[plain text]

//===-- -------------------------------------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file is a part of AddressSanitizer, an address sanity checker.
// Mac-specific details.

#ifdef __APPLE__

#include "asan_interceptors.h"
#include "asan_internal.h"
#include "asan_mac.h"
#include "asan_mapping.h"
#include "asan_stack.h"
#include "asan_thread.h"
#include "asan_thread_registry.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_libc.h"

#include <crt_externs.h>  // for _NSGetArgv
#include <dlfcn.h>  // for dladdr()
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/ucontext.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  // for free()
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>

namespace __asan {

void GetPcSpBp(void *context, uptr *pc, uptr *sp, uptr *bp) {
  ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t*)context;
  *pc = ucontext->uc_mcontext->__ss.__rip;
  *bp = ucontext->uc_mcontext->__ss.__rbp;
  *sp = ucontext->uc_mcontext->__ss.__rsp;
# else
  *pc = ucontext->uc_mcontext->__ss.__eip;
  *bp = ucontext->uc_mcontext->__ss.__ebp;
  *sp = ucontext->uc_mcontext->__ss.__esp;

int GetMacosVersion() {
  int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_OSRELEASE };
  char version[100];
  uptr len = 0, maxlen = sizeof(version) / sizeof(version[0]);
  for (uptr i = 0; i < maxlen; i++) version[i] = '\0';
  // Get the version length.
  CHECK(sysctl(mib, 2, 0, &len, 0, 0) != -1);
  CHECK(len < maxlen);
  CHECK(sysctl(mib, 2, version, &len, 0, 0) != -1);
  switch (version[0]) {
    case '9': return MACOS_VERSION_LEOPARD;
    case '1': {
      switch (version[1]) {
        case '0': return MACOS_VERSION_SNOW_LEOPARD;
        case '1': return MACOS_VERSION_LION;
        case '2': return MACOS_VERSION_MOUNTAIN_LION;
        default: return MACOS_VERSION_UNKNOWN;
    default: return MACOS_VERSION_UNKNOWN;

bool PlatformHasDifferentMemcpyAndMemmove() {
  // On OS X 10.7 memcpy() and memmove() are both resolved
  // into memmove$VARIANT$sse42.
  // See also
  // TODO(glider): need to check dynamically that memcpy() and memmove() are
  // actually the same function.
  return GetMacosVersion() == MACOS_VERSION_SNOW_LEOPARD;

extern "C"
void __asan_init();

static const char kDyldInsertLibraries[] = "DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES";

void MaybeReexec() {
  if (!flags()->allow_reexec) return;
  // If the program is linked with the dynamic ASan runtime library, make sure
  // the library is preloaded so that the wrappers work. If it is not, set
  // DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES and re-exec ourselves.
  Dl_info info;
  CHECK(dladdr((void*)((uptr)__asan_init), &info));
  const char *dyld_insert_libraries = GetEnv(kDyldInsertLibraries);
  if (!dyld_insert_libraries ||
      !REAL(strstr)(dyld_insert_libraries, info.dli_fname)) {
    // DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is not set or does not contain the runtime
    // library.
    char program_name[1024];
    uint32_t buf_size = sizeof(program_name);
    _NSGetExecutablePath(program_name, &buf_size);
    // Ok to use setenv() since the wrappers don't depend on the value of
    // asan_inited.
    setenv(kDyldInsertLibraries, info.dli_fname, /*overwrite*/0);
    if (flags()->verbosity >= 1) {
      Report("exec()-ing the program with\n");
      Report("%s=%s\n", kDyldInsertLibraries, info.dli_fname);
      Report("to enable ASan wrappers.\n");
      Report("Set ASAN_OPTIONS=allow_reexec=0 to disable this.\n");
    execv(program_name, *_NSGetArgv());
  // If we're not using the dynamic runtime, do nothing.

// No-op. Mac does not support static linkage anyway.
void *AsanDoesNotSupportStaticLinkage() {
  return 0;

bool AsanInterceptsSignal(int signum) {
  return (signum == SIGSEGV || signum == SIGBUS) && flags()->handle_segv;

void AsanPlatformThreadInit() {

void GetStackTrace(StackTrace *stack, uptr max_s, uptr pc, uptr bp, bool fast) {
  stack->size = 0;
  stack->trace[0] = pc;
  if ((max_s) > 1) {
    stack->max_size = max_s;
    if (!asan_inited) return;
    if (AsanThread *t = asanThreadRegistry().GetCurrent())
      stack->FastUnwindStack(pc, bp, t->stack_top(), t->stack_bottom());

void ReadContextStack(void *context, uptr *stack, uptr *ssize) {

// The range of pages to be used for escape islands.
// TODO(glider): instead of mapping a fixed range we must find a range of
// unmapped pages in vmmap and take them.
// These constants were chosen empirically and may not work if the shadow
// memory layout changes. Unfortunately they do necessarily depend on
// kHighMemBeg or kHighMemEnd.
static void *island_allocator_pos = 0;

# define kIslandEnd (0xffdf0000 - GetPageSizeCached())
# define kIslandBeg (kIslandEnd - 256 * GetPageSizeCached())
# define kIslandEnd (0x7fffffdf0000 - GetPageSizeCached())
# define kIslandBeg (kIslandEnd - 256 * GetPageSizeCached())

extern "C"
mach_error_t __interception_allocate_island(void **ptr,
                                            uptr unused_size,
                                            void *unused_hint) {
  if (!island_allocator_pos) {
    island_allocator_pos =
        internal_mmap((void*)kIslandBeg, kIslandEnd - kIslandBeg,
                      PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,
                      MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON | MAP_FIXED,
                      -1, 0);
    if (island_allocator_pos != (void*)kIslandBeg) {
      return KERN_NO_SPACE;
    if (flags()->verbosity) {
      Report("Mapped pages %p--%p for branch islands.\n",
             (void*)kIslandBeg, (void*)kIslandEnd);
    // Should not be very performance-critical.
    internal_memset(island_allocator_pos, 0xCC, kIslandEnd - kIslandBeg);
  *ptr = island_allocator_pos;
  island_allocator_pos = (char*)island_allocator_pos + GetPageSizeCached();
  if (flags()->verbosity) {
    Report("Branch island allocated at %p\n", *ptr);
  return err_none;

extern "C"
mach_error_t __interception_deallocate_island(void *ptr) {
  // Do nothing.
  // TODO(glider): allow to free and reuse the island memory.
  return err_none;

// Support for the following functions from libdispatch on Mac OS:
//   dispatch_async_f()
//   dispatch_async()
//   dispatch_sync_f()
//   dispatch_sync()
//   dispatch_after_f()
//   dispatch_after()
//   dispatch_group_async_f()
//   dispatch_group_async()
// TODO(glider): libdispatch API contains other functions that we don't support
// yet.
// dispatch_sync() and dispatch_sync_f() are synchronous, although chances are
// they can cause jobs to run on a thread different from the current one.
// TODO(glider): if so, we need a test for this (otherwise we should remove
// them).
// The following functions use dispatch_barrier_async_f() (which isn't a library
// function but is exported) and are thus supported:
//   dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler_f()
//   dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler()
//   dispatch_source_set_event_handler_f()
//   dispatch_source_set_event_handler()
// The reference manual for Grand Central Dispatch is available at
// The implementation details are at

typedef void* dispatch_group_t;
typedef void* dispatch_queue_t;
typedef void* dispatch_source_t;
typedef u64 dispatch_time_t;
typedef void (*dispatch_function_t)(void *block);
typedef void* (*worker_t)(void *block);

// A wrapper for the ObjC blocks used to support libdispatch.
typedef struct {
  void *block;
  dispatch_function_t func;
  u32 parent_tid;
} asan_block_context_t;

// We use extern declarations of libdispatch functions here instead
// of including <dispatch/dispatch.h>. This header is not present on
// Mac OS X Leopard and eariler, and although we don't expect ASan to
// work on legacy systems, it's bad to break the build of
// LLVM compiler-rt there.
extern "C" {
void dispatch_async_f(dispatch_queue_t dq, void *ctxt,
                      dispatch_function_t func);
void dispatch_sync_f(dispatch_queue_t dq, void *ctxt,
                     dispatch_function_t func);
void dispatch_after_f(dispatch_time_t when, dispatch_queue_t dq, void *ctxt,
                      dispatch_function_t func);
void dispatch_barrier_async_f(dispatch_queue_t dq, void *ctxt,
                              dispatch_function_t func);
void dispatch_group_async_f(dispatch_group_t group, dispatch_queue_t dq,
                            void *ctxt, dispatch_function_t func);
}  // extern "C"

void asan_register_worker_thread(int parent_tid, StackTrace *stack) {
  AsanThread *t = asanThreadRegistry().GetCurrent();
  if (!t) {
    t = AsanThread::Create(parent_tid, 0, 0, stack);

// For use by only those functions that allocated the context via
// alloc_asan_context().
extern "C"
void asan_dispatch_call_block_and_release(void *block) {
  asan_block_context_t *context = (asan_block_context_t*)block;
  if (flags()->verbosity >= 2) {
    Report("asan_dispatch_call_block_and_release(): "
           "context: %p, pthread_self: %p\n",
           block, pthread_self());
  asan_register_worker_thread(context->parent_tid, &stack);
  // Call the original dispatcher for the block.
  asan_free(context, &stack, FROM_MALLOC);

}  // namespace __asan

using namespace __asan;  // NOLINT

// Wrap |ctxt| and |func| into an asan_block_context_t.
// The caller retains control of the allocated context.
extern "C"
asan_block_context_t *alloc_asan_context(void *ctxt, dispatch_function_t func,
                                         StackTrace *stack) {
  asan_block_context_t *asan_ctxt =
      (asan_block_context_t*) asan_malloc(sizeof(asan_block_context_t), stack);
  asan_ctxt->block = ctxt;
  asan_ctxt->func = func;
  asan_ctxt->parent_tid = asanThreadRegistry().GetCurrentTidOrInvalid();
  return asan_ctxt;

// Define interceptor for dispatch_*_f function with the three most common
// parameters: dispatch_queue_t, context, dispatch_function_t.
#define INTERCEPT_DISPATCH_X_F_3(dispatch_x_f)                                \
  INTERCEPTOR(void, dispatch_x_f, dispatch_queue_t dq, void *ctxt,            \
                                  dispatch_function_t func) {                 \
    GET_STACK_TRACE_THREAD;                                                   \
    asan_block_context_t *asan_ctxt = alloc_asan_context(ctxt, func, &stack); \
    if (flags()->verbosity >= 2) {                                            \
      Report(#dispatch_x_f "(): context: %p, pthread_self: %p\n",             \
             asan_ctxt, pthread_self());                                      \
       PRINT_CURRENT_STACK();                                                 \
     }                                                                        \
     return REAL(dispatch_x_f)(dq, (void*)asan_ctxt,                          \
                               asan_dispatch_call_block_and_release);         \


INTERCEPTOR(void, dispatch_after_f, dispatch_time_t when,
                                    dispatch_queue_t dq, void *ctxt,
                                    dispatch_function_t func) {
  asan_block_context_t *asan_ctxt = alloc_asan_context(ctxt, func, &stack);
  if (flags()->verbosity >= 2) {
    Report("dispatch_after_f: %p\n", asan_ctxt);
  return REAL(dispatch_after_f)(when, dq, (void*)asan_ctxt,

INTERCEPTOR(void, dispatch_group_async_f, dispatch_group_t group,
                                          dispatch_queue_t dq, void *ctxt,
                                          dispatch_function_t func) {
  asan_block_context_t *asan_ctxt = alloc_asan_context(ctxt, func, &stack);
  if (flags()->verbosity >= 2) {
    Report("dispatch_group_async_f(): context: %p, pthread_self: %p\n",
           asan_ctxt, pthread_self());
  REAL(dispatch_group_async_f)(group, dq, (void*)asan_ctxt,

// dispatch_async, dispatch_group_async and others tailcall the corresponding
// dispatch_*_f functions. When wrapping functions with mach_override, those
// dispatch_*_f are intercepted automatically. But with dylib interposition
// this does not work, because the calls within the same library are not
// interposed.
// Therefore we need to re-implement dispatch_async and friends.

extern "C" {
// FIXME: consolidate these declarations with asan_intercepted_functions.h.
void dispatch_async(dispatch_queue_t dq, void(^work)(void));
void dispatch_group_async(dispatch_group_t dg, dispatch_queue_t dq,
void dispatch_after(dispatch_time_t when, dispatch_queue_t queue,
void dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(dispatch_source_t ds,
void dispatch_source_set_event_handler(dispatch_source_t ds, void(^work)(void));

#define GET_ASAN_BLOCK(work) \
  void (^asan_block)(void);  \
  int parent_tid = asanThreadRegistry().GetCurrentTidOrInvalid(); \
  asan_block = ^(void) { \
    asan_register_worker_thread(parent_tid, &stack); \
    work(); \

INTERCEPTOR(void, dispatch_async,
            dispatch_queue_t dq, void(^work)(void)) {
  REAL(dispatch_async)(dq, asan_block);

INTERCEPTOR(void, dispatch_group_async,
            dispatch_group_t dg, dispatch_queue_t dq, void(^work)(void)) {
  REAL(dispatch_group_async)(dg, dq, asan_block);

INTERCEPTOR(void, dispatch_after,
            dispatch_time_t when, dispatch_queue_t queue, void(^work)(void)) {
  REAL(dispatch_after)(when, queue, asan_block);

INTERCEPTOR(void, dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler,
            dispatch_source_t ds, void(^work)(void)) {
  REAL(dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler)(ds, asan_block);

INTERCEPTOR(void, dispatch_source_set_event_handler,
            dispatch_source_t ds, void(^work)(void)) {
  REAL(dispatch_source_set_event_handler)(ds, asan_block);

namespace __asan {

void InitializeMacInterceptors() {

}  // namespace __asan

#endif  // __APPLE__