MemoryBuffer.h   [plain text]

//===--- MemoryBuffer.h - Memory Buffer Interface ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
//  This file defines the MemoryBuffer interface.


#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/System/DataTypes.h"
#include <string>
#include <sys/stat.h>

namespace llvm {

/// MemoryBuffer - This interface provides simple read-only access to a block
/// of memory, and provides simple methods for reading files and standard input
/// into a memory buffer.  In addition to basic access to the characters in the
/// file, this interface guarantees you can read one character past the end of
/// the file, and that this character will read as '\0'.
/// The '\0' guarantee is needed to support an optimization -- it's intended to
/// be more efficient for clients which are reading all the data to stop
/// reading when they encounter a '\0' than to continually check the file
/// position to see if it has reached the end of the file.
class MemoryBuffer {
  const char *BufferStart; // Start of the buffer.
  const char *BufferEnd;   // End of the buffer.

  MemoryBuffer(const MemoryBuffer &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
  MemoryBuffer &operator=(const MemoryBuffer &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
  MemoryBuffer() {}
  void init(const char *BufStart, const char *BufEnd);
  virtual ~MemoryBuffer();

  const char *getBufferStart() const { return BufferStart; }
  const char *getBufferEnd() const   { return BufferEnd; }
  size_t getBufferSize() const { return BufferEnd-BufferStart; }

  StringRef getBuffer() const { 
    return StringRef(BufferStart, getBufferSize()); 

  /// getBufferIdentifier - Return an identifier for this buffer, typically the
  /// filename it was read from.
  virtual const char *getBufferIdentifier() const {
    return "Unknown buffer";

  /// getFile - Open the specified file as a MemoryBuffer, returning a new
  /// MemoryBuffer if successful, otherwise returning null.  If FileSize is
  /// specified, this means that the client knows that the file exists and that
  /// it has the specified size.
  static MemoryBuffer *getFile(StringRef Filename,
                               std::string *ErrStr = 0,
                               int64_t FileSize = -1,
                               struct stat *FileInfo = 0);
  static MemoryBuffer *getFile(const char *Filename,
                               std::string *ErrStr = 0,
                               int64_t FileSize = -1,
                               struct stat *FileInfo = 0);

  /// getMemBuffer - Open the specified memory range as a MemoryBuffer.  Note
  /// that EndPtr[0] must be a null byte and be accessible!
  static MemoryBuffer *getMemBuffer(StringRef InputData,
                                    StringRef BufferName = "");

  /// getMemBufferCopy - Open the specified memory range as a MemoryBuffer,
  /// copying the contents and taking ownership of it.  This has no requirements
  /// on EndPtr[0].
  static MemoryBuffer *getMemBufferCopy(StringRef InputData,
                                        StringRef BufferName = "");

  /// getNewMemBuffer - Allocate a new MemoryBuffer of the specified size that
  /// is completely initialized to zeros.  Note that the caller should
  /// initialize the memory allocated by this method.  The memory is owned by
  /// the MemoryBuffer object.
  static MemoryBuffer *getNewMemBuffer(size_t Size, StringRef BufferName = "");

  /// getNewUninitMemBuffer - Allocate a new MemoryBuffer of the specified size
  /// that is not initialized.  Note that the caller should initialize the
  /// memory allocated by this method.  The memory is owned by the MemoryBuffer
  /// object.
  static MemoryBuffer *getNewUninitMemBuffer(size_t Size,
                                             StringRef BufferName = "");

  /// getSTDIN - Read all of stdin into a file buffer, and return it.
  /// If an error occurs, this returns null and fills in *ErrStr with a reason.
  static MemoryBuffer *getSTDIN(std::string *ErrStr = 0);

  /// getFileOrSTDIN - Open the specified file as a MemoryBuffer, or open stdin
  /// if the Filename is "-".  If an error occurs, this returns null and fills
  /// in *ErrStr with a reason.
  static MemoryBuffer *getFileOrSTDIN(StringRef Filename,
                                      std::string *ErrStr = 0,
                                      int64_t FileSize = -1,
                                      struct stat *FileInfo = 0);
  static MemoryBuffer *getFileOrSTDIN(const char *Filename,
                                      std::string *ErrStr = 0,
                                      int64_t FileSize = -1,
                                      struct stat *FileInfo = 0);

} // end namespace llvm
