MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h   [plain text]

//===- MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h - LOH interface ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file declares some helpers classes to handle Linker Optimization Hint
// (LOH).
// FIXME: LOH interface supports only MachO format at the moment.


#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCMachObjectWriter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"

namespace llvm {

// Forward declarations.
class MCAsmLayout;
class MCSymbol;

/// Linker Optimization Hint Type.
enum MCLOHType {
  MCLOH_AdrpAdrp = 0x1u,      ///< Adrp xY, _v1@PAGE -> Adrp xY, _v2@PAGE.
  MCLOH_AdrpLdr = 0x2u,       ///< Adrp _v@PAGE -> Ldr _v@PAGEOFF.
  MCLOH_AdrpAddLdr = 0x3u,    ///< Adrp _v@PAGE -> Add _v@PAGEOFF -> Ldr.
  MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotLdr = 0x4u, ///< Adrp _v@GOTPAGE -> Ldr _v@GOTPAGEOFF -> Ldr.
  MCLOH_AdrpAddStr = 0x5u,    ///< Adrp _v@PAGE -> Add _v@PAGEOFF -> Str.
  MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotStr = 0x6u, ///< Adrp _v@GOTPAGE -> Ldr _v@GOTPAGEOFF -> Str.
  MCLOH_AdrpAdd = 0x7u,       ///< Adrp _v@PAGE -> Add _v@PAGEOFF.
  MCLOH_AdrpLdrGot = 0x8u     ///< Adrp _v@GOTPAGE -> Ldr _v@GOTPAGEOFF.

static inline StringRef MCLOHDirectiveName() {
  return StringRef(".loh");

static inline bool isValidMCLOHType(MCLOHType Kind) {
  return Kind >= MCLOH_AdrpAdrp && Kind <= MCLOH_AdrpLdrGot;

static inline int MCLOHNameToId(StringRef Name) {
#define MCLOHCaseNameToId(Name)     .Case(#Name, MCLOH_ ## Name)
  return StringSwitch<int>(Name)

static inline StringRef MCLOHIdToName(MCLOHType Kind) {
#define MCLOHCaseIdToName(Name)      case MCLOH_ ## Name: return StringRef(#Name);
  switch (Kind) {
  return StringRef();

static inline int MCLOHIdToNbArgs(MCLOHType Kind) {
  switch (Kind) {
    // LOH with two arguments
  case MCLOH_AdrpAdrp:
  case MCLOH_AdrpLdr:
  case MCLOH_AdrpAdd:
  case MCLOH_AdrpLdrGot:
    return 2;
    // LOH with three arguments
  case MCLOH_AdrpAddLdr:
  case MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotLdr:
  case MCLOH_AdrpAddStr:
  case MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotStr:
    return 3;
  return -1;

/// Store Linker Optimization Hint information (LOH).
template<typename T>
class LOHDirective {
  MCLOHType Kind;

  /// Arguments of this directive. Order matters.
  SmallVector<T *, 3> Args;

  /// Emit this directive in @p OutStream using the information available
  /// in the given @p ObjWriter and @p Layout to get the address of the
  /// arguments within the object file.
  /// This function is currently specialized for T = MCSymbol.
  void Emit_impl(raw_ostream &OutStream, const MachObjectWriter &ObjWriter,
                 const MCAsmLayout &Layout) const {  }

  typedef SmallVectorImpl<T *> LOHArgs;

  LOHDirective(MCLOHType Kind, const LOHArgs &Args)
  : Kind(Kind), Args(Args.begin(), Args.end()) {};

  MCLOHType getKind() const { return Kind; }

  const LOHArgs & getArgs() const { return Args; }

  /// Emit this directive as:
  /// <kind, numArgs, addr1, ..., addrN>
  void Emit(MachObjectWriter &ObjWriter, const MCAsmLayout &Layout) const {
    raw_ostream &OutStream = ObjWriter.getStream();
    Emit_impl(OutStream, ObjWriter, Layout);

  /// Get the size in bytes of this directive if emitted in @p ObjWriter with
  /// the given @p Layout.
  uint64_t getEmitSize(const MachObjectWriter &ObjWriter,
                       const MCAsmLayout &Layout) const {
    std::string Buffer;
    raw_string_ostream OutStream(Buffer);
    Emit_impl(OutStream, ObjWriter, Layout);
    return OutStream.tell();

template<typename T>
class LOHContainer {
  typedef SmallVectorImpl<LOHDirective<T> > LOHDirectives;

  /// Keep track of the emit size of all the LOHs.
  mutable uint64_t EmitSize;

  /// Keep track of all LOH directives.
  SmallVector<LOHDirective<T>, 32> Directives;

  /// Accessor to the directives.
  LOHDirectives &getDirectives() { return Directives; }

  LOHContainer() : EmitSize(0) {};

  /// Const accessor to the directives.
  const LOHDirectives &getDirectives() const {
    return const_cast<LOHContainer *>(this)->getDirectives();

  /// Add the directive of the given kind @p Kind with the given arguments
  /// @p Args to the container.
  void addDirective(MCLOHType Kind,
                    const typename LOHDirective<T>::LOHArgs &Args) {
    assert(isValidMCLOHType(Kind) && "Invalid LOH directive type!");
    getDirectives().push_back(LOHDirective<T>(Kind, Args));

  /// Get the size of the directives if emitted.
  uint64_t getEmitSize(const MachObjectWriter &ObjWriter,
                       const MCAsmLayout &Layout) const {
    if (!EmitSize) {
      for (typename LOHDirectives::const_iterator It = getDirectives().begin(),
             EndIt = getDirectives().end(); It != EndIt; ++It)
        EmitSize += It->getEmitSize(ObjWriter, Layout);
    return EmitSize;

  /// Emit all Linker Optimization Hint in one big table.
  /// Each line of the table is emitted by LOHDirective::Emit.
  void Emit(MachObjectWriter &ObjWriter, const MCAsmLayout &Layout) const {
    for (typename LOHDirectives::const_iterator It = getDirectives().begin(),
           EndIt = getDirectives().end(); It != EndIt; ++It)
      It->Emit(ObjWriter, Layout);

  void reset() {
    EmitSize = 0;

// Add types for specialized template using MCSymbol.
typedef LOHDirective<MCSymbol> MCLOHDirective;
typedef LOHDirective<MCSymbol>::LOHArgs MCLOHArgs;

typedef LOHContainer<MCLOHDirective>::LOHDirectives MCLOHDirectives;

typedef LOHContainer<MCSymbol> MCLOHContainer;

// Declare the specialization for MCSymbol.
void MCLOHDirective::Emit_impl(raw_ostream &OutStream,
                               const MachObjectWriter &ObjWriter,
                               const MCAsmLayout &Layout) const;
} // end namespace llvm
