client.c   [plain text]

 * "$Id: client.c,v 1.24 2005/01/10 23:40:51 jlovell Exp $"
 *   Client routines for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) scheduler.
 *   Copyright 1997-2005 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
 *   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 *   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
 *   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
 *   "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file.  If this
 *   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
 *   at:
 *       Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
 *       Easy Software Products
 *       44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
 *       Hollywood, Maryland 20636 USA
 *       Voice: (301) 373-9600
 *       EMail:
 *         WWW:
 * Contents:
 *   AcceptClient()        - Accept a new client.
 *   CloseAllClients()     - Close all remote clients immediately.
 *   CloseClient()         - Close a remote client.
 *   EncryptClient()       - Enable encryption for the client...
 *   IsCGI()               - Is the resource a CGI script/program?
 *   ReadClient()          - Read data from a client.
 *   SendCommand()         - Send output from a command via HTTP.
 *   SendError()           - Send an error message via HTTP.
 *   SendFile()            - Send a file via HTTP.
 *   SendHeader()          - Send an HTTP request.
 *   UpdateCGI()           - Read status messages from CGI scripts and programs.
 *   WriteClient()         - Write data to a client as needed.
 *   check_if_modified()   - Decode an "If-Modified-Since" line.
 *   decode_auth()         - Decode an authorization string.
 *   get_file()            - Get a filename and state info.
 *   install_conf_file()   - Install a configuration file.
 *   is_path_absolute()    - Is a path absolute and free of relative elements.
 *   pipe_command()        - Pipe the output of a command to the remote client.
 *   CDSAGetServerCerts()  - Convert a keychain name into the CFArrayRef
 *                           required by SSLSetCertificate.
 *   CDSAReadFunc()        - Read function for CDSA decryption code.
 *   CDSAWriteFunc()       - Write function for CDSA encryption code.

 * Include necessary headers...

#include <cups/http-private.h>
#include "cupsd.h"
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#  include <inttypes.h>
#endif /* HAVE_INTTYPES_H */

#  include <pthread.h>
#  include <dlfcn.h>
#endif /* HAVE_DLFCN_H */

 * Globals...

static OSStatus (*SSLCloseProc)(SSLContextRef context) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLDisposeContextProc)(SSLContextRef context) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLGetBufferedReadSizeProc)(SSLContextRef context, size_t *bufSize) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLHandshakeProc)(SSLContextRef context) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLNewContextProc)(Boolean isServer, SSLContextRef *contextPtr) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLReadProc)(SSLContextRef context, void *data, size_t dataLength, size_t *processed) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLSetCertificateProc)(SSLContextRef context, CFArrayRef certRefs);
static OSStatus (*SSLSetConnectionProc)(SSLContextRef context, SSLConnectionRef connection) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLSetEnableCertVerifyProc)(SSLContextRef context, Boolean enableVerify) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLSetIOFuncsProc)(SSLContextRef context, SSLReadFunc read, SSLWriteFunc write) = NULL;
static OSStatus (*SSLSetPeerDomainNameProc)(SSLContextRef context, const char *peerName, size_t peerNameLen);
static OSStatus (*SSLSetProtocolVersionProc)(SSLContextRef context, SSLProtocol version);
static OSStatus (*SSLWriteProc)(SSLContextRef context, const void *data, size_t dataLength, size_t *processed) = NULL;

CFTypeID (*SecIdentityGetTypeIDProc)(void) = NULL;
OSStatus (*SecIdentitySearchCopyNextProc)(SecIdentitySearchRef searchRef, SecIdentityRef *identity) = NULL;
OSStatus (*SecIdentitySearchCreateProc)(CFTypeRef keychainOrArray, CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage, SecIdentitySearchRef *searchRef) = NULL;
OSStatus (*SecKeychainOpenProc)(const char *pathName, SecKeychainRef *keychain) = NULL;

static pthread_once_t	cdsa_key_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
					/* One-time initialization object */
#endif	/* HAVE_CDSASSL */

 * Local functions...

static int		check_if_modified(client_t *con,
			                  struct stat *filestats);
static void		decode_auth(client_t *con);
static char		*get_file(client_t *con, struct stat *filestats, 
			          char *filename, int len);
static http_status_t	install_conf_file(client_t *con);
static int		is_path_absolute(const char *path);
static int		pipe_command(client_t *con, int infile, int *outfile,
			             char *command, char *options);

static CFArrayRef CDSAGetServerCerts();
static OSStatus		CDSAReadFunc(SSLConnectionRef connection, void *data,
			             size_t *dataLength);
static OSStatus		CDSAWriteFunc(SSLConnectionRef connection,
			              const void *data, size_t *dataLength);
#endif /* HAVE_CDSASSL */

 * 'AcceptClient()' - Accept a new client.

AcceptClient(listener_t *lis)	/* I - Listener socket */
  int			i;	/* Looping var */
  int			count;	/* Count of connections on a host */
  int			val;	/* Parameter value */
  client_t		*con,	/* New client pointer */
			*current;/* Temporary client pointer */
  unsigned		address;/* Address of client */
  struct hostent	*host;	/* Host entry for address */
  static time_t		last_dos = 0;
				/* Time of last DoS attack */

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "AcceptClient(lis=%p) %d NumClients = %d",
             lis, lis->fd, NumClients);

  * Make sure we don't have a full set of clients already...

  if (NumClients == MaxClients)

  * Create a new client entity...

  if ((con = calloc(1, sizeof(client_t))) == NULL)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory for client - %s",

  * Insert it in the client list...

  con->next = Clients;
  Clients = con;

  NumClients ++;

  con->http.activity = time(NULL);
  con->file          = -1;

  * Accept the client and get the remote address...

  val = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);

  if ((con->http.fd = accept(lis->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&(con->http.hostaddr),
                             &val)) < 0)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to accept client connection - %s.",

  con->http.hostaddr.sin_port = lis->address.sin_port;

  * Check the number of clients on the same address...

  for (count = 0, current = Clients; current != NULL; current = current->next)
    if (current != con && memcmp(&(current->http.hostaddr), &(con->http.hostaddr),
               sizeof(con->http.hostaddr)) == 0)
      count ++;
      if (count >= MaxClientsPerHost)

  if (count >= MaxClientsPerHost)
    if ((time(NULL) - last_dos) >= 60)
      last_dos = time(NULL);
      LogMessage(L_WARN, "Possible DoS attack - more than %d clients connecting from %s!",
        	 MaxClientsPerHost, con->http.hostname);


  * Get the hostname or format the IP address as needed...

  if (con->http.hostaddr.sin_family == AF_LOCAL)
    address = 0x7f000001;
    host = NULL;
    address = ntohl(con->http.hostaddr.sin_addr.s_addr);

    if (HostNameLookups)
#ifndef __sgi
      host = gethostbyaddr((char *)&(con->http.hostaddr.sin_addr),
                           sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET);
      host = gethostbyaddr(&(con->http.hostaddr.sin_addr),
                           sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET);
#endif /* !__sgi */
      host = NULL;

  if (address == 0x7f000001)
    * Map accesses from the loopback interface to "localhost"...

    strlcpy(con->http.hostname, "localhost", sizeof(con->http.hostname));
  else if (con->http.hostaddr.sin_addr.s_addr == ServerAddr.sin_addr.s_addr)
    * Map accesses from the same host to the server name.

    strlcpy(con->http.hostname, ServerName, sizeof(con->http.hostname));
  else if (host == NULL)
    sprintf(con->http.hostname, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (address >> 24) & 255,
            (address >> 16) & 255, (address >> 8) & 255, address & 255);

    if (HostNameLookups == 2)
      * Can't have an unresolved IP address with double-lookups enabled...

      LogMessage(L_WARN, "Name lookup failed - connection from %s closed!",
    strlcpy(con->http.hostname, host->h_name, sizeof(con->http.hostname));

  if (HostNameLookups == 2 && con->http.hostaddr.sin_family == AF_INET)
    * Do double lookups as needed...

    if ((host = httpGetHostByName(con->http.hostname)) != NULL)
      * See if the hostname maps to the IP address...

      if (host->h_length != 4 || host->h_addrtype != AF_INET)
        * Not an IPv4 address...

	host = NULL;
        * Compare all of the addresses against this one...

	for (i = 0; host->h_addr_list[i]; i ++)
          if (memcmp(&(con->http.hostaddr.sin_addr), host->h_addr_list[i], 4) == 0)

        if (!host->h_addr_list[i])
	  host = NULL;

    if (host == NULL)
      * Can't have a hostname that doesn't resolve to the same IP address
      * with double-lookups enabled...

      LogMessage(L_WARN, "IP lookup failed - connection from %s closed!",

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "AcceptClient: %d from %s:%d.", con->http.fd,
             con->http.hostname, ntohs(con->http.hostaddr.sin_port));

  * Using TCP_NODELAY improves responsiveness, especially on systems
  * with a slow loopback interface...  Since we write large buffers
  * when sending print files and requests, there shouldn't be any
  * performance penalty for this...

  val = 1;
  setsockopt(con->http.fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &val, sizeof(val)); 

  * Close this file on all execs...

  fcntl(con->http.fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(con->http.fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);

  * Add the socket to the select() input mask.

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "AcceptClient: Adding fd %d to InputSet...",
  FD_SET(con->http.fd, InputSet);

  * Temporarily suspend accept()'s until we lose a client...

  if (NumClients == MaxClients)

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
  * See if we are connecting on a secure port...

  if (lis->encryption == HTTP_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS)
    * https connection; go secure...

    con->http.encryption = HTTP_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS;

#endif /* HAVE_SSL */

 * 'CloseAllClients()' - Close all remote clients immediately.

  while (NumClients > 0)

 * 'CloseClient()' - Close a remote client.

int				/* O - 1 if partial close, 0 if fully closed */
CloseClient(client_t *con)	/* I - Client to close */
  int		partial;	/* Do partial close for SSL? */
  client_t	*current,	/* Current client pointer */
		*prev;		/* Previous client pointer */
#if defined(HAVE_LIBSSL)
  SSL_CTX	*context;	/* Context for encryption */
  SSL		*conn;		/* Connection for encryption */
  unsigned long	error;		/* Error code */
#elif defined(HAVE_GNUTLS)
  http_tls_t     *conn;		/* TLS connection information */
  int            error;		/* Error code */
  gnutls_certificate_server_credentials *credentials;
				/* TLS credentials */
#elif defined(HAVE_CDSASSL)
  OSStatus	 status;	/* Error code */
#endif /* HAVE_CDSASSL */

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "CloseClient: %d", con->http.fd);

  partial = 0;

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
  * Shutdown encryption as needed...

  if (con->http.tls)
    partial = 1;

#  ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL
    conn    = (SSL *)(con->http.tls);
    context = SSL_get_SSL_CTX(conn);

    switch (SSL_shutdown(conn))
      case 1 :
          LogMessage(L_INFO, "CloseClient: SSL shutdown successful!");
      case -1 :
          LogMessage(L_ERROR, "CloseClient: Fatal error during SSL shutdown!");
      default :
	  while ((error = ERR_get_error()) != 0)
	    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "CloseClient: %s", ERR_error_string(error, NULL));


#  elif defined(HAVE_GNUTLS)
    conn        = (http_tls_t *)(con->http.tls);
    credentials = (gnutls_certificate_server_credentials *)(conn->credentials);

    error = gnutls_bye(conn->session, GNUTLS_SHUT_WR);
    switch (error)
      case GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS:
	LogMessage(L_INFO, "CloseClient: SSL shutdown successful!");
	LogMessage(L_ERROR, "CloseClient: %s", gnutls_strerror(error));


#  elif defined(HAVE_CDSASSL)
    status = (*SSLCloseProc)((SSLContextRef)con->http.tls);
#  endif /* HAVE_LIBSSL */

    con->http.tls = NULL;
#endif /* HAVE_SSL */

  * Close the socket and clear the file from the input set for select()...

  if (con->http.fd > 0)
    if (partial)
      * Only do a partial close so that the encrypted client gets everything.

      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "CloseClient: Removing fd %d from OutputSet...",
      shutdown(con->http.fd, 0);
      FD_CLR(con->http.fd, OutputSet);
      * Shut the socket down fully...

      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "CloseClient: Removing fd %d from InputSet and OutputSet...",
      FD_CLR(con->http.fd, InputSet);
      FD_CLR(con->http.fd, OutputSet);
      con->http.fd = 0;

  if (con->pipe_pid != 0)
    * Stop any CGI process...

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "CloseClient: %d Killing process ID %d...",
               con->http.fd, con->pipe_pid);
    kill(con->pipe_pid, SIGKILL);

  if (con->file >= 0)
    if (FD_ISSET(con->file, InputSet))
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "CloseClient: %d Removing fd %d from InputSet...",
        	 con->http.fd, con->file);
      FD_CLR(con->file, InputSet);

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "CloseClient: %d Closing data file %d.",
               con->http.fd, con->file);

    con->file = -1;

  if (!partial)
    * Free memory...

    if (con->http.input_set)



    if (con->request)
      con->request = NULL;

    if (con->response)
      con->response = NULL;

    if (con->language)
      con->language = NULL;

    * Re-enable new client connections if we are going back under the
    * limit...

    if (NumClients == MaxClients)

    * Remove the client from the linked list...

    for (current = Clients, prev = NULL; current != NULL; current = current->next)
      if (current == con)
        if (prev)
	  prev->next = current->next;
	  Clients = current->next;
      prev = current;

    NumClients --;

  return (partial);

 * 'EncryptClient()' - Enable encryption for the client...

int				/* O - 1 on success, 0 on error */
EncryptClient(client_t *con)	/* I - Client to encrypt */
#if defined HAVE_LIBSSL
  SSL_CTX	*context;	/* Context for encryption */
  SSL		*conn;		/* Connection for encryption */
  unsigned long	error;		/* Error code */

  * Create the SSL context and accept the connection...

  context = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method());

  SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(context, ServerKey, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
  SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(context, ServerCertificate, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);

  conn = SSL_new(context);

  SSL_set_fd(conn, con->http.fd);
  if (SSL_accept(conn) != 1)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "EncryptClient: Unable to encrypt connection from %s!",

    while ((error = ERR_get_error()) != 0)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "EncryptClient: %s", ERR_error_string(error, NULL));

    return (0);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "EncryptClient: %d Connection from %s now encrypted.",
             con->http.fd, con->http.hostname);

  con->http.tls = conn;
  return (1);
#elif defined(HAVE_GNUTLS)
  http_tls_t	*conn;		/* TLS session object */
  int		error;		/* Error code */
  gnutls_certificate_server_credentials *credentials;
				/* TLS credentials */

  * Create the SSL object and perform the SSL handshake...

  conn = (http_tls_t *)malloc(sizeof(gnutls_session));

  if (conn == NULL)
    return (0);

  credentials = (gnutls_certificate_server_credentials *)
  if (credentials == NULL)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "EncryptClient: Unable to encrypt connection from %s!",
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "EncryptClient: %s", strerror(errno));

    return (0);

  gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file(*credentials, ServerCertificate, 
				       ServerKey, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM);

  gnutls_init(&(conn->session), GNUTLS_SERVER);
  gnutls_credentials_set(conn->session, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, *credentials);
  gnutls_transport_set_ptr(conn->session, con->http.fd);

  error = gnutls_handshake(conn->session);

  if (error != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "EncryptClient: Unable to encrypt connection from %s!",
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "EncryptClient: %s", gnutls_strerror(error));

    return (0);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "EncryptClient: %d Connection from %s now encrypted.",
             con->http.fd, con->http.hostname);

  conn->credentials = credentials;
  con->http.tls = conn;
  return (1);

#elif defined(HAVE_CDSASSL)
  OSStatus		error;		/* Error info */
  SSLContextRef		conn;		/* New connection */
  char			hostName[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
					/* Local hostname */

  conn		= NULL;
  error		= 0;

  if (ServerCertificatesArray == NULL)
    ServerCertificatesArray = CDSAGetServerCerts();

  if (ServerCertificatesArray == NULL)
               "EncryptClient: Could not find signing key in keychain \"%s\"",
    error = errSSLBadConfiguration;

  if (!error)
    error = (*SSLNewContextProc)(true, &conn);

  if (!error)
    error = (*SSLSetIOFuncsProc)(conn, CDSAReadFunc, CDSAWriteFunc);

  if (!error)
    error = (*SSLSetProtocolVersionProc)(conn, kSSLProtocol3);

  if (!error)
    error = (*SSLSetConnectionProc)(conn, (SSLConnectionRef)con->http.fd);

  if (!error)
    gethostname(hostName, sizeof(hostName));
    error = (*SSLSetPeerDomainNameProc)(conn, hostName, strlen(hostName) + 1);

  if (!error)
    error = (*SSLSetEnableCertVerifyProc)(conn, SSLVerifyCertificates);

  if (!error)
    error = (*SSLSetCertificateProc)(conn, ServerCertificatesArray);

  if (!error)
    * Perform SSL/TLS handshake

      error = (*SSLHandshakeProc)(conn);
    while (error == errSSLWouldBlock);

  if (error)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "EncryptClient: Unable to encrypt connection from %s!",
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "EncryptClient: SSL Error %d", (int)error);

    con->http.error  = error;
    con->http.status = HTTP_ERROR;

    if (conn != NULL)

    return (0);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "EncryptClient: %d Connection from %s now encrypted.",
             con->http.fd, con->http.hostname);

  con->http.tls = conn;
  return (1);

  return (0);
#endif /* HAVE_GNUTLS */

 * 'IsCGI()' - Is the resource a CGI script/program?

int						/* O - 1 = CGI, 0 = file */
IsCGI(client_t    *con,				/* I - Client connection */
      const char  *filename,			/* I - Real filename */
      struct stat *filestats,			/* I - File information */
      mime_type_t *type)			/* I - MIME type */
  const char	*options;			/* Options on URL */

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "IsCGI(con=%p, filename=\"%s\", filestats=%p, type=%s/%s)\n",
             con, filename, filestats, type ? type->super : "unknown",
	     type ? type->type : "unknown");

  * Get the options, if any...

  if ((options = strchr(con->uri, '?')) != NULL)
    options ++;

  * Check for known types...

  if (!type || strcasecmp(type->super, "application"))
    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "IsCGI: Returning 0...");
    return (0);

  if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "x-httpd-cgi") &&
      (filestats->st_mode & 0111))
    * "application/x-httpd-cgi" is a CGI script.

    SetString(&con->command, filename);

    filename = strrchr(filename, '/') + 1; /* Filename always absolute */

    if (options)
      SetStringf(&con->options, "%s %s", filename, options);
      SetStringf(&con->options, "%s", filename);

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "IsCGI: Returning 1 with command=\"%s\" and options=\"%s\"",
               con->command, con->options);

    return (1);
#ifdef HAVE_JAVA
  else if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "x-httpd-java"))
    * "application/x-httpd-java" is a Java servlet.

    SetString(&con->command, CUPS_JAVA);

    if (options)
      SetStringf(&con->options, "java %s %s", filename, options);
      SetStringf(&con->options, "java %s", filename);

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "IsCGI: Returning 1 with command=\"%s\" and options=\"%s\"",
               con->command, con->options);

    return (1);
#endif /* HAVE_JAVA */
#ifdef HAVE_PERL
  else if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "x-httpd-perl"))
    * "application/x-httpd-perl" is a Perl page.

    SetString(&con->command, CUPS_PERL);

    if (options)
      SetStringf(&con->options, "perl %s %s", filename, options);
      SetStringf(&con->options, "perl %s", filename);

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "IsCGI: Returning 1 with command=\"%s\" and options=\"%s\"",
               con->command, con->options);

    return (1);
#endif /* HAVE_PERL */
#ifdef HAVE_PHP
  else if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "x-httpd-php"))
    * "application/x-httpd-php" is a PHP page.

    SetString(&con->command, CUPS_PHP);

    if (options)
      SetStringf(&con->options, "php %s %s", filename, options);
      SetStringf(&con->options, "php %s", filename);

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "IsCGI: Returning 1 with command=\"%s\" and options=\"%s\"",
               con->command, con->options);

    return (1);
#endif /* HAVE_PHP */
  else if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "x-httpd-python"))
    * "application/x-httpd-python" is a Python page.

    SetString(&con->command, CUPS_PYTHON);

    if (options)
      SetStringf(&con->options, "python %s %s", filename, options);
      SetStringf(&con->options, "python %s", filename);

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "IsCGI: Returning 1 with command=\"%s\" and options=\"%s\"",
               con->command, con->options);

    return (1);
#endif /* HAVE_PYTHON */

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "IsCGI: Returning 0...");

  return (0);

 * 'ReadClient()' - Read data from a client.

int					/* O - 1 on success, 0 on error */
ReadClient(client_t *con)		/* I - Client to read from */
  char		line[32768],		/* Line from client... */
		operation[64],		/* Operation code from socket */
		version[64],		/* HTTP version number string */
		locale[64],		/* Locale */
		*ptr;			/* Pointer into strings */
  int		major, minor;		/* HTTP version numbers */
  http_status_t	status;			/* Transfer status */
  ipp_state_t   ipp_state;		/* State of IPP transfer */
  int		bytes;			/* Number of bytes to POST */
  char		*filename;		/* Name of file for GET/HEAD */
  char		buf[1024];		/* Buffer for real filename */
  struct stat	filestats;		/* File information */
  mime_type_t	*type;			/* MIME type of file */
  printer_t	*p;			/* Printer */
  location_t	*best;			/* Best match for authentication */
  static unsigned request_id = 0;	/* Request ID for temp files */

  status = HTTP_CONTINUE;

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: %d, used=%d, file=%d", con->http.fd,
             con->http.used, con->file);

  if (con->http.error)
    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: http error seen...");
    return (CloseClient(con));

  switch (con->http.state)
    case HTTP_WAITING :
        * See if we've received a request line...

        if (httpGets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, HTTP(con)) == NULL)
	  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: httpGets returned EOF...");
          return (CloseClient(con));

        * Ignore blank request lines...

        if (line[0] == '\0')

        * Clear other state variables...


        con->http.activity       = time(NULL);
        con->http.version        = HTTP_1_0;
	con->http.keep_alive     = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_OFF;
	con->http.data_encoding  = HTTP_ENCODE_LENGTH;
	con->http.data_remaining = 0;
	con->http.deprecated_data_remaining = 0;
	con->operation           = HTTP_WAITING;
	con->bytes               = 0;
	con->file                = -1;
	con->file_ready          = 0;
	con->pipe_pid            = 0;
	con->username[0]         = '\0';
	con->password[0]         = '\0';
	con->uri[0]              = '\0';


	if (con->language != NULL)
	  con->language = NULL;

        * Grab the request line...

        switch (sscanf(line, "%63s%1023s%63s", operation, con->uri, version))
	  case 1 :
	      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Bad request line \"%s\" from %s!", line,
	      SendError(con, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
	      return (CloseClient(con));
	  case 2 :
	      con->http.version = HTTP_0_9;
	  case 3 :
	      if (sscanf(version, "HTTP/%d.%d", &major, &minor) != 2)
		LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Bad request line \"%s\" from %s!", line,
		SendError(con, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
		return (CloseClient(con));

	      if (major < 2)
	        con->http.version = (http_version_t)(major * 100 + minor);
		if (con->http.version == HTTP_1_1 && KeepAlive)
		  con->http.keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_ON;
		  con->http.keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_OFF;
	        SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_SUPPORTED);
	        return (CloseClient(con));

        * Handle full URLs in the request line...

        if (con->uri[0] != '/' && strcmp(con->uri, "*"))
	  char	method[HTTP_MAX_URI],		/* Method/scheme */
		userpass[HTTP_MAX_URI],		/* Username:password */
		hostname[HTTP_MAX_URI],		/* Hostname */
		resource[HTTP_MAX_URI];		/* Resource path */
          int	port;				/* Port number */

	  * Separate the URI into its components...

          httpSeparate(con->uri, method, userpass, hostname, &port, resource);

	  * Only allow URIs with the servername, localhost, or an IP
	  * address...

	  if (strcasecmp(hostname, ServerName) &&
	      strcasecmp(hostname, "localhost") &&
	    * Nope, we don't do proxies...

	    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Bad URI \"%s\" in request!", con->uri);
	    SendError(con, HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
	    return (CloseClient(con));

	  * Copy the resource portion back into the URI; both resource and
	  * con->uri are HTTP_MAX_URI bytes in size...

          strcpy(con->uri, resource);

        * Process the request...

        if (strcmp(operation, "GET") == 0)
	  con->http.state = HTTP_GET;
        else if (strcmp(operation, "PUT") == 0)
	  con->http.state = HTTP_PUT;
        else if (strcmp(operation, "POST") == 0)
	  con->http.state = HTTP_POST;
        else if (strcmp(operation, "DELETE") == 0)
	  con->http.state = HTTP_DELETE;
        else if (strcmp(operation, "TRACE") == 0)
	  con->http.state = HTTP_TRACE;
        else if (strcmp(operation, "OPTIONS") == 0)
	  con->http.state = HTTP_OPTIONS;
        else if (strcmp(operation, "HEAD") == 0)
	  con->http.state = HTTP_HEAD;
	  LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Bad operation \"%s\"!", operation);
	  SendError(con, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
	  return (CloseClient(con));

        con->start     = time(NULL);
        con->operation = con->http.state;

        LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "ReadClient: %d %s %s HTTP/%d.%d", con->http.fd,
	           operation, con->uri,
		   con->http.version / 100, con->http.version % 100);

	con->http.status = HTTP_OK;

    case HTTP_OPTIONS :
    case HTTP_DELETE :
    case HTTP_GET :
    case HTTP_HEAD :
    case HTTP_POST :
    case HTTP_PUT :
    case HTTP_TRACE :
        * Parse incoming parameters until the status changes...

        status = httpUpdate(HTTP(con));

	if (status != HTTP_OK && status != HTTP_CONTINUE)
	  SendError(con, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
	  return (CloseClient(con));

    default :
        break; /* Anti-compiler-warning-code */

  * Handle new transfers...

  if (status == HTTP_OK)
    if (con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE][0])
      * Figure out the locale from the Accept-Language and Content-Type
      * fields...

      if ((ptr = strchr(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE], ',')) != NULL)
        *ptr = '\0';

      if ((ptr = strchr(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE], ';')) != NULL)
        *ptr = '\0';

      if ((ptr = strstr(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE], "charset=")) != NULL)
        * Combine language and charset, and trim any extra params in the
	* content-type.

        snprintf(locale, sizeof(locale), "%s.%s",
	         con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE], ptr + 8);

	if ((ptr = strchr(locale, ',')) != NULL)
	  *ptr = '\0';
        snprintf(locale, sizeof(locale), "%s.%s",
	         con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE], DefaultCharset);
      con->language = cupsLangGet(locale);
      con->language = cupsLangGet(DefaultLocale);


    if (strncmp(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONNECTION], "Keep-Alive", 10) == 0 &&
      con->http.keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_ON;

    if (con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_HOST][0] == '\0' &&
        con->http.version >= HTTP_1_1)
      * HTTP/1.1 and higher require the "Host:" field...

      if (!SendError(con, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST))
	return (CloseClient(con));
    else if (con->operation == HTTP_OPTIONS)
      * Do OPTIONS command...

      if ((best = FindBest(con->uri, con->http.state)) != NULL &&
          best->type != AUTH_NONE)
	if (!SendHeader(con, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, NULL))
	  return (CloseClient(con));

      if (strcasecmp(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONNECTION], "Upgrade") == 0 &&
	  con->http.tls == NULL)
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
        * Do encryption stuff...

	  return (CloseClient(con));

	httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Connection: Upgrade\r\n");
	httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Upgrade: TLS/1.0,HTTP/1.1\r\n");
	httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Length: 0\r\n");
	httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "\r\n");

	if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED))
	  return (CloseClient(con));
#endif /* HAVE_SSL */

      if (!SendHeader(con, HTTP_OK, NULL))
	return (CloseClient(con));

      httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, PUT\r\n");
      httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Length: 0\r\n");
      httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "\r\n");
    else if (!is_path_absolute(con->uri))
      * Protect against malicious users!

      if (!SendError(con, HTTP_FORBIDDEN))
	return (CloseClient(con));
      if (strcasecmp(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONNECTION], "Upgrade") == 0 &&
	  con->http.tls == NULL)
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
        * Do encryption stuff...

	  return (CloseClient(con));

	httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Connection: Upgrade\r\n");
	httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Upgrade: TLS/1.0,HTTP/1.1\r\n");
	httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Length: 0\r\n");
	httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "\r\n");

	if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED))
	  return (CloseClient(con));
#endif /* HAVE_SSL */

      if ((status = IsAuthorized(con)) != HTTP_OK)
        LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: Unauthorized request for %s...\n",
	SendError(con, status);
	return (CloseClient(con));

      switch (con->http.state)
            if (strncmp(con->uri, "/printers/", 10) == 0 &&
		strcmp(con->uri + strlen(con->uri) - 4, ".ppd") == 0)
	      * Send PPD file - get the real printer name since printer
	      * names are not case sensitive but filenames can be...

              con->uri[strlen(con->uri) - 4] = '\0';	/* Drop ".ppd" */

              if ((p = FindPrinter(con->uri + 10)) != NULL)
		snprintf(con->uri, sizeof(con->uri), "/ppd/%s.ppd", p->name);
		if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND))
		  return (CloseClient(con));


	    if ((strncmp(con->uri, "/admin", 6) == 0 &&
	         strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/", 12) != 0) ||
		strncmp(con->uri, "/printers", 9) == 0 ||
		strncmp(con->uri, "/classes", 8) == 0 ||
		strncmp(con->uri, "/jobs", 5) == 0)
	      * Send CGI output...

              if (strncmp(con->uri, "/admin", 6) == 0)
		SetStringf(&con->command, "%s/cgi-bin/admin.cgi", ServerBin);

		if ((ptr = strchr(con->uri + 6, '?')) != NULL)
		  SetStringf(&con->options, "admin%s", ptr);
		  SetString(&con->options, "admin");
              else if (strncmp(con->uri, "/printers", 9) == 0)
		SetStringf(&con->command, "%s/cgi-bin/printers.cgi", ServerBin);
		SetString(&con->options, con->uri + 9);
	      else if (strncmp(con->uri, "/classes", 8) == 0)
		SetStringf(&con->command, "%s/cgi-bin/classes.cgi", ServerBin);
		SetString(&con->options, con->uri + 8);
		SetStringf(&con->command, "%s/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi", ServerBin);
                SetString(&con->options, con->uri + 5);

              if (con->options[0] == '/')
	        cups_strcpy(con->options, con->options + 1);

              if (!SendCommand(con, con->command, con->options))
		if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND))
		  return (CloseClient(con));
        	LogRequest(con, HTTP_OK);

	      if (con->http.version <= HTTP_1_0)
		con->http.keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_OFF;
            else if (strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/", 12) == 0 &&
	             (strchr(con->uri + 12, '/') != NULL ||
		      strlen(con->uri) == 12))
	      * GET can only be done to configuration files under
	      * /admin/conf...

	      if (!SendError(con, HTTP_FORBIDDEN))
		return (CloseClient(con));

	      * Serve a file...

              if ((filename = get_file(con, &filestats, buf,
	                               sizeof(buf))) == NULL)
		if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND))
		  return (CloseClient(con));


	      type = mimeFileType(MimeDatabase, filename, NULL);

              if (IsCGI(con, filename, &filestats, type))
	        * Note: con->command and con->options were set by
		* IsCGI()...

        	if (!SendCommand(con, con->command, con->options))
		  if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND))
		    return (CloseClient(con));
        	  LogRequest(con, HTTP_OK);

		if (con->http.version <= HTTP_1_0)
		  con->http.keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_OFF;

	      if (!check_if_modified(con, &filestats))
        	if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED))
		  return (CloseClient(con));
		if (type == NULL)
	          strcpy(line, "text/plain");
	          snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s/%s", type->super, type->type);

        	if (!SendFile(con, HTTP_OK, filename, line, &filestats))
		  return (CloseClient(con));

	    * See if the POST request includes a Content-Length field, and if
	    * so check the length against any limits that are set...

            LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "POST %s", con->uri);
	    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "CONTENT_TYPE = %s", con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE]);

            if (con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH][0] &&
		strtoimax(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH], (char **)NULL, 10) > MaxRequestSize &&
		MaxRequestSize > 0)
	      * Request too large...

              if (!SendError(con, HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE))
		return (CloseClient(con));

	    else if (strtoimax(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH], (char **)NULL, 10) < 0)
	      * Negative content lengths are invalid!

              if (!SendError(con, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST))
		return (CloseClient(con));


	    * See what kind of POST request this is; for IPP requests the
	    * content-type field will be "application/ipp"...

	    if (strcmp(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE], "application/ipp") == 0)
              con->request = ippNew();
	    else if ((strncmp(con->uri, "/admin", 6) == 0 &&
	              strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/", 12) != 0) ||
	             strncmp(con->uri, "/printers", 9) == 0 ||
	             strncmp(con->uri, "/classes", 8) == 0 ||
	             strncmp(con->uri, "/jobs", 5) == 0)
	      * CGI request...

              if (strncmp(con->uri, "/admin", 6) == 0)
		SetStringf(&con->command, "%s/cgi-bin/admin.cgi", ServerBin);

		if ((ptr = strchr(con->uri + 6, '?')) != NULL)
		  SetStringf(&con->options, "admin%s", ptr);
		  SetString(&con->options, "admin");
              else if (strncmp(con->uri, "/printers", 9) == 0)
		SetStringf(&con->command, "%s/cgi-bin/printers.cgi", ServerBin);
		SetString(&con->options, con->uri + 9);
	      else if (strncmp(con->uri, "/classes", 8) == 0)
		SetStringf(&con->command, "%s/cgi-bin/classes.cgi", ServerBin);
		SetString(&con->options, con->uri + 8);
		SetStringf(&con->command, "%s/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi", ServerBin);
		SetString(&con->options, con->uri + 5);

	      if (con->options[0] == '/')
		cups_strcpy(con->options, con->options + 1);

              LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: %d command=\"%s\", options = \"%s\"",
	        	 con->http.fd, con->command, con->options);

	      if (con->http.version <= HTTP_1_0)
		con->http.keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_OFF;
	      * POST to a file...

              if ((filename = get_file(con, &filestats, buf,
	                               sizeof(buf))) == NULL)
		if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND))
		  return (CloseClient(con));


	      type = mimeFileType(MimeDatabase, filename, NULL);

              if (!IsCGI(con, filename, &filestats, type))
	        * Only POST to CGI's...

		if (!SendError(con, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED))
		  return (CloseClient(con));

	    * Validate the resource name...

            if (strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/", 12) != 0 ||
	        strchr(con->uri + 12, '/') != NULL ||
		strlen(con->uri) == 12)
	      * PUT can only be done to configuration files under
	      * /admin/conf...

	      if (!SendError(con, HTTP_FORBIDDEN))
		return (CloseClient(con));


	    * See if the PUT request includes a Content-Length field, and if
	    * so check the length against any limits that are set...

            LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "PUT %s", con->uri);
	    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "CONTENT_TYPE = %s", con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE]);

            if (con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH][0] &&
		strtoimax(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH], (char **)NULL, 10) > MaxRequestSize &&
		MaxRequestSize > 0)
	      * Request too large...

              if (!SendError(con, HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE))
		return (CloseClient(con));

	    else if (atoi(con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH]) < 0)
	      * Negative content lengths are invalid!

              if (!SendError(con, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST))
		return (CloseClient(con));


	    * Open a temporary file to hold the request...

            SetStringf(&con->filename, "%s/%08x", RequestRoot, request_id ++);
	    con->file = open(con->filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0640);

            LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: %d REQUEST %s=%d", con->http.fd,
	               con->filename, con->file);

	    if (con->file < 0)
	      if (!SendError(con, HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE))
		return (CloseClient(con));

	    fchmod(con->file, 0640);
	    fchown(con->file, RunUser, Group);
	    fcntl(con->file, F_SETFD, fcntl(con->file, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);

	case HTTP_TRACE :
            SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
	    return (CloseClient(con));

	case HTTP_HEAD :
            if (strncmp(con->uri, "/printers/", 10) == 0 &&
		strcmp(con->uri + strlen(con->uri) - 4, ".ppd") == 0)
	      * Send PPD file - get the real printer name since printer
	      * names are not case sensitive but filenames can be...

              con->uri[strlen(con->uri) - 4] = '\0';	/* Drop ".ppd" */

              if ((p = FindPrinter(con->uri + 10)) != NULL)
		snprintf(con->uri, sizeof(con->uri), "/ppd/%s.ppd", p->name);
		if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND))
		  return (CloseClient(con));


	    if ((strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/", 7) == 0 &&
	         strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/", 12) != 0) ||
		strncmp(con->uri, "/printers/", 10) == 0 ||
		strncmp(con->uri, "/classes/", 9) == 0 ||
		strncmp(con->uri, "/jobs/", 6) == 0)
	      * CGI output...

              if (!SendHeader(con, HTTP_OK, "text/html"))
		return (CloseClient(con));

	      if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "\r\n") < 0)
		return (CloseClient(con));

              LogRequest(con, HTTP_OK);
            else if (strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/", 12) == 0 &&
	             (strchr(con->uri + 12, '/') != NULL ||
		      strlen(con->uri) == 12))
	      * HEAD can only be done to configuration files under
	      * /admin/conf...

	      if (!SendError(con, HTTP_FORBIDDEN))
		return (CloseClient(con));

	    else if ((filename = get_file(con, &filestats, buf,
	                                  sizeof(buf))) == NULL)
	      if (!SendHeader(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/html"))
		return (CloseClient(con));

              LogRequest(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
	    else if (!check_if_modified(con, &filestats))
              if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED))
		return (CloseClient(con));

              LogRequest(con, HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED);
	      * Serve a file...

	      type = mimeFileType(MimeDatabase, filename, NULL);
	      if (type == NULL)
		strcpy(line, "text/plain");
		snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s/%s", type->super, type->type);

              if (!SendHeader(con, HTTP_OK, line))
		return (CloseClient(con));

	      if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Last-Modified: %s\r\n",
	                     httpGetDateString(filestats.st_mtime)) < 0)
		return (CloseClient(con));

	      if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Length: %" PRIdMAX "\r\n",
	                     (intmax_t)filestats.st_size) < 0)
		return (CloseClient(con));

              LogRequest(con, HTTP_OK);

            if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "\r\n") < 0)
	      return (CloseClient(con));

            con->http.state = HTTP_WAITING;

	default :
            break; /* Anti-compiler-warning-code */

  * Handle any incoming data...

  switch (con->http.state)
    case HTTP_PUT_RECV :
        LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient() %d con->data_encoding = %s, con->data_remaining = %" PRIdMAX ", con->file = %d",
		   con->http.data_encoding == HTTP_ENCODE_CHUNKED ? "chunked" : "length",
		   (intmax_t)con->http.data_remaining, con->file);

        if ((bytes = httpRead(HTTP(con), line, sizeof(line))) < 0)
	  return (CloseClient(con));
	else if (bytes > 0)
	  con->bytes += bytes;

          LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: %d writing %d bytes to %d",
	             con->http.fd, bytes, con->file);

          if (write(con->file, line, bytes) < bytes)
            LogMessage(L_ERROR, "ReadClient: Unable to write %d bytes to %s: %s",
	               bytes, con->filename, strerror(errno));

	    con->file = -1;

            if (!SendError(con, HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE))
	      return (CloseClient(con));

        if (con->http.state == HTTP_WAITING)
	  * End of file, see how big it is...

	  fstat(con->file, &filestats);

          LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient() %d Closing data file %d, size = %" PRIdMAX ".",
                     con->http.fd, con->file, (intmax_t)filestats.st_size);

	  con->file = -1;

          if (filestats.st_size > MaxRequestSize &&
	      MaxRequestSize > 0)
	    * Request is too big; remove it and send an error...

            LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: %d Removing temp file %s",
	               con->http.fd, con->filename);

            if (!SendError(con, HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE))
	      return (CloseClient(con));

	  * Install the configuration file...

          status = install_conf_file(con);

	  * Return the status to the client...

          if (!SendError(con, status))
	    return (CloseClient(con));

    case HTTP_POST_RECV :
        LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient() %d con->data_encoding = %s, con->data_remaining = %" PRIdMAX ", con->file = %d",
		   con->http.data_encoding == HTTP_ENCODE_CHUNKED ? "chunked" : "length",
		   (intmax_t)con->http.data_remaining, con->file);

        if (con->request != NULL)
	  * Grab any request data from the connection...

	  if ((ipp_state = ippRead(&(con->http), con->request)) == IPP_ERROR)
            LogMessage(L_ERROR, "ReadClient: %d IPP Read Error!",

	    SendError(con, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
	    return (CloseClient(con));
	  else if (ipp_state != IPP_DATA)
	    con->bytes += ippLength(con->request);

        if (con->file < 0 && con->http.state != HTTP_POST_SEND)
	  * Create a file as needed for the request data...

          SetStringf(&con->filename, "%s/%08x", RequestRoot, request_id ++);
	  con->file = open(con->filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0640);

          LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: %d REQUEST %s=%d", con->http.fd,
	             con->filename, con->file);

	  if (con->file < 0)
	    if (!SendError(con, HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE))
	      return (CloseClient(con));

	  fchmod(con->file, 0640);
	  fchown(con->file, RunUser, Group);
          fcntl(con->file, F_SETFD, fcntl(con->file, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);

	if (con->http.state != HTTP_POST_SEND)
          if ((bytes = httpRead(HTTP(con), line, sizeof(line))) < 0)
	    return (CloseClient(con));
	  else if (bytes > 0)
	    con->bytes += bytes;

            LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: %d writing %d bytes to %d",
	               con->http.fd, bytes, con->file);

            if (write(con->file, line, bytes) < bytes)
              LogMessage(L_ERROR, "ReadClient: Unable to write %d bytes to %s: %s",
	        	 bytes, con->filename, strerror(errno));

	      con->file = -1;

              if (!SendError(con, HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE))
		return (CloseClient(con));
	  else if (con->http.state == HTTP_POST_RECV)
            return (1); /* ??? */
	  else if (con->http.state != HTTP_POST_SEND)
	    return (CloseClient(con));

	if (con->http.state == HTTP_POST_SEND)
	  if (con->file >= 0)
	    fstat(con->file, &filestats);

            LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient() %d Closing data file %d, size = %" PRIdMAX ".",
                       con->http.fd, con->file, (intmax_t)filestats.st_size);

	    con->file = -1;

            if (filestats.st_size > MaxRequestSize &&
	        MaxRequestSize > 0)
	      * Request is too big; remove it and send an error...

              LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "ReadClient: %d Removing temp file %s",
	                 con->http.fd, con->filename);

	      if (con->request)
	        * Delete any IPP request data...

		con->request = NULL;

              if (!SendError(con, HTTP_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE))
		return (CloseClient(con));

	    if (con->command)
	      if (!SendCommand(con, con->command, con->options))
		if (!SendError(con, HTTP_NOT_FOUND))
		  return (CloseClient(con));
        	LogRequest(con, HTTP_OK);

          if (con->request)
	    return (ProcessIPPRequest(con));

    default :
        break; /* Anti-compiler-warning-code */

  if (!con->http.keep_alive && con->http.state == HTTP_WAITING)
    return (CloseClient(con));
    return (1);

 * 'SendCommand()' - Send output from a command via HTTP.

SendCommand(client_t      *con,
	    char          *command,
	    char          *options)
  int	fd;

  if (con->filename)
    fd = open(con->filename, O_RDONLY);
    fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);

  if (fd < 0)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "SendCommand: %d Unable to open \"%s\" for reading: %s",
               con->http.fd, con->filename ? con->filename : "/dev/null",
    return (0);

  fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);

  con->pipe_pid = pipe_command(con, fd, &(con->file), command, options);


  LogMessage(L_INFO, "Started \"%s\" (pid=%d)", command, con->pipe_pid);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "SendCommand: %d file=%d", con->http.fd, con->file);

  if (con->pipe_pid == 0)
    return (0);

  fcntl(con->file, F_SETFD, fcntl(con->file, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "SendCommand: Adding fd %d to InputSet...", con->file);
  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "SendCommand: Adding fd %d to OutputSet...",

  FD_SET(con->file, InputSet);
  FD_SET(con->http.fd, OutputSet);

  if (!SendHeader(con, HTTP_OK, NULL))
    return (0);

  if (con->http.version == HTTP_1_1)
    con->http.data_encoding = HTTP_ENCODE_CHUNKED;

    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n") < 0)
      return (0);

  con->file_ready = 0;
  con->got_fields = 0;
  con->field_col  = 0;

  return (1);

 * 'SendError()' - Send an error message via HTTP.

int				/* O - 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */
SendError(client_t      *con,	/* I - Connection */
          http_status_t code)	/* I - Error code */
  char		message[1024];	/* Message for user */

  * Put the request in the access_log file...

  LogRequest(con, code);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "SendError: %d code=%d (%s)", con->http.fd, code,

  * To work around bugs in some proxies, don't use Keep-Alive for some
  * error messages...

  if (code >= HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
    con->http.keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_OFF;

  * Send an error message back to the client.  If the error code is a
  * 400 or 500 series, make sure the message contains some text, too!

  if (!SendHeader(con, code, NULL))
    return (0);

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Connection: Upgrade\r\n") < 0)
      return (0);

  if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Upgrade: TLS/1.0,HTTP/1.1\r\n") < 0)
    return (0);
#endif /* HAVE_SSL */

  if ((con->http.version >= HTTP_1_1 && !con->http.keep_alive) ||
      (code >= HTTP_BAD_REQUEST && code != HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED))
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Connection: close\r\n") < 0)
      return (0);

  if (code >= HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
    * Send a human-readable error message.

    snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
             "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%d %s</TITLE></HEAD>"
             code, httpStatus(code), httpStatus(code),
	     con->language ? con->language->messages[code] :

    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Type: text/html\r\n") < 0)
      return (0);
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Length: %d\r\n",
                   (int)strlen(message)) < 0)
      return (0);
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "\r\n") < 0)
      return (0);
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "%s", message) < 0)
      return (0);
  else if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "\r\n") < 0)
    return (0);

  con->http.state = HTTP_WAITING;

  return (1);

 * 'SendFile()' - Send a file via HTTP.

SendFile(client_t    *con,
         http_status_t code,
	 char        *filename,
	 char        *type,
	 struct stat *filestats)
  con->file = open(filename, O_RDONLY);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "SendFile: %d file=%d", con->http.fd, con->file);

  if (con->file < 0)
    return (0);

  fcntl(con->file, F_SETFD, fcntl(con->file, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);

  con->pipe_pid = 0;

  if (!SendHeader(con, code, type))
    return (0);

  if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Last-Modified: %s\r\n", httpGetDateString(filestats->st_mtime)) < 0)
    return (0);
  if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Length: %" PRIdMAX "\r\n",
                 (intmax_t)filestats->st_size) < 0)
    return (0);
  if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "\r\n") < 0)
    return (0);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "SendFile: Adding fd %d to OutputSet...", con->http.fd);

  FD_SET(con->http.fd, OutputSet);

  return (1);

 * 'SendHeader()' - Send an HTTP request.

int				/* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
SendHeader(client_t    *con,	/* I - Client to send to */
           http_status_t code,	/* I - HTTP status code */
	   char        *type)	/* I - MIME type of document */
  location_t	*loc;		/* Authentication location */

  if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "HTTP/%d.%d %d %s\r\n", con->http.version / 100,
                 con->http.version % 100, code, httpStatus(code)) < 0)
    return (0);
  if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Date: %s\r\n", httpGetDateString(time(NULL))) < 0)
    return (0);
  if (ServerHeader)
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Server: %s\r\n", ServerHeader) < 0)
      return (0);
  if (con->http.keep_alive && con->http.version >= HTTP_1_0)
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n") < 0)
      return (0);
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Keep-Alive: timeout=%d\r\n", KeepAliveTimeout) < 0)
      return (0);
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST\r\n") < 0)
      return (0);

  if (code == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED)
    * This already succeeded in IsAuthorized...

    loc = FindBest(con->uri, con->http.state);

    if (loc->type != AUTH_DIGEST)
      if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"CUPS\"\r\n") < 0)
	return (0);
      if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"CUPS\", "
                                "nonce=\"%s\"\r\n", con->http.hostname) < 0)
	return (0);
  if (con->language != NULL)
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Language: %s\r\n",
                   con->language->language) < 0)
      return (0);

    if (type != NULL)
      if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Type: %s; charset=%s\r\n", type,
                     cupsLangEncoding(con->language)) < 0)
        return (0);
  else if (type != NULL)
    if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "Content-Type: %s\r\n", type) < 0)
      return (0);

  return (1);

 * 'UpdateCGI()' - Read status messages from CGI scripts and programs.

  int		bytes;		/* Number of bytes read */
  char		*lineptr,	/* Pointer to end of line in buffer */
		*message;	/* Pointer to message text */
  int		loglevel;	/* Log level for message */
  static int	bufused = 0;	/* Number of bytes used in buffer */
  static char	buffer[1024];	/* Status buffer */

  if ((bytes = read(CGIPipes[0], buffer + bufused,
                    sizeof(buffer) - bufused - 1)) > 0)
    bufused += bytes;
    buffer[bufused] = '\0';
    lineptr = strchr(buffer, '\n');
  else if (bytes < 0 && errno == EINTR)
    lineptr    = buffer + bufused;
    lineptr[1] = 0;

  if (bytes == 0 && bufused == 0)
    lineptr = NULL;

  while (lineptr != NULL)
    * Terminate each line and process it...

    *lineptr++ = '\0';

    * Figure out the logging level...

    if (strncmp(buffer, "EMERG:", 6) == 0)
      loglevel = L_EMERG;
      message  = buffer + 6;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "ALERT:", 6) == 0)
      loglevel = L_ALERT;
      message  = buffer + 6;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "CRIT:", 5) == 0)
      loglevel = L_CRIT;
      message  = buffer + 5;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "ERROR:", 6) == 0)
      loglevel = L_ERROR;
      message  = buffer + 6;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "WARNING:", 8) == 0)
      loglevel = L_WARN;
      message  = buffer + 8;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "NOTICE:", 6) == 0)
      loglevel = L_NOTICE;
      message  = buffer + 6;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "INFO:", 5) == 0)
      loglevel = L_INFO;
      message  = buffer + 5;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "DEBUG:", 6) == 0)
      loglevel = L_DEBUG;
      message  = buffer + 6;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "DEBUG2:", 7) == 0)
      loglevel = L_DEBUG2;
      message  = buffer + 7;
    else if (strncmp(buffer, "PAGE:", 5) == 0)
      loglevel = L_PAGE;
      message  = buffer + 5;
      loglevel = L_DEBUG;
      message  = buffer;

    * Skip leading whitespace in the message...

    while (isspace(*message))
      message ++;

    LogMessage(loglevel, "[CGI] %s", message);

    * Copy over the buffer data we've used up...

    strcpy(buffer, lineptr);
    bufused -= lineptr - buffer;

    if (bufused < 0)
      bufused = 0;

    lineptr = strchr(buffer, '\n');

  if (bytes <= 0)
    * Fatal error on pipe - should never happen!

    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "UpdateCGI: error reading from CGI error pipe - %s",

 * 'WriteClient()' - Write data to a client as needed.

int					/* O - 1 if success, 0 if fail */
WriteClient(client_t *con)		/* I - Client connection */
  int		bytes;			/* Number of bytes written */
  char		buf[HTTP_MAX_BUFFER + 1];/* Data buffer */
  char		*bufptr;		/* Pointer into buffer */
  ipp_state_t	ipp_state;		/* IPP state value */

#ifdef DEBUG
  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient(con=%p) %d response=%p, file=%d pipe_pid=%d",
             con, con->http.fd, con->response, con->file, con->pipe_pid);
#endif /* DEBUG */

  if (con->http.state != HTTP_GET_SEND &&
      con->http.state != HTTP_POST_SEND)
    return (1);

  if (con->response != NULL)
    ipp_state = ippWrite(&(con->http), con->response);
    bytes     = ipp_state != IPP_ERROR && ipp_state != IPP_DATA;
  else if ((bytes = read(con->file, buf, HTTP_MAX_BUFFER)) > 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient: Read %d bytes from file %d...",
               bytes, con->file);
#endif /* DEBUG */

    if (con->pipe_pid && !con->got_fields)
      * Inspect the data for Content-Type and other fields.

      buf[bytes] = '\0';

      for (bufptr = buf; !con->got_fields && *bufptr; bufptr ++)
        if (*bufptr == '\n')
	  * Send line to client...

	  if (bufptr > buf && bufptr[-1] == '\r')
	    bufptr[-1] = '\0';
	  *bufptr++ = '\0';

	  httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "%s\r\n", buf);
	  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient: %d %s", con->http.fd, buf);

	  * Update buffer...

	  bytes -= (bufptr - buf);
	  memmove(buf, bufptr, bytes + 1);
	  bufptr = buf - 1;

	  * See if the line was empty...

	  if (con->field_col == 0)
	    con->got_fields = 1;
	    con->field_col = 0;
	else if (*bufptr != '\r')
	  con->field_col ++;

      if (bytes > 0 && !con->got_fields)
        * Remaining text needs to go out...

        httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "%s", buf);

        con->http.activity = time(NULL);
        return (1);
      else if (bytes == 0)
        con->http.activity = time(NULL);
        return (1);

    if (httpWrite(HTTP(con), buf, bytes) < 0)
      return (0);

    con->bytes += bytes;

  if (bytes <= 0)
    LogRequest(con, HTTP_OK);

    if (con->http.data_encoding == HTTP_ENCODE_CHUNKED)
      if (httpPrintf(HTTP(con), "0\r\n\r\n") < 0)
	return (0);

    con->http.state = HTTP_WAITING;

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient: Removing fd %d from OutputSet...",

    FD_CLR(con->http.fd, OutputSet);

    if (con->file >= 0)
      if (FD_ISSET(con->file, InputSet))
	LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient: Removing fd %d from InputSet...",
	FD_CLR(con->file, InputSet);

      if (con->pipe_pid)
	kill(con->pipe_pid, SIGTERM);

      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient: %d Closing data file %d.",
                 con->http.fd, con->file);

      con->file     = -1;
      con->pipe_pid = 0;

    if (con->filename)
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient: %d Removing temp file %s",
                 con->http.fd, con->filename);

    if (con->request != NULL)
      con->request = NULL;

    if (con->response != NULL)
      con->response = NULL;


    if (!con->http.keep_alive)
      return (0);
    con->file_ready = 0;

    if (con->pipe_pid && !FD_ISSET(con->file, InputSet))
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient: Adding fd %d to InputSet...", con->file);
      FD_SET(con->file, InputSet);

  if (bytes >= 1024)
    LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "WriteClient: %d %d bytes", con->http.fd, bytes);

  con->http.activity = time(NULL);

  return (1);

 * 'check_if_modified()' - Decode an "If-Modified-Since" line.

static int					/* O - 1 if modified since */
check_if_modified(client_t    *con,		/* I - Client connection */
                  struct stat *filestats)	/* I - File information */
  char		*ptr;				/* Pointer into field */
  time_t	date;				/* Time/date value */
  int		size;				/* Size/length value */

  size = 0;
  date = 0;
  ptr  = con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE];

  if (*ptr == '\0')
    return (1);

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "check_if_modified: %d If-Modified-Since=\"%s\"",
             con->http.fd, ptr);

  while (*ptr != '\0')
    while (isspace(*ptr) || *ptr == ';')
      ptr ++;

    if (strncasecmp(ptr, "length=", 7) == 0)
      ptr += 7;
      size = atoi(ptr);

      while (isdigit(*ptr))
        ptr ++;
    else if (isalpha(*ptr))
      date = httpGetDateTime(ptr);
      while (*ptr != '\0' && *ptr != ';')
        ptr ++;

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "check_if_modified() %d sizes=%d,%" PRIdMAX " dates=%d,%d",
             con->http.fd, size, (intmax_t)filestats->st_size, (int)date,

  return ((size != filestats->st_size && size != 0) ||
          (date < filestats->st_mtime && date != 0) ||
	  (size == 0 && date == 0));

 * 'decode_auth()' - Decode an authorization string.

static void
decode_auth(client_t *con)		/* I - Client to decode to */
  char		*s,			/* Authorization string */
		value[1024];		/* Value string */
  const char	*username;		/* Certificate username */

  * Decode the string...

  s = con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_AUTHORIZATION];

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "decode_auth(%p): Authorization string = \"%s\"",
             con, s);

  if (strncmp(s, "Basic", 5) == 0)
    s += 5;
    while (isspace(*s))
      s ++;

    httpDecode64(value, s);

    * Pull the username and password out...

    if ((s = strchr(value, ':')) == NULL)
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "decode_auth: %d no colon in auth string \"%s\"",
        	 con->http.fd, value);

    *s++ = '\0';

    strlcpy(con->username, value, sizeof(con->username));
    strlcpy(con->password, s, sizeof(con->password));
  else if (strncmp(s, "Local", 5) == 0)
    s += 5;
    while (isspace(*s))
      s ++;

    if ((username = FindCert(s)) != NULL)
      strlcpy(con->username, username, sizeof(con->username));
  else if (strncmp(s, "Digest", 5) == 0)
    * Get the username and password from the Digest attributes...

    if (httpGetSubField(&(con->http), HTTP_FIELD_AUTHORIZATION, "username",
      strlcpy(con->username, value, sizeof(con->username));

    if (httpGetSubField(&(con->http), HTTP_FIELD_AUTHORIZATION, "response",
      strlcpy(con->password, value, sizeof(con->password));

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "decode_auth: %d username=\"%s\"",
             con->http.fd, con->username);

 * 'get_file()' - Get a filename and state info.

static char *				/* O  - Real filename */
get_file(client_t    *con,		/* I  - Client connection */
         struct stat *filestats,	/* O  - File information */
         char        *filename,		/* IO - Filename buffer */
         int         len)		/* I  - Buffer length */
  int		status;			/* Status of filesystem calls */
  char		*ptr;			/* Pointer info filename */
  int		plen;			/* Remaining length after pointer */

  * Need to add DocumentRoot global...

  if (strncmp(con->uri, "/ppd/", 5) == 0)
    snprintf(filename, len, "%s%s", ServerRoot, con->uri);
  else if (strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/", 12) == 0)
    snprintf(filename, len, "%s%s", ServerRoot, con->uri + 11);
  else if (con->language != NULL)
    snprintf(filename, len, "%s/%s%s", DocumentRoot, con->language->language,
    snprintf(filename, len, "%s%s", DocumentRoot, con->uri);

  if ((ptr = strchr(filename, '?')) != NULL)
    *ptr = '\0';

  * Grab the status for this language; if there isn't a language-specific file
  * then fallback to the default one...

  if ((status = stat(filename, filestats)) != 0 && con->language != NULL)
    * Drop the language prefix and try the current directory...

    if (strncmp(con->uri, "/ppd/", 5) != 0 &&
        strncmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/", 12) != 0)
      snprintf(filename, len, "%s%s", DocumentRoot, con->uri);

      if ((ptr = strchr(filename, '?')) != NULL)
	*ptr = '\0';

      status = stat(filename, filestats);

  * If we're found a directory, get the index.html file instead...

  if (!status && S_ISDIR(filestats->st_mode))
    if (filename[strlen(filename) - 1] != '/')
      strlcat(filename, "/", len);

    ptr  = filename + strlen(filename);
    plen = len - (ptr - filename);

    strlcpy(ptr, "index.html", plen);
    status = stat(filename, filestats);

#ifdef HAVE_JAVA
    if (status)
      strlcpy(ptr, "index.class", plen);
      status = stat(filename, filestats);
#endif /* HAVE_JAVA */

#ifdef HAVE_PERL
    if (status)
      strlcpy(ptr, "", plen);
      status = stat(filename, filestats);
#endif /* HAVE_PERL */

#ifdef HAVE_PHP
    if (status)
      strlcpy(ptr, "index.php", plen);
      status = stat(filename, filestats);
#endif /* HAVE_PHP */

    if (status)
      strlcpy(ptr, "index.pyc", plen);
      status = stat(filename, filestats);

    if (status)
      strlcpy(ptr, "", plen);
      status = stat(filename, filestats);
#endif /* HAVE_PYTHON */

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "get_file() %d filename=%s size=%" PRIdMAX "",
             con->http.fd, filename, status ? -1 : (intmax_t)filestats->st_size);

  if (status)
    return (NULL);
    return (filename);

 * 'install_conf_file()' - Install a configuration file.

static http_status_t			/* O - Status */
install_conf_file(client_t *con)	/* I - Connection */
  cups_file_t	*in,			/* Input file */
		*out;			/* Output file */
  char		buffer[1024];		/* Copy buffer */
  int		bytes;			/* Number of bytes */
  char		conffile[1024],		/* Configuration filename */
		newfile[1024],		/* New config filename */
		oldfile[1024];		/* Old config filename */
  struct stat	confinfo;		/* Config file info */

  * First construct the filenames...

  snprintf(conffile, sizeof(conffile), "%s%s", ServerRoot, con->uri + 11);
  snprintf(newfile, sizeof(newfile), "%s%s.N", ServerRoot, con->uri + 11);
  snprintf(oldfile, sizeof(oldfile), "%s%s.O", ServerRoot, con->uri + 11);

  LogMessage(L_INFO, "Installing config file \"%s\"...", conffile);

  * Get the owner, group, and permissions of the configuration file.
  * If it doesn't exist, assign it to the User and Group in the
  * cupsd.conf file with mode 0640 permissions.

  if (stat(conffile, &confinfo))
    confinfo.st_uid  = User;
    confinfo.st_gid  = Group;
    confinfo.st_mode = ConfigFilePerm;

  * Open the request file and new config file...

  if ((in = cupsFileOpen(con->filename, "rb")) == NULL)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to open request file \"%s\" - %s",
               con->filename, strerror(errno));
    return (HTTP_SERVER_ERROR);

  if ((out = cupsFileOpen(newfile, "wb")) == NULL)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to open config file \"%s\" - %s",
               newfile, strerror(errno));
    return (HTTP_SERVER_ERROR);

  fchmod(cupsFileNumber(out), confinfo.st_mode);
  fchown(cupsFileNumber(out), confinfo.st_uid, confinfo.st_gid);

  * Copy from the request to the new config file...

  while ((bytes = cupsFileRead(in, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0)
    if (cupsFileWrite(out, buffer, bytes) < bytes)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to copy to config file \"%s\" - %s",
        	 newfile, strerror(errno));


      return (HTTP_SERVER_ERROR);

  * Close the files...

  if (cupsFileClose(out))
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Error file closing config file \"%s\" - %s",
               newfile, strerror(errno));


    return (HTTP_SERVER_ERROR);

  * Remove the request file...


  * Unlink the old backup, rename the current config file to the backup
  * filename, and rename the new config file to the config file name...

  if (unlink(oldfile))
    if (errno != ENOENT)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to remove backup config file \"%s\" - %s",
        	 oldfile, strerror(errno));


      return (HTTP_SERVER_ERROR);

  if (rename(conffile, oldfile))
    if (errno != ENOENT)
      LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to rename old config file \"%s\" - %s",
        	 conffile, strerror(errno));


      return (HTTP_SERVER_ERROR);

  if (rename(newfile, conffile))
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to rename new config file \"%s\" - %s",
               newfile, strerror(errno));

    rename(oldfile, conffile);

    return (HTTP_SERVER_ERROR);

  * If the cupsd.conf file was updated, set the NeedReload flag...

  if (strcmp(con->uri, "/admin/conf/cupsd.conf") == 0)
    NeedReload = RELOAD_CUPSD;
    NeedReload = RELOAD_ALL;

  ReloadTime = time(NULL);

  * Return that the file was created successfully...

  return (HTTP_CREATED);

 * 'is_path_absolute()' - Is a path absolute and free of relative elements (i.e. "..").

static int				/* O - 0 if relative, 1 if absolute */
is_path_absolute(const char *path)	/* I - Input path */
  * Check for a leading slash...

  if (path[0] != '/')
    return (0);

  * Check for "/.." in the path...

  while ((path = strstr(path, "/..")) != NULL)
    if (!path[3] || path[3] == '/')
      return (0);

    path ++;

  * If we haven't found any relative paths, return 1 indicating an
  * absolute path...

  return (1);

 * 'pipe_command()' - Pipe the output of a command to the remote client.

static int				/* O - Process ID */
pipe_command(client_t *con,		/* I - Client connection */
             int      infile,		/* I - Standard input for command */
             int      *outfile,		/* O - Standard output for command */
	     char     *command,		/* I - Command to run */
	     char     *options)		/* I - Options for command */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  int		pid;			/* Process ID */
  char		*commptr;		/* Command string pointer */
  char		*uriptr;		/* URI string pointer */
  int		fds[2];			/* Pipe FDs */
  int		argc;			/* Number of arguments */
  int		envc;			/* Number of environment variables */
  char		argbuf[10240],		/* Argument buffer */
		*argv[100],		/* Argument strings */
		*envp[100];		/* Environment variables */
  char		content_length[1024],	/* CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable */
		content_type[1024],	/* CONTENT_TYPE environment variable */
		cups_datadir[1024],	/* CUPS_DATADIR environment variable */
		cups_serverroot[1024],	/* CUPS_SERVERROOT environment variable */
		http_cookie[1024],	/* HTTP_COOKIE environment variable */
		http_user_agent[1024],	/* HTTP_USER_AGENT environment variable */
		ipp_port[1024],		/* IPP_PORT environment variable */
		lang[1024],		/* LANG environment variable */
		ld_library_path[1024],	/* LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable */
		ld_preload[1024],	/* LD_PRELOAD environment variable */
		dyld_library_path[1024],/* DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable */
		shlib_path[1024],	/* SHLIB_PATH environment variable */
		nlspath[1024],		/* NLSPATH environment variable */
		*query_string,		/* QUERY_STRING env variable */
		remote_addr[1024],	/* REMOTE_ADDR environment variable */
		remote_host[1024],	/* REMOTE_HOST environment variable */
		remote_user[1024],	/* REMOTE_USER environment variable */
		script_name[1024],	/* SCRIPT_NAME environment variable */
		server_name[1024],	/* SERVER_NAME environment variable */
		server_port[1024],	/* SERVER_PORT environment variable */
		tmpdir[1024],		/* TMPDIR environment variable */
		vg_args[1024],		/* VG_ARGS environment variable */
		ld_assume_kernel[1024];	/* LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable */
  unsigned	address;		/* Address of client */
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;		/* POSIX signal handler */
  static const char * const locale_encodings[] =
		{			/* Locale charset names */
  static const char * const encryptions[] =

  * Parse a copy of the options string, which is of the form:
  *     name argument+argument+argument
  *     name?argument+argument+argument
  *     name param=value&param=value
  *     name?param=value&param=value
  * If the string contains an "=" character after the initial name,
  * then we treat it as a HTTP GET form request and make a copy of
  * the remaining string for the environment variable.
  * The string is always parsed out as command-line arguments, to
  * be consistent with Apache...

  LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "pipe_command: command=\"%s\", options=\"%s\"",
             command, options);

  strlcpy(argbuf, options, sizeof(argbuf));

  argv[0]      = argbuf;
  query_string = NULL;

  for (commptr = argbuf, argc = 1; *commptr != '\0' && argc < 99; commptr ++)
    * Break arguments whenever we see a + or space...

    if (*commptr == ' ' || *commptr == '+' || (*commptr == '?' && argc == 1))
      * Terminate the current string and skip trailing whitespace...

      *commptr++ = '\0';

      while (*commptr == ' ')
        commptr ++;

      * If we don't have a blank string, save it as another argument...

      if (*commptr)
        argv[argc] = commptr;
	argc ++;

      * If we see an "=" in the remaining string, make a copy of it since
      * it will be query data...

      if (argc == 2 && strchr(commptr, '=') && con->operation == HTTP_GET)
	SetStringf(&query_string, "QUERY_STRING=%s", commptr);

      * Don't skip the first non-blank character...

      commptr --;
    else if (*commptr == '%' && isxdigit(commptr[1] & 255) &&
             isxdigit(commptr[2] & 255))
      * Convert the %xx notation to the individual character.

      if (commptr[1] >= '0' && commptr[1] <= '9')
        *commptr = (commptr[1] - '0') << 4;
        *commptr = (tolower(commptr[1]) - 'a' + 10) << 4;

      if (commptr[2] >= '0' && commptr[2] <= '9')
        *commptr |= commptr[2] - '0';
        *commptr |= tolower(commptr[2]) - 'a' + 10;

      cups_strcpy(commptr + 1, commptr + 3);

      * Check for a %00 and break if that is the case...

      if (!*commptr)

  argv[argc] = NULL;

  if (argv[0][0] == '\0')
    argv[0] = strrchr(command, '/') + 1;

  * Setup the environment variables as needed...

  address = ntohl(con->http.hostaddr.sin_addr.s_addr);

  if (con->language)
    snprintf(lang, sizeof(lang), "LANG=%s.%s", con->language->language,
    strcpy(lang, "LANG=C");

  sprintf(ipp_port, "IPP_PORT=%d", LocalPort);
  sprintf(server_port, "SERVER_PORT=%d", ntohs(con->http.hostaddr.sin_port));
  if (!strcmp(con->http.hostname, "localhost"))
    strlcpy(server_name, "SERVER_NAME=localhost", sizeof(server_name));
    snprintf(server_name, sizeof(server_name), "SERVER_NAME=%s", ServerName);
  snprintf(remote_host, sizeof(remote_host), "REMOTE_HOST=%s", con->http.hostname);
  snprintf(remote_addr, sizeof(remote_addr), "REMOTE_ADDR=%d.%d.%d.%d",
           (address >> 24) & 255, (address >> 16) & 255,
	   (address >> 8) & 255, address & 255);
  snprintf(remote_user, sizeof(remote_user), "REMOTE_USER=%s", con->username);
  snprintf(tmpdir, sizeof(tmpdir), "TMPDIR=%s", TempDir);
  snprintf(cups_datadir, sizeof(cups_datadir), "CUPS_DATADIR=%s", DataDir);
  snprintf(cups_serverroot, sizeof(cups_serverroot), "CUPS_SERVERROOT=%s", ServerRoot);

  envc = 0;

  envp[envc ++] = "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin";
  envp[envc ++] = "SERVER_SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1";
  envp[envc ++] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1";
  if (con->http.version == HTTP_1_1)
    envp[envc ++] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1";
  else if (con->http.version == HTTP_1_0)
    envp[envc ++] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0";
    envp[envc ++] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/0.9";
  envp[envc ++] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1";
  envp[envc ++] = "CUPS_SERVER=localhost";
  envp[envc ++] = ipp_port;
  envp[envc ++] = server_name;
  envp[envc ++] = server_port;
  envp[envc ++] = remote_addr;
  envp[envc ++] = remote_host;
  envp[envc ++] = remote_user;
  envp[envc ++] = lang;
  envp[envc ++] = TZ;
  envp[envc ++] = tmpdir;
  envp[envc ++] = cups_datadir;
  envp[envc ++] = cups_serverroot;

  if (getenv("VG_ARGS") != NULL)
    snprintf(vg_args, sizeof(vg_args), "VG_ARGS=%s", getenv("VG_ARGS"));
    envp[envc ++] = vg_args;

  if (getenv("LD_ASSUME_KERNEL") != NULL)
    snprintf(ld_assume_kernel, sizeof(ld_assume_kernel), "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=%s",
    envp[envc ++] = ld_assume_kernel;

  if (getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") != NULL)
    snprintf(ld_library_path, sizeof(ld_library_path), "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s",
    envp[envc ++] = ld_library_path;

  if (getenv("LD_PRELOAD") != NULL)
    snprintf(ld_preload, sizeof(ld_preload), "LD_PRELOAD=%s",
    envp[envc ++] = ld_preload;

  if (getenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") != NULL)
    snprintf(dyld_library_path, sizeof(dyld_library_path), "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s",
    envp[envc ++] = dyld_library_path;

  if (getenv("SHLIB_PATH") != NULL)
    snprintf(shlib_path, sizeof(shlib_path), "SHLIB_PATH=%s",
    envp[envc ++] = shlib_path;

  if (getenv("NLSPATH") != NULL)
    snprintf(nlspath, sizeof(nlspath), "NLSPATH=%s", getenv("NLSPATH"));
    envp[envc ++] = nlspath;

  if (con->http.cookie)
    snprintf(http_cookie, sizeof(http_cookie), "HTTP_COOKIE=%s",
    envp[envc ++] = http_cookie;

  if (con->http.fields[HTTP_FIELD_USER_AGENT][0])
    snprintf(http_user_agent, sizeof(http_user_agent), "HTTP_USER_AGENT=%s",
    envp[envc ++] = http_user_agent;

  snprintf(script_name, sizeof(script_name), "SCRIPT_NAME=%s", con->uri);
  if ((uriptr = strchr(script_name, '?')) != NULL)
    *uriptr = '\0';
  envp[envc ++] = script_name;

  if (con->operation == HTTP_GET)
    envp[envc ++] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET";

    if (query_string)
      * Add GET form variables after ?...

      envp[envc ++] = query_string;
    sprintf(content_length, "CONTENT_LENGTH=%d", con->bytes);
    snprintf(content_type, sizeof(content_type), "CONTENT_TYPE=%s",

    envp[envc ++] = "REQUEST_METHOD=POST";
    envp[envc ++] = content_length;
    envp[envc ++] = content_type;

  * Tell the CGI if we are using encryption...

  if (con->http.encryption == HTTP_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS)
    envp[envc ++] = "HTTPS=ON";

  envp[envc ++] = (char *)encryptions[LocalEncryption];

  * Terminate the environment array...

  envp[envc] = NULL;

  if (LogLevel == L_DEBUG2)
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i ++)
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "pipe_command: argv[%d] = \"%s\"", i, argv[i]);
    for (i = 0; i < envc; i ++)
      LogMessage(L_DEBUG2, "pipe_command: envp[%d] = \"%s\"", i, envp[i]);

  * Create a pipe for the output...

  if (cupsdOpenPipe(fds))

    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to create pipes for CGI %s - %s",
               argv[0], strerror(errno));
    return (0);

  * Block signals before forking...


  * Then execute the command...

  if ((pid = fork()) == 0)
    * Child comes here...  Close stdin if necessary and dup the pipe to stdout.

    if (!RunUser)
      * Running as root, so change to a non-priviledged user...

      if (setgid(Group))

      if (setgroups(1, &Group))

      if (setuid(User))
      * Reset group membership to just the main one we belong to.

      setgroups(1, &Group);

    * Update stdin/stdout/stderr...

    if (infile)
      if (dup(infile) < 0)

    if (dup(fds[1]) < 0)


    * Change umask to restrict permissions on created files...


    * Unblock signals before doing the exec...

    sigset(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
    sigset(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
    memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));

    action.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;

    sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGCHLD, &action, NULL);
    signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
    signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */


    * Execute the pipe program; if an error occurs, exit with status 1...

    execve(command, argv, envp);
    return (0);
  else if (pid < 0)
    * Error - can't fork!

    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Unable to fork for CGI %s - %s", argv[0],

    pid = 0;
    * Fork successful - return the PID...

    AddCert(pid, con->username);

    LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "CGI %s started - PID = %d", command, pid);

    *outfile = fds[0];



  return (pid);

#if defined(HAVE_CDSASSL)
 * 'cups_cdsa_once_init()' - One-time initialization routine used with 
 *			the pthread_once control block.

static const char SecurityLibPath[]	    = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Security";

void cups_cdsa_once_init()
  * If we have dlopen then weak-link the library and load it when needed.

  void *cdsa_lib = NULL;

  cdsa_lib = dlopen(SecurityLibPath, RTLD_LAZY);

  SSLCloseProc			= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLClose");
  SSLDisposeContextProc		= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLDisposeContext");
  SSLGetBufferedReadSizeProc	= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLGetBufferedReadSizeName");
  SSLHandshakeProc		= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLHandshake");
  SSLNewContextProc		= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLNewContext");
  SSLReadProc			= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLRead");
  SSLSetCertificateProc		= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLSetCertificate");
  SSLSetConnectionProc		= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLSetConnection");
  SSLSetEnableCertVerifyProc	= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLSetEnableCertVerify");
  SSLSetIOFuncsProc		= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLSetIOFuncs");
  SSLSetPeerDomainNameProc	= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLSetPeerDomainName");
  SSLSetProtocolVersionProc	= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled");
  SSLWriteProc			= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SSLWrite");

  SecIdentityGetTypeIDProc	= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SecIdentityGetTypeID");
  SecIdentitySearchCopyNextProc	= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SecIdentitySearchCopyNext");
  SecIdentitySearchCreateProc	= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SecIdentitySearchCreate");
  SecKeychainOpenProc		= dlsym(cdsa_lib, "SecKeychainOpen");
  SSLGetBufferedReadSizeProc	= SSLGetBufferedReadSize;
  SSLNewContextProc		= SSLNewContext;
  SSLSetIOFuncsProc		= SSLSetIOFuncs;
  SSLSetConnectionProc		= SSLSetConnection;
  SSLSetEnableCertVerifyProc	= SSLSetEnableCertVerify;
  SSLHandshakeProc		= SSLHandshake;
  SSLDisposeContextProc		= SSLDisposeContext;
  SSLCloseProc			= SSLClose;
  SSLReadProc			= SSLRead;
  SSLWriteProc			= SSLWrite;

  SecKeychainOpenProc		= SecKeychainOpen;
  SecIdentitySearchCreateProc	= SecIdentitySearchCreate;
  SecIdentitySearchCopyNextProc	= SecIdentitySearchCopyNext;
#endif /* HAVE_DLFCN_H */

 * 'cupsd_cdsa_init()' - Initialize cdsa ssl.

void cupsd_cdsa_init(void)
  pthread_once(&cdsa_key_once, cups_cdsa_once_init);


 * 'CDSAGetServerCerts()' - Convert a keychain name into the CFArrayRef
 *                          required by SSLSetCertificate.
 * For now we assumes that there is exactly one SecIdentity in the
 * keychain - i.e. there is exactly one matching cert/private key pair.
 * In the future we will search a keychain for a SecIdentity matching a
 * specific criteria.  We also skip the operation of adding additional
 * non-signing certs from the keychain to the CFArrayRef.
 * To create a self-signed certificate for testing use the certtool.
 * Executing the following as root will do it:
 *     certtool c c v k=CUPS

static CFArrayRef
  OSStatus		err;		/* Error info */
  SecKeychainRef 	kcRef;		/* Keychain reference */
  SecIdentitySearchRef	srchRef;	/* Search reference */
  SecIdentityRef	identity;	/* Identity */
  CFArrayRef		ca;		/* Certificate array */

  kcRef    = NULL;
  srchRef  = NULL;
  identity = NULL;
  ca       = NULL;


  err = (*SecKeychainOpenProc)(ServerCertificate, &kcRef);

  if (err)
    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Cannot open keychain \"%s\", error %d.",
               ServerCertificate, (int)err);
    * Search for "any" identity matching specified key use; 
    * in this app, we expect there to be exactly one. 

    err = (*SecIdentitySearchCreateProc)(kcRef, CSSM_KEYUSE_SIGN, &srchRef);

    if (err)
                 "Cannot find signing key in keychain \"%s\", error %d",
                 ServerCertificate, (int)err);
      err = (*SecIdentitySearchCopyNextProc)(srchRef, &identity);

      if (err)
	           "Cannot find signing key in keychain \"%s\", error %d",
	           ServerCertificate, (int)err);
	if (CFGetTypeID(identity) != (*SecIdentityGetTypeIDProc)())
	  LogMessage(L_ERROR, "SecIdentitySearchCopyNext CFTypeID failure!");
	  * Found one. Place it in a CFArray. 
	  * TBD: snag other (non-identity) certs from keychain and add them
	  * to array as well.

	  ca = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&identity, 1, NULL);

	  if (ca == nil)
	    LogMessage(L_ERROR, "CFArrayCreate error");




  return ca;

 * 'CDSAReadFunc()' - Read function for CDSA decryption code.

static OSStatus					/* O  - -1 on error, 0 on success */
CDSAReadFunc(SSLConnectionRef connection,	/* I  - SSL/TLS connection */
             void             *data,		/* I  - Data buffer */
	     size_t           *dataLength)	/* IO - Number of bytes */
  ssize_t	bytes;				/* Number of bytes read */

  bytes = recv((int)connection, data, *dataLength, 0);
  if (bytes >= 0)
    *dataLength = bytes;
    return (0);
    return (-1);

 * 'CDSAWriteFunc()' - Write function for CDSA encryption code.

static OSStatus					/* O  - -1 on error, 0 on success */
CDSAWriteFunc(SSLConnectionRef connection,	/* I  - SSL/TLS connection */
              const void       *data,		/* I  - Data buffer */
	      size_t           *dataLength)	/* IO - Number of bytes */
  ssize_t bytes;

  bytes = write((int)connection, data, *dataLength);
  if (bytes >= 0)
    *dataLength = bytes;
    return (0);
    return (-1);
#endif /* HAVE_CDSASSL */

 * End of "$Id: client.c,v 1.24 2005/01/10 23:40:51 jlovell Exp $".