/** * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, David A. Czarnecki * All rights reserved. * * Portions Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Mark Lussier * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the "David A. Czarnecki" and "blojsom" nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * Products derived from this software may not be called "blojsom", * nor may "blojsom" appear in their name, without prior written permission of * David A. Czarnecki. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.blojsom.plugin.emoticons; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.blojsom.blog.BlogEntry; import org.blojsom.blog.BlogUser; import org.blojsom.blog.BlojsomConfiguration; import org.blojsom.plugin.BlojsomPlugin; import org.blojsom.plugin.BlojsomPluginException; import org.blojsom.util.BlojsomUtils; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; /** * EmoticonsPlugin * * @author David Czarnecki * @version $Id: EmoticonsPlugin.java,v 2005/07/21 04:30:30 johnan Exp $ */ public class EmoticonsPlugin implements BlojsomPlugin { private static final String EMOTICONS_CONFIGURATION_IP = "plugin-emoticons"; private static final String BLOJSOM_PLUGIN_METADATA_EMOTICONS_DISABLED = "emoticons-disabled"; private static final String HAPPY = ":)"; private static final String HAPPY_PARAM = "happy"; private static final String SAD = ":("; private static final String SAD_PARAM = "sad"; private static final String GRIN = ":D"; private static final String GRIN_PARAM = "grin"; private static final String LOVE = "<3"; private static final String LOVE_PARAM = "love"; private static final String MISCHIEF = ";7)"; private static final String MISCHIEF_PARAM = "mischief"; private static final String COOL = "])"; private static final String COOL_PARAM = "cool"; private static final String DEVIL = "})"; private static final String DEVIL_PARAM = "devil"; private static final String SILLY = ":P"; private static final String SILLY_PARAM = "silly"; private static final String ANGRY = ">("; private static final String ANGRY_PARAM = "angry"; private static final String LAUGH = "(D"; private static final String LAUGH_PARAM = "laugh"; private static final String WINK = ";)"; private static final String WINK_PARAM = "wink"; private static final String BLUSH = "*^_^*"; private static final String BLUSH_PARAM = "blush"; private static final String CRY = ":'("; private static final String CRY_PARAM = "cry"; private static final String CONFUSED = "`:|"; private static final String CONFUSED_PARAM = "confused"; private static final String SHOCKED = ":O"; private static final String SHOCKED_PARAM = "shocked"; private static final String PLAIN = ":|"; private static final String PLAIN_PARAM = "plain"; private static final String IMG_OPEN = ""; private static final String EMOTICONS_CLASS = " class=\"emoticons\" "; private Log _logger = LogFactory.getLog(EmoticonsPlugin.class); private ServletConfig _servletConfig; private BlojsomConfiguration _blojsomConfiguration; private String _emoticonsConfigurationFile; /** * Default constructor */ public EmoticonsPlugin() { } /** * Initialize this plugin. This method only called when the plugin is instantiated. * * @param servletConfig Servlet config object for the plugin to retrieve any initialization parameters * @param blojsomConfiguration {@link org.blojsom.blog.BlojsomConfiguration} information * @throws org.blojsom.plugin.BlojsomPluginException * If there is an error initializing the plugin */ public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig, BlojsomConfiguration blojsomConfiguration) throws org.blojsom.plugin.BlojsomPluginException { _servletConfig = servletConfig; _blojsomConfiguration = blojsomConfiguration; _emoticonsConfigurationFile = servletConfig.getInitParameter(EMOTICONS_CONFIGURATION_IP); if (BlojsomUtils.checkNullOrBlank(_emoticonsConfigurationFile)) { throw new BlojsomPluginException("No value given for: " + EMOTICONS_CONFIGURATION_IP + " configuration parameter"); } } /** * Read in a properties file containing the mapping between the emoticon names and image files and return * the mapping as a {@link Map} * * @param blogID Blog ID * @return {@link Map} between emoticon names and image files or null if the mapping file could not * be read */ private Map readEmoticonsMapForBlog(String blogID) { Map emoticonsMap = null; Properties emoticonsProperties = new Properties(); String configurationFile = _blojsomConfiguration.getBaseConfigurationDirectory() + blogID + '/' + _emoticonsConfigurationFile; InputStream is = _servletConfig.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(configurationFile); if (is == null) { _logger.info("No emoticons configuration file found: " + configurationFile); } else { try { emoticonsProperties.load(is); is.close(); return BlojsomUtils.propertiesToMap(emoticonsProperties); } catch (IOException e) { _logger.error(e); } } return emoticonsMap; } /** * Process the blog entries * * @param httpServletRequest Request * @param httpServletResponse Response * @param user {@link org.blojsom.blog.BlogUser} instance * @param context Context * @param entries Blog entries retrieved for the particular request * @return Modified set of blog entries * @throws org.blojsom.plugin.BlojsomPluginException * If there is an error processing the blog entries */ public org.blojsom.blog.BlogEntry[] process(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, BlogUser user, Map context, org.blojsom.blog.BlogEntry[] entries) throws org.blojsom.plugin.BlojsomPluginException { Map emoticonsForBlog = readEmoticonsMapForBlog(user.getId()); if (emoticonsForBlog == null) { return entries; } String blogBaseUrl = user.getBlog().getBlogBaseURL(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { BlogEntry entry = entries[i]; if (!BlojsomUtils.checkMapForKey(entry.getMetaData(), BLOJSOM_PLUGIN_METADATA_EMOTICONS_DISABLED)) { String updatedDescription = entry.getDescription(); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, HAPPY, HAPPY_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, SAD, SAD_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, GRIN, GRIN_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, LOVE, LOVE_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, MISCHIEF, MISCHIEF_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, COOL, COOL_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, DEVIL, DEVIL_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, SILLY, SILLY_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, ANGRY, ANGRY_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, LAUGH, LAUGH_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, WINK, WINK_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, BLUSH, BLUSH_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, CRY, CRY_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, CONFUSED, CONFUSED_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, SHOCKED, SHOCKED_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); updatedDescription = replaceEmoticon(emoticonsForBlog, updatedDescription, PLAIN, PLAIN_PARAM, blogBaseUrl); entry.setDescription(updatedDescription); } } return entries; } /** * Replace the references in the description with the URL to the image for the emoticon * * @param emoticonString Description string * @param emoticon Emoticon characters * @param emoticonParam Emoticon property name * @param url Base URL for the blog * @return Updated description with emoticon references replaced with URLs to the images for the emoticons */ private String replaceEmoticon(Map emoticonsForUser, String emoticonString, String emoticon, String emoticonParam, String url) { String emoticonImage; emoticonImage = (String) emoticonsForUser.get(emoticonParam); if (emoticonImage != null && !"".equals(emoticonImage)) { StringBuffer imageReference = new StringBuffer(IMG_OPEN); imageReference.append(url); imageReference.append(emoticonImage); imageReference.append(IMG_CLOSE); imageReference.append(EMOTICONS_CLASS); imageReference.append(IMG_ALT_START); imageReference.append(emoticonImage); imageReference.append(IMG_ALT_END); return BlojsomUtils.replace(emoticonString, emoticon, imageReference.toString()); } return emoticonString; } /** * Perform any cleanup for the plugin. Called after {@link #process}. * * @throws org.blojsom.plugin.BlojsomPluginException * If there is an error performing cleanup for this plugin */ public void cleanup() throws BlojsomPluginException { } /** * Called when BlojsomServlet is taken out of service * * @throws org.blojsom.plugin.BlojsomPluginException * If there is an error in finalizing this plugin */ public void destroy() throws BlojsomPluginException { } }