env.c   [plain text]

 * Environment management routines for the CUPS scheduler.
 * Copyright 2007-2016 by Apple Inc.
 * Copyright 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
 * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
 * law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
 * which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
 * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/".

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "cupsd.h"

 * Local globals...

static int	num_common_env = 0;	/* Number of common env vars */
static char	*common_env[MAX_ENV];	/* Common env vars */

 * Local functions...

static void	clear_env(void);
static int	find_env(const char *name);

 * 'cupsdInitEnv()' - Initialize the current environment with standard variables.

  * Clear existing environment variables...


#if defined(__APPLE__)
  * Add special voodoo magic for macOS - this allows macOS
  * programs to access their bundle resources properly...
  * This string is replaced in cupsdStartProcess()...

  cupsdSetString(common_env, "<CFProcessPath>");
  num_common_env = 1;
#endif	/* __APPLE__ */

 * 'cupsdLoadEnv()' - Copy common environment variables into an array.

int					/* O - Number of environment variables */
cupsdLoadEnv(char *envp[],		/* I - Environment array */
             int  envmax)		/* I - Maximum number of elements */
  int	i;				/* Looping var */

  * Leave room for a NULL pointer at the end...

  envmax --;

  * Copy pointers to the environment...

  for (i = 0; i < num_common_env && i < envmax; i ++)
    envp[i] = common_env[i];

  * NULL terminate the environment array and return the number of
  * elements we added...

  envp[i] = NULL;

  return (i);

 * 'cupsdSetEnv()' - Set a common environment variable.

cupsdSetEnv(const char *name,		/* I - Name of variable */
            const char *value)		/* I - Value of variable */
  int	i;				/* Index into environent array */

  * If "value" is NULL, try getting value from current environment...

  if (!value)
    value = getenv(name);

  if (!value)

  * Do not allow dynamic linker variables when running as root...

  if (!RunUser && (!strncmp(name, "DYLD_", 5) || !strncmp(name, "LD_", 3)))

  * See if this variable has already been defined...

  if ((i = find_env(name)) < 0)
    * Check for room...

    if (num_common_env >= (int)(sizeof(common_env) / sizeof(common_env[0])))
                      "cupsdSetEnv: Too many environment variables set!");

    i = num_common_env;
    num_common_env ++;

  * Set the new environment variable...

  cupsdSetStringf(common_env + i, "%s=%s", name, value);

  cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdSetEnv: %s", common_env[i]);

 * 'cupsdSetEnvf()' - Set a formatted common environment variable.

cupsdSetEnvf(const char *name,		/* I - Name of variable */
             const char *value,		/* I - Printf-style value of variable */
	     ...)			/* I - Additional args as needed */
  char		v[4096];		/* Formatting string value */
  va_list	ap;			/* Argument pointer */

  * Format the value string...

  va_start(ap, value);
  vsnprintf(v, sizeof(v), value, ap);

  * Set the env variable...

  cupsdSetEnv(name, v);

 * 'cupsdUpdateEnv()' - Update the environment for the configured directories.

  * Set common variables...

#define set_if_undefined(name,value) if (find_env(name) < 0) cupsdSetEnv(name,value)

  set_if_undefined("CUPS_CACHEDIR", CacheDir);
  set_if_undefined("CUPS_DATADIR", DataDir);
  set_if_undefined("CUPS_DOCROOT", DocumentRoot);
  set_if_undefined("CUPS_FONTPATH", FontPath);
  set_if_undefined("CUPS_REQUESTROOT", RequestRoot);
  set_if_undefined("CUPS_SERVERBIN", ServerBin);
  set_if_undefined("CUPS_SERVERROOT", ServerRoot);
  set_if_undefined("CUPS_STATEDIR", StateDir);
  set_if_undefined("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", NULL);
  set_if_undefined("HOME", TempDir);
  set_if_undefined("LD_ASSUME_KERNEL", NULL);
  set_if_undefined("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", NULL);
  set_if_undefined("LD_PRELOAD", NULL);
  set_if_undefined("NLSPATH", NULL);
  if (find_env("PATH") < 0)
    cupsdSetEnvf("PATH", "%s/filter:" CUPS_BINDIR ":" CUPS_SBINDIR
			 ":/bin:/usr/bin", ServerBin);
  set_if_undefined("SERVER_ADMIN", ServerAdmin);
  set_if_undefined("SHLIB_PATH", NULL);
  set_if_undefined("SOFTWARE", CUPS_MINIMAL);
  set_if_undefined("TMPDIR", TempDir);
  set_if_undefined("TZ", NULL);
  set_if_undefined("USER", "root");
  set_if_undefined("VG_ARGS", NULL);

  cupsdSetEnvf("CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE", "%d", CUPSD_SB_BUFFER_SIZE - 1);

 * 'clear_env()' - Clear common environment variables.

static void
  int	i;				/* Looping var */

  for (i = 0; i < num_common_env; i ++)
    cupsdClearString(common_env + i);

  num_common_env = 0;

 * 'find_env()' - Find a common environment variable.

static int				/* O - Index or -1 if not found */
find_env(const char *name)		/* I - Variable name */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  size_t	namelen;		/* Length of name */

  for (i = 0, namelen = strlen(name); i < num_common_env; i ++)
    if (!strncmp(common_env[i], name, namelen) && common_env[i][namelen] == '=')
      return (i);

  return (-1);