AppleCDDAFileSystemUtilities.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
// AppleCDDAFileSystemUtilities.cpp created by CJS on Fri 19-May-2000

// Project Includes
#include "AppleCDDAFileSystemUtils.h"

#include "AppleCDDAFileSystemDebug.h"

// System Includes
#include <libkern/c++/OSData.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSObject.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSIterator.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSDictionary.h>
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOCDMedia.h>
#include <IOKit/IORegistryEntry.h>

//	Static Function Prototypes

static QTOCDataFormat10Ptr	CreateBufferFromData 		( OSData * theData );
static IOCDMedia *			GetCDMediaObjectFromName 	( const char * ioBSDNamePtr );

//	CreateBufferFromIORegistry - Allocates memory for a C-string and copies
//								the contents of the IORegistryEntry to it.
//	NB:	The calling function should dispose of the memory by calling IOFree

CreateBufferFromIORegistry ( mount_t mountPtr )

	QTOCDataFormat10Ptr		TOCDataPtr			= NULL;
	OSObject *				objectPtr			= NULL;
	OSData *				dataPtr				= NULL;
	IOCDMedia *				cdMediaPtr			= NULL;
	char *					ioBSDNamePtr		= NULL;

	DebugLog ( ( "CreateBufferFromIORegistry: Entering...\n" ) );
	DebugAssert ( ( mountPtr != NULL ) );
	ioBSDNamePtr = vfs_statfs ( mountPtr )->f_mntfromname;
	DebugAssert ( ( ioBSDNamePtr != NULL ) );
	cdMediaPtr = GetCDMediaObjectFromName ( ioBSDNamePtr );
	DebugAssert ( ( cdMediaPtr != NULL ) );
	if ( cdMediaPtr != NULL )
		// Get the TOC property
		objectPtr = cdMediaPtr->getProperty ( kIOCDMediaTOCKey );
		if ( objectPtr == NULL )
			DebugLog ( ( "CreateBufferFromIORegistry: objectPtr is NULL.\n" ) );
			return NULL;
		// Cast it to an OSData *
		dataPtr = OSDynamicCast ( OSData, objectPtr );
		if ( dataPtr == NULL )
			DebugLog ( ( "CreateBufferFromIORegistry: dataPtr is NULL.\n" ) );
			return NULL;

		// Get the data from the registry entry
		TOCDataPtr = CreateBufferFromData ( dataPtr );
		DebugLog ( ( "Releasing refcsount on IOCDMedia.\n" ) );
		cdMediaPtr->release ( );
	DebugLog ( ( "CreateBufferFromIORegistry: exiting...\n" ) );
	return TOCDataPtr;

//	DisposeBufferFromIORegistry - Frees memory occupied by data structure

DisposeBufferFromIORegistry ( QTOCDataFormat10Ptr TOCDataPtr )

	DebugLog ( ( "DisposeBufferFromIORegistry: Entering...\n" ) );

	DebugAssert ( ( TOCDataPtr != NULL ) );
	// Free the correct number of bytes. The TOCData has a length word
	// for its first field, so we free the number of bytes specified by
	// the length word, plus the length word itself.
	IOFree ( TOCDataPtr,
			( OSSwapBigToHostInt16 ( TOCDataPtr->TOCDataLength ) + sizeof ( TOCDataPtr->TOCDataLength ) ) );
	DebugLog ( ( "DisposeBufferFromIORegistry: Exiting...\n" ) );

#if 0
#pragma mark -

//	CreateBufferFromData - 	Allocates memory for a C-string and copies
//							the contents of the IORegistryEntry to it.
//	NB:	The calling function should dispose of the memory by calling IOFree

CreateBufferFromData ( OSData * theData )

	vm_size_t          		bufferLength	= 0;
	QTOCDataFormat10Ptr		buffer			= NULL;
	DebugLog ( ( "CreateBufferFromData: Entering...\n" ) );
	DebugAssert ( ( theData != NULL ) );
	if ( theData == NULL )
		DebugLog ( ( "CreateBufferFromData: theData is NULL.\n" ) );
		return NULL;
	bufferLength = theData->getLength ( );
	buffer		 = ( QTOCDataFormat10Ptr ) IOMalloc ( bufferLength );
	if ( buffer != NULL )
		// Copy the bytes into the buffer
		bcopy ( theData->getBytesNoCopy ( ), buffer, bufferLength );
	DebugLog ( ( "CreateBufferFromData: exiting.\n" ) );
	return buffer;

//	GetCDMediaObjectFromName - 	Uses the BSD name to get a reference to the
//								corresponding IOCDMedia object

IOCDMedia *
GetCDMediaObjectFromName ( const char * ioBSDNamePtr )
	OSIterator *		iteratorPtr			= NULL;
	IORegistryEntry *	registryEntryPtr	= NULL;
	IOCDMedia *			objectPtr			= NULL;
	OSDictionary *		matchingDictPtr		= NULL;
	DebugLog ( ( "GetCDMediaObjectFromName: Entering...\n" ) );
	DebugAssert ( ( ioBSDNamePtr != NULL ) );
	DebugLog ( ( "GetCDMediaObjectFromName: On enter ioBSDNamePtr = %s.\n", ioBSDNamePtr ) );
	// Check to see if we need to strip off any leading stuff
	if ( !strncmp ( ioBSDNamePtr, "/dev/r", 6 ) )

		// Strip off the /dev/r from /dev/rdiskX
		ioBSDNamePtr = &ioBSDNamePtr[6];	


	else if ( !strncmp ( ioBSDNamePtr, "/dev/", 5 ) )

		// Strip off the /dev/ from /dev/diskX
		ioBSDNamePtr = &ioBSDNamePtr[5];	

	if ( strncmp ( ioBSDNamePtr, "disk", 4 ) )
		// Not in correct format, return NULL
		DebugLog ( ( "GetCDMediaObjectFromName: not in correct format, ioBSDNamePtr = %s.\n", ioBSDNamePtr ) );
		return NULL;
	DebugLog ( ( "GetCDMediaObjectFromName: ioBSDNamePtr = %s.\n", ioBSDNamePtr ) );
	// Get a dictionary which describes the bsd device
	matchingDictPtr = IOBSDNameMatching ( ioBSDNamePtr );
	// Get an iterator of registry entries
	iteratorPtr = IOService::getMatchingServices ( matchingDictPtr );
	if ( iteratorPtr == NULL )
		DebugLog ( ( "GetCDMediaObjectFromName: iteratorPtr is NULL.\n" ) );
		return NULL;
	// Release the dictionary
	matchingDictPtr->release ( );
	DebugLog ( ( "Acquired refcount on iterator and media.\n" ) );
	// Get the object out of the iterator (NB: we're guaranteed only one object in the iterator
	// because there is a 1:1 correspondence between BSD Names for devices and IOKit objects
	registryEntryPtr = ( IORegistryEntry * ) iteratorPtr->getNextObject ( );
	if ( registryEntryPtr == NULL )
		DebugLog ( ( "GetCDMediaObjectFromName: registryEntryPtr is NULL.\n" ) );
		return NULL;
	// Cast it to the correct type
	objectPtr = OSDynamicCast ( IOCDMedia, registryEntryPtr );
	if ( objectPtr == NULL )
		// Cast failed...spew an error
		DebugLog ( ( "GetCDMediaObjectFromName: objectPtr is NULL, Dynamic Cast failed.\n" ) );
	DebugLog ( ( "GetCDMediaObjectFromName: exiting...\n" ) );
	// Bump the refcount on the CDMedia so that when we release the iterator
	// we still have a refcount on it.
	if ( objectPtr != NULL )
		objectPtr->retain ( );
	// Release the iterator
	iteratorPtr->release ( );	
	return ( objectPtr );

//				End				Of			File