network_information.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <os/availability.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>

typedef struct _nwi_state * nwi_state_t;
typedef struct _nwi_ifstate * nwi_ifstate_t;


 * Function: nwi_state_copy
 * Purpose:
 *   Returns the current network state information; NULL if no state
 *	information is currently available.
 *   Release after use by calling nwi_state_release().

 * Function: nwi_state_release
 * Purpose:
 *   Release the memory associated with the network state.
nwi_state_release(nwi_state_t state);

 * Function: nwi_state_get_notify_key
 * Purpose:
 *   Returns the BSD notify key to use to monitor when the state changes.
 * Note:
 *   The nwi_state_copy API uses this notify key to monitor when the state
 *   changes, so each invocation of nwi_state_copy returns the current
 *   information.
const char *

 * Function: nwi_state_get_first_ifstate
 * Purpose:
 *   Returns the first and highest priority interface that has connectivity
 *   for the specified address family 'af'. 'af' is either AF_INET or AF_INET6.
 *   The connectivity provided is for general networking.   To get information
 *   about an interface that isn't available for general networking, use
 *   nwi_state_get_ifstate().
 *   Use nwi_ifstate_get_next() to get the next, lower priority interface
 *   in the list.
 *   Returns NULL if no connectivity for the specified address family is
 *   available.
nwi_state_get_first_ifstate(nwi_state_t state, int af);

 * Function: nwi_state_get_generation
 * Purpose:
 *   Returns the generation of the nwi_state data.
 *   Every time the data is updated due to changes
 *   in the network, this value will change.
nwi_state_get_generation(nwi_state_t state);

 * Function: nwi_ifstate_get_generation
 * Purpose:
 *   Returns the generation of the nwi_ifstate data.
nwi_ifstate_get_generation(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate);

 * Function: nwi_state_get_ifstate
 * Purpose:
 *   Return information for the specified interface 'ifname'.
 *   This API directly returns the ifstate for the specified interface.
 *   This is the only way to access information about an interface that isn't
 *   available for general networking.
 *   Returns NULL if no information is available for that interface.
nwi_state_get_ifstate(nwi_state_t state, const char * ifname);

 * Function: nwi_ifstate_get_ifname
 * Purpose:
 *   Return the interface name of the specified ifstate.
const char *
nwi_ifstate_get_ifname(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate);

 * Type: nwi_ifstate_flags
 * Purpose:
 *   Provide information about the interface, including its IPv4 and IPv6
 *   connectivity, and whether DNS is configured or not.
#define NWI_IFSTATE_FLAGS_HAS_IPV4	0x1	/* has IPv4 connectivity */
#define NWI_IFSTATE_FLAGS_HAS_IPV6	0x2	/* has IPv6 connectivity */
#define NWI_IFSTATE_FLAGS_HAS_DNS	0x4	/* has DNS configured */

typedef uint64_t nwi_ifstate_flags;
 * Function: nwi_ifstate_get_flags
 * Purpose:
 *   Return the flags for the given ifstate (see above for bit definitions).
nwi_ifstate_get_flags(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate);

 * Function: nwi_ifstate_get_next
 * Purpose:
 *   Returns the next, lower priority nwi_ifstate_t after the specified
 *   'ifstate' for the protocol family 'af'.
 *   Returns NULL when the end of the list is reached.
nwi_ifstate_get_next(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate, int af);

 * Function: nwi_ifstate_compare_rank
 * Purpose:
 *   Compare the relative rank of two nwi_ifstate_t objects.
 *   The "rank" indicates the importance of the underlying interface.
 * Returns:
 *   0 	if ifstate1 and ifstate2 are ranked equally
 *  -1	if ifstate1 is ranked ahead of ifstate2
 *   1	if ifstate2 is ranked ahead of ifstate1
nwi_ifstate_compare_rank(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate1, nwi_ifstate_t ifstate2);

 * Function: _nwi_state_ack
 * Purpose:
 *   Acknowledge receipt and any changes associated with the [new or
 *   updated] network state.
_nwi_state_ack(nwi_state_t state, const char *bundle_id)
	API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0));

 * Function: nwi_state_get_reachability_flags
 * Purpose:
 * Returns the global reachability flags for a given address family.
 * If no address family is passed in, it returns the global reachability
 * flags for either families.
 * The reachability flags returned follow the definition of
 * SCNetworkReachabilityFlags.
 * If the flags are zero (i.e. do not contain kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsReachable), there is no connectivity.
 * Otherwise, at least kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsReachable is set:
 *        Reachable only
 *          No other connection flags are set.
 *        Reachable and no ConnectionRequired
 *          If we have connectivity for the specified address family (and we'd
 *          be returning the reachability flags associated with the default route)
 *        Reachable and ConnectionRequired
 *          If we do not currently have an active/primary network but we may
 *          be able to establish connectivity.
 *        Reachable and OnDemand
 *          If we do not currently have an active/primary network but we may
 *          be able to establish connective on demand.
 *        Reachable and TransientConnection
 *          This connection is transient.
 *        Reachable and WWAN
 *          This connection will be going over the cellular network.
nwi_state_get_reachability_flags(nwi_state_t nwi_state, int af);

 * Function: nwi_state_get_interface_names
 * Purpose:
 *   Returns the list of network interface names that have connectivity.
 *   The list is sorted from highest priority to least, highest priority
 *   appearing at index 0.
 *   If 'names' is NULL or 'names_count' is zero, this function returns
 *   the number of elements that 'names' must contain to get the complete
 *   list of interface names.
 *   If 'names' is not NULL and 'names_count' is not zero, fills 'names' with
 *   the list of interface names not exceeding 'names_count'. Returns the
 *   number of elements that were actually populated.
 * Notes:
 * 1. The connectivity that an interface in this list provides may not be for
 *    general purpose use.
 * 2. The string pointers remain valid only as long as 'state' remains
 *    valid.
unsigned int
nwi_state_get_interface_names(nwi_state_t state,
			      const char * names[],
			      unsigned int names_count);

 * nwi_ifstate_get_vpn_server
 * returns a sockaddr representation of the vpn server address.
 * NULL if PPP/VPN/IPSec server address does not exist.
const struct sockaddr *
nwi_ifstate_get_vpn_server(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate);

 * nwi_ifstate_get_reachability_flags
 * returns the reachability flags for the interface given an address family.
 * The flags returned are those determined outside of
 * the routing table.  [None, ConnectionRequired, OnDemand,
 * Transient Connection, WWAN].
nwi_ifstate_get_reachability_flags(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate);

 * nwi_ifstate_get_signature
 * returns the signature and its length for an ifstate given an address family.
 * If AF_UNSPEC is passed in, the signature for a given ifstate is returned.
 * If the signature does not exist, NULL is returned.
const uint8_t *
nwi_ifstate_get_signature(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate, int af, int * length);

 * nwi_ifstate_get_dns_signature
 * returns the signature and its length for given
 * ifstate with a valid dns configuration.
 * If the signature does not exist, NULL is returned.
const uint8_t *
nwi_ifstate_get_dns_signature(nwi_ifstate_t ifstate, int * length);

