UniqueLock.h   [plain text]

//===-- Support/UniqueLock.h - Acquire/Release Mutex In Scope ---*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines a guard for a block of code that ensures a Mutex is locked
// upon construction and released upon destruction.


#include "llvm/Support/Mutex.h"

namespace llvm {
  /// A pared-down imitation of std::unique_lock from C++11. Contrary to the
  /// name, it's really more of a wrapper for a lock. It may or may not have
  /// an associated mutex, which is guaranteed to be locked upon creation
  /// and unlocked after destruction. unique_lock can also unlock the mutex
  /// and re-lock it freely during its lifetime.
  /// @brief Guard a section of code with a mutex.
  template<typename MutexT>
  class unique_lock {
    MutexT *M;
    bool locked;

    unique_lock(const unique_lock &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
    void operator=(const unique_lock &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
    unique_lock() : M(nullptr), locked(false) {}
    explicit unique_lock(MutexT &m) : M(&m), locked(true) { M->lock(); }

    void operator=(unique_lock &&o) {
      if (owns_lock())
      M = o.M;
      locked = o.locked;
      o.M = nullptr;
      o.locked = false;

    ~unique_lock() { if (owns_lock()) M->unlock(); }

    void lock() {
      assert(!locked && "mutex already locked!");
      assert(M && "no associated mutex!");
      locked = true;

    void unlock() {
      assert(locked && "unlocking a mutex that isn't locked!");
      assert(M && "no associated mutex!");
      locked = false;

    bool owns_lock() { return locked; }