subnetDescr.m   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 * subnetDescr.m
 * - object for dealing with subnet descriptions
 * - purpose:
 *   1) manage/allocate available ip addresses by subnet
 *   2) locating dhcp options/bootp extensions suitable 
 *      for a particular host

 * Modification History:
 * January 12, 1998	Dieter Siegmund (
 * - initial revision

#import <ctype.h>
#import <pwd.h>
#import	<netdb.h>
#import <string.h>
#import <syslog.h>
#import <sys/types.h>
#import <sys/socket.h>
#import <net/if.h>
#import <netinet/in.h>
#import <netinet/if_ether.h>
#import <arpa/inet.h>
#import <string.h>
#import <unistd.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <stdio.h>
#import	<mach/boolean.h>
#import <netinet/in.h>
#import <netinfo/ni.h>
#import <netinfo/ni_util.h>
#import <machine/endian.h>
#import "subnetDescr.h"
#import "util.h"
#import "netinfo.h"
#import "gen_dhcp_tags.h"

#define NIDIR_MACHINES		"/machines"

#define DEBUG

static __inline__ boolean_t
S_nltoip(ni_namelist * nl_p, struct in_addr * ip)
    u_long		val;

    if (nl_p->ninl_len != 1 
	|| (val = inet_addr(nl_p->ninl_val[0])) == -1)
	return (FALSE);
    ip->s_addr = val;
    return (TRUE);

static __inline__ boolean_t
S_nltoiprange(ni_namelist * nl_p, ip_range_t * r)
    if (nl_p->ninl_len != 2 
	|| (r->start.s_addr = inet_addr(nl_p->ninl_val[0])) == -1 
	|| (r->end.s_addr = inet_addr(nl_p->ninl_val[1])) == -1 
	|| iptohl(r->end) < iptohl(r->start)) {
	return (FALSE);
    return (TRUE);

#ifdef DEBUG
 * Function: S_timestamp
 * Purpose:
 *   printf a timestamped event message
static void
S_timestamp(char * msg)
    static struct timeval	tvp = {0,0};
    struct timeval		tv;

    gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
    if (tvp.tv_sec) {
	int sec, usec;
#define USECS_PER_SEC	1000000
	sec = tv.tv_sec - tvp.tv_sec;
	usec = tv.tv_usec - tvp.tv_usec;
	if (usec < 0) {
	    usec += USECS_PER_SEC;
	printf("%d.%06d (%d.%06d): %s\n", 
	       tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, sec, usec, msg);
	printf("%d.%06d (%d.%06d): %s\n", 
	       tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, 0, 0, msg);
    tvp = tv;
#endif DEBUG

static __inline__ void
S_strcpy(u_char * dest, const u_char * src)
    if (dest)
	strcpy(dest, src);

static __inline__ void
S_strcat(u_char * dest, const u_char * src)
    if (dest)
	strcat(dest, src);

@implementation subnetEntry

- init
    [super init];
    supernet = NULL;
    client_list = [[clientTypes alloc] init];
    return self;

- free
    if (client_list != nil) {
	[client_list free];
	client_list = nil;
    return [super free];

- (void) print
    printf("\taddress %s\n", inet_ntoa(net_address));
    printf("\tmask %s\n", inet_ntoa(net_mask));
    printf("\trange %s..", inet_ntoa(ip_range.start));
    printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(ip_range.end));
    printf("\tclient types:");
    [client_list print];

- (u_char *)supernet
    return supernet;

- (boolean_t) sameSupernet:entry
    if (supernet != NULL && [entry supernet] != NULL
	&& strcmp(supernet, [entry supernet]) == 0)
	return (TRUE);
    return (FALSE);

- (boolean_t) ipSameSubnet:(struct in_addr)addr
    return (in_subnet(net_address, net_mask, addr));

- (boolean_t) ipWithinIpRange:(struct in_addr)ipaddr
    u_long l;

    if ([self ipSameSubnet:ipaddr] == FALSE)
	return (FALSE);

    l = iptohl(ipaddr);

    if (l < iptohl(ip_range.start) || l > iptohl(ip_range.end))
	return (FALSE);
    return (TRUE);

- (ip_range_t) ipRange
    return (ip_range);

- (struct in_addr) mask
    return (net_mask);

- (int) compareIpRangeWith:b Overlap:(boolean_t *)overlap
    ip_range_t r = [b ipRange];

    return (ipRangeCmp(&ip_range, &r, overlap));

- (boolean_t) includesClientType:(const u_char *)type
    if ([client_list includesType:type] == FALSE)
	return (FALSE);
    return (TRUE);

- acquireIp:(struct in_addr *)ipaddr 
 ClientType:(const u_char *)type  Func:(ipInUseFunc_t *)func Arg:(void *)arg
    u_long end = iptohl(ip_range.end);
    u_long i;

    if ([client_list includesType:type] == FALSE)
	return (nil);

    i = iptohl(nextip);

    if (i == (end + 1)) { /* previously exhausted ip range */
#ifdef NOT_NOT
	struct timeval now;

	gettimeofday(&now, 0);
	if ((now.tv_sec - exhaust_time.tv_sec) < IPRANGE_RESCAN_SECS) {
#if 0
	    syslog(LOG_INFO, "acquireIp: %ld seconds < %d",
		   now.tv_sec - exhaust_time.tv_sec, IPRANGE_RESCAN_SECS);
#endif 0
	    return (nil);

#if 0
	syslog(LOG_INFO, "acquireIp: %ld seconds >= %d",
	       now.tv_sec - exhaust_time.tv_sec, IPRANGE_RESCAN_SECS);
#endif 0
#endif NOT_NOT
	i = iptohl(ip_range.start);
    for (; i <= end; i++) {
	if ((*func)(arg, hltoip(i)) == FALSE) {
	    *ipaddr = hltoip(i);
	    nextip = hltoip(i);
	    return (self);
    nextip = hltoip(end + 1);
#ifdef NOT_NOT
    gettimeofday(&exhaust_time, 0);
#if 0
    syslog(LOG_INFO, "ip pool exhausted");
#endif 0
#endif NOT_NOT
    return (nil);

@end /* subnetEntry */

@implementation subnetList
- init
    [super init];

    list = [[List alloc] init];
    return (self);

 * Method: acquireIp:ClientType:Func:Arg:
 * Purpose:
 *   Get a new ip address on the same subnet as *addr.  The new ip
 *   address is returned in addr.
 *   Function pointer func is called with the given argument and an
 *   ip address to check whether it is in use or not.
- acquireIp:(struct in_addr *) addr ClientType:(const u_char *)type
 Func:(ipInUseFunc_t *)func Arg:(void *)arg

    int 	i;

    for (i = 0; i < [list count]; i++) {
	id 	subnet = [list objectAt:i];

	if ([subnet ipSameSubnet:*addr] == FALSE)

	if ([subnet acquireIp:addr ClientType:type Func:func Arg:arg] != nil)
	    return (subnet);
    return (nil);

 * Method: acquireIpSupernet:ClientType:Func:Arg:
 * Purpose:
 *   Get a new ip address on the same "supernet" as *addr.  The new ip
 *   address is returned in addr.
- acquireIpSupernet:(struct in_addr *) addr ClientType:(const u_char *)type
 Func:(ipInUseFunc_t *)func Arg:(void *)arg

    struct in_addr	subnet_address = *addr;
    id			entry;
    int 		i;

    entry = [self entrySameSubnet:subnet_address];
    if (entry == nil)
	return (nil);

    for (i = 0; i < [list count]; i++) {
	id 		subnet = [list objectAt:i];

	if (subnet == entry
	    || [subnet ipSameSubnet:subnet_address]
	    || [subnet sameSupernet:entry]) {
	    if ([subnet acquireIp:addr ClientType:type Func:func Arg:arg])
		return (subnet);
    return (nil);

- entry:(struct in_addr)addr
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < [list count]; i++) {
	id 	subnet = [list objectAt:i];

	if ([subnet ipWithinIpRange:addr])
	    return subnet;
    return nil;

- entrySameSubnet:(struct in_addr)addr
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < [list count]; i++) {
	id 	subnet = [list objectAt:i];
	if ([subnet ipSameSubnet:addr])
	    return subnet;
    return nil;

- (boolean_t) ip:(struct in_addr)ipaddr1 SameSupernet:(struct in_addr)ipaddr2
    id		entry1 = [self entrySameSubnet:ipaddr1];
    id 		entry2 = [self entrySameSubnet:ipaddr2];

    return entry1 == entry2 || [entry1 sameSupernet:entry2];

- (boolean_t) addSubnet:subnet Err:(u_char *)errString
    int 	i;

    for (i = 0; i < [list count]; i++) {
	int 		c;
	id 		obj = [list objectAt:i];
	boolean_t 	overlap;

	c = [subnet compareIpRangeWith:obj Overlap:&overlap];
	if (overlap) {
	    u_char	buf[128];
	    S_strcpy(errString, "overlapping entries: ");
	    S_strcat(errString, [obj name:buf]);
	    S_strcat(errString, ", ");
	    S_strcat(errString, [subnet name:buf]);
	    return (FALSE);
	if (c < 0) {
	    [list insertObject:subnet at:i];
	    return (TRUE);

    /* append to end */
    [list insertObject:subnet at:[list count]];
    return (TRUE);

@end /* subnetList */

@implementation subnetEntryNI

- (u_char *) name:(u_char *)buf
    if (name == NULL)
	sprintf(buf, "(dir: %ld)", dir.nii_object);
	strcpy(buf, name);
    return (buf);

- (ni_namelist *) lookup:(u_char *)propname
    return (ni_nlforprop(&pl, propname));

- (boolean_t) initVariables:(u_char *)errString
    u_char		buf[256];
    boolean_t 		errors = FALSE;
    ni_namelist *	nl_p;

    /* get the name */
    name = NULL;
    if ((nl_p = [self lookup:NIPROP_NAME]) && nl_p->ninl_len > 0)
	name = nl_p->ninl_val[0];

    /* get the supernet */
    supernet = NULL;
    if ((nl_p = [self lookup:NIPROP_SUPERNET]) && nl_p->ninl_len > 0)
	supernet = nl_p->ninl_val[0];

    S_strcpy(errString, "bad subnet entry ");
    S_strcat(errString, [self name:buf]);
    S_strcat(errString, ": ");

    /* get the net address */
    nl_p = [self lookup:NIPROP_NET_ADDRESS];
    if (nl_p == NULL
	|| S_nltoip(nl_p, &net_address) == FALSE) {
	if (errors)
	    S_strcat(errString, ", ");
	S_strcat(errString, NIPROP_NET_ADDRESS);
	errors = TRUE;

    /* get the subnet mask */
    nl_p = [self lookup:NIPROP_NET_MASK];
    if (nl_p == NULL
	|| S_nltoip(nl_p, &net_mask) == FALSE) {
	if (errors)
	    S_strcat(errString, ", ");
	S_strcat(errString, NIPROP_NET_MASK);
	errors = TRUE;
    /* get the ip range */
    nl_p = [self lookup:NIPROP_NET_RANGE];
    if (nl_p == NULL
	|| S_nltoiprange(nl_p, &ip_range) == FALSE) {
	if (errors)
	    S_strcat(errString, ", ");
	S_strcat(errString, NIPROP_NET_RANGE);
	errors = TRUE;

    /* verify that the range lies within the subnet */
    if (errors == FALSE) {
	if (in_subnet(net_address, net_mask, ip_range.start) == FALSE
	    || in_subnet(net_address, net_mask, ip_range.end) == FALSE) {
	    S_strcat(errString, "ip range not within subnet");
	    errors = TRUE;

    /* get the client types */
    nl_p = [self lookup:NIPROP_CLIENT_TYPES];
    if (nl_p && nl_p->ninl_len > 0) {
	[client_list addTypes:(const u_char * *)nl_p->ninl_val
    if (!errors)
	nextip = ip_range.start;

    return (!errors);

- initRead:(NIDomain_t *)dom Dir:(ni_id)d Err:(u_char *)errString;
    ni_status 		status;

    [super init];

    domain = dom;
    dir = d;

    status = ni_read(NIDomain_handle(domain), &dir, &pl);
    if (status != NI_OK)
	return [self free];
    if ([self initVariables:errString] == FALSE)
	return [self free];
    return self;

- free
    return [super free];

- (NIDomain_t *)domain
    return domain;

@end /* subnetEntryNI */

@implementation subnetListNI
- initFromDomain:(NIDomain_t *)dom Err:(u_char *)errString
    ni_id		dir;
    ni_entrylist 	el;
    int			i;
    ni_status 		status;

    [super init];


    domain = dom;
    status = ni_pathsearch(NIDomain_handle(domain), &dir, SUBNETS_NIDIR);
    if (status != NI_OK) {
	S_strcpy(errString, ni_error(status));
	goto error;
    status = ni_list(NIDomain_handle(domain), &dir, NIPROP_NET_RANGE, &el);
    if (status != NI_OK) {
	S_strcpy(errString, ni_error(status));
	goto error;
    if (el.niel_len == 0) {
	goto error;
    /* build the subnet list */
    for (i = 0; i < el.niel_len; i++) {
	ni_entry *	entry = &el.niel_val[i];
	if (entry->names) {
	    id 		subnet;
	    ni_id	d;
	    d.nii_object = entry->id;
	    d.nii_instance = 0;
	    subnet = [[subnetEntryNI alloc] initRead:domain Dir:d 
	    if (subnet == nil) {
		goto error;
	    if ([self addSubnet:subnet Err:errString] == FALSE) {
		[subnet free];
		goto error;
    return (self);

    return [self free];

- free

    if (list != nil) {
	[list freeObjects];
	[list free];
	list = nil;
    return [super free];

- (void) print
    int i;

    printf("%s: %d entries:\n", NIDomain_name(domain), [list count]);
    for (i = 0; i < [list count]; i++) {
	u_char buf[128];
	id obj = [list objectAt:i];
	printf("Entry %d: %s\n", i, [obj name:buf]);
	[obj print];

- (NIDomain_t *) domain
    return (domain);

@end /* subnetListNI */

    u_char 		errorString[256];
    NIDomain_t * 	ni_local;
    subnetListNI * 	subnets;

//    sethostent(1);
    ni_local = NIDomain_init(".");
    S_timestamp("before init");
    subnets = [[subnetListNI alloc] 
		  initFromDomain:ni_local Err:errorString];
    S_timestamp("after init");
    if (subnets == nil) {
	printf("error: %s\n", errorString);
    else {
	[subnets print];
	[subnets free];
