Makefile   [plain text]

# "$Id: Makefile,v 1.9 2005/01/04 22:10:42 jlovell Exp $"
#   Documentation makefile for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
#   Copyright 1993-2005 by Easy Software Products.
#   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
#   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
#   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
#   "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file.  If this
#   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
#   at:
#       Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
#       Easy Software Products
#       44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
#       Hollywood, Maryland 20636 USA
#       Voice: (301) 373-9600
#       EMail:
#         WWW:

include ../Makedefs

# HTMLDOC generation rules...

.SUFFIXES:	.html .pdf .ps .shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --numbered -f $@ $<
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --compression=9 \
		--numbered --jpeg -f $@ $<
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --numbered \
		--jpeg -f $@ $<

HTMLDOC		=	htmldoc --strict --verbose --bodycolor white

# Document files...

DOCUMENTS	=	cmp.shtml idd.shtml ipp.shtml sam.shtml sdd.shtml \
			spm.shtml sps.shtml ssr.shtml stp.shtml sum.shtml \
			svd.shtml translation.shtml
DOCIMAGES	=	images/cups-block-diagram.gif images/cups-large.gif \
			images/cups-medium.gif images/cups-small.gif
WEBPAGES	=	cups.css cupsdoc.css index.html documentation.html \
WEBIMAGES	=	images/accept-jobs.gif \
			images/add-class.gif \
			images/add-printer.gif \
			images/cancel-job.gif \
			images/classes.gif \
			images/config-printer.gif \
			images/continue.gif \
			images/delete-class.gif \
			images/delete-printer.gif \
			images/hold-job.gif \
			images/left.gif \
			images/logo.gif \
			images/manage-classes.gif \
			images/manage-jobs.gif \
			images/manage-printers.gif \
			images/modify-class.gif \
			images/modify-printer.gif \
			images/navbar.gif \
			images/print-test-page.gif \
			images/printer-idle.gif \
			images/printer-processing.gif \
			images/printer-stopped.gif \
			images/reject-jobs.gif \
			images/release-job.gif \
			images/restart-job.gif \
			images/right.gif \
			images/set-as-default.gif \
			images/show-active.gif \
			images/show-completed.gif \
			images/start-class.gif \
			images/start-printer.gif \
			images/stop-class.gif \

# Make all documents...

all:	$(DOCUMENTS:.shtml=.pdf) $(DOCUMENTS:.shtml=.html) overview.pdf
	cd be; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all
	cd de; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all
	cd es; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all
	cd fr; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all

# Make PS files...

ps:	$(
	cd fr; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) ps

# Remove all generated files...

	$(RM) $(DOCUMENTS:.shtml=.pdf)
	$(RM) $(DOCUMENTS:.shtml=.html)
	$(RM) overview.pdf
	cd be; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd de; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd es; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd fr; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean

# Install all documentation files...

	for file in $(WEBPAGES); do \
		$(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(DOCDIR); \
	$(INSTALL_MAN) overview.html $(DOCDIR)
	$(INSTALL_MAN) overview.pdf $(DOCDIR)
	for file in $(DOCUMENTS:.shtml=.html); do \
		$(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(DOCDIR); \
	for file in $(DOCUMENTS:.shtml=.pdf); do \
		$(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(DOCDIR); \
	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DOCDIR)/images
	for file in $(WEBIMAGES) $(DOCIMAGES); do \
		$(INSTALL_MAN) $$file $(DOCDIR)/images; \
#	cd be; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
#	cd de; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
#	cd es; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
#	cd fr; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install

# The overview, admin manual, programmers manual, and users manual get
# special attention...

overview.pdf:	overview.html
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --duplex --compression=9 --jpeg --webpage -f overview.pdf overview.html	overview.html
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --duplex --jpeg --webpage -f overview.html

sam.html:	sam.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif -f $@ $<
sam.pdf:	sam.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --compression=9 \
		--jpeg -f $@ $<		sam.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --jpeg -f $@ $<

spm.html:	spm.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif -f $@ $<
spm.pdf:	spm.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --compression=9 \
		--jpeg -f $@ $<		spm.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --jpeg -f $@ $<

sum.html:	sum.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --verbose --titleimage images/cups-large.gif -f $@ $<
sum.pdf:	sum.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --compression=9 \
		--jpeg -f $@ $<		sum.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --jpeg -f $@ $<

sam-7x8.pdf:	sam.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --compression=9 \
		--pagelayout tworight --pagemode document \
		--jpeg --size 7x8.5in --left 0.5in --right 0.25in \
		--top 0.25in --bottom 0.25in --fontsize 10 --headfootsize 10 -f $@ sam.shtml		sam.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --jpeg \
		--size 7x8.5in --left 0.5in --right 0.25in \
		--top 0.25in --bottom 0.25in --fontsize 10 --headfootsize 10 -f $@ sam.shtml
spm-7x8.pdf:	spm.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --compression=9 \
		--pagelayout tworight --pagemode document \
		--jpeg --size 7x8.5in --left 0.5in --right 0.25in \
		--top 0.25in --bottom 0.25in --fontsize 10 --headfootsize 10 -f $@ spm.shtml		spm.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --jpeg \
		--size 7x8.5in --left 0.5in --right 0.25in \
		--top 0.25in --bottom 0.25in --fontsize 10 --headfootsize 10 -f $@ spm.shtml
sum-7x8.pdf:	sum.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --compression=9 \
		--pagelayout tworight --pagemode document \
		--jpeg --size 7x8.5in --left 0.5in --right 0.25in \
		--top 0.25in --bottom 0.25in --fontsize 10 --headfootsize 10 -f $@ sum.shtml		sum.shtml
	echo Formatting $@...
	$(HTMLDOC) -v --titleimage images/cups-large.gif --duplex --jpeg \
		--size 7x8.5in --left 0.5in --right 0.25in \
		--top 0.25in --bottom 0.25in --fontsize 10 --headfootsize 10 -f $@ sum.shtml

$(DOCUMENTS:.shtml=.html): \
		glossary.shtml printing-overview.shtml \
		references.shtml system-overview.shtml \

$(DOCUMENTS:.shtml=.pdf): \
		glossary.shtml printing-overview.shtml \
		references.shtml system-overview.shtml \

$( \
		glossary.shtml printing-overview.shtml \
		references.shtml system-overview.shtml \

# End of Makefile.