MCAsmParser.h   [plain text]

//===-- llvm/MC/MCAsmParser.h - Abstract Asm Parser Interface ---*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.


#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"

namespace llvm {
class AsmToken;
class MCAsmInfo;
class MCAsmLexer;
class MCAsmParserExtension;
class MCContext;
class MCExpr;
class MCStreamer;
class MCTargetAsmParser;
class SMLoc;
class SMRange;
class SourceMgr;
class StringRef;
class Twine;

/// MCAsmParser - Generic assembler parser interface, for use by target specific
/// assembly parsers.
class MCAsmParser {
  typedef bool (*DirectiveHandler)(MCAsmParserExtension*, StringRef, SMLoc);

  MCAsmParser(const MCAsmParser &);   // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
  void operator=(const MCAsmParser &);  // DO NOT IMPLEMENT

  MCTargetAsmParser *TargetParser;

  unsigned ShowParsedOperands : 1;

protected: // Can only create subclasses.

  virtual ~MCAsmParser();

  virtual void AddDirectiveHandler(MCAsmParserExtension *Object,
                                   StringRef Directive,
                                   DirectiveHandler Handler) = 0;

  virtual SourceMgr &getSourceManager() = 0;

  virtual MCAsmLexer &getLexer() = 0;

  virtual MCContext &getContext() = 0;

  /// getStreamer - Return the output streamer for the assembler.
  virtual MCStreamer &getStreamer() = 0;

  MCTargetAsmParser &getTargetParser() const { return *TargetParser; }
  void setTargetParser(MCTargetAsmParser &P);

  bool getShowParsedOperands() const { return ShowParsedOperands; }
  void setShowParsedOperands(bool Value) { ShowParsedOperands = Value; }

  /// Run - Run the parser on the input source buffer.
  virtual bool Run(bool NoInitialTextSection, bool NoFinalize = false) = 0;

  /// Warning - Emit a warning at the location \arg L, with the message \arg
  /// Msg.
  /// \return The return value is true, if warnings are fatal.
  virtual bool Warning(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg,
                       ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = ArrayRef<SMRange>()) = 0;

  /// Error - Emit an error at the location \arg L, with the message \arg
  /// Msg.
  /// \return The return value is always true, as an idiomatic convenience to
  /// clients.
  virtual bool Error(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg,
                     ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = ArrayRef<SMRange>()) = 0;

  /// Lex - Get the next AsmToken in the stream, possibly handling file
  /// inclusion first.
  virtual const AsmToken &Lex() = 0;

  /// getTok - Get the current AsmToken from the stream.
  const AsmToken &getTok();

  /// \brief Report an error at the current lexer location.
  bool TokError(const Twine &Msg,
                ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = ArrayRef<SMRange>());

  /// ParseIdentifier - Parse an identifier or string (as a quoted identifier)
  /// and set \arg Res to the identifier contents.
  virtual bool ParseIdentifier(StringRef &Res) = 0;

  /// \brief Parse up to the end of statement and return the contents from the
  /// current token until the end of the statement; the current token on exit
  /// will be either the EndOfStatement or EOF.
  virtual StringRef ParseStringToEndOfStatement() = 0;

  /// EatToEndOfStatement - Skip to the end of the current statement, for error
  /// recovery.
  virtual void EatToEndOfStatement() = 0;

  /// ParseExpression - Parse an arbitrary expression.
  /// @param Res - The value of the expression. The result is undefined
  /// on error.
  /// @result - False on success.
  virtual bool ParseExpression(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) = 0;
  bool ParseExpression(const MCExpr *&Res);

  /// ParseParenExpression - Parse an arbitrary expression, assuming that an
  /// initial '(' has already been consumed.
  /// @param Res - The value of the expression. The result is undefined
  /// on error.
  /// @result - False on success.
  virtual bool ParseParenExpression(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) = 0;

  /// ParseAbsoluteExpression - Parse an expression which must evaluate to an
  /// absolute value.
  /// @param Res - The value of the absolute expression. The result is undefined
  /// on error.
  /// @result - False on success.
  virtual bool ParseAbsoluteExpression(int64_t &Res) = 0;

/// \brief Create an MCAsmParser instance.
MCAsmParser *createMCAsmParser(SourceMgr &, MCContext &,
                               MCStreamer &, const MCAsmInfo &);

} // End llvm namespace
