[plain text]

from __future__ import absolute_import
import inspect
import os
import sys

import lit.Test
import lit.formats
import lit.TestingConfig
import lit.util

class LitConfig:
    """LitConfig - Configuration data for a 'lit' test runner instance, shared
    across all tests.

    The LitConfig object is also used to communicate with client configuration
    files, it is always passed in as the global variable 'lit' so that
    configuration files can access common functionality and internal components

    def __init__(self, progname, path, quiet,
                 useValgrind, valgrindLeakCheck, valgrindArgs,
                 noExecute, debug, isWindows,
                 params, config_prefix = None):
        # The name of the test runner.
        self.progname = progname
        # The items to add to the PATH environment variable.
        self.path = [str(p) for p in path]
        self.quiet = bool(quiet)
        self.useValgrind = bool(useValgrind)
        self.valgrindLeakCheck = bool(valgrindLeakCheck)
        self.valgrindUserArgs = list(valgrindArgs)
        self.noExecute = noExecute
        self.debug = debug
        self.isWindows = bool(isWindows)
        self.params = dict(params)
        self.bashPath = None

        # Configuration files to look for when discovering test suites.
        self.config_prefix = config_prefix or 'lit'
        self.config_name = '%s.cfg' % (self.config_prefix,)
        self.site_config_name = '' % (self.config_prefix,)
        self.local_config_name = '%s.local.cfg' % (self.config_prefix,)

        self.numErrors = 0
        self.numWarnings = 0

        self.valgrindArgs = []
        if self.useValgrind:
            self.valgrindArgs = ['valgrind', '-q', '--run-libc-freeres=no',
                                 '--tool=memcheck', '--trace-children=yes',
            if self.valgrindLeakCheck:
                # The default is 'summary'.

    def load_config(self, config, path):
        """load_config(config, path) - Load a config object from an alternate
        if self.debug:
            self.note('load_config from %r' % path)
        config.load_from_path(path, self)
        return config

    def getBashPath(self):
        """getBashPath - Get the path to 'bash'"""
        if self.bashPath is not None:
            return self.bashPath

        self.bashPath = lit.util.which('bash', os.pathsep.join(self.path))
        if self.bashPath is None:
            self.bashPath = lit.util.which('bash')

        if self.bashPath is None:
            self.warning("Unable to find 'bash'.")
            self.bashPath = ''

        return self.bashPath

    def getToolsPath(self, dir, paths, tools):
        if dir is not None and os.path.isabs(dir) and os.path.isdir(dir):
            if not lit.util.checkToolsPath(dir, tools):
                return None
            dir = lit.util.whichTools(tools, paths)

        # bash
        self.bashPath = lit.util.which('bash', dir)
        if self.bashPath is None:
            self.note("Unable to find 'bash.exe'.")
            self.bashPath = ''

        return dir

    def _write_message(self, kind, message):
        # Get the file/line where this message was generated.
        f = inspect.currentframe()
        # Step out of _write_message, and then out of wrapper.
        f = f.f_back.f_back
        file,line,_,_,_ = inspect.getframeinfo(f)
        location = '%s:%d' % (os.path.basename(file), line)

        sys.stderr.write('%s: %s: %s: %s\n' % (self.progname, location,
                                               kind, message))

    def note(self, message):
        self._write_message('note', message)

    def warning(self, message):
        self._write_message('warning', message)
        self.numWarnings += 1

    def error(self, message):
        self._write_message('error', message)
        self.numErrors += 1

    def fatal(self, message):
        self._write_message('fatal', message)