// // This header/message will appear when a "new" network interface has // been detected. // %@ will take an interface name; Ethernet, USB Ethernet, USB Modem, etc.. // "HEADER_1" = "A new network interface has been detected."; "MESSAGE_1" = "The “%@” network interface has not been set up. To set up this interface, use Network Preferences."; // // This header/message appear when multiple "new" network interfaces have // been detected. A list of interfaces will be added between MESSAGE_SN // and MESSAGE_EN. // "HEADER_N" = "New network interfaces have been detected."; "MESSAGE_SN" = "The following network interfaces have not been set up.\r"; "MESSAGE_EN" = "\r\rTo set up these interfaces, use Network Preferences."; "OPEN_NP" = "Network Preferences…"; "CANCEL" = "Cancel";