Triple.h   [plain text]

//===-- llvm/ADT/Triple.h - Target triple helper class ----------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.


#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"

// Some system headers or GCC predefined macros conflict with identifiers in
// this file.  Undefine them here.
#undef NetBSD
#undef mips
#undef sparc

namespace llvm {

/// Triple - Helper class for working with autoconf configuration names. For
/// historical reasons, we also call these 'triples' (they used to contain
/// exactly three fields).
/// Configuration names are strings in the canonical form:
/// or
/// This class is used for clients which want to support arbitrary
/// configuration names, but also want to implement certain special
/// behavior for particular configurations. This class isolates the mapping
/// from the components of the configuration name to well known IDs.
/// At its core the Triple class is designed to be a wrapper for a triple
/// string; the constructor does not change or normalize the triple string.
/// Clients that need to handle the non-canonical triples that users often
/// specify should use the normalize method.
/// See autoconf/config.guess for a glimpse into what configuration names
/// look like in practice.
class Triple {
  enum ArchType {

    arm,     // ARM: arm, armv.*, xscale
    arm64,   // ARM: arm64
    aarch64, // AArch64: aarch64
    hexagon, // Hexagon: hexagon
    mips,    // MIPS: mips, mipsallegrex
    mipsel,  // MIPSEL: mipsel, mipsallegrexel
    mips64,  // MIPS64: mips64
    mips64el,// MIPS64EL: mips64el
    msp430,  // MSP430: msp430
    ppc,     // PPC: powerpc
    ppc64,   // PPC64: powerpc64, ppu
    ppc64le, // PPC64LE: powerpc64le
    r600,    // R600: AMD GPUs HD2XXX - HD6XXX
    sparc,   // Sparc: sparc
    sparcv9, // Sparcv9: Sparcv9
    systemz, // SystemZ: s390x
    tce,     // TCE ( tce
    thumb,   // Thumb: thumb, thumbv.*
    x86,     // X86: i[3-9]86
    x86_64,  // X86-64: amd64, x86_64
    xcore,   // XCore: xcore
    nvptx,   // NVPTX: 32-bit
    nvptx64, // NVPTX: 64-bit
    gpu_32,  // OpenCL generic GPU: (32-bit)
    gpu_64,  // OpenCL generic GPU: (64-bit)
    le32,    // le32: generic little-endian 32-bit CPU (PNaCl / Emscripten)
    amdil,   // amdil: amd IL
    spir,    // SPIR: standard portable IR for OpenCL 32-bit version
    spir64   // SPIR: standard portable IR for OpenCL 64-bit version
  enum VendorType {

  enum OSType {

    Lv2,        // PS3
    MinGW32,    // i*86-pc-mingw32, *-w64-mingw32
    NaCl,       // Native Client
    CNK,        // BG/P Compute-Node Kernel
    CUDA,       // NVIDIA CUDA
    NVCL        // NVIDIA OpenCL
  enum EnvironmentType {


  std::string Data;

  /// The parsed arch type.
  ArchType Arch;

  /// The parsed vendor type.
  VendorType Vendor;

  /// The parsed OS type.
  OSType OS;

  /// The parsed Environment type.
  EnvironmentType Environment;

  /// @name Constructors
  /// @{

  /// \brief Default constructor is the same as an empty string and leaves all
  /// triple fields unknown.
  Triple() : Data(), Arch(), Vendor(), OS(), Environment() {}

  explicit Triple(const Twine &Str);
  Triple(const Twine &ArchStr, const Twine &VendorStr, const Twine &OSStr);
  Triple(const Twine &ArchStr, const Twine &VendorStr, const Twine &OSStr,
         const Twine &EnvironmentStr);

  /// @}
  /// @name Normalization
  /// @{

  /// normalize - Turn an arbitrary machine specification into the canonical
  /// triple form (or something sensible that the Triple class understands if
  /// nothing better can reasonably be done).  In particular, it handles the
  /// common case in which otherwise valid components are in the wrong order.
  static std::string normalize(StringRef Str);

  /// @}
  /// @name Typed Component Access
  /// @{

  /// getArch - Get the parsed architecture type of this triple.
  ArchType getArch() const { return Arch; }

  /// getVendor - Get the parsed vendor type of this triple.
  VendorType getVendor() const { return Vendor; }

  /// getOS - Get the parsed operating system type of this triple.
  OSType getOS() const { return OS; }

  /// hasEnvironment - Does this triple have the optional environment
  /// (fourth) component?
  bool hasEnvironment() const {
    return getEnvironmentName() != "";

  /// getEnvironment - Get the parsed environment type of this triple.
  EnvironmentType getEnvironment() const { return Environment; }

  /// getOSVersion - Parse the version number from the OS name component of the
  /// triple, if present.
  /// For example, "fooos1.2.3" would return (1, 2, 3).
  /// If an entry is not defined, it will be returned as 0.
  void getOSVersion(unsigned &Major, unsigned &Minor, unsigned &Micro) const;

  /// getOSMajorVersion - Return just the major version number, this is
  /// specialized because it is a common query.
  unsigned getOSMajorVersion() const {
    unsigned Maj, Min, Micro;
    getOSVersion(Maj, Min, Micro);
    return Maj;

  /// getMacOSXVersion - Parse the version number as with getOSVersion and then
  /// translate generic "darwin" versions to the corresponding OS X versions.
  /// This may also be called with IOS triples but the OS X version number is
  /// just set to a constant 10.4.0 in that case.  Returns true if successful.
  bool getMacOSXVersion(unsigned &Major, unsigned &Minor,
                        unsigned &Micro) const;

  /// getiOSVersion - Parse the version number as with getOSVersion.  This should
  /// only be called with IOS triples.
  void getiOSVersion(unsigned &Major, unsigned &Minor,
                     unsigned &Micro) const;

  /// @}
  /// @name Direct Component Access
  /// @{

  const std::string &str() const { return Data; }

  const std::string &getTriple() const { return Data; }

  /// getArchName - Get the architecture (first) component of the
  /// triple.
  StringRef getArchName() const;

  /// getVendorName - Get the vendor (second) component of the triple.
  StringRef getVendorName() const;

  /// getOSName - Get the operating system (third) component of the
  /// triple.
  StringRef getOSName() const;

  /// getEnvironmentName - Get the optional environment (fourth)
  /// component of the triple, or "" if empty.
  StringRef getEnvironmentName() const;

  /// getOSAndEnvironmentName - Get the operating system and optional
  /// environment components as a single string (separated by a '-'
  /// if the environment component is present).
  StringRef getOSAndEnvironmentName() const;

  /// @}
  /// @name Convenience Predicates
  /// @{

  /// \brief Test whether the architecture is 64-bit
  /// Note that this tests for 64-bit pointer width, and nothing else. Note
  /// that we intentionally expose only three predicates, 64-bit, 32-bit, and
  /// 16-bit. The inner details of pointer width for particular architectures
  /// is not summed up in the triple, and so only a coarse grained predicate
  /// system is provided.
  bool isArch64Bit() const;

  /// \brief Test whether the architecture is 32-bit
  /// Note that this tests for 32-bit pointer width, and nothing else.
  bool isArch32Bit() const;

  /// \brief Test whether the architecture is 16-bit
  /// Note that this tests for 16-bit pointer width, and nothing else.
  bool isArch16Bit() const;

  /// isOSVersionLT - Helper function for doing comparisons against version
  /// numbers included in the target triple.
  bool isOSVersionLT(unsigned Major, unsigned Minor = 0,
                     unsigned Micro = 0) const {
    unsigned LHS[3];
    getOSVersion(LHS[0], LHS[1], LHS[2]);

    if (LHS[0] != Major)
      return LHS[0] < Major;
    if (LHS[1] != Minor)
      return LHS[1] < Minor;
    if (LHS[2] != Micro)
      return LHS[1] < Micro;

    return false;

  /// isMacOSXVersionLT - Comparison function for checking OS X version
  /// compatibility, which handles supporting skewed version numbering schemes
  /// used by the "darwin" triples.
  unsigned isMacOSXVersionLT(unsigned Major, unsigned Minor = 0,
                             unsigned Micro = 0) const {
    assert(isMacOSX() && "Not an OS X triple!");

    // If this is OS X, expect a sane version number.
    if (getOS() == Triple::MacOSX)
      return isOSVersionLT(Major, Minor, Micro);

    // Otherwise, compare to the "Darwin" number.
    assert(Major == 10 && "Unexpected major version");
    return isOSVersionLT(Minor + 4, Micro, 0);

  /// isMacOSX - Is this a Mac OS X triple. For legacy reasons, we support both
  /// "darwin" and "osx" as OS X triples.
  bool isMacOSX() const {
    return getOS() == Triple::Darwin || getOS() == Triple::MacOSX;

  /// Is this an iOS triple.
  bool isiOS() const {
    return getOS() == Triple::IOS;

  /// isOSDarwin - Is this a "Darwin" OS (OS X or iOS).
  bool isOSDarwin() const {
    return isMacOSX() || isiOS();

  /// \brief Tests for either Cygwin or MinGW OS
  bool isOSCygMing() const {
    return getOS() == Triple::Cygwin || getOS() == Triple::MinGW32;

  /// \brief Is this a "Windows" OS targeting a "MSVCRT.dll" environment.
  bool isOSMSVCRT() const {
    return getOS() == Triple::Win32 || getOS() == Triple::MinGW32;

  /// \brief Tests whether the OS is Windows.
  bool isOSWindows() const {
    return getOS() == Triple::Win32 || isOSCygMing();

  /// \brief Tests whether the OS is NaCl (Native Client)
  bool isOSNaCl() const {
    return getOS() == Triple::NaCl;

  /// \brief Tests whether the OS is Linux.
  bool isOSLinux() const {
    return getOS() == Triple::Linux;

  /// \brief Tests whether the OS uses the ELF binary format.
  bool isOSBinFormatELF() const {
    return !isOSBinFormatMachO() && !isOSBinFormatCOFF();

  /// \brief Tests whether the OS uses the COFF binary format.
  bool isOSBinFormatCOFF() const {
    return getEnvironment() != Triple::ELF &&
           getEnvironment() != Triple::MachO && isOSWindows();

  /// \brief Tests whether the environment is MachO.
  bool isOSBinFormatMachO() const {
    return getEnvironment() == Triple::MachO || isOSDarwin();

  /// @}
  /// @name Mutators
  /// @{

  /// setArch - Set the architecture (first) component of the triple
  /// to a known type.
  void setArch(ArchType Kind);

  /// setVendor - Set the vendor (second) component of the triple to a
  /// known type.
  void setVendor(VendorType Kind);

  /// setOS - Set the operating system (third) component of the triple
  /// to a known type.
  void setOS(OSType Kind);

  /// setEnvironment - Set the environment (fourth) component of the triple
  /// to a known type.
  void setEnvironment(EnvironmentType Kind);

  /// setTriple - Set all components to the new triple \p Str.
  void setTriple(const Twine &Str);

  /// setArchName - Set the architecture (first) component of the
  /// triple by name.
  void setArchName(StringRef Str);

  /// setVendorName - Set the vendor (second) component of the triple
  /// by name.
  void setVendorName(StringRef Str);

  /// setOSName - Set the operating system (third) component of the
  /// triple by name.
  void setOSName(StringRef Str);

  /// setEnvironmentName - Set the optional environment (fourth)
  /// component of the triple by name.
  void setEnvironmentName(StringRef Str);

  /// setOSAndEnvironmentName - Set the operating system and optional
  /// environment components with a single string.
  void setOSAndEnvironmentName(StringRef Str);

  /// getArchNameForAssembler - Get an architecture name that is understood by
  /// the target assembler.
  const char *getArchNameForAssembler();

  /// @}
  /// @name Helpers to build variants of a particular triple.
  /// @{

  /// \brief Form a triple with a 32-bit variant of the current architecture.
  /// This can be used to move across "families" of architectures where useful.
  /// \returns A new triple with a 32-bit architecture or an unknown
  ///          architecture if no such variant can be found.
  llvm::Triple get32BitArchVariant() const;

  /// \brief Form a triple with a 64-bit variant of the current architecture.
  /// This can be used to move across "families" of architectures where useful.
  /// \returns A new triple with a 64-bit architecture or an unknown
  ///          architecture if no such variant can be found.
  llvm::Triple get64BitArchVariant() const;

  /// @}
  /// @name Static helpers for IDs.
  /// @{

  /// getArchTypeName - Get the canonical name for the \p Kind architecture.
  static const char *getArchTypeName(ArchType Kind);

  /// getArchTypePrefix - Get the "prefix" canonical name for the \p Kind
  /// architecture. This is the prefix used by the architecture specific
  /// builtins, and is suitable for passing to \see
  /// Intrinsic::getIntrinsicForGCCBuiltin().
  /// \return - The architecture prefix, or 0 if none is defined.
  static const char *getArchTypePrefix(ArchType Kind);

  /// getVendorTypeName - Get the canonical name for the \p Kind vendor.
  static const char *getVendorTypeName(VendorType Kind);

  /// getOSTypeName - Get the canonical name for the \p Kind operating system.
  static const char *getOSTypeName(OSType Kind);

  /// getEnvironmentTypeName - Get the canonical name for the \p Kind
  /// environment.
  static const char *getEnvironmentTypeName(EnvironmentType Kind);

  /// @}
  /// @name Static helpers for converting alternate architecture names.
  /// @{

  /// getArchTypeForLLVMName - The canonical type for the given LLVM
  /// architecture name (e.g., "x86").
  static ArchType getArchTypeForLLVMName(StringRef Str);

  /// @}

} // End llvm namespace
