conditional-get.xml   [plain text]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "document-v12.dtd">
        <title>Conditional GET plugin</title>

                The Conditional GET plugin reduces the bandwidth you send out from your blog for the flavors for which
                it is enabled. It works by examining various HTTP headers which indicate when the requesting
                client last polled your blog. This is quite useful for the various
                syndication formats that blojsom can product such as RSS and Atom, as weblog aggregators are
                typically setup to poll syndication feeds at specific intervals.
                If nothing has changed in your blog, an HTTP 304 response code
                (Not Modified) is sent back to the requesting client. In the case of an HTTP 304 response code,
                the client will not process the request further.
            <title>Installation and Setup</title>
                In your global
                <code></code> file, add the following line:
                You may then add "conditional-get" to one of the flavor-based plugin chains. This would typically be
                done for the syndication feeds such as RSS and Atom.
                These plugin chains can be found in the individual user's
                <code></code> file. For example: