log.c   [plain text]

 * "$Id: log.c,v 2002/06/06 22:13:17 jlovell Exp $"
 *   Log file routines for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
 *   Copyright 1997-2002 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
 *   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 *   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
 *   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
 *   "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file.  If this
 *   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
 *   at:
 *       Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
 *       Easy Software Products
 *       44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
 *       Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3111 USA
 *       Voice: (301) 373-9603
 *       EMail: cups-info@cups.org
 *         WWW: http://www.cups.org
 * Contents:
 *   GetDateTime()    - Returns a pointer to a date/time string.
 *   LogMessage()     - Log a message to the error log file.
 *   LogPage()        - Log a page to the page log file.
 *   LogRequest()     - Log an HTTP request in Common Log Format.
 *   check_log_file() - Open/rotate a log file if it needs it.

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "cupsd.h"
#include <stdarg.h>

#  include <syslog.h>
#endif /* HAVE_VSYSLOG */

 * Local functions...

static int	check_log_file(FILE **, const char *);

 * 'GetDateTime()' - Returns a pointer to a date/time string.

char *				/* O - Date/time string */
GetDateTime(time_t t)		/* I - Time value */
  struct tm	*date;		/* Date/time value */
  static char	s[1024];	/* Date/time string */
  static const char *months[12] =/* Months */

  * Get the date and time from the UNIX time value, and then format it
  * into a string.  Note that we *can't* use the strftime() function since
  * it is localized and will seriously confuse automatic programs if the
  * month names are in the wrong language!
  * Also, we use the "timezone" variable that contains the current timezone
  * offset from GMT in seconds so that we are reporting local time in the
  * log files.  If you want GMT, set the TZ environment variable accordingly
  * before starting the scheduler.
  * (*BSD and Darwin store the timezone offset in the tm structure)

  date = localtime(&t);

  snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "[%02d/%s/%04d:%02d:%02d:%02d %+03ld%02ld]",
	   date->tm_mday, months[date->tm_mon], 1900 + date->tm_year,
	   date->tm_hour, date->tm_min, date->tm_sec,
           date->tm_gmtoff / 3600, (date->tm_gmtoff / 60) % 60);
           timezone / 3600, (timezone / 60) % 60);
#endif /* HAVE_TM_GMTOFF */
  return (s);

 * 'LogMessage()' - Log a message to the error log file.

int				/* O - 1 on success, 0 on error */
LogMessage(int        level,	/* I - Log level */
           const char *message,	/* I - printf-style message string */
	   ...)			/* I - Additional args as needed */
  int		len;		/* Length of message */
  char		line[1024];	/* Line for output file */
  va_list	ap;		/* Argument pointer */
  static char	levels[] =	/* Log levels... */
		  ' ',
  static int	syslevels[] =	/* SYSLOG levels... */
#endif /* HAVE_VSYSLOG */

  * See if we want to log this message...

  if (level > LogLevel)
    return (1);

  * See if we are logging errors via syslog...

  if (strcmp(ErrorLog, "syslog") == 0)
    va_start(ap, message);
    vsyslog(syslevels[level], message, ap);

    return (1);
#endif /* HAVE_VSYSLOG */

  * Not using syslog; check the log file...

  if (!check_log_file(&ErrorFile, ErrorLog))
    return (0);
  * Print the log level and date/time...

  fprintf(ErrorFile, "%c %s ", levels[level], GetDateTime(time(NULL)));

  * Then the log message...

  va_start(ap, message);
  len = vsnprintf(line, sizeof(line), message, ap);

  * Then a newline...

  fputs(line, ErrorFile);
  if (len > 0 && line[len - 1] != '\n')
    putc('\n', ErrorFile);


  return (1);

 * 'LogPage()' - Log a page to the page log file.

int				/* O - 1 on success, 0 on error */
LogPage(job_t       *job,	/* I - Job being printed */
        const char  *page)	/* I - Page being printed */
  ipp_attribute_t *billing;	/* job-billing attribute */

  billing = ippFindAttribute(job->attrs, "job-billing", IPP_TAG_ZERO);

  * See if we are logging pages via syslog...

  if (strcmp(PageLog, "syslog") == 0)
    syslog(LOG_INFO, "PAGE %s %s %d %s %s", job->printer->name, job->username,
           job->id, page, billing ? billing->values[0].string.text : "");

    return (1);
#endif /* HAVE_VSYSLOG */

  * Not using syslog; check the log file...

  if (!check_log_file(&PageFile, PageLog))
    return (0);

  * Print a page log entry of the form:
  *    printer job-id user [DD/MON/YYYY:HH:MM:SS +TTTT] page num-copies billing

  fprintf(PageFile, "%s %s %d %s %s %s\n", job->printer->name, job->username,
          job->id, GetDateTime(time(NULL)), page,
	  billing ? billing->values[0].string.text : "");

  return (1);

 * 'LogRequest()' - Log an HTTP request in Common Log Format.

int				/* O - 1 on success, 0 on error */
LogRequest(client_t      *con,	/* I - Request to log */
           http_status_t code)	/* I - Response code */
  static const char *states[] =	/* HTTP client states... */

  * See if we are logging accesses via syslog...

  if (strcmp(AccessLog, "syslog") == 0)
    syslog(LOG_INFO, "REQUEST %s - %s \"%s %s HTTP/%d.%d\" %d %d\n",
           con->http.hostname, con->username[0] != '\0' ? con->username : "-",
	   states[con->operation], con->uri,
	   con->http.version / 100, con->http.version % 100,
	   code, con->bytes);

    return (1);
#endif /* HAVE_VSYSLOG */

  * Not using syslog; check the log file...

  if (!check_log_file(&AccessFile, AccessLog))
    return (0);

  * Write a log of the request in "common log format"...

  fprintf(AccessFile, "%s - %s %s \"%s %s HTTP/%d.%d\" %d %d\n",
          con->http.hostname, con->username[0] != '\0' ? con->username : "-",
	  GetDateTime(con->start), states[con->operation], con->uri,
	  con->http.version / 100, con->http.version % 100,
	  code, con->bytes);

  return (1);

 * 'check_log_file()' - Open/rotate a log file if it needs it.

static int				/* O  - 1 if log file open */
check_log_file(FILE       **log,	/* IO - Log file */
	       const char *logname)	/* I  - Log filename */
  char	backname[1024],			/* Backup log filename */
	filename[1024],			/* Formatted log filename */
	*ptr;				/* Pointer into filename */

  * See if we have a log file to check...

  if (log == NULL || logname == NULL || !logname[0])
    return (1);

  * Format the filename as needed...

  if (*log == NULL ||
      (ftell(*log) > MaxLogSize && MaxLogSize > 0))
    * Handle format strings...

    filename[sizeof(filename) - 1] = '\0';

    if (logname[0] != '/')
      strlcpy(filename, ServerRoot, sizeof(filename));
      strlcat(filename, "/", sizeof(filename));
      filename[0] = '\0';

    for (ptr = filename + strlen(filename);
         *logname && ptr < (filename + sizeof(filename) - 1);
	 logname ++)
      if (*logname == '%')
        * Format spec...

        logname ++;
	if (*logname == 's')
	  * Insert the server name...

	  strlcpy(ptr, ServerName, sizeof(filename) - (ptr - filename));
	  ptr += strlen(ptr);
	  * Otherwise just insert the character...

	  *ptr++ = *logname;
	*ptr++ = *logname;

    *ptr = '\0';

  * See if the log file is open...

  if (*log == NULL)
    * Nope, open the log file...

    if ((*log = fopen(filename, "a")) == NULL)
      return (0);

    fchown(fileno(*log), User, Group);
    fchmod(fileno(*log), LogFilePerm);

  * Do we need to rotate the log?

  if (ftell(*log) > MaxLogSize && MaxLogSize > 0)
    * Rotate log file...


    strcpy(backname, filename);
    strlcat(backname, ".O", sizeof(backname));

    rename(filename, backname);

    if ((*log = fopen(filename, "a")) == NULL)
      return (0);

    fchown(fileno(*log), User, Group);
    fchmod(fileno(*log), LogFilePerm);

  return (1);

 * End of "$Id: log.c,v 2002/06/06 22:13:17 jlovell Exp $".