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// Test to make sure basic initialization order errors are caught.
// Check that on Linux initialization order bugs are caught
// independently on order in which we list source files.

// RUN: %clangxx_asan -m64 -O0 %s %p/../Helpers/\
// RUN:   -fsanitize=init-order -o %t && %t 2>&1 \
// RUN:    | %symbolize | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %clangxx_asan -m64 -O0 %p/../Helpers/ %s\
// RUN:   -fsanitize=init-order -o %t && %t 2>&1 \
// RUN:    | %symbolize | FileCheck %s

// Do not test with optimization -- the error may be optimized away.

#include <cstdio>

// 'y' is a dynamically initialized global residing in a different TU.  This
// dynamic initializer will read the value of 'y' before main starts.  The
// result is undefined behavior, which should be caught by initialization order
// checking.
extern int y;
int __attribute__((noinline)) initX() {
  return y + 1;
  // CHECK: {{AddressSanitizer: initialization-order-fiasco}}
  // CHECK: {{READ of size .* at 0x.* thread T0}}
  // CHECK: {{#0 0x.* in .*initX.* .*}}[[@LINE-3]]
  // CHECK: {{0x.* is located 0 bytes inside of global variable .*y.*}}

// This initializer begins our initialization order problems.
static int x = initX();

int main() {
  // ASan should have caused an exit before main runs.
  return 0;