dir.c   [plain text]

 * Directory routines for CUPS.
 * This set of APIs abstracts enumeration of directory entries.
 * Copyright 2007-2012 by Apple Inc.
 * Copyright 1997-2005 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
 * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
 * law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
 * which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
 * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/".

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "string-private.h"
#include "debug-private.h"
#include "dir.h"

 * Windows implementation...

#ifdef WIN32
#  include <windows.h>

 * Types and structures...

struct _cups_dir_s			/**** Directory data structure ****/
  char		directory[1024];	/* Directory filename */
  HANDLE	dir;			/* Directory handle */
  cups_dentry_t	entry;			/* Directory entry */

 * '_cups_dir_time()' - Convert a FILETIME value to a UNIX time value.

time_t					/* O - UNIX time */
_cups_dir_time(FILETIME ft)		/* I - File time */
  ULONGLONG	val;			/* File time in 0.1 usecs */

  * Convert file time (1/10 microseconds since Jan 1, 1601) to UNIX
  * time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970).  There are 11,644,732,800 seconds
  * between them...

  val = ft.dwLowDateTime + ((ULONGLONG)ft.dwHighDateTime << 32);
  return ((time_t)(val / 10000000 - 11644732800));

 * 'cupsDirClose()' - Close a directory.
 * @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@

cupsDirClose(cups_dir_t *dp)		/* I - Directory pointer */
  * Range check input...

  if (!dp)

  * Close an open directory handle...

  if (dp->dir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

  * Free memory used...


 * 'cupsDirOpen()' - Open a directory.
 * @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@

cups_dir_t *				/* O - Directory pointer or @code NULL@ if the directory could not be opened. */
cupsDirOpen(const char *directory)	/* I - Directory name */
  cups_dir_t	*dp;			/* Directory */

  * Range check input...

  if (!directory)
    return (NULL);

  * Allocate memory for the directory structure...

  dp = (cups_dir_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(cups_dir_t));
  if (!dp)
    return (NULL);

  * Copy the directory name for later use...


  strlcpy(dp->directory, directory, sizeof(dp->directory));

  * Return the new directory structure...

  return (dp);

 * 'cupsDirRead()' - Read the next directory entry.
 * @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@

cups_dentry_t *				/* O - Directory entry or @code NULL@ if there are no more */
cupsDirRead(cups_dir_t *dp)		/* I - Directory pointer */
  WIN32_FIND_DATA	entry;		/* Directory entry data */

  * Range check input...

  if (!dp)
    return (NULL);

  * See if we have already started finding files...

  if (dp->dir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    * No, find the first file...

    dp->dir = FindFirstFile(dp->directory, &entry);
    if (dp->dir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      return (NULL);
  else if (!FindNextFile(dp->dir, &entry))
    return (NULL);

  * Copy the name over and convert the file information...

  strlcpy(dp->entry.filename, entry.cFileName, sizeof(dp->entry.filename));

  if (entry.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
    dp->entry.fileinfo.st_mode = 0755 | S_IFDIR;
    dp->entry.fileinfo.st_mode = 0644;

  dp->entry.fileinfo.st_atime = _cups_dir_time(entry.ftLastAccessTime);
  dp->entry.fileinfo.st_ctime = _cups_dir_time(entry.ftCreationTime);
  dp->entry.fileinfo.st_mtime = _cups_dir_time(entry.ftLastWriteTime);
  dp->entry.fileinfo.st_size  = entry.nFileSizeLow + ((unsigned long long)entry.nFileSizeHigh << 32);

  * Return the entry...

  return (&(dp->entry));

 * 'cupsDirRewind()' - Rewind to the start of the directory.
 * @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@

cupsDirRewind(cups_dir_t *dp)		/* I - Directory pointer */
  * Range check input...

  if (!dp)

  * Close an open directory handle...

  if (dp->dir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)


 * POSIX implementation...

#  include <sys/types.h>
#  include <dirent.h>

 * Types and structures...

struct _cups_dir_s			/**** Directory data structure ****/
  char		directory[1024];	/* Directory filename */
  DIR		*dir;			/* Directory file */
  cups_dentry_t	entry;			/* Directory entry */

 * 'cupsDirClose()' - Close a directory.
 * @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@

cupsDirClose(cups_dir_t *dp)		/* I - Directory pointer */
  DEBUG_printf(("cupsDirClose(dp=%p)", (void *)dp));

  * Range check input...

  if (!dp)

  * Close the directory and free memory...


 * 'cupsDirOpen()' - Open a directory.
 * @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@

cups_dir_t *				/* O - Directory pointer or @code NULL@ if the directory could not be opened. */
cupsDirOpen(const char *directory)	/* I - Directory name */
  cups_dir_t	*dp;			/* Directory */

  DEBUG_printf(("cupsDirOpen(directory=\"%s\")", directory));

  * Range check input...

  if (!directory)
    return (NULL);

  * Allocate memory for the directory structure...

  dp = (cups_dir_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(cups_dir_t));
  if (!dp)
    return (NULL);

  * Open the directory...

  dp->dir = opendir(directory);
  if (!dp->dir)
    return (NULL);

  * Copy the directory name for later use...

  strlcpy(dp->directory, directory, sizeof(dp->directory));

  * Return the new directory structure...

  return (dp);

 * 'cupsDirRead()' - Read the next directory entry.
 * @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@

cups_dentry_t *				/* O - Directory entry or @code NULL@ when there are no more */
cupsDirRead(cups_dir_t *dp)		/* I - Directory pointer */
  struct dirent	*entry;			/* Pointer to entry */
  char		filename[1024];		/* Full filename */
  char		buffer[sizeof(struct dirent) + 1024];
					/* Directory entry buffer */
#  endif /* HAVE_PTHREAD_H */

  DEBUG_printf(("2cupsDirRead(dp=%p)", (void *)dp));

  * Range check input...

  if (!dp)
    return (NULL);

  * Try reading an entry that is not "." or ".."...

  for (;;)
    * Read the next entry using the reentrant version of readdir...

    if (readdir_r(dp->dir, (struct dirent *)buffer, &entry))
      DEBUG_printf(("3cupsDirRead: readdir_r() failed - %s\n", strerror(errno)));
      return (NULL);

    if (!entry)
      DEBUG_puts("3cupsDirRead: readdir_r() returned a NULL pointer!");
      return (NULL);

    DEBUG_printf(("4cupsDirRead: readdir_r() returned \"%s\"...",

#  else
    * Read the next entry using the original version of readdir...

    if ((entry = readdir(dp->dir)) == NULL)
      DEBUG_puts("3cupsDirRead: readdir() returned a NULL pointer!");
      return (NULL);

    DEBUG_printf(("4cupsDirRead: readdir() returned \"%s\"...", entry->d_name));

#  endif /* HAVE_PTHREAD_H */

    * Skip "." and ".."...

    if (!strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(entry->d_name, ".."))

    * Copy the name over and get the file information...

    strlcpy(dp->entry.filename, entry->d_name, sizeof(dp->entry.filename));

    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", dp->directory, entry->d_name);

    if (stat(filename, &(dp->entry.fileinfo)))
      DEBUG_printf(("3cupsDirRead: stat() failed for \"%s\" - %s...", filename,

    * Return the entry...

    return (&(dp->entry));

 * 'cupsDirRewind()' - Rewind to the start of the directory.
 * @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@

cupsDirRewind(cups_dir_t *dp)		/* I - Directory pointer */
  DEBUG_printf(("cupsDirRewind(dp=%p)", (void *)dp));

  * Range check input...

  if (!dp)

  * Rewind the directory...

#endif /* WIN32 */