markdown.xml   [plain text]

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<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "document-v12.dtd">
        <title>Markdown plugin</title>

                The Markdown plugin uses the <a href="">Markdown</a>
                text-to-HTML conversion tool to allow you to use its syntax for writing blog entries. The Markdown
                plugin calls out to the Markdown tool using Perl, so you will also need to be able to run Perl on
                your blog server.
            <title>installation and setup</title>
                In your global
                <code></code> file, add the following line:
                You may then add "markdown" to one of the flavor-based plugin chains.
                These plugin chains can be found in the individual user's
                <code></code> file. For example:
                html.blojsom-plugin-chain=..., markdown
                You will need to download the Markdown tool and have
                In your individual
                <code></code> file, be sure to add
                <code>.*markdown</code> to the
                <em>blog-file-extensions</em> value.
                The Markdown plugin uses
                <strong>.markdown</strong> to identify blog entries that should be passed through
                the plugin for processing, so be sure your entries end with this extension if you want this
                plugin to work correctly.
                The Markdown plugin can also be run on entries not ending in a <strong>.markdown</strong> extension
                by using the metadata plugin before the Markdown plugin in one of the flavor-based plugin chains.
                The metadata key for the Markdown plugin would be specified as <em>meta-run-markdown=y</em> on a
                separate line in your blog entry text.
                You will also need to add the parameter <em>plugin-markdown-execution</em>, which must be set to
                the command to properly run Perl and the Markdown tool. For example,
                <code>plugin-markdown-execution=/usr/bin/perl /software/Markdown_1.0b3/</code>
            <title>context attributes and types</title>
                No context attributes are made available or used by the Markdown plugin.