pos, "%s%s\n", sdk_key, *sdk);
            if (pos >= len)
                goto out_error_info_size;
        sdks = NULL;

    /* Trim the buffer to the size actually used. */
    if (pos + 1 < len) {
        if (!(host_info = realloc(info, pos + 1))) {
            rs_log_error("realloc() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto out_error;
    } else {
        host_info = info;
    info = NULL;

    return host_info;

    rs_log_error("info buffer of size %d is too small", len);

    if (info)
    if (compilers)
    if (sdks)

    return NULL;