[plain text]

//===- - LLVMC toolchain descriptions -------------*- tablegen -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file contains compilation graph description used by llvmc.

def Options : OptionList<[
(switch_option "clang", (help "Use Clang instead of llvm-gcc"))

class clang_based<string language, string cmd, string ext_E> : Tool<
[(in_language language),
 (out_language "llvm-bitcode"),
 (output_suffix "bc"),
 (command cmd),
 (actions (case (switch_on "E"),
                    [(forward "E"), (stop_compilation), (output_suffix ext_E)],
                (and (switch_on "E"), (empty "o")), (no_out_file),
                (switch_on "fsyntax-only"), (stop_compilation),
                (switch_on "S", "emit-llvm"),
                           [(append_cmd "-emit-llvm"),
                            (stop_compilation), (output_suffix "ll")],
                (not (switch_on "S", "emit-llvm")),
                     (append_cmd "-emit-llvm-bc"),
                (switch_on "c", "emit-llvm"),
                (not_empty "include"), (forward "include"),
                (not_empty "I"), (forward "I"))),

def clang_c : clang_based<"c", "clang -x c", "i">;
def clang_cpp : clang_based<"c++", "clang -x c++", "i">;
def clang_objective_c : clang_based<"objective-c",
    "clang -x objective-c", "mi">;
def clang_objective_cpp : clang_based<"objective-c++",
    "clang -x objective-c++", "mi">;

def as : Tool<
[(in_language "assembler"),
 (out_language "object-code"),
 (output_suffix "o"),
 (command "as"),
 (actions (case (not_empty "Wa,"), (forward_value "Wa,"),
                (switch_on "c"), (stop_compilation)))

// Default linker
def llvm_ld : Tool<
[(in_language "object-code"),
 (out_language "executable"),
 (output_suffix "out"),
 (command "llvm-ld -native -disable-internalize"),
 (actions (case
          (switch_on "pthread"), (append_cmd "-lpthread"),
          (not_empty "L"), (forward "L"),
          (not_empty "l"), (forward "l"),
          (not_empty "Wl,"), (forward_value "Wl,"))),

// Compilation graph

def ClangCompilationGraph : CompilationGraph<[
    (optional_edge "root", "clang_c",
                           (case (switch_on "clang"), (inc_weight))),
    (optional_edge "root", "clang_cpp",
                           (case (switch_on "clang"), (inc_weight))),
    (optional_edge "root", "clang_objective_c",
                           (case (switch_on "clang"), (inc_weight))),
    (optional_edge "root", "clang_objective_cpp",
                           (case (switch_on "clang"), (inc_weight))),
    (edge "clang_c", "llc"),
    (edge "clang_cpp", "llc"),
    (edge "clang_objective_c", "llc"),
    (edge "clang_objective_cpp", "llc"),
    (optional_edge "llc", "as", (case (switch_on "clang"), (inc_weight))),
    (edge "as", "llvm_ld")