storepointer-compare.ll   [plain text]

; RUN: opt < %s -globalopt -S | \
; RUN:   grep "call void @Actual"

; Check that a comparison does not prevent an indirect call from being made 
; direct.  The global will still remain, but indirect call elim is still good.

@G = internal global void ()* null              ; <void ()**> [#uses=2]

define internal void @Actual() {
        ret void

define void @init() {
        store void ()* @Actual, void ()** @G
        ret void

define void @doit() {
        %FP = load void ()** @G         ; <void ()*> [#uses=2]
        %CC = icmp eq void ()* %FP, null                ; <i1> [#uses=1]
        br i1 %CC, label %isNull, label %DoCall

DoCall:         ; preds = %0
        call void %FP( )
        ret void

isNull:         ; preds = %0
        ret void