gen-clang-order-data   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup

import commands


# Collect order files and profile data using the default sets of warning
# options used by Xcode. These should be periodically updated to match
# changes in Xcode.
XcodeDefaultWarnings = (
XcodeDefaultWarningsC = XcodeDefaultWarnings + (
XcodeDefaultWarningsCXX = XcodeDefaultWarnings + (
XcodeDefaultWarningsObjC = XcodeDefaultWarnings + (
# XcodeDefaultWarningsObjCXX: This is not currently tested here. If that
# changes, it should be the union of the ObjC and CXX options.

# Generate test cases consisting of the following 4 fields:
#   test_name
#   output_name (maybe 'None')
#   test_driver (True or False)
#   list of test_args
def get_test_cases(opts):
    yield (
        'pch-gen-Cocoa', 'Cocoa_Prefix_Precompiled.h.gch', True,
        ('-x', 'objective-c-header', 'Cocoa_Prefix.h'))
    yield (
        'trivial-c', None, True, XcodeDefaultWarningsC +
        ('-c', 'trivial-input.c', '-O0', '-g'))
    yield (
        'trivial-obj-c', None, True, XcodeDefaultWarningsObjC +
        ('-c', 'trivial-input.m', '-O0', '-g',
         '-include', '%T/Cocoa_Prefix_Precompiled.h'))

    # Check the trivial inputs in a few different combinations.
    yield (
        'trivial-cxx', None, False, XcodeDefaultWarningsCXX +
        ('-c', 'trivial-input.cpp', '-O0', '-g'))
    yield (
        'trivial-c-armv7', None, False, XcodeDefaultWarningsC +
        ('-c', 'trivial-input.c', '-O0', '-g', '-arch', 'armv7'))
    yield (
        'trivial-c-arm64', None, False, XcodeDefaultWarningsC +
        ('-c', 'trivial-input.c', '-O0', '-g', '-arch', 'arm64'))
    yield (
        'trivial-c-Os', None, False, XcodeDefaultWarningsC +
        ('-c', 'trivial-input.c', '-Os'))
    yield (
        'trivial-c-O3-g', None, False, XcodeDefaultWarningsC +
        ('-c', 'trivial-input.c', '-O3', '-g'))
    yield (
        'trivial-c-i386', None, False, XcodeDefaultWarningsC +
        ('-c', 'trivial-input.c', '-O0', '-g', '-arch', 'i386'))

    # Check actual project inputs in important combinations.
    # These are preprocessed inputs for x86_64, but we build them for several
    # different architectures.
    # FIXME: These are currently building with all warnings disabled. It
    # would be good to start with the Xcode default warnings and selectively
    # disable only the ones that trigger often in the code.
    for flags in (('-O0', '-g'), ('-Os', '-g'), ('-O2',), ('-O3',)):

        input = '403.gcc__combine.c'
        for arch in ('x86_64', 'i386', 'arm64', 'armv7'):
            test_name = '%s__%s__%s' % (input, arch, ''.join(flags))
            yield (
                test_name, None, False,
                ('-c', input, '-arch', arch, '-w') + flags)

        input = 'JavaScriptCore__Interpreter.cpp'
        for arch in ('x86_64', 'arm64'):
            test_name = '%s__%s__%s' % (input, arch, ''.join(flags))
            yield (
                test_name, None, False,
                ('-c', input, '-arch', arch, '-w') + flags)

        input = 'OmniGroupFrameworks__NSBezierPath-OAExtensions.m'
        for arch in ('x86_64',):
            test_name = '%s__%s__%s' % (input, arch, ''.join(flags))
            yield (
                test_name, None, False,
                ('-c', input, '-arch', arch, '-w') + flags)

def get_cc1_command_for_args(cmd, cwd, env):
    # Find the cc1 command used by the compiler. To do this we execute the
    # compiler with '-###' to figure out what it wants to do.
    cc_output = commands.capture(cmd + ['-###'],
                                 include_stderr=True, cwd=cwd, env=env).strip()
    cc_commands = []
    for ln in cc_output.split('\n'):
        # Filter out known garbage.
        if (ln == 'Using built-in specs.' or
            ln.startswith('Configured with:') or
            ln.startswith('Target:') or
            ln.startswith('Thread model:') or
            ' version ' in ln):

    if len(cc_commands) != 1:
        commands.fatal('unable to determine cc1 command: %r' % cc_output)

    cc1_cmd = shlex.split(cc_commands[0])
    if not cc1_cmd:
        commands.fatal('unable to determine cc1 command: %r' % cc_output)

    return cc1_cmd

def execute_dtrace_test(args, data_name, opts, env, suppress_stderr):
    # Form the dtrace script to run.
    if opts.use_multishot:
        target = "pid$target:::entry"
        target = "oneshot$target:::entry"
    predicate = '%s/probemod=="%s"/' % (target, os.path.basename(args[0]))
    log_timestamp = 'printf("TS: %d\\n", timestamp)'
    if opts.use_ustack:
        action = 'ustack(1);'
        action = 'printf("%s\\n", probefunc);'
    dtrace_script = "%s { %s; %s }" % (predicate, log_timestamp, action)

    # Execute the script.
    dtrace_args = []
    if opts.use_sudo:
        'dtrace', '-xevaltime=exec', '-xmangled',
        '-xbufsize=%dm' % (opts.buffer_size),
        '-q', '-n', dtrace_script, 
        '-c', ' '.join(args)))
    commands.note("generating dtrace data for test %r: %r" % (
            data_name, ' '.join('"%s"' % arg
                                for arg in dtrace_args)))
    with open("%s.test-%s-data.log" % (opts.outputs_prefix,
                                       data_name), "w") as f:
        if suppress_stderr:
            stderr = subprocess.PIPE
            stderr = None
        start_time = time.time()
            subprocess.check_call(dtrace_args, stdout=f, stderr=stderr,
                                  cwd=opts.inputs_path, env=env)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError,e:
            # For some reason, dtrace sometimes fails for reasons we haven't
            # been able to track down yet. We allow such failures for the time
            # being.
            if e.returncode != -11:
            commands.note("warning: dtrace data collection failed (ignoring)")
        elapsed = time.time() - start_time
        commands.note("... data collection took %.4fs" % (elapsed,))

def execute_profdata_test(args, data_name, opts, env, suppress_stderr):
    commands.note("generating profile data for test %r: %r" % (
            data_name, ' '.join('"%s"' % arg
                                for arg in args)))
    env['LLVM_PROFILE_FILE'] = "%s.test-%s-%%p.profraw" % (
                               opts.outputs_prefix, data_name)
    with open("%s.test-%s-data.log" % (opts.outputs_prefix,
                                       data_name), "w") as f:
        if suppress_stderr:
            stderr = subprocess.PIPE
            stderr = None
        start_time = time.time()
        subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=f, stderr=stderr,
                              cwd=opts.inputs_path, env=env)
        elapsed = time.time() - start_time
        commands.note("... data collection took %.4fs" % (elapsed,))

def execute_test(args, data_name, opts, env, suppress_stderr=False):
    if opts.profdata:
        execute_profdata_test(args, data_name, opts, env, suppress_stderr)
        execute_dtrace_test(args, data_name, opts, env, suppress_stderr)

def execute_test_case(test_case, opts):
    cwd = opts.inputs_path

    test_name,output_name,test_driver,test_args = test_case
    if output_name is None:
        output_name = "%s.o" % (test_name,)

    # Rewrite '%T' in any arguments to be the temps path.
    actual_args = [a.replace('%T', opts.temps_path)
                   for a in test_args]
    full_args = [] + list(actual_args) + [
        '-o', os.path.join(opts.temps_path, output_name)]

    # Create a scrubbed environment to execute the tests in.
    test_env = {
        'PATH' : os.environ['PATH'] }

    # Gather data on the driver invocation.
    if opts.sample_driver and test_driver:
        execute_test(full_args + ['-###'], "%s.driver" % (test_name),
                            opts, test_env, suppress_stderr=True)

    # Extract the cc1 level command.
    cc1_cmd = get_cc1_command_for_args(full_args, opts.inputs_path, test_env)

    # We can't use dtrace's -c option if there are space in options.
    for arg in cc1_cmd:
        if ' ' in arg:
            commands.fatal("unable to use dtrace on cc1 command: %r" % (

    # Gather data on the cc1 invocation.
    execute_test(cc1_cmd, test_name, opts, test_env)

def main():
    parser = OptionParser("%prog  [options]")
    parser.add_option("", "--cc", dest="cc", type='str',
                      help="Path to the compiler under test",
                      action="store", default=None)
    parser.add_option("", "--inputs", dest="inputs_path", type='str',
                      help="Path to the inputs directory",
                      action="store", metavar="PATH",
                      default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'inputs'))
    parser.add_option("", "--temps", dest="temps_path", type='str',
                      help="Path to a directory for temporary outputs",
                      action="store", default="temps", metavar="PATH")
    parser.add_option("", "--outputs", dest="outputs_prefix", type='str',
                      help="Path (and prefix) to use for outputs",
                      action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH")
    parser.add_option("", "--use-multishot", dest="use_multishot",
                      help="Record multiple function entry samples",
                      action="store_true", default=False)
    parser.add_option("", "--no-sudo", dest="use_sudo",
                      help="Don't automatically use sudo with dtrace",
                      action="store_false", default=True)
    parser.add_option("", "--use-probefunc", dest="use_ustack",
                      help="Record probefunc instead of ustack(1)",
                      action="store_false", default=True)
    parser.add_option("", "--buffer-size", dest="buffer_size",
                      help="DTrace buffer size to use (in MB)",
                      type=int, default=1)
    parser.add_option("", "--without-driver", dest="sample_driver",
                      help="Do not record driver samples",
                      action="store_false", default=True)
    parser.add_option("", "--max-tests", dest="max_tests",
                      help="maximum number of tests to run",
                      type=int, default=None)
    parser.add_option("", "--profdata", dest="profdata",
                      help="collect profile data for PGO",
                      action="store_true", default=False)
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if is None:
        parser.error("--cc argument is required")
    if opts.outputs_prefix is None:
        parser.error("--outputs argument is required")
    if len(args) != 0:
        parser.error("invalid number of arguments")

    # Make all paths absolute. = os.path.abspath(commands.which(
    opts.inputs_path = os.path.abspath(opts.inputs_path)
    opts.temps_path = os.path.abspath(opts.temps_path)
    opts.outputs_prefix = os.path.abspath(opts.outputs_prefix)

    # Create the temps directory if it doesn't exist.

    # Create the parent of the output directory if it doesn't exist.

    # Get the test cases.
    test_cases = list(get_test_cases(opts))

    # Honor --max-tests, if provided.
    if opts.max_tests is not None:
        test_cases = test_cases[:opts.max_tests]

    for test_case in test_cases:
        execute_test_case(test_case, opts)

if __name__ == '__main__':