tlsbin.dd   [plain text]

#source: tlsbinpic.s
#source: tlsbin.s
#as: --64
#ld: -shared -melf_x86_64
#objdump: -drj.text
#target: x86_64-*-*

# PT_TLS layout is:
# Offset from   Offset from     Name
# TCB base      TCB end
# 0x00          -0xa0           sg1..sg8
# 0x20          -0x80           sl1..sl8
# 0x40          -0x60           sh1..sh8
# 0x60          -0x40           bg1..bg8
# 0x80          -0x20           bl1..bl8

.*: +file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0+401000 <fn2>:
  401000:	55[ 	]+push   %rbp
  401001:	48 89 e5[ 	]+mov    %rsp,%rbp
#  GD -> IE because variable is not defined in executable
  401004:	64 48 8b 04 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  40100b:	00 00 *
  40100d:	48 03 05 d4 03 10 00[ 	]+add    1049556\(%rip\),%rax +# 5013e8 <.*>
#				-> R_X86_64_TPOFF64	sG1
  401014:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401015:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401016:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401017:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  GD -> IE because variable is not defined in executable where
#  the variable is referenced through IE too
  401018:	64 48 8b 04 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  40101f:	00 00 *
  401021:	48 03 05 b0 03 10 00[ 	]+add    1049520\(%rip\),%rax +# 5013d8 <.*>
#				-> R_X86_64_TPOFF64	sG2
  401028:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401029:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40102a:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40102b:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  GD -> LE with global variable defined in executable
  40102c:	64 48 8b 04 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  401033:	00 00 *
  401035:	48 8d 80 60 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+60\(%rax\),%rax
#							sg1
  40103c:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40103d:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40103e:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40103f:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  GD -> LE with local variable defined in executable
  401040:	64 48 8b 04 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  401047:	00 00 *
  401049:	48 8d 80 80 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+80\(%rax\),%rax
#							sl1
  401050:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401051:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401052:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401053:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  GD -> LE with hidden variable defined in executable
  401054:	64 48 8b 04 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  40105b:	00 00 *
  40105d:	48 8d 80 a0 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+a0\(%rax\),%rax
#							sh1
  401064:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401065:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401066:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401067:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  LD -> LE
  401068:	66 66 66 64 48 8b 04[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  40106f:	25 00 00 00 00 *
  401074:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401075:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401076:	48 8d 90 81 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+81\(%rax\),%rdx
#							sl1+1
  40107d:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40107e:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40107f:	4c 8d 88 86 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+86\(%rax\),%r9
#							sl2+2
  401086:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401087:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401088:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401089:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  LD -> LE against hidden variables
  40108a:	66 66 66 64 48 8b 04[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  401091:	25 00 00 00 00 *
  401096:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401097:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401098:	48 8d 90 a0 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+a0\(%rax\),%rdx
#							sh1
  40109f:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010a0:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010a1:	48 8d 88 a7 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+a7\(%rax\),%rcx
#							sh2+3
  4010a8:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010a9:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010aa:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010ab:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE against global var
  4010ac:	64 4c 8b 0c 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%r9
  4010b3:	00 00 *
  4010b5:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010b6:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010b7:	4c 03 0d 1a 03 10 00[ 	]+add    1049370\(%rip\),%r9 +# 5013d8 <.*>
#				-> R_X86_64_TPOFF64	sG2
  4010be:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010bf:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010c0:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010c1:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE -> LE against global var defined in exec
  4010c2:	64 4c 8b 14 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%r10
  4010c9:	00 00 *
  4010cb:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010cc:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010cd:	4d 8d 92 60 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+60\(%r10\),%r10
#							sg1
  4010d4:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010d5:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010d6:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010d7:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE -> LE against local var
  4010d8:	64 48 8b 04 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  4010df:	00 00 *
  4010e1:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010e2:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010e3:	48 8d 80 80 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+80\(%rax\),%rax
#							sl1
  4010ea:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010eb:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010ec:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010ed:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE -> LE against hidden var
  4010ee:	64 48 8b 0c 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rcx
  4010f5:	00 00 *
  4010f7:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010f8:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4010f9:	48 8d 89 a0 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+a0\(%rcx\),%rcx
#							sh1
  401100:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401101:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401102:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401103:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  Direct access through %fs
#  IE against global var
  401104:	48 8b 0d c5 02 10 00[ 	]+mov    1049285\(%rip\),%rcx +# 5013d0 <.*>
#				-> R_X86_64_TPOFF64	sG5
  40110b:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40110c:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40110d:	64 48 8b 11[ 	]+mov    %fs:\(%rcx\),%rdx
  401111:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401112:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401113:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401114:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE->LE against local var
  401115:	49 c7 c3 90 ff ff ff[ 	]+mov    \$0xf+90,%r11
#							sl5
  40111c:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40111d:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40111e:	64 4d 8b 23[ 	]+mov    %fs:\(%r11\),%r12
  401122:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401123:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401124:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401125:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE->LE against hidden var
  401126:	48 c7 c2 b0 ff ff ff[ 	]+mov    \$0xf+b0,%rdx
  40112d:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40112e:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40112f:	64 48 8b 12[ 	]+mov    %fs:\(%rdx\),%rdx
#							sh5
  401133:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401134:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401135:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401136:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401137:	c9[ 	]+leaveq *
  401138:	c3[ 	]+retq *
  401139:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40113a:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40113b:	90[ 	]+nop *

0+40113c <_start>:
  40113c:	55[ 	]+push   %rbp
  40113d:	48 89 e5[ 	]+mov    %rsp,%rbp
#  IE against global var
  401140:	64 4c 8b 1c 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%r11
  401147:	00 00 *
  401149:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40114a:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40114b:	4c 03 1d 8e 02 10 00[ 	]+add    1049230\(%rip\),%r11 +# 5013e0 <.*>
#				-> R_X86_64_TPOFF64	sG6
  401152:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401153:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401154:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401155:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE -> LE against global var defined in exec
  401156:	64 48 8b 14 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rdx
  40115d:	00 00 *
  40115f:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401160:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401161:	48 8d 92 d4 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+d4\(%rdx\),%rdx
#							bg6
  401168:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401169:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40116a:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40116b:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE -> LE against local var
  40116c:	64 4c 8b 24 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%r12
  401173:	00 00 *
  401175:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401176:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401177:	49 81 c4 f4 ff ff ff[ 	]+add    \$0xf+f4,%r12
#							bl6
  40117e:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40117f:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401180:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401181:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  direct %fs access IE -> LE against local var
  401182:	48 c7 c2 fc ff ff ff[ 	]+mov    \$0xf+fc,%rdx
#							bl8
  401189:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40118a:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40118b:	64 48 8b 02[ 	]+mov    %fs:\(%rdx\),%rax
  40118f:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401190:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401191:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401192:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  IE -> LE against hidden but not local var
  401193:	64 48 8b 14 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rdx
  40119a:	00 00 *
  40119c:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40119d:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40119e:	48 8d 92 b4 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+b4\(%rdx\),%rdx
#							sh6
  4011a5:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011a6:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011a7:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011a8:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  direct %fs access IE -> LE against hidden but not local var
  4011a9:	48 c7 c2 bc ff ff ff[ 	]+mov    \$0xf+bc,%rdx
#							sh8
  4011b0:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011b1:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011b2:	64 48 8b 02[ 	]+mov    %fs:\(%rdx\),%rax
  4011b6:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011b7:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011b8:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011b9:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  LE, global var defined in exec
  4011ba:	64 48 8b 04 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
  4011c1:	00 00 *
  4011c3:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011c4:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011c5:	48 8d 90 64 ff ff ff[ 	]+lea    0xf+64\(%rax\),%rdx
#							sg2
  4011cc:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011cd:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011ce:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011cf:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  LE, local var, non-canonical sequence
  4011d0:	49 c7 c1 e6 ff ff ff[ 	]+mov    \$0xf+e6,%r9
#							bl2+2
  4011d7:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011d8:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011d9:	64 48 8b 14 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rdx
  4011e0:	00 00 *
  4011e2:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011e3:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011e4:	4c 01 ca[ 	]+add    %r9,%rdx
  4011e7:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011e8:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011e9:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011ea:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  LE, hidden var defined in exec, non-canonical sequence
  4011eb:	64 48 8b 14 25 00 00[ 	]+mov    %fs:0x0,%rdx
  4011f2:	00 00 *
  4011f4:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011f5:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011f6:	48 81 c2 a5 ff ff ff[ 	]+add    \$0xf+a5,%rdx
#							sh2+1
  4011fd:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011fe:	90[ 	]+nop *
  4011ff:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401200:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  Direct %fs access
#  LE, global var defined in exec
  401201:	64 48 8b 04 25 68 ff[ 	]+mov    %fs:0xf+68,%rax
  401208:	ff ff *
#							sg3
  40120a:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40120b:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40120c:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40120d:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  LE, local var
  40120e:	64 4c 8b 14 25 eb ff[ 	]+mov    %fs:0xf+eb,%r10
  401215:	ff ff *
#							bl3+3
  401217:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401218:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401219:	90[ 	]+nop *
  40121a:	90[ 	]+nop *
#  LE, hidden var defined in exec
  40121b:	64 48 8b 14 25 a9 ff[ 	]+mov    %fs:0xf+a9,%rdx
  401222:	ff ff *
#							sh3+1
  401224:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401225:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401226:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401227:	90[ 	]+nop *
  401228:	c9[ 	]+leaveq *
  401229:	c3[ 	]+retq *