## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in include $(top_srcdir)/include.mk SUBDIRS=@target_cpu@ @target_os@ generic # Various categories of IDL and headers to include commonidl= codesets.idl conv.idl convc.idl ep.idl \ iovector.idl lbase.idl mgmt.idl nbase.idl ncastat.idl \ ndrold.idl rpc.idl rpcbase.idl rpcpvt.idl rpcsts.idl rpctypes.idl \ twr.idl uuid.idl id_base.idl authsvcidl=schannel.idl smbidl=smb.idl lrpcidl=lrpc.idl commonheaders=codesets_stub.h stubbase.h idl_es.h idlbase.h idlddefs.h \ rpcexc.h osdepheaders=dce_utils.h sec_authn.h dce.h dce_error.h cpudepheaders=marshall.h ndr_rep.h ndrtypes.h threadheaders=dcethread.h authsvcheaders=schannel.h # Headers generated by the idl compiler IDLHEADERS=$(commonidl:.idl=.h) IDLHEADERS+=$(authsvcidl:.idl=.h) IDLHEADERS+=$(smbidl:.idl=.h) IDLHEADERS+=$(lrpcidl:.idl=.h) # Publish DCE headers dceincludedir = $(includedir)/dce dceinclude_HEADERS=$(threadheaders) $(IDLHEADERS) $(osdepheaders) $(cpudepheaders) $(commonheaders) $(commonidl) # This is so that dependency scanning knows that we build these headers BUILT_SOURCES=$(IDLHEADERS) # The dist target needs to know to include these files too EXTRA_DIST=i386/* alpha/* AT386/* linux-gnu/* HP800/* sparc/* powerpc/* s390/* s390x/* solaris2.8/* solaris2.10/* darwin/* aix5.2.0.0/* x86_64/* generic/*