show-me-more.xml   [plain text]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "document-v12.dtd">
        <title>Show Me More plugin</title>

                The "More ..." plugin will truncate long entries and add a hyperlink to the
                description so that the user can view the full text of the entry.

            <title>installation and setup</title>
                In your global
                <code></code> file, add the following line:

                You may then add "show-me-more" to one of the flavor-based plugin chains.
                These plugin chains can be found in the individual user's
                <code></code> file. For example:

                The "more ..." plugin has its own configuration file that is referenced in
                <em>web.xml</em>. For example:

                <em></em> file will be located in the respective
                    <code>/WEB-INF/(user-id)</code> directory and contains three configurable parameters:
                show-me-more-text=More ...

                <em>entry-length-cutoff</em> defines the number of characters after which the link to view the
                full text of the entry will be placed. If this value is less than or equal to zero, the plugin
                will not try to cutoff the entry unless the value for the <em>entry-text-cutoff</em> parameter
                is present in the description.
                <em>entry-text-cutoff</em> defines a special tag or string that you can use in your blog entry to
                define the place where the plugin should insert a link to view the full text of the entry. If
                this parameter is present and defined, it will override the
                <em>entry-length-cutoff</em> parameter.
                <em>show-me-more-text</em> controls the text of the hyperlink to view the full text of the entry.

            <title>usage and URL parameters</title>

                    There is nothing special you have to do to your blog entries. Blog entries that are shorter
                    than the length defined in
                    <em>entry-length-cutoff</em> will not have a link added to their
                <title>URL parameters</title>
                    The following table describes the URL parameters that affect the output of the "more ..." plugin.
                        <th>URL parameter</th>
                        <th>Accepted values</th>
                        <td>If "smm" is set to "y", the plugin will not be executed on entries. This is used when generating the link to the entry with the full description.</td>
