Makefile.common   [plain text]

##===- bindings/ocaml/backends/Makefile.common -------------*- Makefile -*-===##
#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
# This is the slave makefile for backend-specific bindings. This makefile should
# be included after defining TARGET. It will then substitute @TARGET@ for
# the value of TARGET in various *.in files and build an OCaml library in
# a regular way.

LEVEL := ../../..
UsedComponents := $(TARGET)
UsedOcamlInterfaces := llvm

include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.config

SOURCES       := $(TARGET)_ocaml.c
OcamlHeaders1 := $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/llvm_$(TARGET).mli
OcamlSources1 := $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/llvm_$(TARGET).ml

include ../Makefile.ocaml

$(ObjDir)/llvm_$(TARGET).ml: $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/ $(ObjDir)/.dir
	$(Verb) $(SED) -e 's/@TARGET@/$(TARGET)/' $< > $@

$(ObjDir)/llvm_$(TARGET).mli: $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/ $(ObjDir)/.dir
	$(Verb) $(SED) -e 's/@TARGET@/$(TARGET)/' $< > $@

$(ObjDir)/$(TARGET)_ocaml.o: $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/backend_ocaml.c $(ObjDir)/.dir
	$(Echo) "Compiling $*.c for $(BuildMode) build" $(PIC_FLAG)
	$(Verb) $(Compile.C) -DTARGET=$(TARGET) $< -o $@

##===- OCamlFind Package --------------------------------------------------===##

all-local:: copy-meta
install-local:: install-meta
uninstall-local:: uninstall-meta

DestMETA := $(PROJ_libocamldir)/META.llvm_$(TARGET)

# Easy way of generating META in the objdir
copy-meta: $(OcamlDir)/META.llvm_$(TARGET)

	$(Verb) $(SED) -e 's/@TARGET@/$(TARGET)/' \
								 -e 's/@PACKAGE_VERSION@/$(LLVMVersion)/' $< > $@

install-meta:: $(OcamlDir)/META.llvm_$(TARGET)
	$(Echo) "Install $(BuildMode) $(DestMETA)"
	$(Verb) $(MKDIR) $(PROJ_libocamldir)
	$(Verb) $(DataInstall) $< "$(DestMETA)"

	$(Echo) "Uninstalling $(DestMETA)"
	-$(Verb) $(RM) -f "$(DestMETA)"

.PHONY: copy-meta install-meta uninstall-meta