adminutil.c   [plain text]

 * Administration utility API definitions for CUPS.
 * Copyright 2007-2015 by Apple Inc.
 * Copyright 2001-2007 by Easy Software Products.
 * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
 * law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
 * which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
 * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
 * This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception.

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "cups-private.h"
#include "ppd.h"
#include "adminutil.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#  include <unistd.h>
#  include <sys/wait.h>
#endif /* WIN32 */

 * Local functions...

static int		do_samba_command(const char *command,
			                 const char *address,
			                 const char *subcommand,
					 const char *authfile,
					 FILE *logfile);
static http_status_t	get_cupsd_conf(http_t *http, _cups_globals_t *cg,
			               time_t last_update, char *name,
				       size_t namelen, int *remote);
static void		invalidate_cupsd_cache(_cups_globals_t *cg);
static void		write_option(cups_file_t *dstfp, int order,
			             const char *name, const char *text,
				     const char *attrname,
		        	     ipp_attribute_t *suppattr,
				     ipp_attribute_t *defattr, int defval,
				     int valcount);

 * 'cupsAdminCreateWindowsPPD()' - Create the Windows PPD file for a printer.
 * @deprecated@

char *					/* O - PPD file or NULL */
    http_t     *http,			/* I - Connection to server or @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@ */
    const char *dest,			/* I - Printer or class */
    char       *buffer,			/* I - Filename buffer */
    int        bufsize)			/* I - Size of filename buffer */
  const char		*src;		/* Source PPD filename */
  cups_file_t		*srcfp,		/* Source PPD file */
			*dstfp;		/* Destination PPD file */
  ipp_t			*request,	/* IPP request */
			*response;	/* IPP response */
  ipp_attribute_t	*suppattr,	/* IPP -supported attribute */
			*defattr;	/* IPP -default attribute */
  cups_lang_t		*language;	/* Current language */
  char			line[256],	/* Line from PPD file */
			junk[256],	/* Extra junk to throw away */
			*ptr,		/* Pointer into line */
			uri[1024],	/* Printer URI */
			option[41],	/* Option */
			choice[41];	/* Choice */
  int			jcloption,	/* In a JCL option? */
			jclorder,	/* Next JCL order dependency */
			linenum;	/* Current line number */
  time_t		curtime;	/* Current time */
  struct tm		*curdate;	/* Current date */
  static const char * const pattrs[] =	/* Printer attributes we want */

  * Range check the input...

  if (buffer)
    *buffer = '\0';

  if (!http)
    http = _cupsConnect();

  if (!http || !dest || !buffer || bufsize < 2)
    return (NULL);

  * Get the PPD file...

  if ((src = cupsGetPPD2(http, dest)) == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  * Get the supported banner pages, etc. for the printer...

  request = ippNewRequest(IPP_OP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES);

  httpAssembleURIf(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, sizeof(uri), "ipp", NULL,
                   "localhost", 0, "/printers/%s", dest);
  ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI,
               "printer-uri", NULL, uri);

  ippAddStrings(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD,
                "requested-attributes", sizeof(pattrs) / sizeof(pattrs[0]),
		NULL, pattrs);

  * Do the request and get back a response...

  response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/");
  if (!response || cupsLastError() > IPP_STATUS_OK_CONFLICTING)
    return (NULL);

  * Open the original PPD file...

  if ((srcfp = cupsFileOpen(src, "rb")) == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  * Create a temporary output file using the destination buffer...

  if ((dstfp = cupsTempFile2(buffer, bufsize)) == NULL)


    return (NULL);

  * Write a new header explaining that this isn't the original PPD...

  cupsFilePuts(dstfp, "*PPD-Adobe: \"4.3\"\n");

  curtime = time(NULL);
  curdate = gmtime(&curtime);

  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*%% Modified on %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d+0000 "
                        "for CUPS Windows Driver\n",
        	 curdate->tm_year + 1900, curdate->tm_mon + 1, curdate->tm_mday,
        	 curdate->tm_hour, curdate->tm_min, curdate->tm_sec);

  * Read the existing PPD file, converting all PJL commands to CUPS
  * job ticket comments...

  jcloption = 0;
  jclorder  = 0;
  linenum   = 0;
  language  = cupsLangDefault();

  while (cupsFileGets(srcfp, line, sizeof(line)))
    linenum ++;

    if (!strncmp(line, "*PPD-Adobe:", 11))
      * Already wrote the PPD header...

    else if (!strncmp(line, "*JCLBegin:", 10) ||
             !strncmp(line, "*JCLToPSInterpreter:", 20) ||
	     !strncmp(line, "*JCLEnd:", 8) ||
	     !strncmp(line, "*Protocols:", 11))
      * Don't use existing JCL keywords; we'll create our own, below...

      cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*%% Commented out for CUPS Windows Driver...\n"
                            "*%%%s\n", line + 1);
    else if (!strncmp(line, "*JCLOpenUI", 10))
      jcloption = 1;
      cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%s\n", line);
    else if (!strncmp(line, "*JCLCloseUI", 11))
      jcloption = 0;
      cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%s\n", line);
    else if (jcloption && !strncmp(line, "*OrderDependency:", 17))
      for (ptr = line + 17; _cups_isspace(*ptr); ptr ++);

      ptr = strchr(ptr, ' ');

      if (ptr)
	cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*OrderDependency: %d%s\n", jclorder, ptr);
	jclorder ++;
        cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%s\n", line);
    else if (jcloption &&
             strncmp(line, "*End", 4) &&
             strncmp(line, "*Default", 8))
      if ((ptr = strchr(line, ':')) == NULL)
        snprintf(line, sizeof(line),
	         _cupsLangString(language, _("Missing value on line %d.")),
        _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR, line, 0);



        *buffer = '\0';

	return (NULL);

      if ((ptr = strchr(ptr, '\"')) == NULL)
        snprintf(line, sizeof(line),
		                 _("Missing double quote on line %d.")),
        _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR, line, 0);



        *buffer = '\0';

	return (NULL);

      if (sscanf(line, "*%40s%*[ \t]%40[^:/]", option, choice) != 2)
        snprintf(line, sizeof(line),
		                 _("Bad option + choice on line %d.")),
        _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR, line, 0);



        *buffer = '\0';

	return (NULL);

      if (strchr(ptr + 1, '\"') == NULL)
        * Skip remaining...

	while (cupsFileGets(srcfp, junk, sizeof(junk)) != NULL)
	  linenum ++;

	  if (!strncmp(junk, "*End", 4))

      snprintf(ptr + 1, sizeof(line) - (size_t)(ptr - line + 1),
               "%%cupsJobTicket: %s=%s\n\"\n*End", option, choice);

      cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*%% Changed for CUPS Windows Driver...\n%s\n",
      cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%s\n", line);


  if (linenum == 0)
    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR, _("Empty PPD file."), 1);


    *buffer = '\0';

    return (NULL);

  * Now add the CUPS-specific attributes and options...

  cupsFilePuts(dstfp, "\n*% CUPS Job Ticket support and options...\n");
  cupsFilePuts(dstfp, "*Protocols: PJL\n");
  cupsFilePuts(dstfp, "*JCLBegin: \"%!PS-Adobe-3.0<0A>\"\n");
  cupsFilePuts(dstfp, "*JCLToPSInterpreter: \"\"\n");
  cupsFilePuts(dstfp, "*JCLEnd: \"\"\n");

  cupsFilePuts(dstfp, "\n*OpenGroup: CUPS/CUPS Options\n\n");

  if ((defattr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-hold-until-default",
                                  IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL &&
      (suppattr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-hold-until-supported",
                                   IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL)
    write_option(dstfp, jclorder ++, "cupsJobHoldUntil", "Hold Until",
                 "job-hold-until", suppattr, defattr, 0, 1);

  if ((defattr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-priority-default",
                                  IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL &&
      (suppattr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-priority-supported",
                                   IPP_TAG_RANGE)) != NULL)
    write_option(dstfp, jclorder ++, "cupsJobPriority", "Priority",
                 "job-priority", suppattr, defattr, 0, 1);

  if ((defattr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-sheets-default",
                                  IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL &&
      (suppattr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-sheets-supported",
                                   IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL)
    write_option(dstfp, jclorder ++, "cupsJobSheetsStart", "Start Banner",
                 "job-sheets", suppattr, defattr, 0, 2);
    write_option(dstfp, jclorder, "cupsJobSheetsEnd", "End Banner",
                 "job-sheets", suppattr, defattr, 1, 2);

  cupsFilePuts(dstfp, "*CloseGroup: CUPS\n");


  return (buffer);

 * 'cupsAdminExportSamba()' - Export a printer to Samba.
 * @deprecated@

int					/* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
    const char *dest,			/* I - Destination to export */
    const char *ppd,			/* I - PPD file */
    const char *samba_server,		/* I - Samba server */
    const char *samba_user,		/* I - Samba username */
    const char *samba_password,		/* I - Samba password */
    FILE       *logfile)		/* I - Log file, if any */
  int			status;		/* Status of Samba commands */
  int			have_drivers;	/* Have drivers? */
  char			file[1024],	/* File to test for */
			authfile[1024],	/* Temporary authentication file */
			address[1024],	/* Address for command */
			subcmd[1024],	/* Sub-command */
			message[1024];	/* Error message */
  cups_file_t		*fp;		/* Authentication file */
  cups_lang_t		*language;	/* Current language */
  _cups_globals_t	*cg = _cupsGlobals();
					/* Global data */

  * Range check input...

  if (!dest || !ppd || !samba_server || !samba_user || !samba_password)
    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
    return (0);

  * Create a temporary authentication file for Samba...

  if ((fp = cupsTempFile2(authfile, sizeof(authfile))) == NULL)
    return (0);

  cupsFilePrintf(fp, "username = %s\n", samba_user);
  cupsFilePrintf(fp, "password = %s\n", samba_password);

  * See which drivers are available; the new CUPS v6 and Adobe drivers
  * depend on the Windows 2k PS driver, so copy that driver first:
  * Files:
  *     ps5ui.dll
  *     pscript.hlp
  *     pscript.ntf
  *     pscript5.dll

  have_drivers = 0;
  language     = cupsLangDefault();

  snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/drivers/pscript5.dll", cg->cups_datadir);
  if (!access(file, 0))
    have_drivers |= 1;

    * Windows 2k driver is installed; do the smbclient commands needed
    * to copy the Win2k drivers over...

    snprintf(address, sizeof(address), "//%s/print$", samba_server);

    snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
             "mkdir W32X86;"
	     "put %s W32X86/%s.ppd;"
	     "put %s/drivers/ps5ui.dll W32X86/ps5ui.dll;"
	     "put %s/drivers/pscript.hlp W32X86/pscript.hlp;"
	     "put %s/drivers/pscript.ntf W32X86/pscript.ntf;"
	     "put %s/drivers/pscript5.dll W32X86/pscript5.dll",
	     ppd, dest, cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir,
	     cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir);

    if ((status = do_samba_command("smbclient", address, subcmd,
                                   authfile, logfile)) != 0)
      snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
	                       _("Unable to copy Windows 2000 printer "
	                         "driver files (%d).")), status);

      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

      if (logfile)
	_cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


      return (0);

    * See if we also have the CUPS driver files; if so, use them!

    snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/drivers/cupsps6.dll", cg->cups_datadir);
    if (!access(file, 0))
      * Copy the CUPS driver files over...

      snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
               "put %s/drivers/cups6.ini W32X86/cups6.ini;"
               "put %s/drivers/cupsps6.dll W32X86/cupsps6.dll;"
	       "put %s/drivers/cupsui6.dll W32X86/cupsui6.dll",
	       cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir);

      if ((status = do_samba_command("smbclient", address, subcmd,
                                     authfile, logfile)) != 0)
	snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
	                         _("Unable to copy CUPS printer driver "
				   "files (%d).")), status);

	_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

	if (logfile)
	  _cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


	return (0);

      * Do the rpcclient command needed for the CUPS drivers...

      snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
               "adddriver \"Windows NT x86\" \"%s:"
	       dest, dest, dest);
      * Don't have the CUPS drivers, so just use the standard Windows
      * drivers...

      snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
               "adddriver \"Windows NT x86\" \"%s:"
	       dest, dest, dest);

    if ((status = do_samba_command("rpcclient", samba_server, subcmd,
                                   authfile, logfile)) != 0)
      snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
                	       _("Unable to install Windows 2000 printer "
		        	 "driver files (%d).")), status);

      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

      if (logfile)
	_cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


      return (0);

  * See if we have the Win9x PS driver...

  snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/drivers/ADOBEPS4.DRV", cg->cups_datadir);
  if (!access(file, 0))
    have_drivers |= 2;

    * Do the smbclient commands needed for the Adobe Win9x drivers...

    snprintf(address, sizeof(address), "//%s/print$", samba_server);

    snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
             "mkdir WIN40;"
	     "put %s WIN40/%s.PPD;"
	     "put %s/drivers/ADFONTS.MFM WIN40/ADFONTS.MFM;"
	     "put %s/drivers/ADOBEPS4.DRV WIN40/ADOBEPS4.DRV;"
	     "put %s/drivers/ADOBEPS4.HLP WIN40/ADOBEPS4.HLP;"
	     "put %s/drivers/ICONLIB.DLL WIN40/ICONLIB.DLL;"
	     "put %s/drivers/PSMON.DLL WIN40/PSMON.DLL;",
	     ppd, dest, cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir,
	     cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir);

    if ((status = do_samba_command("smbclient", address, subcmd,
                                   authfile, logfile)) != 0)
      snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
                	       _("Unable to copy Windows 9x printer "
		        	 "driver files (%d).")), status);

      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

      if (logfile)
	_cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


      return (0);

    * Do the rpcclient commands needed for the Adobe Win9x drivers...

    snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
	     "adddriver \"Windows 4.0\" \"%s:ADOBEPS4.DRV:%s.PPD:NULL:"
	     dest, dest, dest);

    if ((status = do_samba_command("rpcclient", samba_server, subcmd,
                                   authfile, logfile)) != 0)
      snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
                	       _("Unable to install Windows 9x printer "
		        	 "driver files (%d).")), status);

      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

      if (logfile)
	_cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


      return (0);

  * See if we have the 64-bit Windows PS driver...
  * Files:
  *     x64/ps5ui.dll
  *     x64/pscript.hlp
  *     x64/pscript.ntf
  *     x64/pscript5.dll

  snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/drivers/x64/pscript5.dll", cg->cups_datadir);
  if (!access(file, 0))
    have_drivers |= 4;

    * 64-bit Windows driver is installed; do the smbclient commands needed
    * to copy the Win64 drivers over...

    snprintf(address, sizeof(address), "//%s/print$", samba_server);

    snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
             "mkdir x64;"
	     "put %s x64/%s.ppd;"
	     "put %s/drivers/x64/ps5ui.dll x64/ps5ui.dll;"
	     "put %s/drivers/x64/pscript.hlp x64/pscript.hlp;"
	     "put %s/drivers/x64/pscript.ntf x64/pscript.ntf;"
	     "put %s/drivers/x64/pscript5.dll x64/pscript5.dll",
	     ppd, dest, cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir,
	     cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir);

    if ((status = do_samba_command("smbclient", address, subcmd,
                                   authfile, logfile)) != 0)
      snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
	                       _("Unable to copy 64-bit Windows printer "
	                         "driver files (%d).")), status);

      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

      if (logfile)
	_cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


      return (0);

    * See if we also have the CUPS driver files; if so, use them!

    snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/drivers/x64/cupsps6.dll", cg->cups_datadir);
    if (!access(file, 0))
      * Copy the CUPS driver files over...

      snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
               "put %s/drivers/x64/cups6.ini x64/cups6.ini;"
               "put %s/drivers/x64/cupsps6.dll x64/cupsps6.dll;"
	       "put %s/drivers/x64/cupsui6.dll x64/cupsui6.dll",
	       cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir, cg->cups_datadir);

      if ((status = do_samba_command("smbclient", address, subcmd,
                                     authfile, logfile)) != 0)
	snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
	                         _("Unable to copy 64-bit CUPS printer driver "
				   "files (%d).")), status);

	_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

	if (logfile)
	  _cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


	return (0);

      * Do the rpcclient command needed for the CUPS drivers...

      snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
               "adddriver \"Windows x64\" \"%s:"
	       dest, dest, dest);
      * Don't have the CUPS drivers, so just use the standard Windows
      * drivers...

      snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd),
               "adddriver \"Windows x64\" \"%s:"
	       dest, dest, dest);

    if ((status = do_samba_command("rpcclient", samba_server, subcmd,
                                   authfile, logfile)) != 0)
      snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
                	       _("Unable to install Windows 2000 printer "
		        	 "driver files (%d).")), status);

      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

      if (logfile)
	_cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


      return (0);

  if (logfile && !(have_drivers & 1))
    if (!have_drivers)
                	      _("No Windows printer drivers are installed.")),
                	      _("Warning, no Windows 2000 printer drivers "
				"are installed.")),

    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, message, 0);
    _cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);

  if (have_drivers == 0)
    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, message, 0);


    return (0);

  * Finally, associate the drivers we just added with the queue...

  snprintf(subcmd, sizeof(subcmd), "setdriver %s %s", dest, dest);

  if ((status = do_samba_command("rpcclient", samba_server, subcmd,
                                 authfile, logfile)) != 0)
    snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
        		     _("Unable to set Windows printer driver (%d).")),

    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

    if (logfile)
      _cupsLangPuts(logfile, message);


    return (0);


  return (1);

 * 'cupsAdminGetServerSettings()' - Get settings from the server.
 * The returned settings should be freed with cupsFreeOptions() when
 * you are done with them.
 * @since CUPS 1.3/macOS 10.5@

int					/* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
    http_t        *http,		/* I - Connection to server or @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@ */
    int           *num_settings,	/* O - Number of settings */
    cups_option_t **settings)		/* O - Settings */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  cups_file_t	*cupsd;			/* cupsd.conf file */
  char		cupsdconf[1024];	/* cupsd.conf filename */
  int		remote;			/* Remote cupsd.conf file? */
  http_status_t	status;			/* Status of getting cupsd.conf */
  char		line[1024],		/* Line from cupsd.conf file */
		*value;			/* Value on line */
  cups_option_t	*setting;		/* Current setting */
  _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Global data */

  * Range check input...

  if (!http)
    * See if we are connected to the same server...

    if (cg->http)
      * Compare the connection hostname, port, and encryption settings to
      * the cached defaults; these were initialized the first time we
      * connected...

      if (strcmp(cg->http->hostname, cg->server) ||
          cg->ipp_port != httpAddrPort(cg->http->hostaddr) ||
	  (cg->http->encryption != cg->encryption &&
	   cg->http->encryption == HTTP_ENCRYPTION_NEVER))
	* Need to close the current connection because something has changed...

	cg->http = NULL;

    * (Re)connect as needed...

    if (!cg->http)
      if ((cg->http = httpConnect2(cupsServer(), ippPort(), NULL, AF_UNSPEC,
                                   cupsEncryption(), 1, 0, NULL)) == NULL)
	if (errno)
			_("Unable to connect to host."), 1);

	if (num_settings)
	  *num_settings = 0;

	if (settings)
	  *settings = NULL;

	return (0);

    http = cg->http;

  if (!http || !num_settings || !settings)
    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);

    if (num_settings)
      *num_settings = 0;

    if (settings)
      *settings = NULL;

    return (0);

  *num_settings = 0;
  *settings     = NULL;

  * Get the cupsd.conf file...

  if ((status = get_cupsd_conf(http, cg, cg->cupsd_update, cupsdconf,
                               sizeof(cupsdconf), &remote)) == HTTP_STATUS_OK)
    if ((cupsd = cupsFileOpen(cupsdconf, "r")) == NULL)
      char	message[1024];		/* Message string */

      snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
               _cupsLangString(cupsLangDefault(), _("Open of %s failed: %s")),
               cupsdconf, strerror(errno));
      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);
    cupsd = NULL;

  if (cupsd)
    * Read the file, keeping track of what settings are enabled...

    int		remote_access = 0,	/* Remote access allowed? */
		remote_admin = 0,	/* Remote administration allowed? */
		remote_any = 0,		/* Remote access from anywhere allowed? */
		browsing = 1,		/* Browsing enabled? */
		cancel_policy = 1,	/* Cancel-job policy set? */
		debug_logging = 0;	/* LogLevel debug set? */
    int		linenum = 0,		/* Line number in file */
		in_location = 0,	/* In a location section? */
		in_policy = 0,		/* In a policy section? */
		in_cancel_job = 0,	/* In a cancel-job section? */
		in_admin_location = 0;	/* In the /admin location? */


    cg->cupsd_update = time(NULL);
    httpGetHostname(http, cg->cupsd_hostname, sizeof(cg->cupsd_hostname));

    while (cupsFileGetConf(cupsd, line, sizeof(line), &value, &linenum))
      if (!value && strncmp(line, "</", 2))
        value = line + strlen(line);

      if ((!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Port") || !_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Listen")) && value)
	char	*port;			/* Pointer to port number, if any */

	if ((port = strrchr(value, ':')) != NULL)
	  *port = '\0';
	else if (isdigit(*value & 255))
	  * Listen on a port number implies remote access...

	  remote_access = 1;

	if (_cups_strcasecmp(value, "localhost") && strcmp(value, "")
#ifdef AF_LOCAL
            && *value != '/'
#endif /* AF_LOCAL */
#ifdef AF_INET6
            && strcmp(value, "[::1]")
#endif /* AF_INET6 */
	  remote_access = 1;
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Browsing"))
	browsing = !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") ||
	           !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") ||
	           !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "LogLevel"))
	debug_logging = !_cups_strncasecmp(value, "debug", 5);
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "<Policy") &&
               !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "default"))
	in_policy = 1;
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "</Policy>"))
	in_policy = 0;
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "<Limit") && in_policy && value)
	* See if the policy limit is for the Cancel-Job operation...

	char	*valptr;		/* Pointer into value */

	while (*value)
	  for (valptr = value; *valptr && !_cups_isspace(*valptr); valptr ++);

	  if (*valptr)
	    *valptr++ = '\0';

          if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "cancel-job") ||
              !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "all"))
	    in_cancel_job = 1;

          for (value = valptr; _cups_isspace(*value); value ++);
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "</Limit>"))
	in_cancel_job = 0;
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Require") && in_cancel_job)
	cancel_policy = 0;
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "<Location") && value)
        in_admin_location = !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "/admin");
	in_location       = 1;
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "</Location>"))
	in_admin_location = 0;
	in_location       = 0;
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Allow") && value &&
               _cups_strcasecmp(value, "localhost") &&
               _cups_strcasecmp(value, "")
#ifdef AF_LOCAL
	       && *value != '/'
#endif /* AF_LOCAL */
#ifdef AF_INET6
	       && strcmp(value, "::1")
#endif /* AF_INET6 */
        if (in_admin_location)
	  remote_admin = 1;
        else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "all"))
	  remote_any = 1;
      else if (line[0] != '<' && !in_location && !in_policy &&
	       _cups_strcasecmp(line, "Allow") &&
               _cups_strcasecmp(line, "AuthType") &&
	       _cups_strcasecmp(line, "Deny") &&
	       _cups_strcasecmp(line, "Order") &&
	       _cups_strcasecmp(line, "Require") &&
	       _cups_strcasecmp(line, "Satisfy"))
        cg->cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(line, value,


    cg->cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_DEBUG_LOGGING,
                                           debug_logging ? "1" : "0",

    cg->cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ADMIN,
                                           (remote_access && remote_admin) ?
					       "1" : "0",

    cg->cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ANY,
                                           remote_any ? "1" : "0",

    cg->cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_SHARE_PRINTERS,
                                           (remote_access && browsing) ? "1" :

    cg->cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_USER_CANCEL_ANY,
                                           cancel_policy ? "1" : "0",
  else if (status != HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED)

  * Remove any temporary files and copy the settings array...

  if (remote)

  for (i = cg->cupsd_num_settings, setting = cg->cupsd_settings;
       i > 0;
       i --, setting ++)
    *num_settings = cupsAddOption(setting->name, setting->value,
                                  *num_settings, settings);

  return (cg->cupsd_num_settings > 0);

 * 'cupsAdminSetServerSettings()' - Set settings on the server.
 * @since CUPS 1.3/macOS 10.5@

int					/* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
    http_t        *http,		/* I - Connection to server or @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@ */
    int           num_settings,		/* I - Number of settings */
    cups_option_t *settings)		/* I - Settings */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  http_status_t status;			/* GET/PUT status */
  const char	*server_port_env;	/* SERVER_PORT env var */
  int		server_port;		/* IPP port for server */
  cups_file_t	*cupsd;			/* cupsd.conf file */
  char		cupsdconf[1024];	/* cupsd.conf filename */
  int		remote;			/* Remote cupsd.conf file? */
  char		tempfile[1024];		/* Temporary new cupsd.conf */
  cups_file_t	*temp;			/* Temporary file */
  char		line[1024],		/* Line from cupsd.conf file */
		*value;			/* Value on line */
  int		linenum,		/* Line number in file */
		in_location,		/* In a location section? */
		in_policy,		/* In a policy section? */
		in_default_policy,	/* In the default policy section? */
		in_cancel_job,		/* In a cancel-job section? */
		in_admin_location,	/* In the /admin location? */
		in_conf_location,	/* In the /admin/conf location? */
		in_log_location,	/* In the /admin/log location? */
		in_root_location;	/* In the / location? */
  const char	*val;			/* Setting value */
  int		share_printers,		/* Share local printers */
		remote_admin,		/* Remote administration allowed? */
		remote_any,		/* Remote access from anywhere? */
		user_cancel_any,	/* Cancel-job policy set? */
		debug_logging;		/* LogLevel debug set? */
  int		wrote_port_listen,	/* Wrote the port/listen lines? */
		wrote_browsing,		/* Wrote the browsing lines? */
		wrote_policy,		/* Wrote the policy? */
		wrote_loglevel,		/* Wrote the LogLevel line? */
		wrote_admin_location,	/* Wrote the /admin location? */
		wrote_conf_location,	/* Wrote the /admin/conf location? */
		wrote_log_location,	/* Wrote the /admin/log location? */
		wrote_root_location;	/* Wrote the / location? */
  int		indent;			/* Indentation */
  int		cupsd_num_settings;	/* New number of settings */
  int		old_share_printers,	/* Share local printers */
		old_remote_admin,	/* Remote administration allowed? */
		old_user_cancel_any,	/* Cancel-job policy set? */
		old_debug_logging;	/* LogLevel debug set? */
  cups_option_t	*cupsd_settings,	/* New settings */
		*setting;		/* Current setting */
  _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Global data */

  * Range check input...

  if (!http)
    http = _cupsConnect();

  if (!http || !num_settings || !settings)
    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);

    return (0);

  * Get the cupsd.conf file...

  if (get_cupsd_conf(http, cg, 0, cupsdconf, sizeof(cupsdconf),
                     &remote) == HTTP_STATUS_OK)
    if ((cupsd = cupsFileOpen(cupsdconf, "r")) == NULL)
      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, NULL, 0);
      return (0);
    return (0);

  * Get current settings...

  if (!cupsAdminGetServerSettings(http, &cupsd_num_settings,
    return (0);

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_DEBUG_LOGGING, cupsd_num_settings,
                           cupsd_settings)) != NULL)
    old_debug_logging = atoi(val);
    old_debug_logging = 0;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: old debug_logging=%d",

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ADMIN, cupsd_num_settings,
                           cupsd_settings)) != NULL)
    old_remote_admin = atoi(val);
    old_remote_admin = 0;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: old remote_admin=%d",

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ANY, cupsd_num_settings,
                           cupsd_settings)) != NULL)
    remote_any = atoi(val);
    remote_any = 0;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: old remote_any=%d",

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_SHARE_PRINTERS, cupsd_num_settings,
                           cupsd_settings)) != NULL)
    old_share_printers = atoi(val);
    old_share_printers = 0;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: old share_printers=%d",

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_USER_CANCEL_ANY, cupsd_num_settings,
                           cupsd_settings)) != NULL)
    old_user_cancel_any = atoi(val);
    old_user_cancel_any = 0;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: old user_cancel_any=%d",

  cupsFreeOptions(cupsd_num_settings, cupsd_settings);

  * Get basic settings...

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_DEBUG_LOGGING, num_settings,
                           settings)) != NULL)
    debug_logging = atoi(val);

    if (debug_logging == old_debug_logging)
      * No change to this setting...

      debug_logging = -1;
    debug_logging = -1;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: debug_logging=%d",

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ANY, num_settings,
                           settings)) != NULL)
    remote_any = atoi(val);

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: remote_any=%d",

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ADMIN, num_settings,
                           settings)) != NULL)
    remote_admin = atoi(val);

    if (remote_admin == old_remote_admin)
      * No change to this setting...

      remote_admin = -1;
    remote_admin = -1;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: remote_admin=%d",

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_SHARE_PRINTERS, num_settings,
                           settings)) != NULL)
    share_printers = atoi(val);

    if (share_printers == old_share_printers)
      * No change to this setting...

      share_printers = -1;
    share_printers = -1;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: share_printers=%d",

  if ((val = cupsGetOption(CUPS_SERVER_USER_CANCEL_ANY, num_settings,
                           settings)) != NULL)
    user_cancel_any = atoi(val);

    if (user_cancel_any == old_user_cancel_any)
      * No change to this setting...

      user_cancel_any = -1;
    user_cancel_any = -1;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsAdminSetServerSettings: user_cancel_any=%d",

  * Create a temporary file for the new cupsd.conf file...

  if ((temp = cupsTempFile2(tempfile, sizeof(tempfile))) == NULL)

    if (remote)

    return (0);

  * Copy the old file to the new, making changes along the way...

  cupsd_num_settings   = 0;
  in_admin_location    = 0;
  in_cancel_job        = 0;
  in_conf_location     = 0;
  in_default_policy    = 0;
  in_location          = 0;
  in_log_location      = 0;
  in_policy            = 0;
  in_root_location     = 0;
  linenum              = 0;
  wrote_admin_location = 0;
  wrote_browsing       = 0;
  wrote_conf_location  = 0;
  wrote_log_location   = 0;
  wrote_loglevel       = 0;
  wrote_policy         = 0;
  wrote_port_listen    = 0;
  wrote_root_location  = 0;
  indent               = 0;

  if ((server_port_env = getenv("SERVER_PORT")) != NULL)
    if ((server_port = atoi(server_port_env)) <= 0)
      server_port = ippPort();
    server_port = ippPort();

  if (server_port <= 0)
    server_port = IPP_PORT;

  while (cupsFileGetConf(cupsd, line, sizeof(line), &value, &linenum))
    if ((!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Port") || !_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Listen")) &&
        (remote_admin >= 0 || remote_any > 0 || share_printers >= 0))
      if (!wrote_port_listen)
        wrote_port_listen = 1;

	if (remote_admin > 0 || remote_any > 0 || share_printers > 0)
	  cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Allow remote access\n");
	  cupsFilePrintf(temp, "Port %d\n", server_port);
	  cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Only listen for connections from the local "
	  cupsFilePrintf(temp, "Listen localhost:%d\n", server_port);

        if ((!value || strcmp(CUPS_DEFAULT_DOMAINSOCKET, value)) &&
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "Listen " CUPS_DEFAULT_DOMAINSOCKET "\n");
      else if (value && value[0] == '/'
               && strcmp(CUPS_DEFAULT_DOMAINSOCKET, value)
        cupsFilePrintf(temp, "Listen %s\n", value);
    else if ((!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Browsing") ||
              !_cups_strcasecmp(line, "BrowseLocalProtocols")) &&
	     share_printers >= 0)
      if (!wrote_browsing)
	int new_share_printers = (share_printers > 0 ||
				  (share_printers == -1 &&
				   old_share_printers > 0));

        wrote_browsing = 1;

        if (new_share_printers)
	  const char *localp = cupsGetOption("BrowseLocalProtocols",
					     num_settings, settings);

          if (!localp || !localp[0])
	    localp = cupsGetOption("BrowseLocalProtocols", cupsd_num_settings,

	  cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Share local printers on the local network.\n");
	  cupsFilePuts(temp, "Browsing On\n");

	  if (!localp)

	  cupsFilePrintf(temp, "BrowseLocalProtocols %s\n", localp);

	  cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption("BrowseLocalProtocols", localp,
	  cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Disable printer sharing.\n");
	  cupsFilePuts(temp, "Browsing Off\n");
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "LogLevel") && debug_logging >= 0)
      wrote_loglevel = 1;

      if (debug_logging)
	             "# Show troubleshooting information in error_log.\n");
	cupsFilePuts(temp, "LogLevel debug\n");
        cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Show general information in error_log.\n");
	cupsFilePuts(temp, "LogLevel " CUPS_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL "\n");
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "<Policy"))
      in_default_policy = !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "default");
      in_policy         = 1;

      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%s %s>\n", line, value);
      indent += 2;
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "</Policy>"))
      indent -= 2;
      if (!wrote_policy && in_default_policy)
	wrote_policy = 1;

        if (!user_cancel_any)
	  cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Only the owner or an administrator can "
	                     "cancel a job...\n"
	                     "  <Limit Cancel-Job>\n"
	                     "    Order deny,allow\n"
			     "    Require user @OWNER "
			     "  </Limit>\n");

      in_policy         = 0;
      in_default_policy = 0;

      cupsFilePuts(temp, "</Policy>\n");
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "<Location"))
      in_location = 1;
      indent += 2;
      if (!strcmp(value, "/admin"))
	in_admin_location = 1;
      else if (!strcmp(value, "/admin/conf"))
	in_conf_location = 1;
      else if (!strcmp(value, "/admin/log"))
	in_log_location = 1;
      else if (!strcmp(value, "/"))
	in_root_location = 1;

      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%s %s>\n", line, value);
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "</Location>"))
      in_location = 0;
      indent -= 2;
      if (in_admin_location && remote_admin >= 0)
	wrote_admin_location = 1;

	if (remote_admin)
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Allow remote administration...\n");
	else if (remote_admin == 0)
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Restrict access to the admin pages...\n");

        cupsFilePuts(temp, "  Order allow,deny\n");

	if (remote_admin)
	  cupsFilePrintf(temp, "  Allow %s\n",
	                 remote_any > 0 ? "all" : "@LOCAL");
      else if (in_conf_location && remote_admin >= 0)
	wrote_conf_location = 1;

	if (remote_admin)
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Allow remote access to the configuration "
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Restrict access to the configuration "

        cupsFilePuts(temp, "  Order allow,deny\n");

	if (remote_admin)
	  cupsFilePrintf(temp, "  Allow %s\n",
	                 remote_any > 0 ? "all" : "@LOCAL");
      else if (in_log_location && remote_admin >= 0)
	wrote_log_location = 1;

	if (remote_admin)
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Allow remote access to the log "
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Restrict access to the log "

        cupsFilePuts(temp, "  Order allow,deny\n");

	if (remote_admin)
	  cupsFilePrintf(temp, "  Allow %s\n",
	                 remote_any > 0 ? "all" : "@LOCAL");
      else if (in_root_location &&
               (remote_admin >= 0 || remote_any > 0 || share_printers >= 0))
	wrote_root_location = 1;

	if (remote_admin > 0 && share_printers > 0)
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Allow shared printing and remote "
	else if (remote_admin > 0)
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Allow remote administration...\n");
	else if (share_printers > 0)
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Allow shared printing...\n");
	else if (remote_any > 0)
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Allow remote access...\n");
          cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Restrict access to the server...\n");

        cupsFilePuts(temp, "  Order allow,deny\n");

	if (remote_admin > 0 || remote_any > 0 || share_printers > 0)
	  cupsFilePrintf(temp, "  Allow %s\n",
	                 remote_any > 0 ? "all" : "@LOCAL");

      in_admin_location = 0;
      in_conf_location  = 0;
      in_log_location   = 0;
      in_root_location  = 0;

      cupsFilePuts(temp, "</Location>\n");
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "<Limit"))
      if (in_default_policy)
	* See if the policy limit is for the Cancel-Job operation...

	char	*valptr;		/* Pointer into value */

	if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "cancel-job") && user_cancel_any >= 0)
	  * Don't write anything for this limit section...

	  in_cancel_job = 2;
	  cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%*s%s", indent, "", line);

	  while (*value)
	    for (valptr = value; *valptr && !_cups_isspace(*valptr); valptr ++);

	    if (*valptr)
	      *valptr++ = '\0';

	    if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "cancel-job") && user_cancel_any >= 0)
	      * Write everything except for this definition...

	      in_cancel_job = 1;
	      cupsFilePrintf(temp, " %s", value);

	    for (value = valptr; _cups_isspace(*value); value ++);

	  cupsFilePuts(temp, ">\n");
        cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%*s%s %s>\n", indent, "", line, value);

      indent += 2;
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "</Limit>") && in_cancel_job)
      indent -= 2;

      if (in_cancel_job == 1)
	cupsFilePuts(temp, "  </Limit>\n");

      wrote_policy = 1;

      if (!user_cancel_any)
	cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Only the owner or an administrator can cancel "
			   "a job...\n"
			   "  <Limit Cancel-Job>\n"
			   "    Order deny,allow\n"
			   "    Require user @OWNER "
			   "  </Limit>\n");

      in_cancel_job = 0;
    else if ((((in_admin_location || in_conf_location || in_root_location) &&
               (remote_admin >= 0 || remote_any > 0)) ||
              (in_root_location && share_printers >= 0)) &&
             (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Allow") || !_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Deny") ||
	      !_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Order")))
    else if (in_cancel_job == 2)
    else if (line[0] == '<')
      if (value)
        cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%*s%s %s>\n", indent, "", line, value);
	indent += 2;
	if (line[1] == '/')
	  indent -= 2;

	cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%*s%s\n", indent, "", line);
    else if (!in_policy && !in_location &&
             (val = cupsGetOption(line, num_settings, settings)) != NULL)
      * Replace this directive's value with the new one...

      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(line, val, cupsd_num_settings,

      * Write the new value in its place, without indentation since we
      * only support setting root directives, not in sections...

      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%s %s\n", line, val);
    else if (value)
      if (!in_policy && !in_location)
        * Record the non-policy, non-location directives that we find
	* in the server settings, since we cache this info and record it
	* in cupsAdminGetServerSettings()...

	cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(line, value, cupsd_num_settings,

      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%*s%s %s\n", indent, "", line, value);
      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%*s%s\n", indent, "", line);

  * Write any missing info...

  if (!wrote_browsing && share_printers >= 0)
    if (share_printers > 0)
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Share local printers on the local network.\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "Browsing On\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Disable printer sharing and shared printers.\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "Browsing Off\n");

  if (!wrote_loglevel && debug_logging >= 0)
    if (debug_logging)
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Show troubleshooting information in error_log.\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "LogLevel debug\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Show general information in error_log.\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "LogLevel " CUPS_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL "\n");

  if (!wrote_port_listen &&
      (remote_admin >= 0 || remote_any > 0 || share_printers >= 0))
    if (remote_admin > 0 || remote_any > 0 || share_printers > 0)
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Allow remote access\n");
      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "Port %d\n", ippPort());
                   "# Only listen for connections from the local machine.\n");
      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "Listen localhost:%d\n", ippPort());

    if (!access(CUPS_DEFAULT_DOMAINSOCKET, 0))
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "Listen " CUPS_DEFAULT_DOMAINSOCKET "\n");

  if (!wrote_root_location &&
      (remote_admin >= 0 || remote_any > 0 || share_printers >= 0))
    if (remote_admin > 0 && share_printers > 0)
                   "# Allow shared printing and remote administration...\n");
    else if (remote_admin > 0)
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Allow remote administration...\n");
    else if (share_printers > 0)
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Allow shared printing...\n");
    else if (remote_any > 0)
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Allow remote access...\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Restrict access to the server...\n");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "<Location />\n"
                       "  Order allow,deny\n");

    if (remote_admin > 0 || remote_any > 0 || share_printers > 0)
      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "  Allow %s\n", remote_any > 0 ? "all" : "@LOCAL");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "</Location>\n");

  if (!wrote_admin_location && remote_admin >= 0)
    if (remote_admin)
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Allow remote administration...\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Restrict access to the admin pages...\n");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "<Location /admin>\n"
                       "  Order allow,deny\n");

    if (remote_admin)
      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "  Allow %s\n", remote_any > 0 ? "all" : "@LOCAL");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "</Location>\n");

  if (!wrote_conf_location && remote_admin >= 0)
    if (remote_admin)
                   "# Allow remote access to the configuration files...\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Restrict access to the configuration files...\n");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "<Location /admin/conf>\n"
                       "  AuthType Default\n"
                       "  Require user @SYSTEM\n"
                       "  Order allow,deny\n");

    if (remote_admin)
      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "  Allow %s\n", remote_any > 0 ? "all" : "@LOCAL");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "</Location>\n");

  if (!wrote_log_location && remote_admin >= 0)
    if (remote_admin)
                   "# Allow remote access to the log files...\n");
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "# Restrict access to the log files...\n");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "<Location /admin/log>\n"
                       "  AuthType Default\n"
                       "  Require user @SYSTEM\n"
                       "  Order allow,deny\n");

    if (remote_admin)
      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "  Allow %s\n", remote_any > 0 ? "all" : "@LOCAL");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "</Location>\n");

  if (!wrote_policy && user_cancel_any >= 0)
    cupsFilePuts(temp, "<Policy default>\n"
                       "  # Job-related operations must be done by the owner "
		       "or an administrator...\n"
                       "  <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job "
		       "Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes "
		       "Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription "
		       "Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job "
		       "Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job "
                       "    Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM\n"
                       "    Order deny,allow\n"
                       "  </Limit>\n"
                       "  # All administration operations require an "
		       "administrator to authenticate...\n"
		       "  <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer "
                       "Set-Printer-Attributes Enable-Printer "
		       "Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job "
		       "Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer "
		       "Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer "
		       "Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After "
		       "CUPS-Add-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer "
		       "CUPS-Add-Class CUPS-Delete-Class "
		       "CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs "
		       "CUPS-Set-Default CUPS-Add-Device CUPS-Delete-Device>\n"
                       "    AuthType Default\n"
		       "    Require user @SYSTEM\n"
                       "    Order deny,allow\n"

    if (!user_cancel_any)
      cupsFilePuts(temp, "  # Only the owner or an administrator can cancel "
                         "a job...\n"
	                 "  <Limit Cancel-Job>\n"
	                 "    Order deny,allow\n"
	                 "    Require user @OWNER "
			 "  </Limit>\n");

    cupsFilePuts(temp, "  <Limit All>\n"
                       "  Order deny,allow\n"
                       "  </Limit>\n"

  for (i = num_settings, setting = settings; i > 0; i --, setting ++)
    if (setting->name[0] != '_' &&
        _cups_strcasecmp(setting->name, "Listen") &&
	_cups_strcasecmp(setting->name, "Port") &&
        !cupsGetOption(setting->name, cupsd_num_settings, cupsd_settings))
      * Add this directive to the list of directives we have written...

      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(setting->name, setting->value,
                                         cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);

      * Write the new value, without indentation since we only support
      * setting root directives, not in sections...

      cupsFilePrintf(temp, "%s %s\n", setting->name, setting->value);


  * Upload the configuration file to the server...

  status = cupsPutFile(http, "/admin/conf/cupsd.conf", tempfile);

  if (status == HTTP_STATUS_CREATED)
    * Updated OK, add the basic settings...

    if (debug_logging >= 0)
      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_DEBUG_LOGGING,
                                	 debug_logging ? "1" : "0",
					 cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);
      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_DEBUG_LOGGING,
                                	 old_debug_logging ? "1" : "0",
					 cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);

    if (remote_admin >= 0)
      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ADMIN,
                                	 remote_admin ? "1" : "0",
					 cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);
      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ADMIN,
                                	 old_remote_admin ? "1" : "0",
					 cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);

    cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_REMOTE_ANY,
                                       remote_any ? "1" : "0",
				       cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);

    if (share_printers >= 0)
      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_SHARE_PRINTERS,
                                	 share_printers ? "1" : "0",
					 cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);
      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_SHARE_PRINTERS,
                                	 old_share_printers ? "1" : "0",
					 cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);

    if (user_cancel_any >= 0)
      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_USER_CANCEL_ANY,
                                	 user_cancel_any ? "1" : "0",
					 cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);
      cupsd_num_settings = cupsAddOption(CUPS_SERVER_USER_CANCEL_ANY,
                                	 old_user_cancel_any ? "1" : "0",
					 cupsd_num_settings, &cupsd_settings);

    * Save the new values...


    cg->cupsd_num_settings = cupsd_num_settings;
    cg->cupsd_settings     = cupsd_settings;
    cg->cupsd_update       = time(NULL);

    httpGetHostname(http, cg->cupsd_hostname, sizeof(cg->cupsd_hostname));
    cupsFreeOptions(cupsd_num_settings, cupsd_settings);

  * Remote our temp files and return...

  if (remote)


  return (status == HTTP_STATUS_CREATED);

 * 'do_samba_command()' - Do a SAMBA command.

static int				/* O - Status of command */
do_samba_command(const char *command,	/* I - Command to run */
                 const char *address,	/* I - Address for command */
                 const char *subcmd,	/* I - Sub-command */
		 const char *authfile,	/* I - Samba authentication file */
		 FILE *logfile)		/* I - Optional log file */
#ifdef WIN32
  return (1);				/* Always fail on Windows... */

  int		status;			/* Status of command */
  int		pid;			/* Process ID of child */

  if (logfile)
                    _("Running command: %s %s -N -A %s -c \'%s\'"),
        	    command, address, authfile, subcmd);

  if ((pid = fork()) == 0)
    * Child goes here, redirect stdin/out/err and execute the command...

    int fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);

    if (fd > 0)
      dup2(fd, 0);

    if (logfile)
      dup2(fileno(logfile), 1);
    else if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY)) > 1)
      dup2(fd, 1);

    dup2(1, 2);

    execlp(command, command, address, "-N", "-A", authfile, "-c", subcmd,
           (char *)0);
  else if (pid < 0)
    status = -1;

    if (logfile)
      _cupsLangPrintf(logfile, _("Unable to run \"%s\": %s"),
                      command, strerror(errno));
    * Wait for the process to complete...

    while (wait(&status) != pid);

  if (logfile)
    _cupsLangPuts(logfile, "");

  DEBUG_printf(("9do_samba_command: status=%d", status));

  if (WIFEXITED(status))
    return (WEXITSTATUS(status));
    return (-WTERMSIG(status));
#endif /* WIN32 */

 * 'get_cupsd_conf()' - Get the current cupsd.conf file.

static http_status_t			/* O - Status of request */
    http_t          *http,		/* I - Connection to server */
    _cups_globals_t *cg,		/* I - Global data */
    time_t          last_update,	/* I - Last update time for file */
    char            *name,		/* I - Filename buffer */
    size_t          namesize,		/* I - Size of filename buffer */
    int             *remote)		/* O - Remote file? */
  int		fd;			/* Temporary file descriptor */
#ifndef WIN32
  struct stat	info;			/* cupsd.conf file information */
#endif /* WIN32 */
  http_status_t	status;			/* Status of getting cupsd.conf */
  char		host[HTTP_MAX_HOST];	/* Hostname for connection */

  * See if we already have the data we need...

  httpGetHostname(http, host, sizeof(host));

  if (_cups_strcasecmp(cg->cupsd_hostname, host))

  snprintf(name, namesize, "%s/cupsd.conf", cg->cups_serverroot);
  *remote = 0;

#ifndef WIN32
  if (!_cups_strcasecmp(host, "localhost") && !access(name, R_OK))
    * Read the local file rather than using HTTP...

    if (stat(name, &info))
      char	message[1024];		/* Message string */

      snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
               _cupsLangString(cupsLangDefault(), _("stat of %s failed: %s")),
               name, strerror(errno));
      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, message, 0);

      *name = '\0';

    else if (last_update && info.st_mtime <= last_update)
      status = HTTP_STATUS_OK;
#endif /* !WIN32 */
    * Read cupsd.conf via a HTTP GET request...

    if ((fd = cupsTempFd(name, (int)namesize)) < 0)
      *name = '\0';

      _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, NULL, 0);



    *remote = 1;


    if (last_update)
      httpSetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE,

    status = cupsGetFd(http, "/admin/conf/cupsd.conf", fd);


    if (status != HTTP_STATUS_OK)
      *name = '\0';

  return (status);

 * 'invalidate_cupsd_cache()' - Invalidate the cached cupsd.conf settings.

static void
    _cups_globals_t *cg)		/* I - Global data */
  cupsFreeOptions(cg->cupsd_num_settings, cg->cupsd_settings);

  cg->cupsd_hostname[0]  = '\0';
  cg->cupsd_update       = 0;
  cg->cupsd_num_settings = 0;
  cg->cupsd_settings     = NULL;

 * 'write_option()' - Write a CUPS option to a PPD file.

static void
write_option(cups_file_t     *dstfp,	/* I - PPD file */
             int             order,	/* I - Order dependency */
             const char      *name,	/* I - Option name */
	     const char      *text,	/* I - Option text */
             const char      *attrname,	/* I - Attribute name */
             ipp_attribute_t *suppattr,	/* I - IPP -supported attribute */
	     ipp_attribute_t *defattr,	/* I - IPP -default attribute */
	     int             defval,	/* I - Default value number */
	     int             valcount)	/* I - Number of values */
  int	i;				/* Looping var */

  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*JCLOpenUI *%s/%s: PickOne\n"
                        "*OrderDependency: %d JCLSetup *%s\n",
                 name, text, order, name);

  if (defattr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_INTEGER)
    * Do numeric options with a range or list...

    cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*Default%s: %d\n", name,

    if (suppattr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
      * List each number in the range...

      for (i = suppattr->values[0].range.lower;
           i <= suppattr->values[0].range.upper;
	   i ++)
        cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*%s %d: \"", name, i);

        if (valcount == 1)
	  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%%cupsJobTicket: %s=%d\n\"\n*End\n",
	                 attrname, i);
        else if (defval == 0)
	  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%%cupsJobTicket: %s=%d\"\n", attrname, i);
        else if (defval < (valcount - 1))
	  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, ",%d\"\n", i);
	  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, ",%d\n\"\n*End\n", i);
      * List explicit numbers...

      for (i = 0; i < suppattr->num_values; i ++)
        cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*%s %d: \"", name, suppattr->values[i].integer);

        if (valcount == 1)
	  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%%cupsJobTicket: %s=%d\n\"\n*End\n", attrname,
        else if (defval == 0)
	  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%%cupsJobTicket: %s=%d\"\n", attrname,
        else if (defval < (valcount - 1))
	  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, ",%d\"\n", suppattr->values[i].integer);
	  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, ",%d\n\"\n*End\n", suppattr->values[i].integer);
    * Do text options with a list...

    cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*Default%s: %s\n", name,

    for (i = 0; i < suppattr->num_values; i ++)
      cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*%s %s: \"", name,

      if (valcount == 1)
	cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%%cupsJobTicket: %s=%s\n\"\n*End\n", attrname,
      else if (defval == 0)
	cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "%%cupsJobTicket: %s=%s\"\n", attrname,
      else if (defval < (valcount - 1))
	cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, ",%s\"\n", suppattr->values[i].string.text);
	cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, ",%s\n\"\n*End\n",

  cupsFilePrintf(dstfp, "*JCLCloseUI: *%s\n\n", name);