DIE.h   [plain text]

//===--- lib/CodeGen/DIE.h - DWARF Info Entries -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Data structures for DWARF info entries.


#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Dwarf.h"
#include <vector>

namespace llvm {
class AsmPrinter;
class MCExpr;
class MCSymbol;
class raw_ostream;
class DwarfTypeUnit;

/// DIEAbbrevData - Dwarf abbreviation data, describes one attribute of a
/// Dwarf abbreviation.
class DIEAbbrevData {
  /// Attribute - Dwarf attribute code.
  dwarf::Attribute Attribute;

  /// Form - Dwarf form code.
  dwarf::Form Form;

  DIEAbbrevData(dwarf::Attribute A, dwarf::Form F) : Attribute(A), Form(F) {}

  // Accessors.
  dwarf::Attribute getAttribute() const { return Attribute; }
  dwarf::Form getForm() const { return Form; }

  /// Profile - Used to gather unique data for the abbreviation folding set.
  void Profile(FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const;

/// DIEAbbrev - Dwarf abbreviation, describes the organization of a debug
/// information object.
class DIEAbbrev : public FoldingSetNode {
  /// Unique number for node.
  unsigned Number;

  /// Tag - Dwarf tag code.
  dwarf::Tag Tag;

  /// Children - Whether or not this node has children.
  // This cheats a bit in all of the uses since the values in the standard
  // are 0 and 1 for no children and children respectively.
  bool Children;

  /// Data - Raw data bytes for abbreviation.
  SmallVector<DIEAbbrevData, 12> Data;

  DIEAbbrev(dwarf::Tag T, bool C) : Tag(T), Children(C), Data() {}

  // Accessors.
  dwarf::Tag getTag() const { return Tag; }
  unsigned getNumber() const { return Number; }
  bool hasChildren() const { return Children; }
  const SmallVectorImpl<DIEAbbrevData> &getData() const { return Data; }
  void setChildrenFlag(bool hasChild) { Children = hasChild; }
  void setNumber(unsigned N) { Number = N; }

  /// AddAttribute - Adds another set of attribute information to the
  /// abbreviation.
  void AddAttribute(dwarf::Attribute Attribute, dwarf::Form Form) {
    Data.push_back(DIEAbbrevData(Attribute, Form));

  /// Profile - Used to gather unique data for the abbreviation folding set.
  void Profile(FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const;

  /// Emit - Print the abbreviation using the specified asm printer.
  void Emit(AsmPrinter *AP) const;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O);
  void dump();

/// DIE - A structured debug information entry.  Has an abbreviation which
/// describes its organization.
class DIEValue;

class DIE {
  /// Offset - Offset in debug info section.
  unsigned Offset;

  /// Size - Size of instance + children.
  unsigned Size;

  /// Abbrev - Buffer for constructing abbreviation.
  DIEAbbrev Abbrev;

  /// Children DIEs.
  // This can't be a vector<DIE> because pointer validity is requirent for the
  // Parent pointer and DIEEntry.
  // It can't be a list<DIE> because some clients need pointer validity before
  // the object has been added to any child list
  // (eg: DwarfUnit::constructVariableDIE). These aren't insurmountable, but may
  // be more convoluted than beneficial.
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DIE>> Children;

  DIE *Parent;

  /// Attribute values.
  SmallVector<DIEValue *, 12> Values;

      : Offset(0), Size(0), Abbrev((dwarf::Tag)0, dwarf::DW_CHILDREN_no),
        Parent(nullptr) {}

  explicit DIE(dwarf::Tag Tag)
      : Offset(0), Size(0), Abbrev((dwarf::Tag)Tag, dwarf::DW_CHILDREN_no),
        Parent(nullptr) {}

  // Accessors.
  DIEAbbrev &getAbbrev() { return Abbrev; }
  const DIEAbbrev &getAbbrev() const { return Abbrev; }
  unsigned getAbbrevNumber() const { return Abbrev.getNumber(); }
  dwarf::Tag getTag() const { return Abbrev.getTag(); }
  unsigned getOffset() const { return Offset; }
  unsigned getSize() const { return Size; }
  const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DIE>> &getChildren() const {
    return Children;
  const SmallVectorImpl<DIEValue *> &getValues() const { return Values; }
  DIE *getParent() const { return Parent; }
  /// Climb up the parent chain to get the compile or type unit DIE this DIE
  /// belongs to.
  const DIE *getUnit() const;
  /// Similar to getUnit, returns null when DIE is not added to an
  /// owner yet.
  const DIE *getUnitOrNull() const;
  void setOffset(unsigned O) { Offset = O; }
  void setSize(unsigned S) { Size = S; }

  /// addValue - Add a value and attributes to a DIE.
  void addValue(dwarf::Attribute Attribute, dwarf::Form Form, DIEValue *Value) {
    Abbrev.AddAttribute(Attribute, Form);

  /// addChild - Add a child to the DIE.
  void addChild(std::unique_ptr<DIE> Child) {
    Child->Parent = this;

  /// findAttribute - Find a value in the DIE with the attribute given,
  /// returns NULL if no such attribute exists.
  DIEValue *findAttribute(dwarf::Attribute Attribute) const;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O, unsigned IndentCount = 0) const;
  void dump();

/// DIEValue - A debug information entry value. Some of these roughly correlate
/// to DWARF attribute classes.
class DIEValue {
  virtual void anchor();

  enum Type {

  /// Ty - Type of data stored in the value.
  Type Ty;

  explicit DIEValue(Type T) : Ty(T) {}
  virtual ~DIEValue() {}

  // Accessors
  Type getType() const { return Ty; }

  /// EmitValue - Emit value via the Dwarf writer.
  virtual void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const = 0;

  /// SizeOf - Return the size of a value in bytes.
  virtual unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const = 0;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  virtual void print(raw_ostream &O) const = 0;
  void dump() const;

/// DIEInteger - An integer value DIE.
class DIEInteger : public DIEValue {
  uint64_t Integer;

  explicit DIEInteger(uint64_t I) : DIEValue(isInteger), Integer(I) {}

  /// BestForm - Choose the best form for integer.
  static dwarf::Form BestForm(bool IsSigned, uint64_t Int) {
    if (IsSigned) {
      const int64_t SignedInt = Int;
      if ((char)Int == SignedInt)
        return dwarf::DW_FORM_data1;
      if ((short)Int == SignedInt)
        return dwarf::DW_FORM_data2;
      if ((int)Int == SignedInt)
        return dwarf::DW_FORM_data4;
    } else {
      if ((unsigned char)Int == Int)
        return dwarf::DW_FORM_data1;
      if ((unsigned short)Int == Int)
        return dwarf::DW_FORM_data2;
      if ((unsigned int)Int == Int)
        return dwarf::DW_FORM_data4;
    return dwarf::DW_FORM_data8;

  /// EmitValue - Emit integer of appropriate size.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  uint64_t getValue() const { return Integer; }

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of integer value in bytes.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *I) { return I->getType() == isInteger; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

/// DIEExpr - An expression DIE.
class DIEExpr : public DIEValue {
  const MCExpr *Expr;

  explicit DIEExpr(const MCExpr *E) : DIEValue(isExpr), Expr(E) {}

  /// EmitValue - Emit expression value.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// getValue - Get MCExpr.
  const MCExpr *getValue() const { return Expr; }

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of expression value in bytes.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *E) { return E->getType() == isExpr; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

/// DIELabel - A label DIE.
class DIELabel : public DIEValue {
  const MCSymbol *Label;

  explicit DIELabel(const MCSymbol *L) : DIEValue(isLabel), Label(L) {}

  /// EmitValue - Emit label value.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// getValue - Get MCSymbol.
  const MCSymbol *getValue() const { return Label; }

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of label value in bytes.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *L) { return L->getType() == isLabel; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

/// DIEDelta - A simple label difference DIE.
class DIEDelta : public DIEValue {
  const MCSymbol *LabelHi;
  const MCSymbol *LabelLo;

  DIEDelta(const MCSymbol *Hi, const MCSymbol *Lo)
      : DIEValue(isDelta), LabelHi(Hi), LabelLo(Lo) {}

  /// EmitValue - Emit delta value.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of delta value in bytes.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *D) { return D->getType() == isDelta; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

/// DIEString - A container for string values.
class DIEString : public DIEValue {
  const DIEValue *Access;
  const StringRef Str;

  DIEString(const DIEValue *Acc, const StringRef S)
      : DIEValue(isString), Access(Acc), Str(S) {}

  /// getString - Grab the string out of the object.
  StringRef getString() const { return Str; }

  /// EmitValue - Emit delta value.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of delta value in bytes.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *D) { return D->getType() == isString; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

/// DIEEntry - A pointer to another debug information entry.  An instance of
/// this class can also be used as a proxy for a debug information entry not
/// yet defined (ie. types.)
class DIEEntry : public DIEValue {
  DIE &Entry;

  explicit DIEEntry(DIE &E) : DIEValue(isEntry), Entry(E) {

  DIE &getEntry() const { return Entry; }

  /// EmitValue - Emit debug information entry offset.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of debug information entry in bytes.
   unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override {
    return Form == dwarf::DW_FORM_ref_addr ? getRefAddrSize(AP)
                                           : sizeof(int32_t);

  /// Returns size of a ref_addr entry.
  static unsigned getRefAddrSize(AsmPrinter *AP);

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *E) { return E->getType() == isEntry; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

/// \brief A signature reference to a type unit.
class DIETypeSignature : public DIEValue {
  const DwarfTypeUnit &Unit;

  explicit DIETypeSignature(const DwarfTypeUnit &Unit)
      : DIEValue(isTypeSignature), Unit(Unit) {}

  /// \brief Emit type unit signature.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *Asm, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// Returns size of a ref_sig8 entry.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override {
    assert(Form == dwarf::DW_FORM_ref_sig8);
    return 8;

  // \brief Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *E) {
    return E->getType() == isTypeSignature;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;
  void dump() const;

/// DIELoc - Represents an expression location.
class DIELoc : public DIEValue, public DIE {
  mutable unsigned Size; // Size in bytes excluding size header.
  DIELoc() : DIEValue(isLoc), Size(0) {}

  /// ComputeSize - Calculate the size of the location expression.
  unsigned ComputeSize(AsmPrinter *AP) const;

  /// BestForm - Choose the best form for data.
  dwarf::Form BestForm(unsigned DwarfVersion) const {
    // Temporarily prevent DW_FORM_exprloc generation on clang-602 branch
    // This should be reverted once rdar://18148206 is closed
    // if (DwarfVersion > 3)
    //  return dwarf::DW_FORM_exprloc;
    // Pre-DWARF4 location expressions were blocks and not exprloc.
    if ((unsigned char)Size == Size)
      return dwarf::DW_FORM_block1;
    if ((unsigned short)Size == Size)
      return dwarf::DW_FORM_block2;
    if ((unsigned int)Size == Size)
      return dwarf::DW_FORM_block4;
    return dwarf::DW_FORM_block;

  /// EmitValue - Emit location data.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of location data in bytes.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *E) { return E->getType() == isLoc; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

/// DIEBlock - Represents a block of values.
class DIEBlock : public DIEValue, public DIE {
  mutable unsigned Size; // Size in bytes excluding size header.
  DIEBlock() : DIEValue(isBlock), Size(0) {}

  /// ComputeSize - Calculate the size of the location expression.
  unsigned ComputeSize(AsmPrinter *AP) const;

  /// BestForm - Choose the best form for data.
  dwarf::Form BestForm() const {
    if ((unsigned char)Size == Size)
      return dwarf::DW_FORM_block1;
    if ((unsigned short)Size == Size)
      return dwarf::DW_FORM_block2;
    if ((unsigned int)Size == Size)
      return dwarf::DW_FORM_block4;
    return dwarf::DW_FORM_block;

  /// EmitValue - Emit location data.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of location data in bytes.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *E) { return E->getType() == isBlock; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

/// DIELocList - Represents a pointer to a location list in the debug_loc
/// section.
class DIELocList : public DIEValue {
  // Index into the .debug_loc vector.
  size_t Index;

  DIELocList(size_t I) : DIEValue(isLocList), Index(I) {}

  /// getValue - Grab the current index out.
  size_t getValue() const { return Index; }

  /// EmitValue - Emit location data.
  void EmitValue(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  /// SizeOf - Determine size of location data in bytes.
  unsigned SizeOf(AsmPrinter *AP, dwarf::Form Form) const override;

  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast.
  static bool classof(const DIEValue *E) { return E->getType() == isLocList; }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void print(raw_ostream &O) const override;

} // end llvm namespace
