curl_formfree.html   [plain text]

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       curl_formfree - free a previously build multipart/formdata
       HTTP POST chain

       <B>#include</B> <B>&lt;curl/curl.h&gt;</B>

       <B>void</B> <B>curl_formfree(struct</B> <B>HttpPost</B> <B>*</B><I>form);</I>

       curl_formfree()  is  used  to  clean  up  data  previously
       built/appended  with curl_formadd()/curl_formparse(). This
       must be called when the data has been  used,  which  typi-
       cally means after the curl_easy_perform() has been called.


       <B>curl_formparse(3)</B> [deprecated], <B>curl_formadd(3)</B>

       libcurl 7.7.1 and earlier versions does not allow  a  NULL
       pointer to be used as argument.

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