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            <person id="czarneckid" name="David Czarnecki" email=""/>
            <person id="intabulas" name="Mark Lussier" email=""/>
            <title>About blojsom</title>
            <p>A lightweight blog package written in Java that is inspired
                <link href="">blosxom</link>. blojsom aims to retain the simplicity in
                design of its Perl-based "relative" while adding user flexibility in areas such as the flavors,
                templating, plugins, and the ability to run a multi-user blog with a single blojsom installation.

                So, "out of the box" what does it offer?</p>
                    <p>Uses the file system (folders and files) as its content database. blojsom can support
                        any backend storage mechanism through a specific implementation of the
                        <a href="javadoc/org/blojsom/fetcher/BlojsomFetcher.html">BlojsomFetcher</a> interface.
                <li>Allows you to configure the file types that blojsom treats as blog entries (defaults to .txt and .html).</li>
                <li>Permalinks which point to individual blog entries.</li>
                <li>Calendar-based (i.e. year, year/month, year/month/day) navigation of your blog.</li>
                <li>Configurable set of blog directories (per flavor) that get "aggregated" for the default or "/" category.</li>
                <li>Customizable flavors. blojsom, "out of the box" can generate html, rss, rss2, rdf, and text flavors.</li>
                <li>Configurable comment support for users to leave comments on blog entries.</li>
                <li>Plugin support so that you extend the capabilities of blojsom.</li>
                <li>Remote posting via XML-RPC. Support for Blogger API and MetaWeblog API.</li>
                    <p>Customizable template mechanism. blojsom is very powerful in this area in that you as a developer
                        are allowed to decide what display technology is appropriate for the requested flavor. blojsom currently
                        offers a JSP Dispatcher and a Velocity Dispatcher and .jsp and .vm templates are provided for the HTML
                        and RSS flavors.</p>
                        This allows you to mix-and-match display technologies for your blog. For example, you might want to render
                        HTML through the JSP for that flavor while you might want to render RSS through Velocity for that flavor.
                        Have another display technology you'd like to use? Simply extend the
                        <a href="javadoc/org/blojsom/dispatcher/BlojsomDispatcher.html">BlojsomDispatcher</a>
                        interface and configure a mapping file so that blojsom knows how to map the template extension to the proper
                        dispatcher. That's it!
                        Multi-user support with a single blojsom installation. Multi-user options include:
                            <li>Authorization properties for users who can post to an individual blog via XML-RPC.</li>
                            <li>All the blog properties such as blog directory, description, owner, default category mappings, etc.</li>
                            <li>Flavors supported.</li>
                            <li>Flavor-based plugin chains.</li>
                            <li>All the individual plugin configuration files are separate per-user.</li>
                <li>Web-based administration for blog functionality such as editing blog properties, categories, and templates.</li>

                Check out a
                <link href="site:screenshots">screenshot</link> of blojsom in action.
                Got an issue with blojsom? Write to
                <link href="">me</link>.
                Or better yet, if it's a bug or request for enhancement, then file it on the
                <link href="">project</link> page.
