SCNetworkConnection.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>

	@header SCNetworkConnection
	The SCNetworkConnectionXXX() APIs allow an application to
	control connection oriented services defined in the system.

	This is a set of control APIs only. Using these APIs, an
	application will be able to control existing services.
	To create, change, or remove services, SCPreferences APIs
	must be used.

	Note: Currently only PPP services can be controlled.

	@typedef SCNetworkConnectionRef
	@discussion This is the handle to manage a connection oriented service.
typedef const struct __SCNetworkConnection * SCNetworkConnectionRef	AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;

	@typedef SCNetworkConnectionContext
typedef struct {
	CFIndex         version;
	void *          info;
	const void      *(*retain)(const void *info);
	void            (*release)(const void *info);
	CFStringRef     (*copyDescription)(const void *info);
} SCNetworkConnectionContext						AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;

	@enum SCNetworkConnectionStatus
	@discussion Status of the network connection.
		This status is intended to be generic and high level.
		An extended status, specific to the type of network
		connection is also available for applications that
		need additonal information.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionInvalid
		The network connection refers to an invalid service.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionDisconnected
		The network connection is disconnected.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionConnecting
		The network connection is connecting.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionConnected
		The network connection is connected.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionDisconnecting
		The network connection is disconnecting.
enum {
	kSCNetworkConnectionInvalid		=  -1,
	kSCNetworkConnectionDisconnected	=  0,
	kSCNetworkConnectionConnecting		=  1,
	kSCNetworkConnectionConnected		=  2,
	kSCNetworkConnectionDisconnecting	=  3
typedef int32_t SCNetworkConnectionStatus				AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;

	@enum SCNetworkConnectionPPPStatus
	@discussion PPP specific status of the network connection.
		This status is PPP specific and returned as part of the extended information
		for a PPP service.
		Note: additional status might be returned in the future, and the application should
		be prepared to receive an unknown value.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPDisconnected
		PPP is disconnected.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPInitializing
		PPP is initializing.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPConnectingLink
		PPP is connecting the lower connection layer (for example, the modem is dialing out).

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPDialOnTraffic
		PPP is waiting for networking traffic to automatically establish the connection.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPNegotiatingLink
		PPP lower layer is connected and PPP is negotiating the link layer (LCP protocol).

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPAuthenticating
		PPP is authenticating to the server (PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP or EAP protocols).

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPWaitingForCallBack
		PPP is waiting for server to call back.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPNegotiatingNetwork
		PPP is now authenticated and negotiating the networking layer (IPCP or IPv6CP protocols)

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPConnected
		PPP is now fully connected for at least one of the networking layer.
		Additional networking protocol might still be negotiating.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPTerminating
		PPP networking and link protocols are terminating.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPDisconnectingLink
		PPP is disconnecting the lower level (for example, the modem is hanging up).

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPHoldingLinkOff
		PPP is disconnected and maintaining the link temporarily off.

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPSuspended
		PPP is suspended as a result of the suspend command (for example, when a V92 Modem is On Hold).

	@constant kSCNetworkConnectionPPPWaitingForRedial
		PPP has found a busy server and is waiting for redial.
enum {
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPDisconnected		=  0,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPInitializing		=  1,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPConnectingLink		=  2,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPDialOnTraffic		=  3,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPNegotiatingLink		=  4,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPAuthenticating		=  5,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPWaitingForCallBack	=  6,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPNegotiatingNetwork	=  7,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPConnected		=  8,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPTerminating		=  9,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPDisconnectingLink	=  10,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPHoldingLinkOff		=  11,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPSuspended		=  12,
	kSCNetworkConnectionPPPWaitingForRedial		=  13
typedef int32_t SCNetworkConnectionPPPStatus				AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;

	@typedef SCNetworkConnectionCallBack
	@discussion Type of the callback function used when a
		status event is delivered.
	@param status The connection status.
	@param connection The connection reference.
	@param info ....
typedef void (*SCNetworkConnectionCallBack)	(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef          connection,
						SCNetworkConnectionStatus       status,
						void                            *info

    Keys for the statistics dictionary

#define kSCNetworkConnectionBytesIn		CFSTR("BytesIn")		/* CFNumber */
#define kSCNetworkConnectionBytesOut		CFSTR("BytesOut")		/* CFNumber */
#define kSCNetworkConnectionPacketsIn		CFSTR("PacketsIn")		/* CFNumber */
#define kSCNetworkConnectionPacketsOut		CFSTR("PacketsOut")		/* CFNumber */
#define kSCNetworkConnectionErrorsIn		CFSTR("ErrorsIn")		/* CFNumber */
#define kSCNetworkConnectionErrorsOut		CFSTR("ErrorsOut")		/* CFNumber */


	@function SCDynamicStoreGetTypeID
	Returns the type identifier of all SCNetworkConnection instances.
CFTypeID SCNetworkConnectionGetTypeID		(void)			AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;

    @function SCNetworkConnectionCopyUserPreferences
	@discussion Provides the default serviceID and a userOptions dictionary for the connection.
		Applications can use the serviceID and userOptions returned to open a connection on the fly.
	@param selectionOptions Currently unimplemented. Pass NULL for this version.
	@param serviceID Reference to the default serviceID for starting connections,
		this value will be returned by the function.
	@param userOptions Reference to default userOptions for starting connections,
		this will be returned by the function.
	@result TRUE if there is a valid service to dial.
		FALSE if function was unable to retrieve a service to dial.
Boolean SCNetworkConnectionCopyUserPreferences	(
						CFDictionaryRef			selectionOptions,
						CFStringRef			*serviceID,
						CFDictionaryRef			*userOptions

	@function SCNetworkConnectionCreateWithServiceID
	@discussion Creates a new connection reference to use for getting the status,
		for connecting or for disconnecting the associated service.
	@param allocator The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
		memory for the connection structure.
		This parameter may be NULL in which case the current
		default CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not
		a valid CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
	@param serviceID A string that defines the service identifier
		of the connection. Service identifiers uniquely identify
		services in the system configuration database.
	@param callout The function to be called when the status
		of the connection changes.
		If this parameter is NULL, the application will not receive
		change of status notifications and will need to poll for updates.
	@param context The SCNetworkConnectionContext associated with the callout.
	@result A reference to the new SCNetworkConnection.
SCNetworkConnectionCreateWithServiceID		(
						CFAllocatorRef			allocator,
						CFStringRef			serviceID,
						SCNetworkConnectionCallBack	callout,
						SCNetworkConnectionContext	*context

	@function SCNetworkConnectionCopyService
	@discussion Returns the service ID associated with the SCNetworkConnection.
	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to obtained status from.
	Returns the service ID associated with the SCNetworkConnection.
SCNetworkConnectionCopyServiceID		(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection

	@function SCNetworkConnectionGetStatus
	@discussion Returns the status of the SCNetworkConnection.
		A status is one of the following values :

	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to obtain status from.
	@result The status value.
SCNetworkConnectionGetStatus			(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection

	@function SCNetworkConnectionCopyExtendedStatus
	@discussion Returns the extended status of the connection.
		An extended status dictionary contains specific dictionaries
		describing the status for each subcomponent of the service.

		For example, a status dictionary will contain the following dictionaries:

		    IPaddress: IP address used.

		    Status: PPP specific status of type SCNetworkConnectionPPPStatus.
		    LastCause: Available when status is Disconnected.
				Contains the last error of disconnection.
		    ConnectTime: time when the connection happened
		    MaxTime: maximum time for this connection

		    ConnectionSpeed:   Speed of the modem connection in bits/s

		Other dictionaries could be present for PPPoE, PPTP and L2TP.

		The status dictionary can be extended as needed in the future
		to contain additional information.

	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to obtain status from.
	@result The status dictionary.
		If NULL is returned, the error can be retrieved with SCError().
SCNetworkConnectionCopyExtendedStatus		(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection

	@function SCNetworkConnectionCopyStatistics
	@discussion Returns the statistics of the SCNetworkConnection.
		A statistic dictionary contains specific dictionaries
		with statistics for each subcomponents of the service.

		For example, a statistic dictionary will contain the following dictionaries:

		PPP: {Bytes,Packets,Errors}{In,Out}:
		    Statistics at the Network level.
		    Contains the number of bytes, packets, and errors on the PPP interface.
		    For example, BytesIn contains the number of bytes going up
		    into the network stack, for any networking protocol,
		    without the PPP headers and trailers.

		The statistic dictionary can be extended as needed in the future
		to contain additional information.

	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to obtained statistics from.
	@result The statistics dictionary.
		If NULL is returned, the error can be retrieved with SCError().
SCNetworkConnectionCopyStatistics		(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection

	@function SCNetworkConnectionStart
	@discussion Start the connection for the SCNetworkConnection.
		The connection process is asynchronous and the function will
		return immediately. The connection status can be obtain by polling or
		by callback.
		The connection is done with the default settings from the administrator.
		Some of the settings can be overridden for the duration of
		the connection. They are given in an option dictionary.
		The options dictionary is in the format of a Network Service
		as described in SystemConfiguration.

		Note: Starting and stopping of connections is implicitely arbitrated.
		Calling Start on a connection already started will indicate
		that the application has interest in the connection and it shouldn't
		be stopped by anyone else.

	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to start.
	@param userOptions The options dictionary to start the connection with.
		If userOptions is NULL, the default settings will be used.
		If userOptions are specified, they must be in the SystemConfiguration format.
		The options will override the default settings defined for the service.

		For security reasons, not all the options can be overridden, the appropriate merging
		of all the settings will be done before the connection is established,
		and inappropriate options will be ignored.

	@param linger This parameter indicates whether or not the connection can stay around
		when the application no longer has interest in it.
		Typical application should pass FALSE, and the Stop function will
		automatically be called when the reference is released or if the application quits.
		If the application passes TRUE, the application can release the reference
		or exit and the Stop function will not be called.

	@result TRUE if the connection was correctly started. The actual connection is not established yet,
		and the connection status needs to be periodically checked.
		FALSE if the connection request didn't start. Error must be taken
		from SCError().
SCNetworkConnectionStart			(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection,
						CFDictionaryRef			userOptions,
						Boolean				linger

	@function SCNetworkConnectionStop
	@discussion Stop the connection for the SCNetworkConnection.
		The disconnection process is asynchronous and the function will
		return immediately. The connection status can be obtain by polling or
		by callback.
		This function performs an arbitrated stop of the connection.
		If several applications have marked their interest in the connection,
		by calling SCNetworkConnectionStart, the call will succeed but the the actual
		connection will be maintained until the last interested application calls stop.

		In certain cases, you might want to stop the connection anyway, and
		SCNetworkConnectionStop with forceDisconnect argument can be used.

	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to stop.
	@result TRUE if the disconnection request succeeded.
		FALSE if the disconnection request failed. Error must be taken from SCError().
SCNetworkConnectionStop				(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection,
						Boolean				forceDisconnect

	@function SCNetworkConnectionCopyCurrentOptions
	@discussion Copy the user options used to start the connection.
		This is a mechanism for a client to retrieve the user options
		previously passed to the SCNetworkConnectionStart function.
	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to obtain options from.
	@result The service dictionary containing the connection options.
		The dictionary can be empty if no user options were used.
		If NULL is returned, the error can be retrieved with SCError().
SCNetworkConnectionCopyUserOptions		(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection

	@function SCNetworkConnectionScheduleWithRunLoop
	@discussion Schedule a connection with the Run Loop.
	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to schedule.
	@param runLoop The runloop to schedule with.
	@param runLoopMode The runloop mode.
	@result TRUE if success.
		FALSE if failed. The error can be retrieved with SCError().
SCNetworkConnectionScheduleWithRunLoop		(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection,
						CFRunLoopRef			runLoop,
						CFStringRef			runLoopMode

	@function SCNetworkConnectionUnscheduleFromRunLoop
	@discussion Unschedule a connection from the Run Loop.
	@param connection The SCNetworkConnection to unschedule.
	@param runLoop The runloop to unschedule from.
	@param runLoopMode The runloop mode.
	@result TRUE if success.
		FALSE if failed. The error can be retrieved with SCError().
SCNetworkConnectionUnscheduleFromRunLoop	(
						SCNetworkConnectionRef		connection,
						CFRunLoopRef			runLoop,
						CFStringRef			runLoopMode