xpath.xml   [plain text]

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<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "document-v12.dtd">
        <title>XPath and XPath Search Plugins</title>

                The XPath and XPathSearch plugin allow you to search your blog using
                <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath">XPath</a> queries. The
                XPath plugin differs from the XPathSearch plugin in that a different URL parameter is used for the
                XPathSearch plugin. The XPath Search plugin is an extension of the Simple Search plugin in that if a query
                starts with a leading '/', then the plugin assumes an XPath syntax is being used, otherwise the search is
                handled by the Simple Search plugin.

                <title>Installation and Setup</title>
                    In your global
                    <code>plugin.properties</code> file, add the following line:
                <p>You may then add "xpath" or "xpath-search" to one of the flavor-based plugin chains. If you are using
                    the XPath Search plugin to replace the Simple Search plugin, then replace the Simple Search plugin
                    short name (usually "simple-search) with the XPath Search plugin short name.
                These plugin chains can be found in the individual user's
                    <code>plugin.properties</code> file. For example:
                <title>Usage and URL Parameters</title>

                        We will demonstrate examples in a short tutorial to extract informaiton from your
                        blog entries using XPath syntax. For the time being, check out these blog
                        <a href="http://www.javaslash.org/blog/?permalink=xpathblojsom.txt">XPath and blojsom</a> and
                        <a href="http://www.javaslash.org/blog/?permalink=fordavey.txt">XPath and blojsom followup</a>.
                    <title>URL parameters</title>
                    The following table describes the URL parameters that affect the output of the XPath and XPath Search plugin.
                            <th>URL parameter</th>
                            <th>Accepted values</th>
                            <td>XPath query</td>
                            <td>Used to search blog entries if using the XPath plugin.</td>
                            <td>XPath query</td>
                            <td>Same as the Simple Search plugin if using the XPath Search plugin.</td>
