man-cups-config.html   [plain text]

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<h1 class="title">cups-config(1)</h1>
<h2 class="title"><a name="NAME">Name</a></h2>
cups-config - get cups api, compiler, directory, and link information.
<h2 class="title"><a name="SYNOPSIS">Synopsis</a></h2>
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<h2 class="title"><a name="DESCRIPTION">Description</a></h2>
The <b>cups-config</b> command allows application developers to determine the necessary command-line options for the compiler and linker, as well as the installation directories for filters, configuration files, and drivers.
All values are reported to the standard output.
<h2 class="title"><a name="OPTIONS">Options</a></h2>
The <b>cups-config</b> command accepts the following command-line options:
<dl class="man">
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the current API version (major.minor).
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports a system-specific build number.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the necessary compiler options.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the default CUPS data directory.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the program usage message.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">When used with <i>--libs</i>, adds the CUPS imaging library to the
list of libraries.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the necessary linker options.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the necessary libraries to link to.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the default CUPS binary directory, where filters and backends are stored.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the default CUPS configuration file directory.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">When used with <i>--libs</i>, reports the static libraries instead of the default (shared) libraries.
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Reports the full version number of the CUPS installation (major.minor.patch).
<h2 class="title"><a name="EXAMPLES">Examples</a></h2>
Show the currently installed version of CUPS:
<pre class="man">

    cups-config --version

Compile a simple one-file CUPS filter:
<pre class="man">

    cc `cups-config --cflags --ldflags` -o filter filter.c \
        `cups-config --libs`
<h2 class="title"><a name="SEE_ALSO">See Also</a></h2>
<a href="man-cups.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cups</b>(1),</a>
CUPS Online Help (<a href="http://localhost:631/help">http://localhost:631/help</a>)
<h2 class="title"><a name="COPYRIGHT">Copyright</a></h2>
Copyright &copy; 2007-2014 by Apple Inc.
