# Default platform uses the native SDK. # To build for Mac OS X using internal SDK, use 'make PLATFORM=macosx ' # To build for iOS, use 'make PLATFORM=iphoneos ' ifeq ($(PLATFORM),iphoneos) # iOS internal SDK CORETELEPHONY=-framework CoreTelephony ARCHS=armv7 endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),macosx) # Mac OS X internal SDK ARCHS=i386 x86_64 CORETELEPHONY= endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),) # Mac OS X native SDK ARCHS=i386 x86_64 CORETELEPHONY= CC = cc SYSROOT = / PF_INC = -F/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks else # Mac OS X or iOS internal SDK SDK=$(PLATFORM).internal SYSROOT=$(shell xcodebuild -version -sdk $(SDK) Path) CC = xcrun -sdk $(SDK) cc PF_INC = -F$(SYSROOT)/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks endif ARCH_FLAGS=$(foreach a,$(ARCHS),-arch $(a)) SYSTEM_PRIVATE = -I$(SYSROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/PrivateHeaders SC_PRIV = -DUSE_SYSTEMCONFIGURATION_PRIVATE_HEADERS BLIB = ../bootplib none: @echo "make what?" gen: genoptionfiles rm -f gen_dhcp*.h cc -Wall -g -o genoptionfiles genoptionfiles.c ./genoptionfiles -table > gen_dhcp_parse_table.h ./genoptionfiles -dhcptag > gen_dhcp_tags.h ./genoptionfiles -dhcptype > gen_dhcp_types.h chmod 444 gen_dhcp*.h inetroute: inetroute.c cc -Wall -g -o inetroute -DTEST_INETROUTE inetroute.c dynarray.c ptrlist.c util.c sharepoints: cc -Wno-four-char-constants -o sharepoints $(OTHER_CFLAGS) -DTEST_SHAREPOINTS sharepoints.c -F$(NEXT_ROOT)/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks -framework ServerControl -framework ServerPrefix -framework AFPDefines nilist: NICache.c NICache.h cc -Wall -g -o nilist -DNICACHE_TEST NICache.c dynarray.c ptrlist.c netinfo.c host_identifier.c util.c NIDomain.c afpusers: cc -Wall -g -o afpusers -DTEST_AFPUSERS AFPUsers.c NICache.c dynarray.c ptrlist.c netinfo.c host_identifier.c util.c NIDomain.c readtest: cc -Wall -g -o readtest -DREAD_TEST NICache.c dynarray.c ptrlist.c netinfo.c host_identifier.c util.c arp: arp.c arp.h cc -Wall -g -o arp -DMAIN arp.c -I/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/PrivateHeaders nihosts: cc -Wall -g -o nihosts -DTEST_NIHOSTS NIHosts.m util.c NIDomain.c dynarray.c ptrlist.c netinfo.c host_identifier.c interfaces: interfaces.c IPConfigurationLog.c ptrlist.c dynarray.c $(CC) -isysroot $(SYSROOT) $(ARCH_FLAGS) -framework CoreFoundation -framework SystemConfiguration -DTEST_INTERFACES $(SYSTEM_PRIVATE) $(SC_PRIV) -g -o $@ $^ dhcpopt: dhcp_options.c cc -Wall -g -DTEST_DHCP_OPTIONS -o dhcpopt dhcp_options.c ptrlist.c util.c DNSNameList.c -framework CoreFoundation -framework SystemConfiguration macncopt: macnc_options.c cc -Wall -g -DTEST_MACNC_OPTIONS -o macncopt macnc_options.c dhcp_options.c ptrlist.c util.c DNSNameList.c nbsp: nbsp.c nbsp.h cc -Wall -g -DTEST_NBSP -o nbsp nbsp.c ptrlist.c dynarray.c hfsvols: hfsvols.c hfsvols.h cc -Wall -g -DTEST_HFSVOLS -o hfsvols hfsvols.c ptrlist.c dynarray.c nbimages: nbimages.c nbimages.h cfutil.c cc -Wall -g -DTEST_NBIMAGES -o nbimages nbimages.c util.c nbsp.c ptrlist.c dynarray.c cfutil.c -framework CoreFoundation -I$(NET_ROOT)$(SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR)/Frameworks/System.framework/PrivateHeaders dnsnamelist: DNSNameList.c DNSNameList.h cc -Wall -g -DTEST_DNSNAMELIST -o dnsnamelist DNSNameList.c util.c subnets: subnets.c cfutil.c DNSNameList.c util.c ptrlist.c dynarray.c dhcp_options.c cc -g -Wall -DTEST_SUBNETS -o subnets subnets.c cfutil.c util.c ptrlist.c dynarray.c DNSNameList.c dhcp_options.c -framework CoreFoundation test-dhcpv6-options: DHCPv6Options.c DHCPv6.c DHCPDUID.c cc -g -Wall DHCPv6Options.c DHCPDUID.c DHCPv6.c -o test-dhcpv6-options -DTEST_DHCPV6_OPTIONS ptrlist.c util.c DNSNameList.c cfutil.c -framework CoreFoundation -framework SystemConfiguration clean: rm -f afpusers arp dhcpopt dnsnamelist genoptionfiles hfsvols interfaces nbimages nbsp nihosts nilist readtest sharepoints subnets test-dhcpv6-options rm -rf *.dSYM/