[plain text]

// RUN: export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return=1
// RUN: %clangxx_asan  -O0 %s -o %t && \
// RUN:   not %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %clangxx_asan  -O1 %s -o %t && \
// RUN:   not %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %clangxx_asan  -O2 %s -o %t && \
// RUN:   not %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %clangxx_asan  -O3 %s -o %t && \
// RUN:   not %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
// RUN: ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return=0 %t
// Regression test for a CHECK failure with small stack size and large frame.
// RUN: %clangxx_asan  -O3 %s -o %t -DkSize=10000 && \
// RUN: (ulimit -s 65;  not %t) 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
// Test that we can find UAR in a thread other than main:
// RUN: %clangxx_asan  -DUseThread -O2 %s -o %t && \
// RUN:   not %t 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=THREAD %s
// Test the max_uar_stack_size_log/min_uar_stack_size_log flag.
// RUN: ASAN_OPTIONS=$ASAN_OPTIONS:max_uar_stack_size_log=20:verbosity=1 not %t 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-20 %s
// RUN: ASAN_OPTIONS=$ASAN_OPTIONS:min_uar_stack_size_log=24:max_uar_stack_size_log=24:verbosity=1 not %t 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-24 %s

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#ifndef kSize
# define kSize 1

#ifndef UseThread
# define UseThread 0

char *Ident(char *x) {
  fprintf(stderr, "1: %p\n", x);
  return x;

char *Func1() {
  char local[kSize];
  return Ident(local);

void Func2(char *x) {
  fprintf(stderr, "2: %p\n", x);
  *x = 1;
  // CHECK: WRITE of size 1 {{.*}} thread T0
  // CHECK:     #0{{.*}}Func2{{.*}}[[@LINE-2]]
  // CHECK: is located in stack of thread T0 at offset
  // CHECK: 'local' <== Memory access at offset {{16|32}} is inside this variable
  // THREAD: WRITE of size 1 {{.*}} thread T{{[1-9]}}
  // THREAD:     #0{{.*}}Func2{{.*}}[[@LINE-6]]
  // THREAD: is located in stack of thread T{{[1-9]}} at offset
  // THREAD: 'local' <== Memory access at offset {{16|32}} is inside this variable
  // CHECK-20: T0: FakeStack created:{{.*}} stack_size_log: 20
  // CHECK-24: T0: FakeStack created:{{.*}} stack_size_log: 24

void *Thread(void *unused)  {
  return NULL;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
#if UseThread
  pthread_t t;
  pthread_create(&t, 0, Thread, 0);
  pthread_join(t, 0);
  return 0;