SCTestOptions.h   [plain text]

// This file is automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT!
// To add options, see genSCTestOptions.c
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <getopt.h>

extern const NSString * const kSCTestGlobalOptionCPU;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestGlobalOptionHelp;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestGlobalOptionTime;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestGlobalOptionVerbose;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestGlobalOptionWait;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestDynamicStoreOptionDNS;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestDynamicStoreOptionIPv4;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestDynamicStoreOptionIPv6;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestDynamicStoreOptionProxies;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestPreferencesServiceList;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestPreferencesServiceOrder;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentDNSDomains;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentDNSServers;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentRemoveDNS;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentFTPProxy;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentGopherProxy;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentHTTPProxy;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentHTTPSProxy;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentProxyMatchDomain;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentRemoveProxy;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestConfigAgentSOCKSProxy;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestReachabilityAddress;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestReachabilityHost;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestReachabilityInterface;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestReachabilityWatch;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestUnitTestCommand;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestUnitTestListTests;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestUnitTestTestMethod;
extern const NSString * const kSCTestUnitTestTestMethodList;

#define kSCTestOptionEntries \
		{"cpu", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"help", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"time", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"verbose", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"wait", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"dns", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"ipv4", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"ipv6", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"proxies", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"service_list", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"service_order", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"dns_domain", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"dns_servers", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"remove_dns", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"ftp_proxy", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"gopher_proxy", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"http_proxy", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"https_proxy", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"proxy_match_domain", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"remove_proxy", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"socks_proxy", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"address", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"host", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"interface", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"watch", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"command", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"list_tests", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{"test_method", 1, NULL, 0}, \
		{"test_method_list", 0, NULL, 0}, \
		{NULL, 0, NULL, 0},

#define kSCTestOptionHelp \
		"\n============== global options =============\n"\
		"-cpu                 : Prints the CPU usage after the test completes\n"\
		"-help                : Prints this very useful help!\n"\
		"-time                : Prints the time elapsed since the test was launched\n"\
		"-verbose             : Enables verbose mode\n"\
		"-wait                : Results in a wait for 'sctest'\n"\
		"\n============== dynamic_store options =============\n"\
		"-dns                 : Prints the global DNS information from the SCDynamicStore\n"\
		"-ipv4                : Prints the global IPv4 information from the SCDynamicStore\n"\
		"-ipv6                : Prints the global IPv6 information from the SCDynamicStore\n"\
		"-proxies             : Prints the global Proxy information from the SCDynamicStore\n"\
		"\n============== preferences options =============\n"\
		"-service_list        : Prints the Network Services list from the preferences\n"\
		"-service_order       : Prints the Network Service order from the preferences\n"\
		"\n============== config_agent options =============\n"\
		"-dns_domain          : Configures the DNS Servers for certain domains. A comma-separated list of domains can be specified. Default is ''\n"\
		"-dns_servers         : Configures the specified DNS Servers. A comma-separated list of IP Addresses can be specified\n"\
		"-remove_dns          : Remove a dns configuration, previously configured via 'sctest'\n"\
		"-ftp_proxy           : Add a proxy agent with FTP proxy. Format of the argument is 'server:port'\n"\
		"-gopher_proxy        : Add a proxy agent with Gopher proxy. Format of the argument is 'server:port'\n"\
		"-http_proxy          : Add a proxy agent with HTTP proxy. Format of the argument is 'server:port'\n"\
		"-https_proxy         : Add a proxy agent with HTTPS proxy. Format of the argument is 'server:port'\n"\
		"-proxy_match_domain  : Configures the Proxy server for certain domains. A comma-separated list of domains can be specified. Default is ''\n"\
		"-remove_proxy        : Remove a proxy configuration, previously configured via 'sctest'\n"\
		"-socks_proxy         : Add a proxy agent with SOCKS proxy. Format of the argument is 'server:port'\n"\
		"\n============== reachability options =============\n"\
		"-address             : Determine reachability to this address\n"\
		"-host                : Determine reachability to this host\n"\
		"-interface           : Determine reachability when scoped to this interface\n"\
		"-watch               : Watch for reachability changes\n"\
		"\n============== unit_test options =============\n"\
		"-command             : Run a unit test for a specific command. If this option is not specified, unit-tests for all commands will be run\n"\
		"-list_tests          : List the test commands in a JSON format. This is for NPT compliance\n"\
		"-test_method         : Runs a specific unit test. List can be obtained by using the 'test_method_list' option\n"\
		"-test_method_list    : Lists all the unit tests. A specific one can be run using the 'test_method' option\n"\