auth.c   [plain text]

 * "$Id: auth.c 7721 2008-07-11 22:48:49Z mike $"
 *   Authentication functions for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
 *   Copyright 2007-2008 by Apple Inc.
 *   Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products.
 *   This file contains Kerberos support code, copyright 2006 by
 *   Jelmer Vernooij.
 *   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 *   property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
 *   law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
 *   which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
 *   file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
 *   This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception.
 * Contents:
 *   cupsDoAuthentication() - Authenticate a request.
 *   DEBUG_gss_printf()     - Show debug error messages from GSSAPI...
 *   cups_get_gss_creds()   - Get CUPS service credentials for authentication.
 *   cups_local_auth()      - Get the local authorization certificate if
 *                            available/applicable...

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "globals.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__EMX__)
#  include <io.h>
#  include <unistd.h>
#endif /* WIN32 || __EMX__ */

#  include <Security/Authorization.h>
#    include <Security/SecBasePriv.h>
#  else
extern const char *cssmErrorString(int error);
#  endif /* HAVE_SECBASEPRIV_H */

#if defined(SO_PEERCRED) && defined(AF_LOCAL)
#  include <pwd.h>
#endif /* SO_PEERCRED && AF_LOCAL */

 * Local functions...

#  ifdef DEBUG
static void	DEBUG_gss_printf(OM_uint32 major_status, OM_uint32 minor_status,
				 const char *message);
#  else
#    define DEBUG_gss_printf(major, minor, message)
#  endif /* DEBUG  */
static gss_name_t cups_get_gss_creds(http_t *http, const char *service_name);
#endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI */
static int	cups_local_auth(http_t *http);

 * 'cupsDoAuthentication()' - Authenticate a request.
 * This function should be called in response to a HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED
 * status, prior to resubmitting your request.
 * @since CUPS 1.1.20@

int					/* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
cupsDoAuthentication(http_t     *http,	/* I - HTTP connection to server */
                     const char *method,/* I - Request method (GET, POST, PUT) */
		     const char *resource)
					/* I - Resource path */
  const char	*password;		/* Password string */
  char		prompt[1024],		/* Prompt for user */
		realm[HTTP_MAX_VALUE],	/* realm="xyz" string */
		nonce[HTTP_MAX_VALUE];	/* nonce="xyz" string */
  int		localauth;		/* Local authentication result */
  _cups_globals_t *cg;			/* Global data */

  DEBUG_printf(("cupsDoAuthentication(http=%p, method=\"%s\", resource=\"%s\")\n",
                http, method, resource));
  DEBUG_printf(("cupsDoAuthentication: digest_tries=%d, userpass=\"%s\"\n",
                http->digest_tries, http->userpass));
  DEBUG_printf(("cupsDoAuthentication: WWW-Authenticate=\"%s\"\n",
                httpGetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE)));

  * Clear the current authentication string...

  httpSetAuthString(http, NULL, NULL);

  * See if we can do local authentication...

  if (http->digest_tries < 3)
    if ((localauth = cups_local_auth(http)) == 0)
      DEBUG_printf(("cupsDoAuthentication: authstring=\"%s\"\n",
      if (http->status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED)
	http->digest_tries ++;
      return (0);
    else if (localauth == -1)
      return (-1);			/* Error or canceled */

  * Nope, see if we should retry the current username:password...

  if ((http->digest_tries > 1 || !http->userpass[0]) &&
      strncmp(http->fields[HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE], "Negotiate", 9))
    * Nope - get a new password from the user...

    cg = _cupsGlobals();

    if (!cg->lang_default)
      cg->lang_default = cupsLangDefault();

    snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
             _cupsLangString(cg->lang_default, _("Password for %s on %s? ")),
	     http->hostname[0] == '/' ? "localhost" : http->hostname);

    http->digest_tries  = strncasecmp(http->fields[HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE],
                                      "Digest", 5) != 0;
    http->userpass[0]   = '\0';

    if ((password = cupsGetPassword(prompt)) == NULL)
      return (-1);

    if (!password[0])
      return (-1);

    snprintf(http->userpass, sizeof(http->userpass), "%s:%s", cupsUser(),
  else if (http->status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED)
    http->digest_tries ++;

  * Got a password; encode it for the server...

  if (!strncmp(http->fields[HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE], "Negotiate", 9))
    * Kerberos authentication...

    OM_uint32		minor_status,	/* Minor status code */
			major_status;	/* Major status code */
    gss_buffer_desc	output_token = GSS_C_EMPTY_BUFFER,
					/* Output token */
			input_token = GSS_C_EMPTY_BUFFER;
					/* Input token */
    char		*gss_service_name;
					/* GSS service name */
#  ifdef USE_SPNEGO
    const char		*authorization;
					/* Pointer into Authorization string */
#  endif /* USE_SPNEGO */

#  ifdef __APPLE__
    * If the weak-linked GSSAPI/Kerberos library is not present, don't try
    * to use it...

    if (gss_init_sec_context == NULL)
      DEBUG_puts("cupsDoAuthentication: Weak-linked GSSAPI/Kerberos framework "
                 "is not present");
      return (-1);
#  endif /* __APPLE__ */

    if (http->status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED && http->digest_tries >= 3)
      DEBUG_printf(("cupsDoAuthentication: too many Negotiate tries (%d)\n",
      return (-1);

    if (http->gssname == GSS_C_NO_NAME)
      if ((gss_service_name = getenv("CUPS_GSSSERVICENAME")) == NULL)
	DEBUG_puts("cupsDoAuthentication: GSS service name set via environment");

      http->gssname = cups_get_gss_creds(http, gss_service_name);

#  ifdef USE_SPNEGO /* We don't implement SPNEGO just yet... */
    * Find the start of the Kerberos input token...

    authorization = httpGetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE);

    authorization += 9;
    while (*authorization && isspace(*authorization & 255))
      authorization ++;

    if (*authorization)
      * Decode the authorization string to get the input token...

      int len = strlen(authorization);

      input_token.value  = malloc(len);
      input_token.value  = httpDecode64_2(input_token.value, &len,
      input_token.length = len;

#    ifdef DEBUG
        char *ptr = (char *)input_token.value;
	int left = len;

        fputs("input_token=", stdout);
	while (left > 0)
	  if (*ptr < ' ')
	    printf("\\%03o", *ptr & 255);
	  ptr ++;
	  left --;
#    endif /* DEBUG */
#  endif /* USE_SPNEGO */

    if (http->gssctx != GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT)
      gss_delete_sec_context(&minor_status, &http->gssctx, GSS_C_NO_BUFFER);
      http->gssctx = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT;

    major_status  = gss_init_sec_context(&minor_status, GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL,
					 http->gssname, http->gssmech,
					 &input_token, &http->gssmech,
					 &output_token, NULL, NULL);

    if (input_token.value)

    if (GSS_ERROR(major_status))
#  ifdef DEBUG
      DEBUG_gss_printf(major_status, minor_status,
		       "Unable to initialize security context");
#  endif /* DEBUG */
      return (-1);

    if (major_status == GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED)
      DEBUG_gss_printf(major_status, minor_status, "Continuation needed!");

    if (output_token.length > 0 && output_token.length <= 65536)
      * Allocate the authorization string since Windows KDCs can have
      * arbitrarily large credentials...

      int authsize = 10 +				/* "Negotiate " */
                     output_token.length * 4 / 3 + 1 +	/* Base64 */
		     1;					/* nul */

      httpSetAuthString(http, NULL, NULL);

      if ((http->authstring = malloc(authsize)) == NULL)
        http->authstring = http->_authstring;
	authsize         = sizeof(http->_authstring);

      strcpy(http->authstring, "Negotiate ");
      httpEncode64_2(http->authstring + 10, authsize - 10, output_token.value,
      gss_release_buffer(&minor_status, &output_token);
      DEBUG_printf(("cupsDoAuthentication: Kerberos credentials too large - "
                    "%d bytes!\n", output_token.length));

      gss_release_buffer(&minor_status, &output_token);

      return (-1);
#endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI */
  else if (strncmp(http->fields[HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE], "Digest", 6))
    * Basic authentication...

    char	encode[256];		/* Base64 buffer */

    httpEncode64_2(encode, sizeof(encode), http->userpass,
    httpSetAuthString(http, "Basic", encode);
    * Digest authentication...

    char	encode[33],		/* MD5 buffer */
		digest[1024];		/* Digest auth data */

    httpGetSubField(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, "realm", realm);
    httpGetSubField(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, "nonce", nonce);

    httpMD5(cupsUser(), realm, strchr(http->userpass, ':') + 1, encode);
    httpMD5Final(nonce, method, resource, encode);
    snprintf(digest, sizeof(digest),
	     "username=\"%s\", realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", uri=\"%s\", "
	     "response=\"%s\"", cupsUser(), realm, nonce, resource, encode);
    httpSetAuthString(http, "Digest", digest);

  DEBUG_printf(("cupsDoAuthentication: authstring=\"%s\"\n", http->authstring));

  return (0);

#  ifdef DEBUG
 * 'DEBUG_gss_printf()' - Show debug error messages from GSSAPI...

static void
DEBUG_gss_printf(OM_uint32 major_status,/* I - Major status code */
                 OM_uint32 minor_status,/* I - Minor status code */
		 const char *message)	/* I - Prefix for error message */
  OM_uint32	err_major_status,	/* Major status code for display */
		err_minor_status;	/* Minor status code for display */
  OM_uint32	msg_ctx;		/* Message context */
  gss_buffer_desc major_status_string = GSS_C_EMPTY_BUFFER,
					/* Major status message */
		minor_status_string = GSS_C_EMPTY_BUFFER;
					/* Minor status message */

  msg_ctx          = 0;
  err_major_status = gss_display_status(&err_minor_status,

  if (!GSS_ERROR(err_major_status))
    err_major_status = gss_display_status(&err_minor_status,

  printf("%s: %s, %s\n", message, (char *)major_status_string.value,
	 (char *)minor_status_string.value);

  gss_release_buffer(&err_minor_status, &major_status_string);
  gss_release_buffer(&err_minor_status, &minor_status_string);
#  endif /* DEBUG */

 * 'cups_get_gss_creds()' - Get CUPS service credentials for authentication.

static gss_name_t			/* O - Server name */
    http_t     *http,			/* I - Connection to server */
    const char *service_name)		/* I - Service name */
  gss_buffer_desc token = GSS_C_EMPTY_BUFFER;
					/* Service token */
  OM_uint32	  major_status,		/* Major status code */
		  minor_status;		/* Minor status code */
  gss_name_t	  server_name;		/* Server name */
  char		  buf[1024],		/* Name buffer */
		  fqdn[HTTP_MAX_URI];	/* Server name buffer */

  * Get the hostname...

  httpGetHostname(http, fqdn, sizeof(fqdn));

  if (!strcmp(fqdn, "localhost"))
    httpGetHostname(NULL, fqdn, sizeof(fqdn));

  * Get a server name we can use for authentication purposes...

  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s@%s", service_name, fqdn);

  DEBUG_printf(("cups_get_gss_creds: Looking up %s...\n", buf));

  token.value  = buf;
  token.length = strlen(buf);
  server_name  = GSS_C_NO_NAME;
  major_status = gss_import_name(&minor_status, &token,

  if (GSS_ERROR(major_status))
#  ifdef DEBUG
    DEBUG_gss_printf(major_status, minor_status, "gss_import_name() failed");
#  endif /* DEBUG */

    return (NULL);

  return (server_name);
#endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI */

 * 'cups_local_auth()' - Get the local authorization certificate if
 *                       available/applicable...

static int				/* O - 0 if available */
					/*     1 if not available */
					/*    -1 error */
cups_local_auth(http_t *http)		/* I - HTTP connection to server */
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__EMX__)
  * Currently WIN32 and OS-2 do not support the CUPS server...

  return (1);
  int			pid;		/* Current process ID */
  FILE			*fp;		/* Certificate file */
  char			filename[1024],	/* Certificate filename */
			certificate[33];/* Certificate string */
  _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Global data */
  OSStatus		status;		/* Status */
  AuthorizationItem	auth_right;	/* Authorization right */
  AuthorizationRights	auth_rights;	/* Authorization rights */
  AuthorizationFlags	auth_flags;	/* Authorization flags */
  AuthorizationExternalForm auth_extrn;	/* Authorization ref external */
  char			auth_key[1024];	/* Buffer */
  char			buffer[1024];	/* Buffer */

  DEBUG_printf(("cups_local_auth(http=%p) hostaddr=%s, hostname=\"%s\"\n",
                http, httpAddrString(http->hostaddr, filename, sizeof(filename)), http->hostname));

  * See if we are accessing localhost...

  if (!httpAddrLocalhost(http->hostaddr) &&
      strcasecmp(http->hostname, "localhost") != 0)
    DEBUG_puts("cups_local_auth: Not a local connection!");
    return (1);

  * Delete any previous authorization reference...
  if (http->auth_ref)
    AuthorizationFree(http->auth_ref, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults);
    http->auth_ref = NULL;

  if (httpGetSubField2(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, "authkey", 
		       auth_key, sizeof(auth_key)))
    status = AuthorizationCreate(NULL, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, 
				 kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &http->auth_ref);
    if (status != errAuthorizationSuccess)
      DEBUG_printf(("cups_local_auth: AuthorizationCreate() returned %d (%s)\n",
		    (int)status, cssmErrorString(status)));
      return (-1);
    }        = auth_key;
    auth_right.valueLength = 0;
    auth_right.value       = NULL;
    auth_right.flags       = 0;

    auth_rights.count = 1;
    auth_rights.items = &auth_right;

    auth_flags = kAuthorizationFlagDefaults | 
		 kAuthorizationFlagPreAuthorize |
		 kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed | 

    status = AuthorizationCopyRights(http->auth_ref, &auth_rights, 
				     auth_flags, NULL);
    if (status == errAuthorizationSuccess)
      status = AuthorizationMakeExternalForm(http->auth_ref, &auth_extrn);

    if (status == errAuthorizationSuccess)
      * Set the authorization string and return...

      httpEncode64_2(buffer, sizeof(buffer), (void *)&auth_extrn, 

      httpSetAuthString(http, "AuthRef", buffer);

      DEBUG_printf(("cups_local_auth: Returning authstring = \"%s\"\n",
      return (0);
    else if (status == errAuthorizationCanceled)
      return (-1);

    DEBUG_printf(("cups_local_auth: AuthorizationCopyRights() returned %d (%s)\n",
		  (int)status, cssmErrorString(status)));

   * Fall through to try certificates...

  * Try opening a certificate file for this PID.  If that fails,
  * try the root certificate...

  pid = getpid();
  snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/certs/%d", cg->cups_statedir, pid);
  if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL && pid > 0)
    DEBUG_printf(("cups_local_auth: Unable to open file %s: %s\n",
                  filename, strerror(errno)));

    * If local certificate authentication isn't available for this PID,
    * check if we need Kerberos authentication...

    if (!strncmp(http->fields[HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE], "Negotiate", 9))
      * Yes, don't try the root certificate...

      return (1);
#endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI */

    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/certs/0", cg->cups_statedir);
    fp = fopen(filename, "r");

  if (fp)
    * Read the certificate from the file...

    fgets(certificate, sizeof(certificate), fp);

    * Set the authorization string and return...

    httpSetAuthString(http, "Local", certificate);

    DEBUG_printf(("cups_local_auth: Returning authstring = \"%s\"\n",

    return (0);

#  if defined(SO_PEERCRED) && defined(AF_LOCAL)
  * See if we can authenticate using the peer credentials provided over a
  * domain socket; if so, specify "PeerCred username" as the authentication
  * information...

  if (http->hostaddr->addr.sa_family == AF_LOCAL &&
      !getenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE"))	/* Not via CGI programs... */
    * Verify that the current cupsUser() matches the current UID...

    struct passwd	*pwd;		/* Password information */
    const char		*username;	/* Current username */

    username = cupsUser();

    if ((pwd = getpwnam(username)) != NULL && pwd->pw_uid == getuid())
      httpSetAuthString(http, "PeerCred", username);

      DEBUG_printf(("cups_local_auth: Returning authstring = \"%s\"\n",

      return (0);
#  endif /* SO_PEERCRED && AF_LOCAL */

  return (1);
#endif /* WIN32 || __EMX__ */

 * End of "$Id: auth.c 7721 2008-07-11 22:48:49Z mike $".