OrcArchitectureSupport.h   [plain text]

//===-- OrcArchitectureSupport.h - Architecture support code  ---*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Architecture specific code for Orc, e.g. callback assembly.
// Architecture classes should be part of the JIT *target* process, not the host
// process (except where you're doing hosted JITing and the two are one and the
// same).


#include "IndirectionUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Memory.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"

namespace llvm {
namespace orc {

/// Generic ORC Architecture support.
/// This class can be substituted as the target architecure support class for
/// ORC templates that require one (e.g. IndirectStubsManagers). It does not
/// support lazy JITing however, and any attempt to use that functionality
/// will result in execution of an llvm_unreachable.
class OrcGenericArchitecture {
  static const unsigned PointerSize = sizeof(uintptr_t);
  static const unsigned TrampolineSize = 1;
  static const unsigned ResolverCodeSize = 1;

  typedef TargetAddress (*JITReentryFn)(void *CallbackMgr, void *TrampolineId);

  static void writeResolverCode(uint8_t *ResolveMem, JITReentryFn Reentry,
                                void *CallbackMgr) {
    llvm_unreachable("writeResolverCode is not supported by the generic host "
                     "support class");

  static void writeTrampolines(uint8_t *TrampolineMem, void *ResolverAddr,
                               unsigned NumTrampolines) {
    llvm_unreachable("writeTrampolines is not supported by the generic host "
                     "support class");

  class IndirectStubsInfo {
    const static unsigned StubSize = 1;
    unsigned getNumStubs() const { llvm_unreachable("Not supported"); }
    void *getStub(unsigned Idx) const { llvm_unreachable("Not supported"); }
    void **getPtr(unsigned Idx) const { llvm_unreachable("Not supported"); }

  static std::error_code emitIndirectStubsBlock(IndirectStubsInfo &StubsInfo,
                                                unsigned MinStubs,
                                                void *InitialPtrVal) {
    llvm_unreachable("emitIndirectStubsBlock is not supported by the generic "
                     "host support class");

/// @brief X86_64 support.
/// X86_64 supports lazy JITing.
class OrcX86_64 {
  static const unsigned PointerSize = 8;
  static const unsigned TrampolineSize = 8;
  static const unsigned ResolverCodeSize = 0x78;

  typedef TargetAddress (*JITReentryFn)(void *CallbackMgr, void *TrampolineId);

  /// @brief Write the resolver code into the given memory. The user is be
  ///        responsible for allocating the memory and setting permissions.
  static void writeResolverCode(uint8_t *ResolveMem, JITReentryFn Reentry,
                                void *CallbackMgr);

  /// @brief Write the requsted number of trampolines into the given memory,
  ///        which must be big enough to hold 1 pointer, plus NumTrampolines
  ///        trampolines.
  static void writeTrampolines(uint8_t *TrampolineMem, void *ResolverAddr,
                               unsigned NumTrampolines);

  /// @brief Provide information about stub blocks generated by the
  ///        makeIndirectStubsBlock function.
  class IndirectStubsInfo {
    friend class OrcX86_64;

    const static unsigned StubSize = 8;

    IndirectStubsInfo() : NumStubs(0) {}
    IndirectStubsInfo(IndirectStubsInfo &&Other)
        : NumStubs(Other.NumStubs), StubsMem(std::move(Other.StubsMem)) {
      Other.NumStubs = 0;
    IndirectStubsInfo &operator=(IndirectStubsInfo &&Other) {
      NumStubs = Other.NumStubs;
      Other.NumStubs = 0;
      StubsMem = std::move(Other.StubsMem);
      return *this;

    /// @brief Number of stubs in this block.
    unsigned getNumStubs() const { return NumStubs; }

    /// @brief Get a pointer to the stub at the given index, which must be in
    ///        the range 0 .. getNumStubs() - 1.
    void *getStub(unsigned Idx) const {
      return static_cast<uint64_t *>(StubsMem.base()) + Idx;

    /// @brief Get a pointer to the implementation-pointer at the given index,
    ///        which must be in the range 0 .. getNumStubs() - 1.
    void **getPtr(unsigned Idx) const {
      char *PtrsBase =
          static_cast<char *>(StubsMem.base()) + NumStubs * StubSize;
      return reinterpret_cast<void **>(PtrsBase) + Idx;

    unsigned NumStubs;
    sys::OwningMemoryBlock StubsMem;

  /// @brief Emit at least MinStubs worth of indirect call stubs, rounded out to
  ///        the nearest page size.
  ///   E.g. Asking for 4 stubs on x86-64, where stubs are 8-bytes, with 4k
  /// pages will return a block of 512 stubs (4096 / 8 = 512). Asking for 513
  /// will return a block of 1024 (2-pages worth).
  static std::error_code emitIndirectStubsBlock(IndirectStubsInfo &StubsInfo,
                                                unsigned MinStubs,
                                                void *InitialPtrVal);

} // End namespace orc.
} // End namespace llvm.