site.xml   [plain text]

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Forrest site.xml

This file contains an outline of the site's information content.  It is used to:
- Generate the website menus (though these can be overridden - see docs)
- Provide semantic, location-independent aliases for internal 'site:' URIs, eg
<link href="site:changes"> links to changes.html (or ../changes.html if in
- Provide aliases for external URLs in the external-refs section.  Eg, <link
  href="ext:cocoon"> links to

See for more info

<site label="blojsom" href="" xmlns="">

    <about label="About">
        <index label="Index" href="index.html"/>
        <download label="Download" href=""/>
        <screenshots label="Screenshots" href="screenshots.html"/>
        <installation label="Installation" href="install.html"/>
        <customization label="Customization" href="custom.html"/>
        <FAQ label="FAQ" href="faq.html"/>
        <upgrading label="Upgrading" href="upgrading.html"/>
        <changelog label="Changelog" href="changes.html"/>

    <features label="Features">
        <comments label="Comments" href="comments.html"/>
        <trackbacks label="Trackbacks" href="trackbacks.html"/>
        <themes label="Themes" href="themes.html"/>
        <xml-rpc label="XML-RPC" href="xml-rpc.html"/>

    <plugins label="Plugins" href="plugins/">
        <index label="Index" href="index.html"/>

    <administration label="Web-Based Administration" href="administration/">
        <index label="Index" href="index.html"/>

    <developer label="Developer" href="javadoc/">
        <javadocs label="JavaDocs" href="index.html"/>
