Fixnum.h   [plain text]

//===- Fixnum.h - An integer type with an explicit bit width ----*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file Declares Fixnum, an integer type with an explicit bit width,
/// and utilities for working with bit widths of integers.


#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PointerLikeTypeTraits.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>

namespace llvm {

/// Defines a member #type that is the smallest signed integer that can hold
/// a value with the given bit width.
template <unsigned Bits>
struct int_least {
  static_assert(Bits <= 64, "too many bits");
  using type = typename std::conditional<(Bits <= 8), int_least8_t,
               typename std::conditional<(Bits <= 16), int_least16_t,
               typename std::conditional<(Bits <= 32), int_least32_t,

/// Defines a member #type that is the smallest unsigned integer that can hold
/// a value with the given bit width.
template <unsigned Bits>
struct uint_least {
  using type =
    typename std::make_unsigned<typename int_least<Bits>::type>::type;

/// A wrapper for an integer type that is guaranteed to only use a certain
/// number of bits.
/// This can be used to treat an integer like a pointer with low bits free.
/// Note that if the integer type is signed, \p Bits must include the sign
/// bit, just like a bitfield.
template <unsigned Bits, typename IntType = typename uint_least<Bits>::type>
class Fixnum {
  static_assert(Bits <= (std::numeric_limits<IntType>::digits +
                "too many bits for integer type");

  IntType Value;

  void assertValid() const {
    assert((std::is_signed<IntType>::value ? llvm::isInt<Bits>(Value)
                                           : llvm::isUInt<Bits>(Value)) &&
           "value exceeds limited bit width");

  using value_type = IntType;

  Fixnum() : Value(0) {}

  /*implicit*/ Fixnum(IntType val) : Value(val) {

  /// Initialize a Fixnum from another, smaller Fixnum.
  /// This is always safe and thus permitted as an implicit coercion.
  template <unsigned OtherBits, typename OtherIntType>
  /*implicit*/ Fixnum(
       const typename std::enable_if<(OtherBits < Bits),
                                            OtherIntType>>::type &other)
     : Value(static_cast<IntType>(other)) {}

  /// Initialize a Fixnum from another of a different width.
  /// This is permitted, but checked with assertions. It must be explicitly
  /// requested -- it is not a valid implicit conversion.
  template <unsigned OtherBits, typename OtherIntType>
  explicit Fixnum(const Fixnum<OtherBits, OtherIntType> &other) {

  /// Assign to a Fixnum from another of a different width.
  /// This is permitted, but checked with assertions.
  template <unsigned OtherBits, typename OtherIntType>
  Fixnum &operator=(const Fixnum<OtherBits, OtherIntType> &other) {
    Value = static_cast<IntType>(other);
    assert(static_cast<OtherIntType>(Value) == other &&
           "cannot represent the same value");
    assert(((Value < 0) == (other < 0)) && "signedness mismatch");
    return *this;

  /*implicit*/ operator IntType() const {
    return Value;

  Fixnum &operator++() {
    assert((Value != std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max()) &&
           "increment would cause wraparound");
    return *this;

  Fixnum operator++(int) {
    assert((Value != std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max()) &&
           "increment would cause wraparound");
    Fixnum result = *this;
    return result;

  Fixnum &operator--() {
    assert((Value != std::numeric_limits<IntType>::min()) &&
           "decrement would cause wraparound");
    return *this;

  Fixnum operator--(int) {
    assert((Value != std::numeric_limits<IntType>::min()) &&
           "decrement would cause wraparound");
    Fixnum result = *this;
    return result;

  bool operator==(const Fixnum &RHS) const {
    return Value == RHS.Value;
  bool operator!=(const Fixnum &RHS) const {
    return !operator==(RHS);

  bool operator==(int RHS) const {
    return Value == IntType(RHS);
  bool operator!=(int RHS) const {
    return !operator==(RHS);

// Fixnum can be treated like a pointer with low bits free if it is no
// larger than a pointer.
template<unsigned IntBits, typename IntType>
class PointerLikeTypeTraits<Fixnum<IntBits, IntType>> {
  using IntPointerType =
    typename std::conditional<std::is_signed<IntType>::value,
                              intptr_t, uintptr_t>::type;

  static_assert(sizeof(IntType) <= sizeof(IntPointerType),
                "Fixnum is too big to fit in a pointer");

  static inline void *
  getAsVoidPointer(const Fixnum<IntBits, IntType> &I) {
    auto opaqueValue = static_cast<IntPointerType>(I) << NumLowBitsAvailable;
    return reinterpret_cast<void *>(opaqueValue);

  static inline Fixnum<IntBits, IntType>
  getFromVoidPointer(const void *P) {
    auto opaqueValue = reinterpret_cast<IntPointerType>(P);
    return static_cast<IntType>(opaqueValue >> NumLowBitsAvailable);

  enum {
    NumLowBitsAvailable = std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::digits - IntBits

} // end namespace llvm
