BTree.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * "Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights
 * Reserved.  This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
 * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License').  You may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.  Please obtain a copy of the
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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	File:		BTreesInternal.h

	Contains:	IPI to File Manager B-tree

	Version:	HFS Plus 1.0

	Copyright:	© 1996-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.


#include "SRuntime.h"

// internal error codes
enum {
	// FXM errors

	fxRangeErr				= 16,		// file position beyond mapped range
	fxOvFlErr				= 17,		// extents file overflow

	// Unicode errors
	uniTooLongErr			= 24,		// Unicode string too long to convert to Str31
	uniBufferTooSmallErr	= 25,		// Unicode output buffer too small
	uniNotMappableErr		= 26,		// Unicode string can't be mapped to given script

	// BTree Manager errors

	btNotFound		 		= 32,		// record not found
	btExists  		 		= 33,		// record already exists
	btNoSpaceAvail			= 34,		// no available space
	btNoFit   		 		= 35,		// record doesn't fit in node 
	btBadNode 		 		= 36,		// bad node detected
	btBadHdr  		 		= 37,		// bad BTree header record detected
	dsBadRotate   	 		= 64,		// bad BTree rotate

	// Catalog Manager errors

	cmNotFound		 		= 48,		// CNode not found
	cmExists  		 		= 49,		// CNode already exists
	cmNotEmpty		 		= 50,		// directory CNode not empty (valence = 0)
	cmRootCN  		 		= 51,		// invalid reference to root CNode
	cmBadNews 		 		= 52,		// detected bad catalog structure
	cmFThdDirErr  	 		= 53,		// thread belongs to a directory not a file
	cmFThdGone		 		= 54,		// file thread doesn't exist
	cmParentNotFound		= 55,		// CNode for parent ID does not exist
	cmNotAFolder			= 56,		// Destination of move is a file, not a folder
	cmUnknownNodeType		= 57,		// Node type isn't recognized

	// Volume Check errors
	vcInvalidExtentErr		= 60		// Extent record is out of bounds

enum {
	fsBTInvalidHeaderErr			= btBadHdr,
	fsBTBadRotateErr				= dsBadRotate,
	fsBTInvalidNodeErr				= btBadNode,
	fsBTRecordTooLargeErr			= btNoFit,
	fsBTRecordNotFoundErr			= btNotFound,
	fsBTDuplicateRecordErr			= btExists,
	fsBTFullErr						= btNoSpaceAvail,

	fsBTInvalidFileErr				= 0x0302,					/* no BTreeCB has been allocated for fork*/
	fsBTrFileAlreadyOpenErr			= 0x0303,
	fsBTInvalidIteratorErr			= 0x0308,
	fsBTEmptyErr					= 0x030A,
	fsBTNoMoreMapNodesErr			= 0x030B,
	fsBTBadNodeSize					= 0x030C,
	fsBTBadNodeType					= 0x030D,
	fsBTInvalidKeyLengthErr			= 0x030E,
	fsBTInvalidKeyDescriptor		= 0x030F,
	fsBTStartOfIterationErr			= 0x0353,
	fsBTEndOfIterationErr			= 0x0354,
	fsBTUnknownVersionErr			= 0x0355,
	fsBTTreeTooDeepErr				= 0x0357,
	fsBTInvalidKeyDescriptorErr		= 0x0358,
	fsBTInvalidKeyFieldErr			= 0x035E,
	fsBTInvalidKeyAttributeErr		= 0x035F,
	fsIteratorExitedScopeErr		= 0x0A02,			/* iterator exited the scope*/
	fsIteratorScopeExceptionErr		= 0x0A03,			/* iterator is undefined due to error or movement of scope locality*/
	fsUnknownIteratorMovementErr	= 0x0A04,			/* iterator movement is not defined*/
	fsInvalidIterationMovmentErr	= 0x0A05,			/* iterator movement is invalid in current context*/
	fsClientIDMismatchErr			= 0x0A06,			/* wrong client process ID*/
	fsEndOfIterationErr				= 0x0A07,			/* there were no objects left to return on iteration*/
	fsBTTimeOutErr					= 0x0A08			/* BTree scan interrupted -- no time left for physical I/O */

struct FSBufferDescriptor {
	LogicalAddress 					bufferAddress;
	ByteCount 						itemSize;
	ItemCount 						itemCount;
typedef struct FSBufferDescriptor FSBufferDescriptor;

typedef FSBufferDescriptor *FSBufferDescriptorPtr;

typedef	UInt64	FSSize;
typedef	UInt32	ForkBlockNumber;

	BTreeObjID is used to indicate an access path using the
	BTree access method to a specific fork of a file. This value
	is session relative and not persistent between invocations of
	an application. It is in fact an object ID to which requests
	for the given path should be sent.
typedef UInt32 BTreeObjID;

	B*Tree Information Version

enum BTreeInformationVersion{
	kBTreeInfoVersion	= 0

	B*Tree Iteration Operation Constants

enum BTreeIterationOperations{
typedef UInt16 BTreeIterationOperation;

	B*Tree Key Descriptor Limits

enum {
	kMaxKeyDescriptorLength		= 23,

	B*Tree Key Descriptor Field Types

enum {
	kBTreeSkip				=  0,
	kBTreeByte				=  1,
	kBTreeSignedByte		=  2,
	kBTreeWord				=  4,
	kBTreeSignedWord		=  5,
	kBTreeLong				=  6,
	kBTreeSignedLong		=  7,
	kBTreeString			=  3,		// Pascal string
	kBTreeFixLenString		=  8,		// Pascal string w/ fixed length buffer
	kBTreeReserved			=  9,		// reserved for Desktop Manager (?)
	kBTreeUseKeyCmpProc		= 10,
	//¥¥ not implemented yet...
	kBTreeCString			= 11,
	kBTreeFixLenCString		= 12,
	kBTreeUniCodeString		= 13,
	kBTreeFixUniCodeString	= 14
typedef UInt8		BTreeKeyType;

	B*Tree Key Descriptor String Field Attributes

enum {
	kBTreeCaseSens			= 0x10,		// case sensitive
	kBTreeNotDiacSens		= 0x20		// not diacritical sensitive
typedef UInt8		BTreeStringAttributes;

	Btree types: 0 is HFS CAT/EXT file, 1~127 are AppleShare B*Tree files, 128~254 unused
	hfsBtreeType	EQU		0			; control file
	validBTType		EQU		$80			; user btree type starts from 128
	userBT1Type		EQU		$FF			; 255 is our Btree type. Used by BTInit and BTPatch

enum BTreeTypes{
	kHFSBTreeType			=   0,		// control file
	kUserBTreeType			= 128,		// user btree type starts from 128
	kReservedBTreeType		= 255		//

enum {
	kInvalidMRUCacheKey		= -1L	/* flag to denote current MRU cache key is invalid*/


	B*Tree Key Structures

	BTreeKeyDescriptor is used to indicate how keys for a particular B*Tree
	are to be compared.
typedef char BTreeKeyDescriptor[26];
typedef char *BTreeKeyDescriptorPtr;

	BTreeInformation is used to describe the public information about a BTree
struct BTreeInformation{
	UInt16						NodeSize;
	UInt16						MaxKeyLength;
	UInt16						Depth;
	UInt16						Reserved;
	ItemCount					NumRecords;
	ItemCount					NumNodes;
	ItemCount					NumFreeNodes;
	ByteCount					ClumpSize;
	BTreeKeyDescriptor			KeyDescriptor;
typedef struct BTreeInformation BTreeInformation;
typedef BTreeInformation *BTreeInformationPtr;

typedef BTreeKey *BTreeKeyPtr;

struct KeyDescriptor{
	UInt8			length;
	UInt8			fieldDesc [kMaxKeyDescriptorLength];
typedef struct KeyDescriptor KeyDescriptor;
typedef KeyDescriptor *KeyDescriptorPtr;

struct NumberFieldDescriptor{
	UInt8			fieldType;
	UInt8			occurrence;					// number of consecutive fields of this type
typedef struct NumberFieldDescriptor NumberFieldDescriptor;

struct StringFieldDescriptor{
	UInt8			fieldType;					// kBTString
	UInt8			occurrence;					// number of consecutive fields of this type
	UInt8			stringAttribute;
	UInt8			filler;
typedef struct StringFieldDescriptor StringFieldDescriptor;

struct FixedLengthStringFieldDescriptor{
	UInt8			fieldType;					// kBTFixLenString
	UInt8			stringLength;
	UInt8			occurrence;
	UInt8			stringAttribute;
typedef struct FixedLengthStringFieldDescriptor FixedLengthStringFieldDescriptor;

	BTreeInfoRec Structure - for BTGetInformation
struct BTreeInfoRec{
	UInt16				version;
	UInt16				nodeSize;
	UInt16				maxKeyLength;
	UInt16				treeDepth;
	ItemCount			numRecords;
	ItemCount			numNodes;
	ItemCount			numFreeNodes;
	KeyDescriptorPtr	keyDescriptor;
	ByteCount			keyDescLength;
	UInt32				reserved;
typedef struct BTreeInfoRec BTreeInfoRec;
typedef BTreeInfoRec *BTreeInfoPtr;

	BTreeHint can never be exported to the outside. Use UInt32 BTreeHint[4],
	UInt8 BTreeHint[16], etc.
struct BTreeHint{
	ItemCount				writeCount;
	UInt32					nodeNum;			// node the key was last seen in
	UInt16					index;				// index then key was last seen at
	UInt16					reserved1;
	UInt32					reserved2;
typedef struct BTreeHint BTreeHint;
typedef BTreeHint *BTreeHintPtr;

	BTree Iterator
struct BTreeIterator{
	BTreeHint				hint;
	UInt16					version;
	UInt16					reserved;
	BTreeKey				key;
typedef struct BTreeIterator BTreeIterator;
typedef BTreeIterator *BTreeIteratorPtr;

	B*Tree SPI

typedef SInt32		(* KeyCompareProcPtr)	(BTreeKeyPtr a, BTreeKeyPtr b);

typedef	OSStatus	(* GetBlockProcPtr)		(SFCB	*filePtr,
											 UInt32						 blockNum,
											 GetBlockOptions			 options,
											 BlockDescriptor			*block );

typedef	OSStatus	(* ReleaseBlockProcPtr)	(SFCB		*filePtr,
											 BlockDescPtr				 blockPtr,
											 ReleaseBlockOptions		 options );

typedef	OSStatus	(* SetEndOfForkProcPtr)	(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
											 FSSize						 minEOF,
											 FSSize						 maxEOF );
typedef	OSStatus	(* SetBlockSizeProcPtr)	(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
											 ByteCount					 blockSize );

OSStatus		SetEndOfForkProc ( SFCB		 				*filePtr, FSSize minEOF, FSSize maxEOF );

extern OSStatus	InitBTreeModule		(void);

extern OSStatus	BTInitialize		(SFCB						*filePtrPtr,
									 UInt16						 maxKeyLength,
									 UInt16						 nodeSize,
									 UInt8						 btreeType,
									 KeyDescriptorPtr			 keyDescPtr );

extern OSStatus	BTOpenPath			(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
									 KeyCompareProcPtr			 keyCompareProc,
									 GetBlockProcPtr			 getBlockProc,
									 ReleaseBlockProcPtr		 releaseBlockProc,
									 SetEndOfForkProcPtr		 setEndOfForkProc,
									 SetBlockSizeProcPtr		 setBlockSizeProc );

extern OSStatus	BTClosePath			(SFCB		 				*filePtr );

extern OSStatus	BTSearchRecord		(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
									 BTreeIterator				*searchIterator,
									 UInt32						heuristicHint,
									 FSBufferDescriptor			*btRecord,
									 UInt16						*recordLen,
									 BTreeIterator				*resultIterator );

extern OSStatus	BTIterateRecord		(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
									 BTreeIterationOperation	 operation,
									 BTreeIterator				*iterator,
									 FSBufferDescriptor			*btRecord,
									 UInt16						*recordLen );

extern OSStatus	BTInsertRecord		(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
									 BTreeIterator				*iterator,
									 FSBufferDescriptor			*btrecord,
									 UInt16						 recordLen );

extern OSStatus	BTReplaceRecord		(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
									 BTreeIterator				*iterator,
									 FSBufferDescriptor			*btRecord,
									 UInt16						 recordLen );

extern OSStatus	BTSetRecord			(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
									 BTreeIterator				*iterator,
									 FSBufferDescriptor			*btRecord,
									 UInt16						 recordLen );

extern OSStatus	BTDeleteRecord		(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
									 BTreeIterator				*iterator );

extern OSStatus	BTGetInformation	(SFCB		 				*filePtr,
									 UInt16						 version,
									 BTreeInfoRec				*info );

extern OSStatus	BTFlushPath			(SFCB		 				*filePtr );

extern OSStatus	BTInvalidateHint	(BTreeIterator				*iterator );

#endif // __BTREESINTERNAL__